• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D integration

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A Study on the Selection of Building Registration Method using GIS (GIS를 이용한 건물등록 방법 선정에 관한 연구)

  • 양인태;오이균;유영걸;천기선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.613-616
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    • 2004
  • Recently, in a field of cadastre, a computerization of cadastral map is in progress with great growth of GSIS field. Also, the needs for the integration of land and building information are widely increasing for integral-management and its application of various land related information. Through a revision of cadastral laws to replace the existing 2D-Cadastre with the 3D-Cadastre, a legal basis to register the position of buildings and facilities is prepared in the governmental or civil fields. This paper presented 3D-Cadastre theory that has been studied on Europe and surveyed building position directly with Totalstation at cadastral control point after choosing pilot test area, Also, the most efficient surveying method of registering building in a cadastral map is presented with comparing and analyzing building position after surveying digital orthophoto and digital map.

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77-GHz mmWave antenna array on liquid crystal polymer for automotive radar and RF front-end module

  • Kim, Sangkil;Rida, Amin;Lakafosis, Vasileios;Nikolaou, Symeon;Tentzeris, Manos M.
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.262-269
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    • 2019
  • This paper introduces a low-cost, high-performance mmWave antenna array module at 77 GHz. Conventional waveguide transitions have been replaced by 3D CPW-microstrip transitions which are much simpler to realize. They are compatible with low-cost substrate fabrication processes, allowing easy integration of ICs in 3D multi-chip modules. An antenna array is designed and implemented using multilayer coupled-fed patch antenna technology. The proposed $16{\times}16$ array antenna has a fractional bandwidth of 8.4% (6.5 GHz) and a 23.6-dBi realized gain at 77 GHz.

Extraction of Road Structure Elements for Developing IFC(Industry Foundation Classes) Model for Road (도로분야 IFC 확장을 위한 도로시설의 구성요소 도출)

  • Moon, Hyoun-Seok;Choi, Won-Sik;Kang, Leen-Seok;Nah, Hei-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1195-1203
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    • 2014
  • Since IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) 4 is based on the representation of 3D elements for an architecture project, and does not define standardized shapes for civil projects such as roads, bridges, and tunnels etc, it has limitations in securing interoperability for exchanging a shape information model for the civil projects. Besides, since road facilities have a linear reference, which is modeled along the center alignment, it is difficult the designers to create a standardized 3D road model. The aim of this study is to configure structure elements and their attribute for a road in the perspective of 3D design for developing a shape information model for the road. To solve these issues, this study analyzes the design documents, which consist of a road design handbook, guide, specifications and standards, and then extract shape elements and their attributes of road structures. Such shape elements are defined as an entity item and we review a hierarchical structure of a road shape defined by a virtual road model. The detailed elements and their attributes can be utilized as a 3D shape information model for constructing BIM (Building Information Modeling) environment for Infrastructures. Besides, it is expected that the suggested items will be utilized as a base data for extending to IFC for a road subdividing the detailed shapes, types and attributes for road projects.

A Method of Representing Sensors in 3D Virtual Environments (3D 가상공간에서의 센서 표현 방법)

  • Im, Chang Hyuk;Lee, Myeong Won
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2018
  • Applications about systems integration of sensors and virtual environments have been developed increasingly. Accordingly, there is a need for the ability to represent, control, and manage physical sensors directly in a 3D virtual environment. In this research, a method of representing physical sensor devices in a 3D virtual environment has been defined using mixed and augmented reality, including virtual and real worlds, where sensors and virtual objects co-exist. The research is intended to control and manage various physical sensors through data sharing and interchange between heterogeneous computing environments. In order to achieve this, general sensor types have been classified, and a sensor based 3D scene graph for representing the functions of sensors has been defined. In addition, a sensor data model has been defined using the scene graph. Finally, a sensor 3D viewer has been implemented based on the scene graph and the data model so as to simulate the functions of sensors in indoor and outdoor 3D environments.

A Design of Press Die Components by Use of 3D CAD Library (3차원 CAD라이브러리를 이용한 프레스 금형 부품의 설계)

  • Park C. H.;Lee S. S.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2004
  • Using standard components of a press die is recognized as a way for a cost reduction and a short lead time. It also provides a way for a quick maintenance of a die under repair. It is expected to contribute to integration of CAD/CAM system for manufacturing dies in the future. This paper presents a 3D CAD library which is constructed using the standard components and is used for designing a press die. This 3D CAD library is generated by a database system made of Microsoft Access for standard components and by CATIA V5 R10 API for geometric features. The library is implemented using Visual Basic 6.0 utility of CATIA API function in the Windows NT environment. It creates a 3D model of the standard components of press die easily when a die designer inputs numerical values of geometric features and the BOM of the completely assembled parts. It also generates automatically the assembly drawing of die set by using variables for standard values of die parts. Therefore users can save the cost of time to design the press die components, and even a beginner can use this program with ease. The test results of the 3D CAD library for designing shearing and bending dies verify its usefulness and feasibility.

Case study of Civil Engineering BIM Projects: Perspective of Korean Public Owners (토목분야 BIM 적용 사례 분석을 통한 발주자 관점에서의 BIM 발전 전략)

  • Kim, Changyoon;Moon, Hyoun-Seok;Nah, Heu-Suk;Kim, Jin-Uk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.7430-7437
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    • 2014
  • Owing to the increase in large and complex construction projects, the design paradigm of architecture and civil engineering projects has changed from 2D CAD to 3D CAD. For this reason, to meet the strong requirements of project contractors, various efforts have been made to adopt a Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology for effective construction management. On the other hand, compared to architectural projects, only a few civil engineering project cases have been conducted in the perspective of public contractors. This is because the characteristics of civil project contractors and the negative pursuit of adopting BIM technology due to the lack of a current BIM system and technologies. Recently, positive changes in adopting BIM technology for public projects were anticipated by public owners, such as the Public Procurement Service and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. In this regard, this study analyzed the current BIM technology status of public owners in Korea to adopt the BIM policies and guidelines of the Korean government. Strategies for adopting BIM technologies for Korean public owners are also discussed based on an analysis of civil engineering BIM project cases.

The Analysis of View and Daylights for the Design of Public Housing Complexes Using a Residential Environment Analysis System Integrated into a CAD System (주거환경분석시스템의 CAD 시스템 통합을 통한 공동주택단지설계 시 일조 및 조망분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Soo-Hoon;Ryu, Jeong-Won
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2007
  • This paper concerns about residential environment analysis program implementation for design and analysis on public housing complexes such that view and daylight analysis processes are automated and integrated into existing design routine to achieve better design efficiency. Considering the architectural design trends this paper chooses ArchiCAD as a platform for a CAD system, which contains the concepts such as integrated object-oriented CAD, virtual building and BIM. Residential environment analysis system consists of three components. The first component is the 3D modeling part defining 3D form information for external geographic contour models, site models and interior/exterior of apartment buildings. The second is the parametric library part handling the design parameters for view and daylight analysis. The last is the user interface for the input/output and integration of data for the environment analysis. Daylight analysis shows rendered images as well as results of daylight reports and grades per time and performs the calculations for floor shadow. It separates the site-only analysis from the analysis of site and exterior environmental parameters. View analysis considers horizontal and vertical view angles to produce view image from each unit and uses the bitmap analysis method to determine opening ratio, scenery ratio and void ratio. We could expect better performance and precision from this residential environment analysis system than the existing 2D drawing based view and daylight analysis methods and overcome the existing one-way flow of design information from 3D form to analysis reports so that site design modifications are automatically reflected on analysis results. Each part is developed in a module so that further integration and extension into other related estimation and construction management systems are made possible.

Design and Implementation of a Scenario Composition Supporting Tool for Object-Oriented Integration Testing Using the Requirement Trace Table (요구사항 추적테이블을 이용한 객체지향 통합 테스트 시나리오 작성지원 도구의 설계 및 구현)

  • Choe, Sin-Hyeong;Han, Pan-Am
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.4
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    • pp.651-658
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    • 2002
  • This paper suggests the scenario composition supporting method, which can be used to perform integration test based on specification, and implemented a scenario composition supporting tool. To compose scenario for object-oriented integration testing, requirement specification, Process definition table and program to table relation diagram are used. In addition, requirement trace table is created. It can check user's requirements, quickly and exactly, dividing former three fables into the stages of requirement analysis, design, and test. The output of scenario composition supporting tool plays a guide part in composing scenario. This tool can reduce scenario composition effort of quality for the checking team and prevent an omission of requirement and input of errors during the test.

Decision of Available Soil Depth Based on Physical and Hydraulic Properties of Soils for Landscape Vegetation in Incheon International Airport

  • Jung, Yeong-Sang;Lee, Hyun-Il;Jung, Mun-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Jeong-Tae;Yang, Jae E
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.522-527
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    • 2015
  • Decision of available soil depth based on soil physical and hydraulic properties for the $3^{rd}$ Landscape Vegetation Project in the Incheon International Airport was attempted. The soil samples were collected from the 8 sites at different depths, 0-20 and 20-60cm, for the three project fields, A, B, and C area. Physical and chemical properties including particle size distribution, organic matter content and electrical conductivity were analyzed. Hydrological properties including bulk density and water holding capacity at different water potential, -6 kPa, -10 kPa, -33 kPa, and -1500 kPa were calculated by SPAW model of Saxton and Rawls (2006), and air entry value was calculated by Campbell model (1985). Based on physical and hydrological limitation, feasibility and design criteria of soil depth for vegetation and landfill were recommended. Since the soil salinity of the soil in area A area was $19.18dS\;m^{-1}$ in top soil and $22.27dS\;m^{-1}$ in deep soil, respectively, landscape vegetation without amendment would not be possible on this area. Available soil depth required for vegetation was 2.51 m that would secure root zone water holding capacity, capillary fringe, and porosity. Available soil depth required for landscape vegetation of the B area soil was 1.51 m including capillary fringe 0.14 m and available depth for 10% porosity 1.35 m. The soils in this area were feasible for landscape vegetation. The soil in area C was feasible for bottom fill purpose only due to low water holding capacity.

Image Retrieval Based on the Weighted and Regional Integration of CNN Features

  • Liao, Kaiyang;Fan, Bing;Zheng, Yuanlin;Lin, Guangfeng;Cao, Congjun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.894-907
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    • 2022
  • The features extracted by convolutional neural networks are more descriptive of images than traditional features, and their convolutional layers are more suitable for retrieving images than are fully connected layers. The convolutional layer features will consume considerable time and memory if used directly to match an image. Therefore, this paper proposes a feature weighting and region integration method for convolutional layer features to form global feature vectors and subsequently use them for image matching. First, the 3D feature of the last convolutional layer is extracted, and the convolutional feature is subsequently weighted again to highlight the edge information and position information of the image. Next, we integrate several regional eigenvectors that are processed by sliding windows into a global eigenvector. Finally, the initial ranking of the retrieval is obtained by measuring the similarity of the query image and the test image using the cosine distance, and the final mean Average Precision (mAP) is obtained by using the extended query method for rearrangement. We conduct experiments using the Oxford5k and Paris6k datasets and their extended datasets, Paris106k and Oxford105k. These experimental results indicate that the global feature extracted by the new method can better describe an image.