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Factors of unmet dental care needs due to the time, economic, and physical constraints among older people (노인의 시간적, 경제적, 물리적 제약으로 인한 미충족 치과의료 요인)

  • Min-Young Kim;Ji-Hyoung Han
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.405-413
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: We aim to identify factors associated with unmet dental care needs in older adults and explore the impact of time, economic and physical constraints on each. Methods: The analysis was based on the 2023 Community Health Survey. Statistical analyses were conducted using chi-square test and multinomial logistic regression for 65,952 people aged 65 years and older. Results: First, we looked whether subjects experienced unmet dental care needs and found that 8.4% did. Second, according to the type of unmet dental care needs, 54.1% of the time, economic, and physical constraints were economic constraints. Analyzing each of the time, economic, and physical constraints, we found that time constraints were associated with younger age. For economic constraints, lower education level and health security type of recipients in medical aid program were more likely to experience unmet dental care needs. In terms of physical constraints, those living in rural areas were more than three times more likely to experience unmet dental care needs than those living in urban areas. Conclusions: The results showed that time constraints were related to age, economic constraints were related to household income level, and physical constraints were related to residential area.

Serogroup and Antimicrobial Resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolated from Oropharynx in Children Attending Day Care Center (유아원 소아의 구인강에서 분리된 폐구균의 혈청군과 항균제 내성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung Hyo;Lee, Jong Eun;Whang, Il Tae;Ryu, Kyung Ha;Hong, Young Mi;Kim, Gyoung Hee;Lee, Keun;Kang, Eun-Suk;Hong, Ki-Sook
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.346-353
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : Penicillin- and multidrug-resistant S. pneumoniae poses a serious threat to clinicians because the rate of resistance of S. pneumoniae to penicillin in Korea has surged up to the world's highest level. This study was performed to assess the carriage rate, serogroups and antimicrobial susceptibility of S. pneumoniae isolated from oropharynx in children. Methods : From March to July 1998, 209 children under 5 years of age were recruited from five day care centers. The carriage rate for pneumococci was obtained. Antimicrobial susceptibilities were determined with the E-test and agar dilution methods. Serogrouping was performed on 48 of the pneumococcal isolates by the Quellung reaction. Results : The carriage rate of S. pneumoniae was 30.1%. Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles were available for 59 of the isolates. Sixty-six percent of isolates were not susceptible to penicillin, and multidrug-resistance was observed in 76.3% of the isolates. A high proportion of the penicillin-resistant strains showed associated resistance to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, erythromycin, and oxacillin. The most prevalent oropharyngeal serogroups were 19, 6, 3, 23, and 29. Resistance of the pneumococcal isolates to penicillin was different according to the serogroups. All of the strains of serogroup 19, 23, and 29 was resistant to penicillin but 87.5% of serogroup 3 strains were susceptible to penicillin. Conclusion : The resistance rate of S. pneumoniae isolated from oropharynx in children was very high to penicillin and other antimicrobial agents. For the reduction of the drug-resistant rate of S. pneumoniae, clinicians should be required to be more judicious in their use of antimicrobial agents.

Role of Postoperative Conventional Radiation Therapy in the Management of Supratentorial Malignant Glioma - with respect to survival outcome and prognostic factors - (천막상부 악성 신경교종에서 수술 후 방사선 치료의 역할 - 생존율과 예후인자 분석 -)

  • Nam Taek Keun;Chung Woong Ki;Ahn Sung Ja;Nah Byung Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.389-398
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : To evaluate the role of conventional postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy in the management of supratentorial malignant glioma and to determine favorable prognostic factors affecting survival. Materials and Methods : From Sep. 1985 to Mar. 1997, the number of eligible patients who received postoperative radiotherapy completely was 69. They ranged in age from 7 to 66 years (median, 47). Forty-two (61$\%$) patients were glioblastoma multiforme and the other 27 (39$\%$) were anaplastic astrocytoma. Twenty patients (29$\%$) had Karnofsky score equal or more than 80 preoperatively. Forty-three patients (62$\%$) had symptom duration equal or less than 3 months. Twenty-four patients (35$\%$) had gross total resection and forty patients(58$\%$) had partial resection, the remaining five patients (7$\%$) had biopsy only. Radiotherapy dose ranged from 50.4 Gy to 61.2 Gy (median, 55.8; mode, 59.4) with fraction size of 1 8 Gy-2.0 Gy for 33-83 days(median, 48) except three patients delivered 33, 36, 39 Gr, respectively with fraction size of 3.0 Gy due to poor postoperative performance status. Follow-up rate was 93$\%$ and median follow-up period was 14 months. Results : Overall survival rate at 2 and 3 years and median survival were 38$\%$, 20$\%$, and 16 months for entire patients; 67$\%$, 44$\%$, and 34 months for anaplastic astrocytoma; 18$\%$, 4$\%$, and 14 months for glioblastoma multiforme, respectively (p=0.0001). According to the extent of surgery, 3-year overall survival for gross total resection, partial resection, and biopsy only was 38$\%$, 11$\%$, and 0$\%$, respectively (p=0.02) The 3-year overall survival rates for patients age 40>, 40-59, and 60< were 52$\%$, 8$\%$, and 0$\%$, respectively (p=0.0007). For the variate of performance score 80< vs 80>, the 3-year survival rates were 53$\%$ and 9$\%$, respectively (p=0.008). On multivariate analysis including covariates of three surgical and age subgroups as above, pathology, extent of surgery and age were significant prognostic factors affecting overall survival. On another multivariate analysis with covariates of two surgical (total resection vs others) and two a9e (50> vs 50<) subgroups, then, pathology, extent of surgery and performance status were significant factors instead of age and 3-year cumulative survival rate for the five patients with these three favorable factors was 100$\%$ without serious sequela. Conclusion : We confirmed the role of postoperative conventional radiotherapy in the management of supratentorial malignant glioma by improving survival as compared with historical data of surgery only. Patients with anaplastic astrocytoma, good performance score, gross total resection and/or young age survived longest. Maximum surgical resection with acceptable preservation of neurologic function should be attempted in glioblastoma patients, especially in younger patients. But the survival of most globlastoma patients without favorable factors is still poor, so other active adjuvant treatment modalities should be tried or added rather than conventional radiation treatment alone in this subgroup.

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Epidemiology and Clinical Characteristics of Parainfluenza Virus Type 4 in Korean Children: a Single Center Study, 2015-2017 (소아에서 파라인플루엔자 바이러스 4형의 역학 및 임상 양상에 대한 단일기관 연구: 2015-2017)

  • Sohn, Young Joo;Choi, Youn Young;Yun, Ki Wook;Choi, Eun Hwa;Lee, Hoan Jong
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.156-164
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: We aimed to identify the epidemiology and the clinical characteristics of human parainfluenza virus type 4 (HPIV-4) infection compared to HPIVs 1-3 infections in Korean children. Methods: We reviewed medical records of children with HPIV infection who visited Seoul National University Children's Hospital from 2015 to 2017. Detection of respiratory viruses was performed using real time-polymerase chain reaction (rt-PCR), which could differentiate HPIVs 1-4. Diagnosis was classified as a febrile illness, upper respiratory tract infection (URI), croup, bronchiolitis, or pneumonia. The epidemiology, demographic features, and clinical characteristics among HPIV types were compared. The clinical data were analyzed only for the previously healthy children. Results: Of the 472 children diagnosed with HPIV infection, 108 (22.9%) were previously healthy: 24 (22.2%), 19 (17.6%), 39 (36.1%), and 26 (24.1%) in HPIV types 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The median age of children with HPIV-4 infection was 11 (0-195) months: the proportion of children aged < 2 years and 2 to < 5 years were 65.4% and 19.2%, respectively. Clinical diagnoses of HPIV-4 infection were bronchiolitis (38.5%), pneumonia (30.8%), and URI (30.8%). Croup was the most prevalent in HPIV-2 (21.1%) and none in HPIV-4 infection (P=0.026). Hospital admission rates among HPIV types were not significantly different (P>0.05). Conclusions: We observed seasonal peak of HPIV-4 infection in 2015 and 2017. HPIV-4 was a common respiratory pathogen causing lower respiratory tract infection in hospitalized children.

Survey Report on Nursing Education 1978 (1978년도 교육실태조사)

  • 대한간호협회
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.18 no.1 s.99
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    • pp.21-24
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    • 1979
  • 본 조사를 1978년 7월부터 11월까지 전국 52개 간호 교육 기관의 교육 실태를 분석 검토한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 전국 간호 교육 기관 수는 대학과정 14개교, 전문학교 38개교이었으며, 설립별로 분류하여 보면 국립은 9개교, 공립 16개교, 사립은 27개교이었다. 2. 입학시 연령 제한 학교는 19개교로 그중 대부분이 26세 미만으로 제한하고 있었다. 3. 학년당 학생 정원은 80명이상인 학교가 26개교로 50.9$\%$나 40명이하인 학교는 19개교로 3.53$\%$이었다. 4. 남학생을 공동 모집하는 9개교 중 현재 5개교에 재학하고 있었으며 총 남학생수는 42명이었다. 5. 1978년도 총 졸업생수는 총 3,161명으로 11월 현재 취업률은 83.9$\%$, 미취업율은 16.0$\%$을 나타내고 있다. 7. 전국의 총 간호 교수는 648명으로 77년보다 45명 증원되었고, 조교수 이상은 230명으로 35.4$\%$이었다. 8. 간호 교육 기관장의 전공분야를 살펴보면 간호학, 의학, 기타분야의 비슷한 현상을 보였고 대학 과정에서는 간호학 분야전공자 수가 단연 우세하였으나, 전문 학교 과정에서는 간호학 전공자는 7인, 의학전공자 14인, 기타분야 16인이었다. 9. 1977년 9월이후 조사기간까지 출판된 저서는 총 14권, 논문은 253편이었다.

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2019년 거시경제 전망

  • Han, Jeong-Min;Min, Seong-Hwan
    • The Optical Journal
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    • s.173
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2019
  • 올해 국내 실물경기는 수출 증가세가 점차 둔화되고, 내수도 소비의 둔화와 투자의 감소 전환 등의 영 향으로 완연한 하락세를 보였다. 내수는 설비투자와 건설투자가 크게 감소하면서 급속한 조정 양상을 보이고 있으며, 소비도 연 2%대 증가율로 떨어지면서 둔화세를 기록하고 있다. 수출은 물량의 증가세가 유지되고 있으나, 단가는 기저효과로 인한 유가상승 폭의 축소 등의 영향으로 상승률이 떨어지면서 증가세가 둔화되었다. 2019년 세계경제는 선진권의 경기둔화와 개도권의 성장률 정체가 예상되는 가운데 하방 리스크 요인으로 인해 제한적 성장이 예상된다. 선진권은 미국경제의 성장률 하락이 예상되는 한편, 일본과 유로권도 전년보다는 약간 낮은 성장률이, 중국은 연 6%대 초반까지 성장률 하락이 예상된다. 국제유가는 글로벌 경기 둔화에 따른 원유의 수요 감소와 미 달러화의 가치 상승 등 금융 요인이 하방 압력으로 작용하나, OPEC의 감산 지속과 지정학적 불안정성이 상승 요인으로 작용하면서 연평균 보합이 예상된다. 환율은 미 달러화의 강세기조가 2019년 상반기까지 이어질 것으로 예상되지만, 하반기에는 유럽 등지의 통화긴축 전환과 미국경기 둔화 등의 영향으로 달러화가 약세로 전환하면서 연평균 기준 소폭 상승할 것으로 기대된다. 2019년 국내경제는 수출과 투자가 글로벌 경기 둔화 등의 영향으로 소폭 증가에 그치고, 소비가 전년대비 둔화세를 보이면서 2018년보다 약간 낮은 2.6%의 성장률이 예상된다. 소비는 실질소득 감소와 고용 부진 등이 예상되고, 대외 불확실성으로 인한 체감경기 약화로 증가세가 둔화되나, 보건 복지 고용의 지출 확대, 유류세 인하 등 정부 정책은 실질구매력 제고에 긍정적 요인으로 작용할 전망이다. 설비투자는 대외 불확실성과 대내 구조적 취약성 등의 영향으로 인해 제한적인 증가세가 예상되며, 건설투자도 정부의 부동산시장 안정화 대책과 SOC예산 감축 등의 영향으로 감소세가 이어질 전망이다. 수출은 세계경기의 성장세 둔화로 인해 수출물량이 소폭 증가에 그치고, 반도체의 가격 하락과 국제유가의 횡보 전망 등으로 수출단가도 하락 압력이 커지면서 2018년 보다 낮은 3.7%의 증가율이 예상된다.

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Growth and Spawning of the Sea Urchin Anthocidaris crassispina (A. Agassiz) (보라성게의 산난과 성장)

  • Yoo Sung Kyoo;Hur Sung Bum;Ryu Ho Young
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.345-358
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    • 1982
  • 1980.8-1982.8월까지 일광, 주문진, 돌산, 어청도 및 성산포에서 채집한 1,663미의 보라성게의 성장 및 산란에 관한 조사이다. 1세부터 5세까지의 평균각경은 가각 19, 32, 43, 51, 58mm로 추정됐으며 $l_\infty=84.4 mm,\;k=0.223,\;t_o=-0.187$의 성장식을 보였다. 가경에 대한 각고, 보대, 간보대, 위홍문부경 및 극 길이의 상관관계는 매우 높았다. 연령에 따른 가부분의 상대성장은차이가 없으나 극의 성장에서는 3세까지는 각경에 비례하여 성장하나 그 이후의 연령부터는 반비례하고 있다. 일광해역에서의 산란은 6-10월에 일어나며 주 산란은 8월로 사료한다. 연령에 따른 주 산란시기는 다르며 고연령군은 저연령군 보다 일찍 산란하고 있다. 제주산 보라성게는 8월 이전에 산란을 이미 마친 상태이며 여수산, 일광산은 주로 8월에, 주문진산, 어청도산은 8월 이후에 산란하는 것으로 판단된다.

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Postoperative Radiotherapy for Intracranial Meningioma (뇌수막종 환자의 수술 후 방사선치료)

  • Chun, Ha-Chung;Lee, Myung-Za
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To evaluate the effectiveness and tolerance of postoperative external radiotherapy for patients with intracranial meningiomas. Materials and Methods : The records of thirty three patients with intracranial meningiomas who were treated with postoperative external irradiation at our institution between Feb, 1988 and Nov, 1999 were retrospectively analyzed. Median age of patients at diagnosis was 53 years with range of 17 to 68 years. Sites of involvement were parasagital, cerebral convexity, sphenoid ridge, parasellar and tentorium cerebelli. Of 33 evaluated patients, 15 transitional, 10 meningotheliomatous, 4 hemangiopericytic, 3 atypical and 1 malignant meningioma were identified. Four patients underwent biopsy alone and remaining 29 patients underwent total tumor resection. A dose of 50 to 60 Gy was delivered in 28-35 daily fractions over a period of 5 to 7 weeks. Follow-up period ranged from 12 months to 8 years. Results : The actuarial survival rates at 5 and 7 years for entire group of patients were 78% and 67%, respectively. The corresponding disease free survival rates were 73% and 61%, respectively. The overall local control rate at 5 years was 83%. One out of 25 patients in benign group developed local failure, while 4 out of 8 patients in malignant group did local failure (p<0.05). Of 4 patients who underwent biopsy alone, 2 developed local failure. There was no significant difference in 5 year actuarial survival between patients who underwent total tumor resection and those who did biopsy alone. Patients whose age is under 60 showed slightly better survival than those whose age is 60 or older, although this was not statistically significant. There was no documented late complications in any patients. Conclusion : Based on our study, we might conclude that postoperative external beam radiotherapy tends to improve survival of patients with intracranial meningiomas comparing with surgery alone.

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Concordance of Seropositivity between Helicobacter pylori and Hepatitis A Virus IgG in Children of Gwangju and Chonnam Area (광주.전남 지역에 거주하는 소아에서 Helicobacter pylori와 A형 간염 바이러스의 혈청 IgG 항체 양성률 비교)

  • Kim, Seon-Young;Kim, Young-Ok;Chung, Hae-Yul;Kim, Byung-Ju;Ma, Jae-Sook
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: This study was undertaken to investigate the seroepidemiologic pattern of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) infections in children. Methods: A total of 315 serum samples were obtained from healthy children, living in Gwangju and Chonnam area. All serum samples were assayed for H. pylori IgG level using enzyme immunoassay techniques. HAV IgG level in serum were tested by a competitive radio-immunoassay in 215 subjects. The age-specific seroprevalence of H. pylori and HAV was separately analysed. The concordance of seropositivity and seronegativity between H. pylori and HAV infection was examined by the kappa statistic analysis. Results: Seropositivity was found in 17.5% (55/315) and 30.2% (65/215) of the subjects for H. pylori and HAV, respectively. Cross-tabulation of these data showed that 21 subjects (9.8%) were seropositive and 135 (62.8%) were seronegative for both H. pylori and HAV, 15 (7.0%) were seropositive for only H. pylori and 44 (20.5%) for only HAV. The seroprevalence of H. pylori and HAV increased significantly with age. There was a slight agreement between H. pylori and HAV seropositivity (${\kappa}$=0.26). Conclusion: This study shows a slight similarity in the concordance of seropositivity and seronegativity between H. pylori and HAV infection and provides evidence that H. pylori and HAV may share a common mode of transmission.

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Clinical Analysis of Airway Foreign Bodies in Children (유소아 기도이물에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • 정명현;김영호;강상훈
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1993.05a
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    • pp.78-78
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    • 1993
  • The authors performed clinical analysis on 124 cases of airway foreign bodies in children treated by ventilating bronchoscopy at Severance hospital from 1980 to 1992. The results were as follows ; 1) The most of the cases were below age of 2.(71%) 2) Nuts were the most common airway foreign body.(52%) 3) The grequent loci of airway foreign body were left main bronchus(49 cases), right main bronchus(38 cases), trachea(17 cases) in order. 4) The most common chest X-ray findings were obstructive emphysema.(60%) 5) By duration of lodgement in the airway, 82 cases(66%) were removed within 1 week and 16 cases(13%) over 30 days. 6) All of 124 cases were successfully treated by ventilating bronchoscopy without serious complications. In conclusion, the left bronchus was the most common location of foreign bodies and it would be advisable to avoid nuts for snack below the age of 2.

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