• Title/Summary/Keyword: Above sea level

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Study on Botanical Composition of Native Pasture in Cheju by Quadrat Method -Especially at 200m above sea level- (제주도 방목용 야초지의 식생조사에 관한 연구 -해발 200m를 중심으로-)

  • 양창범;정창조
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 1989
  • A vegetation survey of the native pasture was conducted in Cheju from July to September, 1980. The purpose of this investigation were, to determine the botanical composition of the native pasture and to estimate how they can be improved to the feed resources of livestock industry. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Grass species existed in native pasture were 64 species with Pwceae 13, Fabaceae 8, Carduacea 12 and other 31. Most of them were identified as perennial grasses. 2. Botanical composition of major grass species were Imperata cylindrim 32.7 %, Pteridium aquilinum 18.9 70, Miscanthus sinensis 8.4 %, and Arternisia japonicn 2.8 % respectively. 3. The average dry matter yield of forage taken on the native pasture was 383 kg per 10a and these yields were increased as the growing stages progressed. 4. Seasonal distribution of edible plants were increased as the growing stages progressed.

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Effect of Low Temperature for the Breaking Dormancy of Primula sieboldii, P. modesta var. fauriae and Disporum smilacinum (저온처리 기간이 앵초, 설앵초 및 애기나리의 휴면타파에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong Su-Young;Yoo Dong-Lim;Kim Su-Jeong;Nam Chun-Woo;Ryu Seung-Yeol;Suh Jong-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2006
  • This study has been conducted to find out the possibility of the winter production for pot cultured plants, such as P. sieboldii, P. modesta var. fauriae and D. smilacinum in highland, 800 meter above sea level by early breaking dormancy. Low temperatures for breaking dormancy were treated for 300, 500, 700 and 900 hours under $5^{\circ}C$ in incubators and, then these plants were moved to greenhouse controlled at $10^{\circ}C$ of night temperature. Results showed that P. modesta var. fauriae and D. smilacinum, and P. smilacinum required more than 500 hours and 700 hours of low temperature $5^{\circ}C$ for breaking dormancy, respectively.

Characteristics and Reference Information of Riparian Vegetation for Realizing Ecological Restoration Classified by Reach of the River in Korea (한국 하천의 구간 별 특성과 생태적 복원을 실현하기 위한 대조식생 정보)

  • Jung, Song Hie;Kim, Areum;Seol, Jaewon;Lim, Bong Soon;Lee, Chang Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.447-461
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    • 2018
  • To realize river restoration that ecological characteristics of the river are reflected, we classified the river into four reaches of valley stream, upstream, midstream, and downstream based on substrate as well as riverbed gradient obtained from the relationship between distance from the river mouth, and above sea level. Considering that the rivers of Korea have been dominated by various and intense artificial interferences over a lengthy period, we determined cross sectional range of the river based on the geological map and clarified transformation degree by reach. Vegetation profile diagram was prepared by depicting horizontal range and vertical stratification of major vegetation appearing in a belt transect of 10 m breadth installed between weirs constructed in both sides of the river. Restoration models by river reach were prepared based on breadth of waterway, bare ground, herb, shrub, and tree dominated vegetation zones on vegetation profiles wherein a flooding regime was reflected. Species composition information collected from vegetation established in each zone was systematized to use for restoring each reach ecologically. Further, background that longitudinal reaches and horizontal zones were divided, was discussed by comparing with case studies in foreign countries. In addition, necessity of ecological restoration of the river was discussed based on degree of integrity of Korean rivers, ecological significance of riparian vegetation, and importance of reference information for ecological restoration of the river.

Ecological Environment of Native Habitats and Host Plant in Mistletoe (Viscum album var. coloratum) (겨우살이의 서식지생태환경과 기주식물)

  • Lee, Bo-Duk
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.389-393
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    • 2009
  • Regional distribution of mistletoe (Viscum album var.coloratum) and its habitual environments were investigated in order to obtain the basal data on the artificial propagation to cope with its increasing consume for medicine. Mistletoes inhabited throughout the overall region of the South Korea investigated. They were parasitic mainly to the Quercus spp. including Q. serrata and rarely to the Castanea crenata var. dulcis, Prunus serrulata var. spontanea, Alnus japonica, and Pyrus pyrifolia, etc. Mistletoes were not observed on the conifers such as Pinus densiflora and Pinus koraiensis and some deciduous broad-leaved trees species such as Zelkova serrata, Diospyros kaki, Acer mono, Acer palmatum, and Morus alba. Their habitats were located from zero to 1,200 m above sea level nevertheless the direction or slope of the mountains, suggesting that artificial propagation can be carried out nation widely to the well-grown parasite tree species. Parasitic specificity related to the physical and chemical characteristic of the epidermal tissues will be studied further.

Nest Distribution of Skuas on Barton and Weaver Peninsulas of the King George Island, the Antarctic (남극 킹조지 섬의 바톤 및 위버 반도에서 번식하는 도둑갈매기류의 둥지 분포)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hoon;Chung, Ho-Sung;Kim, Ji-Hee;Yoo, Jeong-Chil;Ahn, In-Young
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.443-450
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    • 2005
  • The ratio of breeding pairs of brown skuas (Catharacta lonnbergi), south polar skuas (C. maccormicki) and mixed species pairs between Barton and Weaver peninsulas remained the same $(X^2-test,\;X^2=0,503,\;df=2,\;p=0.778)$. The nests of skuas were clustered on Barton, whereas they were distributed randomly on the Weaver peninsula. The distance between brown skua nests, and that of mixed species pair nests were longer than those of south polar skua nests. Brown skua nests were distributed along the coast. Whereas, the nests of mixed species pairs and south polar skuas were found more frequently inland (Kruskal-Wallis, $X^2=11.631$, df=2, p<0.005). There was no interspecific difference in the distances between skua nests and Penguin rookery at Barton (Kruskal-Wallis, $X^2=2.153$, df=2, p=0.341) or at King Sejong Station (ANOVA, F=1.483, df=2, p=0.229). In general, skuas prefer lower locales (<125m above sea level) for their nest building sites. Brown skua nests were distributed mainly on the beach, whereas south polar skua were distributed on the predominant periglacial landforms and till areas $(X^2-test,\;X^2=24.988,\;df=8,\;p<0.005)$.

The Direction of the Fisheries Policy in Korea after the End of the Uruguay Round of Global Trade Talks (UR타결후의 한국수산정책의 방향)

  • 김경호
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1993
  • Because of the radical changes in the domestic and foreign economic circumstances Koreaa fisheries is confronted with difficulties. Along the end of the UR marine products of other nations are rushing into Korea. Also migration of labor to other industries and rise of wage level in Korean fisheries deteriorate managerial conditions. But in Korea which has little natural resourses fisheries is still more important. That is \circled1 creating job opportunites \circled2 increase of income \circled3 supply of foodstuffs and animal protein \circled4 acquisition of foreign currency \circled5 enlargement of domestic market for industrial products \circled6 development of other interrelated industries \circled7 rational use of domestic resourses \circled8 diversification of population and production activites \circled9 contribution to balanced growth of national economy by the developing regional economy. These roles of fisheries in national economy mentioned above are to be excuted forward. In spite of the radical change in the economic circumstances at the end of the UR fisheries if crucial in Korea as a industry. For this our fisheries is to be made to compete with foreign fisheries. Through the cheap price and high quality our fisheries must be came to compete with foreign fisheries and meet the people's needs for marine products. For this it is necessary to maintain high productivity and competitive power. Now with the exception of a portion of the deep - sea fishing, our fisheries is generally paltry, Especially inshore fishery which is the main stock in our fisheries is very paltry and so productivity and competetive power are very low. So to develop our fisheries which has s comparative disadvantage active polices that follows below are to be promoted on a large scale. \circled1 improvement of structure \circled2 augmentation of productivity in fishing ground by making fisheries resourses \circled3 enlargement of finantial and monetary assistance \circled4 effective administration of fisheries cooperative union \circled5 activation of R&D etc These polices which need to be scientific and comprehensive are very valuable. Especially without making fishieries resources we cannot expect economy of scale, promotion of productivity and development of fisheries. And we do also endeavour to gather the results of the study and investigation about fisheries domestic and foreign and do ceaselessly put these to practical use systimatically.

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Vascular Plants of Mt. Deog-yu Area in the Baekdudaegan (백두대간 덕유산 지역의 식물상)

  • 임동옥;김용식;박양규;유윤미;고명희
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.107-123
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    • 2004
  • The vascular plants of Mt. Deog-yu area in the Baekdudaegan were recorded as 411 taxa; 91 families, 243 genera, 353 species, 53 varieties and 5 forma. From the floristic point of view, the Baekdudaegan, a main mountain range of the Korean peninsula, in the region of Mt. Deog-yu, belongs to the southern province in Korea, as the species like Cephalotaxus koreana, Lindera obtusiloba, Ilex macropoda and Stewartia koreana. are ranged in this region. But the species of the Northern element such as Betula costata, Betula ermani, Heloniopsis orientalis and Disporum ovale are also recorded in the region. Above the sea level from 1,000m, many sub alpine plant species are recorded. Rare and endangered plant species which are categorized by the Office of Forestry were 10 species such as Lilium cernum, Paeonia obovata, Abies koreana, Disporum ovale, Lilium distichum, Tricyrtis dilatata, Clematis chiisanensis, Bupleurum euphorbioides, Rhododendron schonoskii and Iris ensata var. spontanea. The protected plant species which are categorized by the Ministry of Environment were recorded only Lilium cernum. The Korean endemic plant species were recorded as 22 taxa; 12 families, 21 genera, 20 species 1 varieties, and 1 forma. Among them the plant species such as Cephalotaxus koreana, Abies koreana, Hosta capitata, Polygonatum lasianthum var. coreanum and Tricyrtis dilatata are representative ones in the region.

Taxol Production in Taxus sap. Cell Cultures 1. Studies on Taxol Content in Yew Trees and Cultured Plant Cells (주목 세포배양에 의한 Taxoll 생산 1.주목 부위 및 서식 고도별 Taxol 함량 및 세포주 유도에 관한 연구)

  • 강인선;전정욱
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.299-305
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    • 1994
  • Taxol contents in various parts of 15 years old yew tree were determined. The descending order of taxol content per unit mass was stem bark, root bark, needle and seed. In the seed, that order was seed coat, embryo and endosperm. The total amount of taxol extractable from a 15 years old yew tree was 1.68 gram. This amount was distributed in needle, stem bark, root bark and seeds as 48.0, 23.8, 27.9 and 0.4%, respectively. Altitudinal variation of taxol content was also observed. More taxol was observed in yew trees grown at high altitude over 1000m above sea level. Calli and suspension cultures were induced from various yew trees. The presence of taxo] in cultured cells was established bv HPLC. The taxol content in cultured cells were different according to the source of explants. These results may be useful for the goal of large scale taxol production by cultured yew tree cells.

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Studies on the Distribution of Dendropanax morbifere and Component Analysis of the Golden Lacquer (황칠나무의 분포 및 황칠의 성분 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 정병석;조종수표병식황백
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 1995
  • As a part of the .study on the multiple propagation and use of Dendropanax mcrbifera, distribution of this tree and component analysis of Golden Lacquer were investigated to reappear the Golden Lacquer, traditional paints. These results were summarized as follows. The natural growth habitat of Dendropanax morbifera was observed in 8 sites(Wando, Sanghwangbong, etc.), we could be found that Duryun nountain in Haenam for the first time. Dendropunax morbifera has grown from 100 to 450m above the sea level, appeared high frequency in the 200m. The soil pH of natural growth site was pH 4.9 to pH 5.8. Dendropanax morbifera grew in the area containing considerable moisture in that its contents was 16.5% to 27.4%. In community observation, dominance and community index of Bogildo and Chejudo was 3.3 in the forest tree layer and Wando was showed in the sub-forest tree layer mainly. In the growth conditions, Bogildo appeared the highest growth state that diameter of height of human chest was 1.0 to 20cm and tree height was 0.2 to 9m. As result of IR and GC-MS analysis, main component of Golden Lacquer was ${\beta}$-selinene and capnellane-8-one.

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Development of Variation Marker of Myzus persicae by Altitude (고도에 따른 지역별 복숭아혹진딧물 집단 변이 마커 개발)

  • Kim, Ju-Il;Kwon, Min
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2011
  • This study focused on the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, as an indicator pest in Chinese cabbage cultivation to develop a genetic marker. We hypothesized that M. persicae gene flow is related to climate change. Genetic variation was analyzed using five local populations collected at different altitudes (157 m, 296 m, 560 m, 756 m and 932 m above sea level) in Hoengseong, Pyeongchang, and Gangneung areas, plus a laboratory strain used as an outgroup. There were no differences in ecological characteristics among strains. Esterase isozyme pattern and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) PCR results showed significantly different bands between laboratory and wild, local populations. However, there was no difference among local populations. Partial fragments of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCO I) were amplified and their nucleotide sequence was analyzed. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in internal transcribed spacer-2 (ITS-2) and mtCO I regions among the five local populations. These SNPs can be use to discriminate different populations of M. persicae to monitor gene flow.