• Title/Summary/Keyword: 3D(three-dimensional)

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    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2019
  • We present the three-dimensional volume reconstruction model using the modified Cahn-Hilliard equation with a fractional Laplacian. From two-dimensional cross section images such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging slice data, we suggest an algorithm to reconstruct three-dimensional volume surface. By using Laplacian operator with the fractional one, the dynamics is changed to the macroscopic limit of Levy process. We initialize between the two cross section with linear interpolation and then smooth and reconstruct the surface by solving modified Cahn-Hilliard equation. We perform various numerical experiments to compare with the previous research.

Integrated 3-D Microstructures for RF Applications (Invited)

  • Euisik Yoon;Yoon, Jun-Bo;Park, Eun-Chul;Han, Chul-Hi;Kim, Choong-Ki
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.203-207
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    • 1999
  • In this paper we report new integration technology developed for three-dimensional metallic microstructures in an arbitrary shape. We have developed the two fabrication methods: Multi-Exposure and Single-Development (MESD) and Sacrificial Metallic Mold(SMM) techniques. Three-dimensional photoresist mold can be formed by the MESD method while unlimited number of structural levels can be realized by the SMM technique. Using these two techniques we have fabricated solenoid inductors and levitated spiral inductors for RF applications. We have achieved peak Q- factors over 40 in the 2-10㎓ range, the highest number among the inductors reported to date. Finally, we propose "On-Chip Passives" as a post IC process for monolithic integration of inductors, tunable capacitors, microwave switches, transmission lines, and mixers and filters toward future single-chip transceiver integration.

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Comparisons of Object Recognition Performance with 3D Photon Counting & Gray Scale Images

  • Lee, Chung-Ghiu;Moon, In-Kyu
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.388-394
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    • 2010
  • In this paper the object recognition performance of a photon counting integral imaging system is quantitatively compared with that of a conventional gray scale imaging system. For 3D imaging of objects with a small number of photons, the elemental image set of a 3D scene is obtained using the integral imaging set up. We assume that the elemental image detection follows a Poisson distribution. Computational geometrical ray back propagation algorithm and parametric maximum likelihood estimator are applied to the photon counting elemental image set in order to reconstruct the original 3D scene. To evaluate the photon counting object recognition performance, the normalized correlation peaks between the reconstructed 3D scenes are calculated for the varied and fixed total number of photons in the reconstructed sectional image changing the total number of image channels in the integral imaging system. It is quantitatively illustrated that the recognition performance of the photon counting integral imaging system can be similar to that of a conventional gray scale imaging system as the number of image viewing channels in the photon counting integral imaging (PCII) system is increased up to the threshold point. Also, we present experiments to find the threshold point on the total number of image channels in the PCII system which can guarantee a comparable recognition performance with a gray scale imaging system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on comparisons of object recognition performance with 3D photon counting & gray scale images.

Statistical Analysis of 3D Volume of Red Blood Cells with Different Shapes via Digital Holographic Microscopy

  • Yi, Faliu;Lee, Chung-Ghiu;Moon, In-Kyu
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we present a method to automatically quantify the three-dimensional (3D) volume of red blood cells (RBCs) using off-axis digital holographic microscopy. The RBCs digital holograms are recorded via a CCD camera using an off-axis interferometry setup. The RBCs' phase image is reconstructed from the recorded off-axis digital hologram by a computational reconstruction algorithm. The watershed segmentation algorithm is applied to the reconstructed phase image to remove background parts and obtain clear targets in the phase image with many single RBCs. After segmenting the reconstructed RBCs' phase image, all single RBCs are extracted, and the 3D volume of each single RBC is then measured with the surface area and the phase values of the corresponding RBC. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method to automatically calculate the 3D volume of RBC, two typical shapes of RBCs, i.e., stomatocyte/discocyte, are tested via experiments. Statistical distributions of 3D volume for each class of RBC are generated by using our algorithm. Statistical hypothesis testing is conducted to investigate the difference between the statistical distributions for the two typical shapes of RBCs. Our experimental results illustrate that our study opens the possibility of automated quantitative analysis of 3D volume in various types of RBCs.

A full-color anaglyph three-dimensional display system using active color filter glasses

  • Kim, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Young-Hoon;Hong, Ji-Soo;Park, Gil-Bae;Hong, Kee-Hoon;Min, Sung-Wook;Lee, Byoung-Ho
    • Journal of Information Display
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.37-41
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    • 2011
  • Presented herein is a novel stereoscopic three-dimensional (3D) display system with active color filter glasses. This system provides full-color 3D images by applying the time-multiplexing technique on the original anaglyph method. By switching between the opposite anaglyph statuses, a full-color anaglyph is presented. A liquid crystal panel from a 3D monitor serves as an active color filter operating at 120 Hz. A display panel and a color filter are connected to one graphic card as a dual-link system, for synchronization. To test the quality of this system, a left/right-eye image separation test and an experiment with stereoscopic images were carried out. Although there was some crosstalk and blur, the system, as expected, provided full-color 3D display. This system overcomes a monochromatic 3D image, which is the major weakness of the original anaglyph system.

PLAXIS 3D simulation, FLAC3D analysis and in situ monitoring of Excavation stability

  • Lei, Zhou;Zahra, Jalalichi;Vahab, Sarfarazi;Hadi, Haeri;Parviz, Moarefvand;Mohammad Fatehi, Marji;Shahin, Fattahi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.84 no.6
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    • pp.743-765
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    • 2022
  • Near-surface excavations may cause the tilting and destruction of the adjacent superstructures in big cities. The stability of a huge excavation and its nearby superstructures was studied in this paper. Some test instruments monitored the deformation and loads at the designed location. Then the numerical models of the excavation were made in FLAC3D (a three-dimensional finite difference code) and Plaxis-3D (a three-dimensional finite element code). The effects of different supporting and reinforcement tools such as nails, piles, and shotcretes on the stability and bearing capacity of the foundation were analyzed through different numerical models. The numerically approximated results were compared with the corresponding in-field monitored results and reasonable compatibility was obtained. It was concluded that the displacement in excavation and the settlement of the nearby superstructure increases gradually as the depth of excavation rises. The effects of support and reinforcements were also observed and modeled in this study. The settlement of the structure gradually decreased as the supports were installed. These analyses showed that the pile significantly increased the bearing capacity and decreased the settlement of the superstructure. As a whole, the monitoring and numerical simulation results were in good consistency with one another in this practically important project.

ASPPMVSNet: A high-receptive-field multiview stereo network for dense three-dimensional reconstruction

  • Saleh Saeed;Sungjun Lee;Yongju Cho;Unsang Park
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1034-1046
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    • 2022
  • The learning-based multiview stereo (MVS) methods for three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction generally use 3D volumes for depth inference. The quality of the reconstructed depth maps and the corresponding point clouds is directly influenced by the spatial resolution of the 3D volume. Consequently, these methods produce point clouds with sparse local regions because of the lack of the memory required to encode a high volume of information. Here, we apply the atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) module in MVS methods to obtain dense feature maps with multiscale, long-range, contextual information using high receptive fields. For a given 3D volume with the same spatial resolution as that in the MVS methods, the dense feature maps from the ASPP module encoded with superior information can produce dense point clouds without a high memory footprint. Furthermore, we propose a 3D loss for training the MVS networks, which improves the predicted depth values by 24.44%. The ASPP module provides state-of-the-art qualitative results by constructing relatively dense point clouds, which improves the DTU MVS dataset benchmarks by 2.25% compared with those achieved in the previous MVS methods.

Three-dimensional geostatistical modeling of subsurface stratification and SPT-N Value at dam site in South Korea

  • Mingi Kim;Choong-Ki Chung;Joung-Woo Han;Han-Saem Kim
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2023
  • The 3D geospatial modeling of geotechnical information can aid in understanding the geotechnical characteristic values of the continuous subsurface at construction sites. In this study, a geostatistical optimization model for the three-dimensional (3D) mapping of subsurface stratification and the SPT-N value based on a trial-and-error rule was developed and applied to a dam emergency spillway site in South Korea. Geospatial database development for a geotechnical investigation, reconstitution of the target grid volume, and detection of outliers in the borehole dataset were implemented prior to the 3D modeling. For the site-specific subsurface stratification of the engineering geo-layer, we developed an integration method for the borehole and geophysical survey datasets based on the geostatistical optimization procedure of ordinary kriging and sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) by comparing their cross-validation-based prediction residuals. We also developed an optimization technique based on SGS for estimating the 3D geometry of the SPT-N value. This method involves quantitatively testing the reliability of SGS and selecting the realizations with a high estimation accuracy. Boring tests were performed for validation, and the proposed method yielded more accurate prediction results and reproduced the spatial distribution of geotechnical information more effectively than the conventional geostatistical approach.

A Study on Automated Quantity Take-off Methods of Earth Works in Road Design using 3D Design Concept (3차원 설계를 통한 도로설계단계의 토공 자동물량 산정 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Myunhwan;Kim, Nakseok;Chae, Jae-Hyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.277-283
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the interests in three-dimensional design and BIM(Building Information Modeling) are increasing in civil engineering sector and the researches about three-dimensional design and quantity take-off methods for civil engineering structures have been conducted. However, these studies are just carried out the 3D design and quantity calculation of civil structures on the road or railway such as bridges and tunnels. The study on the quantity take-off methods and the evaluation of calculated results on the earth works should be performed in more detail. Based on these backgrounds in mind, the study was conducted the three-dimensional road design and evaluated the quantity take-off results on the earth works using 3D calculation method(average end area method, prismoidal method and composit method). The calculated quantity from composit method showed about 5% error of measuring efficiency than the average end area method, and when reporting the quantity calculation of earth works, it is necessary to specify the calculation method using quantity take-off of earth works.

A Study on the Practical Use of 3D Typography in Time and Space within the Context of Visual Communication: Focused on the 3D Typography Project Series Entitled Rhetorical Space (비주얼 커뮤니케이션의 맥락에서 탐색한 3차원 타이포그래피의 시공간적 활용에 관한 연구: 3차원 타이포그래피 프로젝트 연작 <수사적 공간>을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Namoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.162-175
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to deal with practical investigation, which blends symbolism on spatio-temporal level-especially typography in three-dimensional environment-and the symbolism of written language in the context of visual communication. Up until now, typography research and education have mainly been centered on two-dimensional environment and printing technology, such as the paper. However, this study is the result of this researcher's direct design and implementation of projects on typography aside from paper. Accordingly, this study is to provide an opportunity to raise the level of reason and expression used in visual communication to a new level and to expand its scope. To ensure the efficient progress of the project, this study was to identify the structure, system, and process of communication first. Furthermore, this study was to investigate two-dimensional and three-dimensional typography as the backbone of visual communication. In addition, several representative 3D typography works are analyzed in context and used as the conceptual framework of the project conducted for this study. Based on these results, this research verifies and suggests the possibility practically and objectively by creating the project series entitled Rhetorical Space in 3D typography. In addition, this research gives an opportunity to visualize ideas aimed at the development of character-based visual language and visual communication design in the realm of the more spatial, physical, and three-dimensional public environment.