• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2015 revised national elementary school science curriculum

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The Effects of Environmental Class Using EBS Program on Environmental Sensitivity and Environmental Responsible Behavior of Elementary School Students (EBS 프로그램을 활용한 환경수업이 초등학생의 환경감수성 및 환경책임행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jee-hyun Jeong;Soon-shik Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.224-233
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of environmental classes using EBS program on the environmental sensitivity and environmentally responsible behavior of 6th grade elementary school students. To this end, the 2015 revised elementary school curriculum was reconstructed for 6th grade students, and subject-centered environmental classes were planned, and EBS educational broadcasting environmental contents suitable for each class were applied and utilized. The conclusion of this study is as follows. First, this study analyzed the 2015 revised curriculum and reorganized the 6th grade curriculum and creative experience activities to plan the 22nd environmental class, specifying environmental sensitivity and environmentally responsible behavior that can have a positive impact on learners in each class. EBS educational broadcasting environmental contents that can be utilized were selected and environmental classes were conducted using them. Second, it was found that environmental classes using EBS educational broadcasting had a significant effect on improving the environmental sensitivity of elementary school students. The fact that environmental classes using EBS educational broadcasting goes beyond the spatial limitations of schools and informs that global citizens are interested in environmental problems and are working to solve environmental problems. Third, it was found that environmental classes using EBS educational broadcasting had a significant effect on elementary school students' environmentally responsible behavior. This is because environmental classes using EBS educational broadcasting do not stop at imparting knowledge, but suggest learning that leads to civic behavior, educational behavior, economic behavior, physical behavior, and persuasive behavior related to the environment.

Development of Convergence Education Program for Elementary School Gifted Education Based on Mathematics and Science (초등학교 영재교육을 위한 수학·과학 중심의 융합교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Ryu, Sung-Rim;Lee, Jong-Hak;Yoon, Ma-Byong;Kim, Hak-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.217-228
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to develop STEAM program for gifted education by combining educational contents of humanities, arts, engineering, technology, and design into various subjects, focusing on mathematics-science curriculum of elementary school. The achievement standards and curriculum contents of elementary mathematics-science curriculum were analyzed while considering 2015 revised national curriculum. And then, a 16 class-hour convergence education program consisting of 3-hour block time was developed by applying the STEAM model with 4 steps. The validity of the program developed through this process was verified, and four educational experts evaluate whether the program can be applied to the elementary school. Based on the evaluation results, the convergence education program was finalized. As a result of implementing the gifted education program for mathematics-science, students achieved the objectives and values of convergence education such as creative design, self-directed participation, cooperative learning, and interest in class activities (game, making). If this convergence education program is applied to regular class, creative experiential class, or class for gifted children, students can promote their scientific creativity, artistic sensitivity, design sence, and so on.

Analysis of Plant Species in Elementary School Textbooks in South Korea

  • Kwon, Min Hyeong
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.485-498
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    • 2021
  • Background and objective: This study was conducted to find out the status of plant utilization in the current textbooks by analyzing the plants by grade and subject in the national textbooks for all elementary school grades in the 2015 revised curriculum in Korea. Methods: The data collected was analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel to obtain the frequency and ratio of collected plant data and SPSS for Windows 26.0 to determine learning content areas by grade and the R program was used to visualize the learning content areas. Results: A total of 232 species of plants were presented 1,047 times in the national textbooks. Based on an analysis of the plants presented by grade, the species that continued to increase in the lower grades tended to decrease in the fifth and sixth grades, the upper grades of elementary school. As for the number and frequency of plant species by subject, Korean Language had the highest number and frequency of plant species. The types of presentation of plants in textbooks were mainly text, followed by illustrations and photos of plants, which were largely used in first grade textbooks. In addition, as for the area of learning contents in which plants are used, in the lower grades, plants were used in the linguistic domain, and in the upper grades, in the botanical and environmental domains of the natural sciences. Herbaceous plants were presented more than woody plants, and according to an analysis of the plants based on the classification of crops, horticultural crops were presented the most, followed by food crops. Out of horticultural crops, flowering plants were found the most diversity with 63 species, but the plants that appeared most frequently were fruit trees that are commonly encountered in real life. Conclusion: As a result of this study, various plant species were included in elementary school textbooks, but most of them were horticultural crops encountered in real life depending on their use. Nevertheless, plant species with high frequency have continued a similar trend of frequency from the previous curriculums. Therefore, in the next curriculum, plant learning materials should be reflected according to social changes and students' preference for plants.

Comparative Analysis of Inquiry Activities for Authorized Textbooks in Elementary School Science under the 2015 Revised Curriculum: Stratum and Fossils (2015 개정 교육과정 초등학교 과학 검정교과서의 탐구활동 비교 분석 - 지층과 화석을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Jeong;Jung, Suk-Jin;Shin, Myeong-Kyeong;Shin, Young-Joon;Lee, Gyu-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.295-306
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to analyze the aspect of inquiry activity for seven national science textbooks, which were recently authorized and developed for elementary schools. The study reviewed seven of the abovementioned textbooks, which were introduced to the authorized textbook system for 2022 in elementary schools. In-depth analysis was conducted on inquiry activities, which were frequently emphasized since the third curriculum. A chapter entitled "Stratum and Fossils" was selected to analyze the detailed types of inquiry activity using the framework. First, analysis was conducted on six types of inquiry activity. The result indicated that two out of seven inquiry activities different among the national and authorized textbooks. In other words, the two slightly differed from the inquiry activities presented in national textbooks. It was not reasonable that the introduction of the authorized textbook exerted an effect on the increase of autonomy and variety of teaching and learning activities compared with those of national textbooks. Second, science process skills, material, and inquiry process were established as standards for the detailed types of inquiry activity. The study demonstrated a slight difference among textbooks in terms of material and inquiry process, whereas the inquiry activities of the seven authorized textbooks were the same or similar. This finding indicated that students could experience seven types of inquiry activities. Moreover, the study examined inquiry activities related to essential learning contents in detail and found that there were more diverse than types of inquiry activities.

Elementary School Students' Perceptions on Free Science Inquiry Activities Applying a Brain-Based Evolutionary Approach (뇌기반 진화적 접근법에 따른 과학 자유탐구에 대한 초등학교 학생의 인식)

  • Baek, Ja-Yeon;Lim, Chae-Seong;Kim, Jae-Young
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2015
  • In National Curriculum of Science revised in 2007, free inquiry was newly introduced to increase student's interest in science and to foster creativity by having students make their own curiosity questions and find answers by themselves. The purpose of this study is to analyze elementary school students' perceptions on free science inquiry activities applying a brain-based evolutionary approach. For this study, 106 the fifth grade students participated, and then completed a questionnaire on free inquiry activities according to a brain-based evolutionary science teaching and learning principles. The students performed a series of steps of the Diversifying, Estimating-Evaluating-Executing, and Furthering activities in each of Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive domains (ABC-DEF approach) and constructed their own free inquiry diary, then the observations by the researcher and interviews with the students were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The major results of the study were as follows: First, the majority of the students perceived the each domain and step positively although a few of them perceived negatively. The reasons perceived as negatively were categorized into two; preference dimension of like or dislike and ability dimension of metacognitive or self-reflective capacity. Also, they perceived the free inquiry experience in the form of ABC-DEF as helpful to understand the nature of scientists' scientific activities. Based on these findings, implications for supporting authentic inquiry in school science are discussed.

The Effects of Storytelling Science Classes Applying ARCS Strategy on Science Class Motivation and Scientific Attitude of Elementary School Students (ARCS전략을 적용한 스토리텔링 과학수업이 초등학생들의 과학수업 동기 및 과학적 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Soon-Shik;Lee, Yong-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.227-239
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to see the effects of science classes applying ARCS strategies on motivation of science class as well as scientific attitude of elementary students. For this purpose, 47 elementary students in 2 classes from 5th grade of M elementary school based in P metropolitan city were targeted. One class with 24 students was assigned as experimental group and the other class with 23 students were assigned as control group. The chapter of 'solar system and star' in the curriculum revised in 2009 was taught over 10 classes from mid-April to end of June in 2015. For verification, 10 times science classes applying ARCS strategies were performed on experimental group while 10 times of general science class were performed on control group. The results drawn from this analysis were as below. Firstly, positive relationship was found between motivation of science class and science class applying ARCS strategy among experimental group and this means that science classes applying ARCS strategy stimulate intellectual curiosity of students and improves their attitude by actively promoting research activities. Secondly, there was a positive relationship between scientific attitude and science classes applying ARCS strategy among experimental group. This presents that science classes applying ARCS strategy were effective in improving students' scientific attitude by promoting research activities. Above results show that science classes applying ARCS strategy were highly effective for elementary students.

Content Analysis of Life Science Area in Science Textbooks According to Korean Elementary Curriculum Change (한국 초등학교 교육과정 변천에 따른 과학 교과서 생명영역 내용분석)

  • Koh, Yeon-Sook;Kim, Hyo-Nam
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.203-219
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this paper was analyzing the contents of life science area in elementary science textbooks according to Korean science curricula change to get suggestions for the advancement of science curriculum. The framework of content analysis was developed by revising TIMSS 2015 life science evaluation framework. The results of this research were as follows: 'The differences of living things and non-living things appearing in the first grade mostly were not included in the 1st, the 6th and the 2009 revised curricula. Contents emphasizing rural life were appeared from 'Teaching themes period' to the 2nd curriculum period, disappeared from the 3rd curriculum period until the 2009 revised curriculum. Contagious disease was emphasized in all elementary grades in the 1st curriculum period, which reflected a social phenomena emphasizing health and hygiene after the Korean War. Mostly fungus was included until the 7th curriculum period and bacteria and virus were added from the 2007 revised curriculum period. The way of improving health was emphasized continuously.' The differences of living things and non-living things should be included in elementary science curriculum for the correct 'life' concept formation of elementary students. 'Strategies for helping the living of descendants' and 'the heredity of animal and plant' which were appeared in the lower grades, should be included at the higher grades with greater depth. The incoming elementary science textbooks also need to include science contents about evolution in greater depth, along with human health.

An Analysis of Explicit and Implicit Teaching Cases for Scientific Terms in Science Textbooks (과학교과서에 제시된 과학용어에 대한 명시적 및 암시적 교육 사례 분석)

  • Yun, Eunjeong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.767-775
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to analyze explicit and implicit teaching cases of scientific terms in accordance with the 2015 revised curriculum, pointing out the problems of current textbooks in terms of scientific terms education and proposing method to improve them. Scientific terms used in eight science textbooks of 2015 revised curriculum, third and sixth graders of elementary school, first graders of middle school and first graders of high school were extracted, and cases used explicitly and implicitly were collected and analyzed. Brief summary of the results of the study is as follows. First, scientific terms were used in elementary, middle, and high school science textbooks at a rate of about 15 to 30 percent of the total vocabulary contained in the textbooks, which is on average more than five times larger than those in foreign countries based on the number of scientific terms included on each page. Second, among the scientific terms used in science textbooks, the percentage of scientific terms in which semantic education is achieved through explicit means was 9.7 to 18.8 percent, which naturally means that the remaining 80 percent or more of the scientific terms are presented in the form of implicit education. Third, even though the ratio of explicit term education should be higher in the lower grades, the ratio of explicit term education in elementary schools was lower than 10% in the sixth grade.

Analyses on Propositional Connections in the Texts of Elementary School Science Textbooks Developed under the 2015 Revised Science Curriculum (2015 개정 초등학교 과학 교과서 텍스트의 명제 연결에 대한 분석)

  • Song, Hyewon;Kang, Sukjin
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.79-92
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    • 2022
  • This study examines the propositional connections and markers for connecting propositions in the texts of the 3rd- and 6th-grade science textbooks developed under the 2015 Revised Science Curriculum. A selection of texts from Korean and social science textbooks were analyzed and compared to those from science textbooks as well. The propositional connections were classified into emphasis, elaboration, exemplification, listing, addition, order, correspondence, causal relation, condition, and purpose types. The markers for the relationship of propositions were classified as demonstrative, using conjunctive, using a comma, using distinctive linguistic elements, and no marker types. The results showed that the frequency of propositional connections in the texts of the 6th-grade textbooks was lower than that of Korean and/or social science textbooks. However, the frequency of the propositional connections in the texts of the 3rd-grade textbooks was found to be lower than that of the social science textbook but higher than that of the Korean textbook. The types of order, listing, condition, and causal relation were dominant in science as well as Korean and social science textbooks. Over 40% of the markers for the relationship of propositions were found to be the no marker type, with the ratio of the no marker type being especially higher in the categories of order and causal relation.

An Analysis Study of SW·AI elements of Primary Textbooks based on the 2015 Revised National Curriculum (2015 개정교육과정에 따른 초등학교 교과서의 SW·AI 요소 분석 연구)

  • Park, SunJu
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the degree of reflection of SW·AI elements and CT elements was investigated and analyzed for a total of 44 textbooks of Korean, social, moral, mathematics and science textbooks based on the 2015 revised curriculum. As a result of the analysis, most of the activities of data collection, data analysis, and data presentation, which are ICT elements, were not reflected, and algorithm and programming elements were not reflected among SW·AI content elements, and there were no abstraction, automation, and generalization elements among CT elements. Therefore, in order to effectively implement SW·AI convergence education in elementary school subjects, we will expand ICT utilization activities to SW·AI utilization activities. Training on the understanding of SW·AI convergence education and improvement of teaching and learning methods using SW·AI is needed for teachers. In addition, it is necessary to establish an information curriculum and secure separate class hours for substantial SW·AI education.