• Title/Summary/Keyword: ATA

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A Study on the Range of Color Preception in Primary Colors (1차색의 지각범위에 관한 연구)

  • 이정옥;정용희;이순자
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to suggest the c1ata which were useful to apply the color for clothes resign 29 female university students were se10cted in this experirrental study for the perception scope of primroy color from July to Dec. in 1998. The results of this study are as the following : 1) The perception scope of red perceived by more than 30% of the subjects was wider in Chroma-axis than in Value-axis, including 5R 4/12, 5R 4/10 and 5R 5/14 in standard color 5R standard color 5R 4/14. The perception scope of yellow was wider in Chroma-axis in standard color 5Y 8/14. And the perception scope of blue was wider in Value-axis in standard color 5B 4/10. 2) In chromaticity diagram, the perception scope of red perceived by one subjoct and over was large, covering three-quarters and being extended in X -axis. The perception scope of yellow was awuximately a half, without being linked together. A few of it were separated. And the perception scope of blue was about two-thirds, including all color chips in the line. In conclusion, the perception scope of red was comprehensively broad and there aweared relatively strong corrnron feature between the subjects. The perception scq;e of yellow was awuximate1y a half and there was little cormnon feature between the subjects. And the perception sccpe of blue was sorrewhat wide and the sUbiects expressed strong cornrmn feature. feature.

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Study on Development of HDD Integrity Verification System using FirmOS (FirmOS를 이용한 HDD 무결성 검사 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yeom, Jae-Hwan;Oh, Se-Jin;Roh, Duk-Gyoo;Jung, Dong-Kyu;Hwang, Ju-Yeon;Oh, Chungsik;Kim, Hyo-Ryoung;Shin, Jae-Sik
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2017
  • In radio astronomy, high-capacity HDDs are being used to save huge amounts of HDDs in order to record the observational data. For VLBI observations, observational speeds increase and huge amounts of observational data must be stored as they expand to broadband. As the HDD is frequently used, the number of failures occurred, and then it takes a lot of time to recover it. In addition, if a failed HDD is continuously used, observational data loss occurs. And it costs a lot of money to buy a new HDD. In this study, we developed the integrity verification system of the Serial ATA HDD using FirmOS. The FirmOS is an OS that has been developed to function exclusively for specific purposes on a system having a general server board and CPU. The developed system performs the process of writing and reading specific patterns of data in a physical area of the SATA HDD based on a FirmOS. In addition, we introduced a method to investigate the integrity of HDD integrity by comparing it with the stored pattern data from the HDD controller. Using the developed system, it was easy to determine whether the disk pack used in VLBI observations has error or not, and it is very useful to improve the observation efficiency. This paper introduces the detail for the design, configuration, testing, etc. of the SATA HDD integrity verification system developed.

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Application of Breed-specific DNA Markers for the use of Identifying Major Pure Pig Breeds Maintained in Korea (대한민국내 주요 돼지 품종의 순종 식별을 위한 품종특이 DNA marker의 활용)

  • Seo, B.Y.;Kim, J.H.;Park, E.W.;Lim, H.T.;Cho, I.C.;Kim, B.W.;Oh, S.J.;Cheong, I.C.;Lee, J.G.;Jeon, J.T.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.735-742
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted for the identification of pure Landrace, Large White and Duroc breeds which are mainly maintained in Korea using DNA markers. We used known KIT and MC1R mutations, which were related coat color in pigs, and pig mitochondrial DNA variations. The KIT mutation was used to distinguish white and colored animals. Duroc breed could be discriminated from other colored breeds using the MC1R mutation N121D. Discriminating Landrace and Large White was possible using the l l-bp duplication of D-Ioop region and alternative initiation codon of ND2. In conclusion, identification of Landrace, Large White and Duroc breeds was might be possible using the procedure designed in this study.

A study on the optimization of referring method about medical images using MIH(Medical Image History) (MIH(Medical Image History)을 이용한 의료영상조회의 최적화 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Chil;Kim, Jung-Min
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2002
  • The recent development of embodiment technology of the medical images makes most medical institutions introduce PACS(Picture Archiving and Communication System) in haste. However lots of PACS solutions, currently developed and distributed, haven't been able to serve the convenience of users and to satisfy user's demand because of economic limitations and administrator-oriented considerations in the process of development. So we have developed MIH(Medical Image History), by which we can search and refer to the patient's medical images and information with few restrictions of time and space for diagnosis and treatment. This program will contribute to the improvement in the medical environment and meet the clients' need. We'll make more effort to develop the application which insures the better quality of medical images. MIH manages the patient's image files and medical records like film chart in connection with time. This trial will contribute to the reduction of the economical loss caused by unnecessary references and improve the quality in the medical services. The demand on the development or the program which refers to the medical +ata quickly and keeps them stable will be continued by the medical institute. This will satisfy the client's demand and improve the service to the patients in that tile program will be modified from the standpoint of the users. MIH is trying to keep user-oriented policy and to apply the benefit of the analog system to the digital environment. It is necessary to lead the public to the better understanding that the systematic management and referring of the medical images is as important as the quality of the images.

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Carboxyhemoglobin Dissociation at the Various Partial Pressures of Oxygen -Comparison between Adult and Fetal Bloods- (산소분압(酸素分壓)에 따른 Carboxyhemoglobin의 해리양상(解離樣相) -성인혈(成人血)과 태아혈(胎兒血)의 비교(比較)-)

  • Park, Byung-Joo
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 1982
  • Breslau's report on the two stillbirths induced by illuminating gas poisoning made many investigators explore the hazards. of carbon monoxide(CO) poisoning to pregnancy. The pregnant woman, her fetus, and the newborn infant have been identified to be particularly vulnerable to CO even in low concentration. Several factors, such as placental barrier, membrane resistance of maternal and fetal red blood cells etc., were considered to be related to the delayed elimination of CO from fetus. Slower elimination of CO from fetus than from mother was confirmed in several in vivo studies. But there are few studies which have confirmed the difference of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) dissociation in adult and fetal bloods. Author investigated the effects of hemoglobin itself on the elimination of CO from mother and fetus. By observing the difference of CO dissociation from adult and fetal hemoglobin at the various partial pressures of oxygen, the author tries to suggest the base of the proper treatment measure for the CO poisoning of pregnant woman and newborn infant. The results were as follows: 1. The total hemoglobin amounts of adults and fetal bloods were $16.1{\pm}0.50gm%\;and\;15.7{\pm}0.32gm%$, respectively. The fetal hemoglobin proportions in adult and fetal bloods were $1.2{\pm}0.15%\;and\;72.7{\pm}3.01%$, respectively. 2. Adult and fetal bloods saturated by CO to 100% HbCO were exposed to ambient air$(21%\;O_2),\;100%\;O_2\;and\;3\;ATAO_2$. After 30 minutes exposure, the HbCO saturations of adult blood were 96.7%, 70.9%, and 52.8%, respectively, and those of fetal blood were 98.5%, 76.1%, and 62.2%, respectively. HbCO dissociation was proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen and the most marked dissociation was shown under 3 ATA $O_2$, HbCO dissociation of fetal blood was slower than that of adult blood in all conditions. According to the above results, it is possible that CO poisoning make more serious damage to the fetus and newborn infant than to the adult due to the delayed dissociation of HbCO. Thus in the treatment of CO poisoning of pregnant woman and newborn infant, hyperbaric oxygen therapy seems to be the most eflective treatment measure, but the duration of hyperbaric oxygenation should be lengthened accordingly.

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Estimation of Long-term Water Demand by Principal Component and Cluster Analysis and Practical Application (주성분분석과 군집분석을 이용한 장기 물수요예측과 활용)

  • Koo, Ja-Yong;Yu, Myung-Jin;Kim, Shin-Geol;Shim, Mi-Hee;Akira, Koizumi
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.27 no.8
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    • pp.870-876
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    • 2005
  • The multiple regression models which have two factors(population and commercial area) have been used to forecast the water demand in the future. But, the coefficient of population had a negative value because proper regional classification wasn't performed, and it is not reasonable because the population must be a positive factor. So, the regional classification was performed by principal component and cluster analysis to solve the problem. 6 regional characters were transformed into 4 principal components, and the areas were divided into two groups according to cluster analysis which had 4 principal components. The new regression models were made by each group, and the problem was solved. And, the future water demands were estimated by three scenarios(Active, moderate, and passive one). The increase of water demand ore $89.034\;m^3/day$ in active plat $49,077\;m^3/day$ in moderate plan, and $19,996\;m^3/day$ in passive plan. The water supply ability as scenarios is enough in water treatment plant, however, 2 reservoirs among 4 reservoirs don't have enough retention time in all scenarios.

Detection of Metagonimus sp. (Family Heterophyidae) Metacercariae from Freshwater Fishes in the Vicinity of Tong River, Kangwon Province, Korea (동강유역 담수어에 기생하는 흡충(Metagonimus sp.)의 피낭유출 감염 조사)

  • 전계식;김태선
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.169-173
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    • 1999
  • The present study was undertaken to survey the infection status of Metagonimus sp. metacercariae in freshwater fishes from Tong river located in Kangwon Province, a total of 178 freshwater fishes of 11 species were collected by a fish net and traps from the end of September to early October 1998. They were brought to the laboratory and examined under a stereomicroscope after artificial digestion with pepsin-HCI solution for one hour. Ten out of eleven species of freshwater fishes examined were found to contain metacercariae of Metagonimus sp. The most frequently infected fish was Liobagrus andersoni Regan 91.7% (11 of 12 fishes), followed by Gobiobotia breviburba Mori 75.0% (6 of 8 fishes), Zacco temmincki 66.2% (49 of 74 fishes), Cobitis koreensis Kim 50.0% (1 of 2 fishes), Microphysogobio longidorsails Mori 42.9% (9 of 21 fishes), Cobitis rotundicudata Wakiya et Mori 33.3% (2 of 6 fishes), Hemibarbus longirostris 33.3% (1 of 3 fishes), Pungtungia tenuicorpus 30.0% (3 of 10 fishes), Coreoleuciscus splenddus Mori 28.6% (4 of 14 fishes), Coreoperca herri Herzeanstein 11.1% (1 of 9 fishes) respectively Metagonimus metacercariae was not found from Moroco kumgangensis Uchida of freshwater fish. The total number of Metagonimus sp. metacercariae was 81, 17, 216, 1, 14, 2, 1, 4, 10, 1, respectively. Infection rates of Metagonimus sp. in the five districts was shown as follows : Chongson-up Kyulam-ri 50.0% (12 of 24 fishes), Chongson-up Kasu-ri 34.0% (17 of 50 fishes), Shindong-up Unchi-ri 56.0% (14 of 25 fishes), Shingdong-up Kosong-ri 57.1% (20 of 35 fishes), Shingdong-up Duckchon-ri 54.5% (24 of 44 fishes) respectively. Infection rate of freshwater fish was 48.9% (87 of 178 fishes) and from the results obtained in this survey, it was confirmed that freshwater fishes from Tong river was infected with metacercariae of Metagonimus sp.

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Legal Relations of the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Air (국제항공화물운송계약(國際航空貨物運送契約)의 법률관계(法律關係) -화주(貨主)의 권리의무(權利義務)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Lee, Kang-Bin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.1
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    • pp.193-222
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to review the rights and duties of cargo owners, the party to the contract of international carriage of goods by air under the Warsaw Convention System and the IATA conditions. It is generally known that air freight is the most-cost mode of transportation. However, should there be considerations of total distribution cost, the use of air freight leads exporters to be advantageous in physical distribution. The Warsaw Convention System defined and limited the rights and duties of cargo owners and air carriers paticipating in the international carriage of goods, but it does not regulate every aspect of air transportation. Therefore, the unregulated parts are governed by national laws and by individual contracts of carriage. The International Air Transport Association(lATA), a worldwide organization of airlines, has formulated model conditions of contract for the carriage of cargo. These models are not uniformly followed but they serve as a basis for many of the individual standard form of contracts prepared by air carriers. The contract of air carriage of goods is a contract of adhesion, 'the consignor recognizing and accepting the conditions laid down by the carrier'. There are consignors and carriers as the parties to the contract of international carriage of goods. In addition to his basic right, implied in Warsaw Convention Article 18 and 19, to require devery of the goods in good condition and at the date agreed upon, the consignor has the right to dispose the goods in the course of the journey up to the moment when the consignee is entitled to require delivery. If it is impossible to carry out the orders of the consignor, the carrier must so inform him forthwith. The right conferred on the consignor ceases at the moment when that of the consignee begins in accordance with Warsaw Convention Article 13. Nevertheless, if the consignee declines to accept the air waybill or the goods, or if he cannot be communicated with, the consignor resumes his right of disposition. Unless it is otherwise agreed, it is the duty of the carrier to give notice to the consignee as soon as the goods arrive. The consignee is entitled, on arrival of the goods at the place of destination, to require the carrier to hand over to him the air waybill and to deliver the goods to him, on payment of the charges due and on complying with the conditions of carriage set out in the air waybill. The air waybill is supposed to be made out by the consignor. If the carrier makes it out, he is deemed, subject to proof to the contrary, to have done so on behalf of the consignor, whether there is one air waybill or several, each must be made out in three original parts. The first is for the carrier, the second is for the consignee, and the the third is handed to the consignor when the shipment has been accepted. The consignor is responsible for the correctness of the particulars and statement concerning the cargo appearing in the air waybill. Each of the original parts of the air waybill has evidential value and possession of his part is a condition for the exercise by the consignor or consignee of his rights under the contract of carriage. Hague Protocol set forth in Article 9 that nothing in this. Convention prevents the issue of a negotiable air waybill, but Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4 deleted this article. All charges applicable to a shipment are payable in cash at the time of acceptance thereof by the carrier in case of a prepaid shipment or at the time of delivery thereof by the carrier in case of a collect shipment. The carrier shall have lien the cargo for unpaid charges and, in the event of non-payment thereof, shall have the right to dispose of the cargo at public or private sale and pay itself out of the proceeds of such sale any and all such amounts. In conclusion, the Warsaw Convention System has the character of ambiguity in various respects, not only in the part of the forms of documents but also in conditions of contract. Accordingly, the following propositions might be considered: (1) If the carrier does not obey the orders of the consignor for the disposition of the goods without proper reasons, he will be liable strictly for any damage which may be caused thereby to the cargo owner. The special agreement and carrier's conditions of carriage which limit unreasonably the consignor's right of disposition of the goods will be nullified. (2) The instrument of the Warsaw Convention System which is not yet in force(Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4) would considerably simplfy the processing and keeping of computerized records of the carriage. Until this instrument enters into force, the airlines will be faced with practical problems preventing them to substitute computerized data processing techniques for the formal issuance of the documents. Accordingly, Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4 should become effective as soon as posisble. From a practical point of view in the international trade, the issuance of negotiable air waybill should be permitted for the security of the bank.

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Dietary Risk Assessment for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Foods (식품중 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons의 위해성평가)

  • 이효민;윤은경;박경아;김윤희;정소영;권기성;김명철;송인상;이철호
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2004
  • This study was executed to determine the cumulative dietary risk of PAHs exposed by food ingestion. Food samples including barbecued beef, barbecued pork, grilled chicken, ham, bacon and vegetable oil which were collected from food markets. These samples were saponified, extracted and cleaned up to purify PAHs, and then the purified sample solutions were analyzed by HPLC-FL. Generally, the levels of total PAHs in barbecued beef (0.2 ppb), bacon (0.3 ppb), barbecued pork (0.7 ppb), ham (0.8 ppb), and vegetable oil (1.2 ppb) were low, whereas the level of total PAHs in grilled chicken (9.3 ppb) was significantly high. For the exposure assessment of PAHs due to food ingestion, PAHs levels converted into TEQ$_{BaP}$, the average body weight for 20-73 age group and consumed levels of food proposed from report on the National Health and Nutrition Survey were used. The estimated lifetime average daily intake of dietary PAHs was 4.32${\times}$10$^{-4}$ $\mu\textrm{g}$-TEQ$_{BaP}$kg/day as the mean value. The dietary risk adjusted to cancer potency of benzo(a)pyrene as 7.3 (mg/kg/day)$^{-1}$ was 3.44${\times}$10$^{-6}$ based on current data.ata.

Graves' Disease in Prepubertal Children Compared with Pubertal Children (소아 Graves병의 임상적 고찰 : 사춘기 이전군과 사춘기군의 비교)

  • Kim, Hyun Mi;Yoon, Ju Yun;Jung, Min Ho;Suh, Byung Kyu;Lee, Byung Churl
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.76-82
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The aim of this study was to determine whether differences exist in the presentation, clinical course, and outcome of Graves' disease between prepubertal children and adolescents. Methods : A retrospective chart review of 14 prepubertal(PREPUB, $7.2{\pm}0.9yr) and 38 pubertal (PUB, $12.4{\pm}1.5yr$) children with Graves' disease between January 1989 and November 1995 at St. Mary's Hospital and Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital was undertaken. Results : There were no significant differences in $T_3$, $T_4$, TSH between two the groups at diagnosis. The PUB group had significantly higher titers of antimicrosomal antibody(positive dilution factor $11,727.3{\pm}22,888.4$) than did the PREPUB group($2,111.5{\pm}2,285.0$, P<0.001). The PREPUB group had significantly higher titers of TSH-binding inhibitory immunoglobulin(TBII, $62.5{\pm}39.6$) than did the PUB group($44.9{\pm}10.4$, P<0.05) before treatment started. The duration(months) of medical therapy before thyroid function tests were normalized was longer in the PREPUB group than in the PUB group($T_3:6.8{\pm}5.0$ vs. $5.4{\pm}13.2$, $T_4:2.3{\pm}1.9$ vs. $2.1{\pm}2.2$, $TBII:26.7{\pm}24.0$ vs. $20.8{\pm}12.1$), especially that of TSH was significantly longer in the PREPUB group($14.6{\pm}11.0$ vs. $6.8{\pm}7.8$, P< 0.05). Total length of medical therapy was significantly longer in the PREPUB group than the PUB group($52.3{\pm}19.3$ vs. $37.9{\pm}16.3months$, P<0.01). During three years of antithyroid drug therapy, in the PREPUB group, the remission rate was lower and the relapse rate was higher than in the PUB group. Total length of treatment correlated negatively with chronological age(P=0.03). Conclusion : Prepubertal children require longer medical therapy to achieve a remission than do pubertal children. But there is an obvious need for more studies because of the small number of patients and the short duration of the follow-up.