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Taxonomical Classification and Genesis of Jeju Series in Jeju Island (제주도 토양인 제주통의 분류 및 생성)

  • Song, Kwan-Cheol;Hyun, Byung-Geun;Moon, Kyung-Hwan;Jeon, Seung-Jong;Lim, Han-Cheol;Lee, Shin-Chan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.230-236
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    • 2010
  • Jeju Island is a volanic island which is located about 96 km south of Korean Peninsula. Volcanic ejecta, and volcaniclastic materials are widespread as soil parent materials throughout the island. Soils on the island have the characteristics of typical volcanic ash soils. This study was conducted to reclassify Jeju series based on the second edition of Soil Taxonomy and to discuss the formation of Jeju series in Jeju Island. Morphological properties of typifying pedon of Jeju series were investigated, and physico-chemical properties were analyzed according to Soil survey laboratory methods manual. The typifying pedon has dark brown (10YR 3/3) silt clay loam A horizon (0~22 cm), strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) silty clay BAt horizon (22~43 cm), brown (7.5YR 4/4) silty clay Bt1 horizon (43~80 cm), brown (7.5YR 4/6) silty clay loamBt2 horizon (80~105 cm), and brown (10YR 5/4) silty clay loam Bt3 horizon (105~150 cm). It is developed in elevated lava plain, and are derived from basalt, and pyroclastic materials. The typifying pedon contains 1.3~2.1% oxalate extractable (Al + 1/2 Fe), less than 85%phosphate retention, and higher bulk density than 0.90 Mg $m^{-3}$. That can not be classified as Andisol. But it has an argillic horizon from a depth of 22 to 150 cm, and a base saturation (sum of cations) of less than 35% at 125 cm below the upper boundary of the argillic horizon. That can be classified as Ultisol, not as Andisol. Its has 0.9% or more organic carbon in the upper 15 cm of the argillic horizon, and can be classified as Humult. It dose not have fragipan, kandic horizon, sombric horizon, plinthite, etc. in the given depths, and key out as Haplohumult. A hoizon (0~22 cm) has a fine-earth fraction with both a bulk density of 1.0 Mg $cm^{-3}$ or less, and Al plus 1/2 Fe percentages (by ammonium oxalate) totaling more than 1.0. Thus, it keys out as Andic Haplohumult. It has 35% or more clay at the particle-size control section, and has thermic soil temperature regime. Jeju series can be classified as fine, mixed, themic family of Andic Haplohumults, not as ashy, thermic family of Typic Hapludands. In the western, and northern coastal areas which have a relatively dry climate in Jeju Island, non Andisols are widely distributed. Mean annual precipitation increase 110 mm, and mean annual temperature decrease $0.8^{\circ}C$ with increasing elevation of 100m. In the western, and northern mid-mountaineous areas Andisols, and non Andisols are distributed simultaneously. Jeju series distributed mainly in the western and northern mid-mountaineous areas are developed as Ultisols with Andic subgroup.

Taxonomical Classification and Genesis of Dongsong Series Distributed on the Lava Plain in Cheolweon (철원 용암류대지 토양인 동송통의 분류 및 생성)

  • Song, Kwan-Cheol;Hyun, Byung-Geun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Park, Chan-Won;Jang, Byoung-Choon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to reclassify Dongsong series based on the second edition of Soil Taxonomy and to discuss the formation of Dongsong series distributed on the lava plain at Cheolweon in Korea. Morphological properties of typifying pedon of Dongsong series were investigated, and physico-chemical properties were analyzed according to Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual. The typifying pedon of Dongsong series has brown (7.5YR 4/2) silty clay loam Ap horizon (0-16 cm), brown (7.5YR 4/2) silty clay loam BA horizon (16-22 cm), brown (7.5YR 4/2) silty clay Bt1 horizon (22-50 cm), reddish brown (5YR 5/4) silty clay Bt2 horizon (50-92 cm), and brown (7.5YR 4/3) silty clay loam Bt3 horizon (92-120 cm). It occurs on lava plain derived from baslt materials. The typifying pedon has higher bulk density than 0.90 Mg $m^{-3}$. That can not be classified as Andisol. But it has an argillic horizon from a depth of 22 to more than 120 cm, and a base saturation (sum of cations) of less than 35% at 125 cm below the upper boundary of the argillic horizon. It can be classified as Ultisol, not as Andisol or Alfisol. It has aquic conditions for some time in normal years in one or more horizons within 50 cm of the mineral soil surface, redoximorphic features between a depth of 25 cm, and a depth of 40 cm from the mineral soil surface, and redox concentrations, and 50%or more redox depletions with chroma of 2 or less in the matrix within the upper 12.5 cm of the argillic horizon. Therefore it can be classified as Aquult. It has episaturation, and keys out as Epiaquult. It has 50% or more chroma of 3 or more in one or more horizons between a depth of 25 cm from the mineral soil surface, and a depth of 75 cm. It can be classified as Aeric Aquult. Dongsong series have 35%or more clay at the particle-size control section, and have mesic soil temperature regime. Therefore they can be classified as fine, mesic family of Aeric Epiaquults, not as fine, mesic family of Typic Epiaqualfs. The Quarternary volcanic activities occurred in Jeju Island, Ulrung Island, Baekryeong Island, Cheolweon area, and Mt. Paekdu et al. in the Korean Penninsula. Most of them belong to the central eruption type, but Cheolweon area may be of the fissure eruption type. Dongsong series occur on Cheolweon lava plains derived from basaltic materials. Most soils distributed in Jeju Island, and derived from mainly pyroclastics are developed as Andisols. But Dongsong series distributed in Cheolweon lava plains which have a relatively dry climate and derived from basaltic materials are developed as Ultisols.

Germination and Proteome Profile Characteristics of Wheat Seeds Treated under Different Concentrations of Abscisic Acid (Abscisic acid 농도에 따른 밀 종자의 발아와 단백질체의 발현 특성)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hyeok;Kim, Dae-Wook;Hwang, Woon-Ha;An, Sung-Hyun;Jeong, Han-Yong;Lee, Hyeon-Seok;Choi, In-Bea;Choi, Kyung-Jin;Yun, Jong-Tak;Yun, Song Joong
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    • v.63 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the germination and proteome profile characteristics of wheat seeds treated under various concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA). After-ripening, the seeds of three wheat cultivars (Baegjoong, Keumkang, and Uri) showing different levels of dormancy were used. Germination index and germination rate of the cultivars was higher than 0.95% and 98%, respectively, and these were not significantly different under 0, 10, 30, and $50{\mu}M$ ABA at 7 d after germination. However, the growth of the shoot and radicle was significantly inhibited at 10, 30, and $50{\mu}M$ ABA compared to that at $0{\mu}M$ ABA. Mean ABA content of the embryos of seeds germinated at 0 and $50{\mu}M$ ABA for 7 d was 0.8 and $269.0ngmg^{-1}DW$, respectively. Proteins extracted from embryos germinated for 4 d were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and proteins showing a difference of 1.5-fold or greater in their spot volume relative to that of $0{\mu}M$ ABA were identified. The expression of four protein spots increased at $50{\mu}M$ ABA and two protein spots were detected only at $50{\mu}M$ ABA; these six proteins were all identified as globulin types. Conversely, the expression of three protein spots decreased at $50{\mu}M$ ABA and were identified as cytosolic glutamine sysnthetase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, and S-adenosylmethionine synthetase 2. In conclusion, ABA did not inhibit the germination rate regardless of pre-harvest sprouting characteristics of the cultivars. However, the growth of the shoot and radicle was significantly inhibited by ABA, most likely through the down regulation of glutamine, methyl group donor, and polyamines biosynthesis, among others, while accompanied by globulin accumulation in the embryos.

A Study of Reliability and Validity on the Korean Version of Social Adaptation Self Rating Scale(SASS) (한국어판 사회적응자기평가척도(SASS)의 신뢰도 및 타당도 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Seob;Kim, Yong-Ku;Yoon, Choong-Han;Jeong, Han-Yong;Cheong, Young-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.212-227
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to testify the reliability and validation on the Korean version of the Social Adaptation Self-rating Scale(SASS) which was developed from Bose et al. for the evaluation of social motivation and behavior of depressed patients in 1997. Interests for the social world, those of social functioning, of patients were involved in the addition of new measure of disturbance. And those were distinct from abnormalities of thought, mood and symptoms of patients with major depression. As the previous reports there were several evidences that treatments may be less likely to be effective if the system they act on is dysfunctional. Thus, a better social situation favoured better outcome. As a matter of fact, however, those reports were developed in the course of the evaluation of interpersonal therapy(IPT) and cognitive therapy. Accordingly the conversed question -whether pharmacological therapy with antidepressants can impact on social functioning in addition to addressing the core features of illness- has been addressed. To date, anyhow, it is accepted that enhancement of social functioning may be a therapeutic principle in its own right and illness rarely divorced from social context. In terms of those concepts the introduction of an assessment of social functioning into pharmacotherapeutic studies of depression has been welcomed and might be a potent instrument for evaluating the relative pharmacoeconomic benefits of different treatments. Despite of many scales which were applied for the evaluation of symptoms in the patients with depression, however, the scale for the evaluation of social functiong has not been introduced in Korea yet. Thus, this study was designed to introduce the concepts of social functioning in the patients with depression and to testify the reliability and validation on Korean version of SASS. This Korean version of SASS was submitted to a reliability and validation procedure based on the data from healthy general population survey in 291 individuals and 40 patients with major depression. Cronbach a was 0.790 in total subjects group and the correlation of test-retest was statistically significant(y=0.653, p<0.0l). Thus, the Korean version of SASS might be shown to be valid and reliable. The results of multivariate analyses allowed the identification of 3 principle factors(factor 1 = intersts in social activities, factor 2 = active interpersonal relationship, factor 3 = selfesteem) in normal group, however, it could be counted as only one factor in the depression group because nearly total items of SASS were involved in factor 1. In the view of these results, the Korean version of SASS may be useful additional tool for the evaluation of social functioning in depression.

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Studies on the Electrochemical Behavior of Heavy Lanthanide Ions and the Synthesis, Characterization of Heavy Metal Chelate Complexes(II). Synthesis and Characterization of Eight Coordinate Tungsten(IV) and Cerium(IV) Chelate Complex (무거운 란탄이온의 전기화학적 거동 및 중금속이온의 킬레이트형 착물의 합성 및 특성에 관한 연구(제2보). 8배위 텅스텐(IV)과 세륨(IV)의 킬레이트형 착물의 합성 및 특성)

  • Kang, Sam Woo;Chang, Choo Wan;Suh, Moo Yul;Lee, Doo Youn;Choi, Won Jong
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 1992
  • An attempt was made to prepare two series of tetrakis eight-coordinate tungsten(IV) and cerium(IV) complexes containing the 5,7-dichloro-8-quinolinol(N:${\pi}$-acceptor atom, O:${\pi}$-donor atom) ligand. Tetrakis eight-coordinate tungsten(IV) complex of 2-mercaptopyrimidine(N:${\pi}$-acceptor atom, S:${\pi}$-donor atom) ligand have also been prepared. And the new series of mixed-ligand eight-coordinate tungsten(IV) complexes containing bidentate ligands 5,7-dichloro-8-quinolinol and 2-mercaptopyrimidine have been prepared, isolated by TLC and characterized. $W(dcq)_4$, $W(dcq)_3(mpd)_1$, $W(dcq)_2(mpd)_2$, $W(dcq)_1W(dcq)_3$ and $W(mpd)_4$ complexes of MLCT absorption band appeared to 710nm, 680nm, 625nm, 581nm, and 571nm(${\varepsilon}\;max={\sim}>{\times}10^4$) on low-energy respectively. The specific absorption wave length of $Ce(dcq)_4$ is appeared 520nm(${\varepsilon}\;max={\sim}>{\times}10^4$). The Chemical shift values by proton of coordinated position appeared to $W(dcq)_4$ [$H_2:8.9ppm$]; $W(dcq)_3(mpd)_1$ [$H_2:9.3$,$H_6:9.2ppm$]; $W(dcq)_2(mpd)_2$ [$H_2:9.7$,$H_6:8.95ppm$]; $W(dcq)_1(mpd)_3$ [$H_2:9.8$,$H_6:9.4ppm$]; $W(mpd)_4$ [$H_6:8.8ppm$]; $Ce(dcq)_4$ [$H_2:9.3ppm$] with $^1H$-NMR. The inertness of mixed-ligand eight coordinate tungsten(IV) complexes have been investigated by UV-Vis. spectroscopic method in dimethylsulfoxide at $90^{\circ}C$. The inertness of $W(dcq)_n(mpd)_{4-n}$ complexes showed the following order, $W(dcq)_3(mpd)_1;k_{obs.}=3.8{\times}10^{-6}$ > $W(mpd)_4;k_{obs.}=6.0{\times}10^{-6}$ > $W(dcq)_4;k_{obs.}=6.4{\times}10^{-6}$ > $W(dcq)_2(mpd)_2;k_{obs.}=7.0{\times}10^{-6}$ > $W(dcq)_1(mpd)_3;k_{obs.}=1.7{\times}10^{-5}$, which showed the inertness until 16days, 10days, 9days, 8days, and 4days. The $W(mpd)_4$ is very inert as $k_{obs.}=3.6{\times}10^{-6}$(16days) in xylene at $90^{\circ}C$ and $k_{obs.}=6.0{\times}10^{-6}$(10days) in DMSO at $90^{\circ}C$.

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Effects of Sesame Meal on Growth Performances and Fatty acid Composition, Free Amino Acid Contents, and Panel Tests of Loin of Hanwoo Steers (참깻묵이 거세 한우의 비육성적과 등심의 지방산 조성, 유리 아미노산 함량 및 관능평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sung Il;Cho, Bong Rae;Choi, Chang Bon
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.451-460
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    • 2013
  • The feed value of sesame meal, a main agricultural by-product from the northern area of Gyeongsangbuk-do province, was assessed in Hanwoo steers. A total of twelve Hanwoo steers (average BW = 412.08 kg) were allocated into a Control (fed no sesame meal) or Treatment (fed sesame meal from 14.6 months of age) group, considering BW and ages, and the animals were fed for a total of 480 days. The final BW, total gain and ADG for the Control and Treatment groups were 741.17 kg and 762.67 kg, 331.84 kg and 347.84 kg, and 0.69 kg and 0.72 kg, respectively, showing better performances in sesame meal-fed animals. Feed requirements during the whole experimental period improved by feeding sesame meal (15.31 and 14.87 for Control and Treatment group, respectively). Hanwoo steers fed sesame meal also showed a 22.83 kg heavier cold carcass weight (424.17 kg and 447.00 kg in the Control and Treatment group, respectively), and 2.41% improved dressing percentages (58.60% and 57.22% for the Control and Treatment group, respectively). The area of the M. longissimus dorsi was $91.83cm^2$ and $88.33cm^2$ in the Control and Treatment group, respectively. The final yield of A and B grade meat were 50 : 50% and 33.3 : 66.7% from the Control and Treatment group, respectively. The average marbling score was 4.83 and 5.50, and the numeric values for quality grade was 2.17 and 2.67 for the Control and Treatment group, respectively, showing better beef quality in sesame meal-fed Hanwoo steers. In fact, there were two animals with beef quality $1^{{+}{+}}$ in the sesame meal-fed group. The melting point of lipid extracted from the M. longissimus dorsi of Hanwoo steers was significantly (p<0.05) lower in the Treatment group ($28.28^{\circ}C$) compared to the Control group ($30.65^{\circ}C$). The composition of saturated fatty acids, $C_{14:0}$ (myristic acid) and $C_{16:0}$ (palmitic acid), were significantly lower in sesame meal-fed animals, 4.70% and 2.20% for myristic acid, and 30.55% and 27.12% for palmitic acid, in the Control and Treatment group, respectively. In contrast, there were no significant differences in C18:0 (stearic acid) composition between the groups. The composition of a representative unsaturated fatty acid, $C_{18:1}$ (oleic acid), was significantly higher in Treatment animals (49.89%) than Control animals (44.29%) (p<0.05). The ratio of total monounsaturated fatty acids / saturated fatty acids; M/S) was 1.10 and 1.36 for the Control and Treatment groups, respectively, showing remarkably higher ratios in sesame meal-fed group. The content of glutamic acid, related to beef flavor, was significantly higher in the Treatment group (3.35 mg/100 g) compared to the Control group (1.88 mg/100g) (p<0.05). The tenderness score, evaluated by an eight-point scale in the panel test, and overall palatability (based on juiciness, flavor, oiliness, and umami) were significantly higher in the Treatment group (5.67 and 5.23, respectively) than the Control group (3.83 and 4.60, respectively) (p<0.05). In conclusion, the current results imply that sesame meal could serve as a good supplement for Hanwoo steers for producing high quality beef.

Security and Safety Assessment of the Small-scale Offshore CO2 Storage Demonstration Project in the Pohang Basin (포항분지 해상 중소규모 CO2 지중저장 실증연구 안전성 평가)

  • Kwon, Yi Kyun;Chang, Chandong;Shinn, Youngjae
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.217-246
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    • 2018
  • During the selection and characterization of target formations in the Small-scale Offshore $CO_2$ Storage Demonstration Project in the Pohang Basin, we have carefully investigated the possibility of induced earthquakes and leakage of $CO_2$ during the injection, and have designed the storage processes to minimize these effects. However, people in Pohang city have a great concern on $CO_2$-injection-intrigued seismicity, since they have greatly suffered from the 5.4 magnitude earthquake on Nov. 15, 2017. The research team of the project performed an extensive self-investigation on the safety issues, especially on the possible $CO_2$ leakage from the target formation and induced earthquakes. The target formation is 10 km apart from the epicenter of the Pohang earthquake and the depth is also quite shallow, only 750 to 800 m from the sea bottom. The project performed a pilot injection in the target formation from Jan. 12 to Mar. 12, 2017, which implies that there are no direct correlation of the Pohang earthquake on Nov. 15, 2017. In addition, the $CO_2$ injection of the storage project does not fracture rock formations, instead, the supercritical $CO_2$ fluid replaces formation water in the pore space gradually. The self-investigation results show that there is almost no chance for the injection to induce significant earthquakes unless injection lasts for a very long time to build a very high pore pressure, which can be easily monitored. The amount of injected $CO_2$ in the project was around 100 metric-tonne that is irrelevant to the Pohang earthquake. The investigation result on long-term safety also shows that the induced earthquakes or the reactivation of existing faults can be prevented successfully when the injection pressure is controlled not to demage cap-rock formation nor exceed Coulomb stresses of existing faults. The project has been performing extensive studies on critical stress for fracturing neighboring formations, reactivation stress of existing faults, well-completion processes to minimize possible leakage, transport/leakage monitoring of injected $CO_2$, and operation procedures for ensuring the storage safety. These extensive studies showed that there will be little chance in $CO_2$ leakage that affects human life. In conclusion, the Small-scale Offshore $CO_2$ Storage Demonstration Project in the Pohang Basin would not cause any induced earthquakes nor signifiant $CO_2$ leakage that people can sense. The research team will give every effort to secure the safety of the storage site.

The Effects of Isopropyl 2-(1,3-dithioetane-2-ylidene)-2-[N-(4-methyl-thiazol-2-yl)carbamoyl]acetate (YH439) on Potentiated Carbon Tetrachloride Hepatotoxicity (상승적 화학적 간독성에 미치는 YH439의 영향)

  • Kim, Sang-Geon;Cho, Joo-Youn
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 1996
  • The reactive intermediates formed during the metabolism of therapeutic agents, toxicants and carcinogens by cytochromes P450 are frequently capable of covalently binding to tissue macromolecules and causing tissue damage. It has been shown that YH439, a congener of malotilate, is effective in suppressing hepatic P450 2E1 expression. The present study was designed to further establish the mechanistic basis of YH439 protection against toxicant by assessing its effects against chemical-mediated potentiated hepatotoxicity. Retinoyl palmitate (Vit-A) pretreatment of rats for 7 days substantially enhanced carbon tetrachloride hepatotoxicity, as supported by an ${\sim}5-fold$ increase in serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity, as compared to $CCl_4$ treatment alone. The elevation of ALT activity due to Vit-A was completely blocked by the treatment of $GdCl_3$ a selective inhibitor of Kupffer cell activity. Concomitant pretreatment of rats with both YH439 and Vit-A resulted in a 94% decrease in Vit-A-potentiated $CCl_4$ hepatotoxicity. YH439 was also effective against propyl sulfide-potentiated $CCl_4-induced$ hepatotoxicity. Whereas propyl sulfide (50 mg/kg, 7d) enhanced $CCl_4-induced$ hepatotoxicity by >5-fold, relative to $CCl_4$ treatment alone, concomitant treatment of animals with both propyl sulfide and YH439 at the doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg prevented propyl sulfide-potentiated $CCl_4$ hepatotoxicity by 35% and 90%, respectively. Allyl sulfide, a suppressant of hepatic P450 2E1 expression, completely blocked the propyl sulfide-enhanced hepatotoxicity, indicating that propyl sulfide potentiation of $CCl_4$ hepatotoxicity was highly associated with the expression of P450 2E1 and that YH439 blocked the propyl sulfide-enhanced hepatotoxicity through modulation of P450 2E1 levels. Propyl sulfide- and $CCl_4-induced$ stimulation of lipid peroxidation was also suppressed by YH439 in a dose-related manner, as supported by decreases in malonedialdehyde production. The role of P450 2E1 induction in the potentiation of $CCl_4$ toxicity and the effects of YH439 were further evaluated using pyridine as a P450 2E1 inducer. Pyridine pretreatment substantially enhanced the $CCl_4$ hepatotoicity by 23-fold, relative to $CCl_4$ alone. YH439, however, failed to reduce the pyridine-potentiated toxicity, suggesting that the other form(s) of cytochroms P450 inducible by pyridine, but not suppressible by YH439 treatment, may play a role in potentiating $CCl_4-induced$ hepatotoxicity. YH439 was capable of blocking cadmium chloride-induced liver toxicity in mice. These results demonstrated that YH439 efficiently blocks Vit-A-enhanced hepatotoxiciy through Kupffer cell inactivation and that the suppression of P450 2E1 expression by YH439 is highly associated with blocking of propyl sulfide-mediated hepatotoxicity.

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Changes of Polyamine Metabolism and Delayed Neuronal Degeneration of Hippocampus after Transient Cerebral Ischemia in Mongolian Gerbils (뇌허혈 손상에 있어서 Polyamine 대사의 변동이 해마신경세포의 지연성괴사에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Kyung-Ho;Shin, Hwa-Jung;Lee, Young-Jae;Kim, Hyung-Gun;Choi, Sang-Hyun;Chun, Yeon-Sook;Chun, Boe-Gwun
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 1996
  • Male Mongolian gerbils $(60{\sim}80g)$ were given DL-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO; 250mg/kg, ip) and methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG; 50 mg/k, ip), respectively, 1 h prior to transient (7 min) occlusion of bilateral common carotid arteries (OBC7) and a daily dose of one of them for 6 days after recirculation, and the polyamine contents, activities of ornithine and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylases (ODC and SAM-DC), and light microscopic findings of the hippocampus were evaluated. The hippocampal putrescine (PT) levels of the control gerbils treated with saline (STGr), markedly increased after OBC7, showing a peak level at 24 h after recirculation. The peak PT level was reduced in DFMO treated gerbils (DTCr) and in MGBG treated gerbils (MTGr). And 7 days after recirculation, the PT level of DTGr was decreased to about 75% of the PT level in the sham operated group (nonTGr) and to about 55% of the STGr level, respectively. The hippocampal spermidine (SD) level of STGr tended to decline, showing the lowest value at 8 h after recirculation. But the spermidine (SD) level of DTGr was somewhat higher at 8 h after OBC7 than those of STGr and MTGr The hippocampal spermine (SM) levels of all the experimental groups were little changed for 7 days after OBC. OBC7 markedly increased the hippocampal ODC activity. reaching a maximum (about 3 times higher than preischemic level) at 8 h and rapidly recovered to the control value by 24 h in STGr gerbils, and the OBC7-induced increase of ODC activity was significantly attenuated by DFMO or MGBG treatment. Whereas OBC7 induced a rapid decrease of the hippocampal SAMDC activity follwed by gradual recovery to the preischemic level, and the decrease of the SAMDC activity was slightly attenuated by DFMO or MGBG treatment. 7 Days after OBC7 the histological finding of the hippocampal complex stained with cresyl violet showed an extensive delayed neuronal damage in the CA1 region and to a lesser extent, in the dentate gyrus, sparing the CA3 region. And the neuronal death was aggevated by DFMO but significantly attenuated by MGBG. The immunochemical reactivity of hippocampus to anti-GFAP antibody was significantly increased in the CA1 region and to a lesser extent, in the dentate gyrus 7 days after OBC7, but was little changed in the CA3. And the increase of the anti-GFAP immunoreactivity was moderately enhanced by DFMO and significantly suppressed by MGBG. These results suggest that the polyamine metabolism may play a modulatory role in the ischemic brain damage.

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Clinical Results after Repair of Rotator Cuff Tear in Patients with Accompanying AC Joint Pathology: Clinical Comparison of Non-operative Treatment (회전근개 파열과 동반된 견봉 쇄골 관절 병변이 회전근개 봉합술 후 결과에 미치는 영향: 비수술적 치료를 통한 임상적 비교)

  • Yoo, Moon-Jib;Seo, Joong-Bae;Lee, Dae-Hee;Kim, Sung-Jin
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.86-90
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: We studied the need for distal clavicle resection by comparing rotator cuff tear patients who underwent non-surgical treatment with and without acromioclavicular joint pathology. Materials and Methods: 45 cases that had been under follow up care for at least 9 months after receiving rotator cuff repair in our hospital between Jan. 2005 and Jun. 2011 had been studied. Acromioclavicular joint pathology group and control group were classified by physical examination and MRI findings. The temporal changes in shoulder joint abduction, internal and external rotation strength, ASES and KSS score of the two groups were measured and analyzed. Results: The acromioclavicular joint pathology complicated rotator cuff injury group's strength measurements for abduction, internal rotation, external rotation were each 8.05 (${\pm}4.54$), 11.33 (${\pm}6.05$), 10.24 (${\pm}5.27$) preoperatively and improved to 13.26 (${\pm}5.50$), 17.51 (${\pm}6.80$), 15.60 (${\pm}5.37$) post operatively while the KSS score and ASES score were each 49.07 (${\pm}15.28$) and 48.65 (${\pm}13.27$) preoperatively, improving to 84.48 (${\pm}10.96$) and 84.65. (${\pm}9.86$). The measurements for the group without complicating acromioclavicular pathology are as follows. The strength for abduction, internal rotation, external rotation was each 6.42 (${\pm}3.11$), 7.59 (${\pm}4.81$) and 7.93 (${\pm}4.49$) preoperatively, improving to 15.85 (${\pm}7.35$), 19.18 (${\pm}9.14$), 16.95 (${\pm}5.70$) post operatively, while the KSS score and ASES score each went from 42.12 (${\pm}6.43$) and 41.37 (${\pm}7.42$) to 83.44 (${\pm}6.30$) and 83.17 (${\pm}7.01$) respectively. The measurements for the two groups, however, did not show a statistically significant difference (p>0.05). Conclusion: Analysis of the rotator cuff injury groups with and without AC joint pathology showed that both groups had improved strength, ASES and KSS scores with no statistical difference difference among the groups. As such, it thought that conservative treatment is an acceptable alternative to distal clavicle resection.