• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D지도

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Emotional Characteristics in MBTI Personality Type and MMPI-A Scale of Science Gifted (한국과학영재학생의 MBTI 성격유형과 MMPI-A 척도에서 나타난 정서적 특징)

  • Kwag, Mi-Yong;Park, Hoo-Hwi;Kim, Eel;Cheon, Seong-Moon;Sang, Wook
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.767-788
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to examine emotional characteristics and to provide information about the special needs of counselling of science gifted in Korea. The subjects were 143 science gifted high school students in Busan that had been tested MBTI and MMPI-A. The distribution map of MBTI type was examined and Pearson's correlation, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression analysis were used to analyse the relation between MBTI and MMPI-A through SPSS 17.0 program. The results showed as follows: first, ENTP, INTP, ISTJ personality types and NT temperament type were the most frequently from the distribution map of MBTI type. Second, F1, F2, F, Hs, D, Pt, Sc and Si scales of MMPI-A were positively related to I preference of MBTI and K and Ma scales of MMPI-A were significantly related to E preference of MBTI from Pearson's correlation. Third, The score of IN group was significantly more high in F1, Hs, D, SC and Si scales of MMPI-A than other group in the relation between two combination preferences of MBTI and scale of MMPI-A. The following results were same; IS group in D, Si scales, EN group in Ma scale, IT group in Hs, D, Pt and S scales, IF group in VRIN, D and Si scales, ET in Ma scale, IJ group in D and Si, IP group in F1, F, Hs, D, Hy, Pt, Sc and Si scales, EJ and EP groups in Ma scale. Finally, I preference of MBTI by F1, F2, F, Hs, D, Pt, Sc and Si scales of MMPI-A, E preference of MBTI by Ma scale of MMPI-A, F preference of MBTI by K scale of MMPI-A and P preference of MBTI by Hy scale of MMPI-A were significantly predicted from multiple regression analysis. Limitations of the current study and the suggestions for further research were offered.

Experimental study for Selective Withdrawal on Stratified Water Tank by using PIV (PIV를 활용한 성층수조에서 선택취수방안에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Son, Byung-Ju;Park, Jae-Hyeon;Kim, Young-Do
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.556-559
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    • 2007
  • 고탁수 장기화 문제를 해결하기 위한 방법으로는 고탁수층을 선택취수하여 우선 배제함으로써 하류하천의 고탁수 발생일수를 최소화하는 방법이 있는데, 이와 같은 선택적 취수기법은 저수지 운영에 있어서 고탁수층을 우선 배제한 후 홍수기 이후에 저수지내로 유입되는 청수를 담수하여 호소 내 탁도 저감 효과를 얻을 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 선택취수 시 성층수괴의 동수역학적 변화를 분석하기 위하여 국내에서 처음으로 Two-tank 기법을 이용하여 성층구조를 구현해 내었는데, 소금물의 밀도변화를 이용하여 수심 1m의 성층수조를 만들었고, 밀도경사가 상이한 성층구조에서 취수조건을 변화시키면서 비교란 유속계인 PIV 시스템을 이용해 유속의 흐름을 Vector와 Contour로 분석하였다. 선택취수에 대한 흐름의 동수역학적 분석결과 취수유량보다는 밀도성층경사 변화에 더 민감한 반응을 보였다. 취수유량을 줄이거나 밀도성층경사를 급하게 했을 때에는 선택취수 영역(withdrawal zone)의 수직방향 폭은 줄어드는 반면, X축으로의 영향범위는 증가함을 나타냈다. 취수유량을 증가시키거나 성층밀도경사를 완만히 했을 땐 선택취수 영역(withdrawal zone)의 수직방향 폭은 증가하였고 X축으로의 영향범위는 축소됨을 나타내었다. 이 결과는 Richardson 수로도 판단되어지는데, Richardson 수가 증가하면 유속에 비해 상대적으로 밀도성층경사가 크다는 것인데 이럴 경우 선택취수 영역(withdrawal zone)의 수직방향 폭 최대가 되고 선택취수 영역(withdrawal zone)의 수직방향 폭은 최소가 된다. 선택취수 영역(withdrawal zone)의 수직방향 폭이 최소가 되면 취수구 직경 D의 1.8배의 값을 가지고 Richradson 수가 최소가 되더라도 취수구 직경 D의 3.3배를 벗어나지 않는다는 결과를 도출할 수 있었다.링 목적으로 사용될 수 있다. 본 연구에서 개발한 영상수위계는 한강홍수통제소 관할의 전류, 청담대교 등 4개소 낙동강 홍수통제소 2개소, 지자체 등에 적용되었으며, 적용 결과 비교적 안정적이면서 정확하게 수위를 측정하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편 기존 CCD 카메라 이외에 CCTV를 이용한 영상수위계를 개발하여 영상의 화질 개선뿐 아니라 하천화상 감시 기능을 강화하였다.소류의 섭취율은 높았다. 집단간의 상관도를 보면 교육별로 김치, 장아찌, 콩이 각각 p>0.5 수준에서 유의한 차가 없었고, 나머지는 유의한 차가 있었다. 연령별로는 멸치가 유의한 차가 없었고(p>0.5), 수입별로는 콩이 유의한 차가 없었다(p>0.5). 4. 영양지식(營養知識) 검토 가정생활(家庭生活)에 필요(必要)한 일반적(一般的)인 영양지식(營養知識)은 대체적으로 낮은 편이었다. 어린이 영양, 편식의 해로움, 비만증의 해로움, 임신부 그리고 수유부 영양에 대하여는 일반적으로 알고 있다고 하였으며, 그다음으로 이유기 영양, 어린이 발육에 필요한 식품, 식품과 영양소와의 관계, 우유의 성분, 노인영양에 대하여 잘 알고 있는 비율이 낮았으며, 인체의 영양소, 식단작성여부, 간식의 이론, 식품감별법에 대하여는 가장 낮은 비율을 나타냈다. 각 영양지식은 교육정도가 높을수록 영양지식이 높았고, 교육별 집단간의 유의한 차가 나타났다. (0.001

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An ESDA Tool for Time-series Spatial Association (지역분석을 위한 시계열 공간연관성 탐색도구)

  • Ahn Jae-Seong;Park Key-Ho;Lee Yang-Won
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.14 no.1 s.36
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    • pp.163-176
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    • 2006
  • The concept of 'spatial association' explains spatial distribution pattern of geographical phenomenon based on similarity with neighborhoods, as in the Tobler's Law of Geography: 'Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.' In this study, we develop a time-series exploratory analysis tool for discovering temporal patterns of spatial association by combining spatial statistics and geo-visualization, and thus present a possibility to support spatial decision-making process. As for the spatial proximity weight matrix indispensable to measuring global and local spatial association, we employ a variety of flexible weighting schemes using geometric characteristics of areal unit. In addition, we renovate the existing visualization methods for more effective understanding of the procedures and results of time-series analysis on spatial association: for instance, temporal parallel coordinate plot with box plot, animated map for spatial association, and 3D Moran scatterplot. The feasibility of our system is verified by time-series analysis experiments on the spatial association of land price fluctuation rate for all administrative units in Korea, $1995{\sim}2004$.

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A Study on Design Characteristics of Korean War Memorials in the United States (한국전쟁 메모리얼의 설계요소에 나타난 기념성)

  • Lee, Sang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.12-24
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze design characteristics of Korean War Memorials(KWM) in the United States(KWMUS). Through site survey and internet searching, the researcher selected 25 KWMUS and analyzed four analysis categories: design concept, spatial form, landscape details, and sculptures. The results are as follows: 1. The analysis revealed that main concepts of KWMUS were to cherish victims of the Korean War, show membership/locality/patriotism, express feelings and the meaning of war, and explain the Korean War realistically and symbolically. 2. Most KWMUS in memorial parks and plazas were designed to pursue the completion of each memorial assuming the form of typical and symmetrical circles and squares. Also, spatial order including spatial sequence was seen in some of KWMUS. 3. Stone walls, stone monument, flags, emblems and paving were used as main landscape details. The map of the Korean peninsula and Taegeuk were often introduced to symbolize Korea and the Korean War, and the symbolic phrase, 'Forgotten War' or 'Freedom is Not Free' were written on the stone to keep the Korean War in the minds of Americans. 4. Sculptures were used as important media to represent the Korean War in a variety of ways. Most of them were formed realistically, except for a few sculptures that aimed to represent the Korean War symbolically and narratively. In particular, the sculptures in Washington D.C. KWVM and Minnesota KWM were remarkable as symbolic media of war memorials in contemporary society. Further study will be required to analyze comparatively KWM in Korea and the U.S. and to understand characteristics of KWM in the point of design style.

Job Competency in Ultrasonography of Korean Radiological Technologists (한국 방사선사의 초음파진단검사 직무역량에 관한 고찰)

  • Lim, Chang Seon;Kim, Chuk Bok;Namkung, Jang Sun;Jin, Gye Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.857-864
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    • 2019
  • Many countries, including Canada, operate a sonographer license system separately from a radiological technologist license. However, in Korea, radiological technologists perform ultrasound imaging under the guidance of doctors. Therefore, in order to have the opportunity to provide a systematic education by analyzing the job competency of the radiological technologist's ultrasound imaging, based on the Canadian National Competency Profile (NCP) lists, this study measured the job content validity of the job competences and detailed competencies required for performing ultrasonography in Korea. From the results of comparing and analyzing the importance of the core competencies included in the Korean radiological technologist's job competencies and the degree of job performance, the average overall importance was 4.087, the average of overall performance was 3.640, showing that the importance was higher than the performance and that there was a statistically significant difference. In conclusion, 'A Communication', 'B Professional responsibilities', 'D Operation of equipment' and 'G Workplace health and safety' showed high job content validity. However, it is said that as 'C Patient assessment and care', 'E Critical thinking and problem solving', and 'H Image' showed low job content validity, it is necessary to seek ways to strengthen and complement these competencies.

Rainfall Intensity Estimation Using Geostationary Satellite Data Based on Machine Learning: A Case Study in the Korean Peninsula in Summer (정지 궤도 기상 위성을 이용한 기계 학습 기반 강우 강도 추정: 한반도 여름철을 대상으로)

  • Shin, Yeji;Han, Daehyeon;Im, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1405-1423
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    • 2021
  • Precipitation is one of the main factors that affect water and energy cycles, and its estimation plays a very important role in securing water resources and timely responding to water disasters. Satellite-based quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) has the advantage of covering large areas at high spatiotemporal resolution. In this study, machine learning-based rainfall intensity models were developed using Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) water vapor channel (6.7 ㎛), infrared channel (10.8 ㎛), and weather radar Column Max (CMAX) composite data based on random forest (RF). The target variables were weather radar reflectivity (dBZ) and rainfall intensity (mm/hr) converted by the Z-R relationship. The results showed that the model which learned CMAX reflectivity produced the Critical Success Index (CSI) of 0.34 and the Mean-Absolute-Error (MAE) of 4.82 mm/hr. When compared to the GeoKompsat-2 and Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN)-Cloud Classification System (CCS) rainfall intensity products, the accuracies improved by 21.73% and 10.81% for CSI, and 31.33% and 23.49% for MAE, respectively. The spatial distribution of the estimated rainfall intensity was much more similar to the radar data than the existing products.

Development and Application of a Mountain Village Revitalization Index Using Big Data (빅데이터를 활용한 산촌 활성화 지수 개발 및 적용)

  • Jang-Hwan Jo;Kyu-Dong Lee;Hye-Jung Cho;Sungki Jun;GwanPyeong Roh;Eunseok Jang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.3
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    • pp.292-307
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to develop an index to assess the level of revitalization in mountain villages by utilizing big data and to verify its applicability in such areas. To achieve this, four key indices related to mountain villages were developed to evaluate the degree of revitalization, namely, Settlement Index, Workplace Index, Learning Index, and Leisure Index. These indices enable users to compare the revitalization levels of different mountain villages by establishing living zones, assigning data weights, extracting comparative data, and generating results in both map and report formats. The revitalization index developed in this study was applied to five mountain villages (A, B, C, D, E) located in Jeollabuk-do. Results showed that Village C had the highest comprehensive score of 320 points, while Village E had the lowest score of 141 points. In the mountain village indices of Jeollabuk-do, the Workplace Index generally showed higher scores, whereas the Learning Index had relatively lower scores on average. The development of these indices provides a practical means to identify which areas should be prioritized for support to enhance revitalization in specific mountain villages and offers a clear comparison of the revitalization levels across different regions and individual villages. The mountain village revitalization index developed in this study is expected to serve as valuable foundational information for formulating mountain village revitalization policies.

Analysis of Urban Heat Island Effect Using Information from 3-Dimensional City Model (3DCM) (3차원 도시공간정보를 이용한 도시열섬현상의 분석)

  • Chun, Bun-Seok;Kim, Hag-Yeol
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2010
  • Unlike the previous studies which have focused on 2-dimensional urban characteristics, this paper presents statistical models explaining urban heat island(UHI) effect by 3-dimensional urban morphologic information and addresses its policy implications. 3~dimensional informations of Columbus, Ohio arc captured from LiDAR data and building boundary informations are extracted from a building digital map, Finally NDV[ and temperature data are calculated by manipulating band 3, band 4, and thermal hand of LandSat images. Through complicated data processing, 6 independent variables(building surface area, building volume, height to width ratio, porosity, plan surface area) are introduced in simple and multiple linear regression models. The regression models are specified by Box-Tidwell method, finding the power to which the independent variable needs to raised to be in a linearity. Porosity, NDVI, and building surface area are carefully chosen as explanatory variables in the final multiple regression model, which explaining about 57% of the variability in temperatures. On reducing UHI, various implications of the results give guidelines to policy-making in open space, roof garden, and vertical garden management.

The comparison on the learning effect of low-achievers in mathematics using Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction (수학 성취도가 낮은 학생의 보충 지도 과정에서 블렌디드 e-러닝과 개별화 교수체제의 효과 비교 분석)

  • Song, Dagyeom;Lee, Bongju
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.161-175
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the impact on low-achievers in mathematics who studied mathematics using Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction after school. Blended e-learning is defined as the management of e-learning using the e-study run by the education office in local. Personalized system of instruction was proceeded as follows; (1) all students are given a syllabicated learning task and a study guide, (2) students study the material autonomously according to their own pace for a certain period of time, (3) the teacher strengthens the students' motivation through grading and feedback after students study a subject and solve the evaluation problem. The learning materials for Personalized system of instruction are re-edited the offline education contents provided by the blended e-learning to the level of students. The 118 $7^{th}$ grade students from the D middle school participated in this study. The results were verified by achievement tests before and after the study, as well as survey regarding their attitude toward mathematics. The results are as follows. First, Blended e-learning has more positive impacts than Personalized system of instruction in mathematics achievement. Second, there was no difference in mathematics achievement according to their self-directed learning between Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction. Third, both types utilizing Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction have positive effect on attitude toward mathematics, and there is not their difference between two methods of teaching and learning mathematics.

A Study on the Research Trend of Surveying in Korea (국내 측량분야의 연구동향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Youn-Hee;Choi, Yun Soo;Kang, Moon Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.475-483
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to figure out the research trend of surveying in Korea through the analyses of research field and the published year of surveying related papers in journals and theses of master and Ph. D. The papers and theses published since 1957 were collected and analyzed to find out the major research topics and trends with time. The analyses of research trends in terms of time showed certain correlation between research areas, for example, remote sensing is highly correlated with GIS (98%), GPS correlated with GIS(95%). Through the regression analysis, it was found that the trends of the most fields were well-fitted with a third-order polynomial except the field of Geodesy. Furthermore, it was predicted that the number of studies in general surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing and land information will be increasing while those in GPS, GIS, digital map and Geodesy will be decreasing.