• Title/Summary/Keyword: 2차원 변환

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A Implementation of 3D Virtual Face using two 2D photographs (두 장의 2D 사진을 이용한 3D 가상 얼굴 구현)

  • 임낙현;서경호;김태효
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • 2000.12a
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    • pp.117-120
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문에서는 2매의 2차원 얼굴영상으로부터 이들을 합성하여 3차원 얼굴의 가상형상을 복원한다. 여기서 2매의 2차원 얼굴영상은 정면과 측면 영상을 사용한다. 우선 임의의 일반 얼굴에 대한 기준모델을 설정하고, 이 모델에서, 얼굴형상의 특징을 표현하는 귀, 2개의 눈, 코 및 입 부분에 집중적으로 특징점을 규정하고, 그 외에 이마 및 턱 부분에도 특징 점을 규정하여 그 위치좌표를 저장해 둔다. 그 후 정면영상의 좌 우측에 측면영상을 대칭적으로 접속하고 영상의 기하변환 방법을 적용하여 점차적으로 합성한다. 이때 나타나는 합성부분에 색상 및 명도의 차를 제거하기 위해 선형보간법을 적용하여 자연스런 3차원 가상얼굴을 구현하게 된다. 그 결과 불특정 얼굴형상도 3차원으로 구현할 수 있음을 확인하였다.

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A Study on Sound Recognition System Based on 2-D Transformation and CNN Deep Learning (2차원 변환과 CNN 딥러닝 기반 음향 인식 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Tae Min;Cho, Seongwon;Tra, Ngo Luong Thanh;Thanh, Do Chi;Lee, Keeseong
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2022
  • This paper proposes a study on applying signal processing and deep learning for sound recognition that detects sounds commonly heard in daily life (Screaming, Clapping, Crowd_clapping, Car_passing_by and Back_ground, etc.). In the proposed sound recognition, several techniques related to the spectrum of sound waves, augmentation of sound data, ensemble learning for various predictions, convolutional neural networks (CNN) deep learning, and two-dimensional (2-D) data are used for improving the recognition accuracy. The proposed sound recognition technology shows that it can accurately recognize various sounds through experiments.

Efficient Compression of 3D MR Images Using Interslice Redundancy (슬라이스간의 중복성을 이용한 3차원 MR 영상의 효율적인 압축)

  • 김진한;김현순;구탁모;박길흠
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.09a
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    • pp.685-688
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문에서는 슬라이스간의 상관성을 이용한 3차원 MR 영상의 효율적인 압축방법을 제안한다. 제안한 알고리즘은 웨이브릿 변환영역에서 동영상 압축에 사용되는 움직임 보상 부호화와 프랙탈 부호화를 이용한다. 제안한 방법에서는 먼저 영상을 웨이브릿 변환한 후, 공간영역에서 같은 위치에 있는 웨이브릿 계수들을 모아서 일정한 크기를 갖는 웨이브릿 블록으로 재배열한다. 배열된 웨이브릿 블록에 대해 움직임 추정을 하고 블록간의 상관성이 크다고 판단되는 블록에 대해서는 움직임 추정 정보만 이용한다. 그러나 상관성이 작다고 판단되는 블록의 경우에는 최상위 계층의 저주파 부대역에 대해서만 움직임 추정을 하고 나머지 대역에 대해서는 프랙탈 부호화를 실행한다. 그리고 움직임 벡터와 프랙탈 부호화에 의해 복원된 슬라이스와 현재 슬라이스의 차인 오차 영상은 SPIHT로 부호화한다. 제안한 방법을 낮은 비트율에서 실험한 결과, 2차원 SPIHT에 비해 향상된 PSNR을 나타낼 뿐만 아니라 블러링이 줄어들어 객관적, 주관적 화질에서 우수하게 나타난다.

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3-D Wavelet Compression with Lifting Scheme for Rendering Concentric Mosaic Image (동심원 모자이크 영상 표현을 위한 Lifting을 이용한 3차원 웨이브렛 압축)

  • Jang Sun-Bong;Jee Inn-Ho
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2 s.31
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2006
  • The data structure of the concentric mosaic can be regarded as a video sequence with a slowly panning camera. We take a concentric mosaic with match or alignment of video sequences. Also the concentric mosaic required for huge memory. Thus, compressing is essential in order to use the concentric mosaic. Therefore we need the algorithm that compressed data structure was maintained and the scene was decoded. In this paper, we used 3D lifting transform to compress concentric mosaic. Lifting transform has a merit of wavelet transform and reduces computation quantities and memory. Because each frame has high correlation, the complexity which a scene is detected form 3D transformed bitstream is increased. Thus, in order to have higher performance and decrease the complexity of detecting of a scene we executed 3D lifting and then transformed data set was sequently compressed with each frame unit. Each frame has a flexible bit rate. Also, we proposed the algorithm that compressed data structure was maintained and the scene was decoded by using property of lifting structure.

Numerical Analysis of the Phase Change Processes by Coordinate Transformations (좌표변환에 의한 상변화 과정의 수치해석)

  • 유호선;노승탁
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.585-592
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    • 1986
  • 본 연구에서는 시간의존 Boundary-Fitted 좌표계로의 좌표변환을 이용하여 자 연대류를 고려한 임의 형상에서의 2차원 상변화 문제를 해석하는 안정성 있는 수치해 석 방법을 제시하고자 한다.

An Implementation of Table-top based Augmented Reality System for Motor Rehabilitation of the Paretic Hand (손 마비환자의 재활운동을 위한 테이블-탑 증강현실 시스템 구현)

  • Lee, Seokjun;Park, Kil Houm;Lee, Yang Soo;Kwak, Ho Wan;Moon, Gye Wan;Choi, Jae Hun;Jung, Soon Ki
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.254-268
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents an augmented reality (AR) based rehabilitation exercise system to enhance the motor function of the hands for the paretic/hemi-paretic patient. The existing rehabilitation systems rely on mechanical apparatus for palsy rehabilitation, but we aim to use the rehabilitation system at home with easy configuration and minimized equipment by the computer vision based approach. The proposed method evaluates the interaction status of the fingertip action by using the position and the contact of the fingertip markers. We obtain the 2D positions of the fingertip markers from a single camera, and then transform the 3D positions from the calibrated camera space by using an ARToolKit marker. We adopt simple geometric calculation by the conversion of the 2D interest points into the 3D interaction points for the simple interactive task in AR environment. Some experimental results show that the proposed method is practical and simply applicable to the applications with personal AR interaction.

A Study on 2D/3D image Conversion Method using Optical flow of Level Simplified and Noise Reduction (Optical flow의 레벨 간소화와 잡음제거를 이용한 2D/3D 변환기법 연구)

  • Han, Hyeon-Ho;Lee, Gang-Seong;Eun, Jong-Won;Kim, Jin-Soo;Lee, Sang-Hun
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.12b
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    • pp.441-444
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문은 2D/3D 영상 처리에서 깊이지도 생성을 위한 Optical flow에서 레벨을 간소화하여 연산량을 감소시키고 객체의 고유벡터를 이용하여 영상의 잡음을 제거하는 연구이다. Optical flow는 움직임추정 알고리즘의 하나로 두 프레임간의 픽셀의 변화 벡터 값을 나타내며 블록 매칭과 같은 알고리즘에 비해 정확도가 높다. 그러나 기존의 Optical flow는 긴 연산 시간과 카메라의 이동이나 조명의 변화에 민감한 문제가 있다. 이를 해결하기 위해 연산 시간의 단축을 위한 레벨 간소화 과정을 거치고 영상에서 고유벡터를 갖는 영역에 한해 Optical flow를 적용하여 잡음을 제거하는 방법을 제안하였다. 제안한 방법으로 2차원 영상을 3차원 입체 영상으로 변환하였고 SSIM(Structural SIMilarity Index)으로 최종 생성된 영상의 오차율을 분석하였다.

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2D-3D Conversion Method Based on Scene Space Reconstruction (장면의 공간 재구성 기법을 이용한 2D-3D 변환 방법)

  • Kim, Myungha;Hong, Hyunki
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • Previous 2D-3D conversion methods to generate 3D stereo images from 2D sequence consist of labor-intensive procedures in their production pipelines. This paper presents an efficient 2D-3D conversion system based on scene structure reconstruction from image sequence. The proposed system reconstructs a scene space and produces 3D stereo images with texture re-projection. Experimental results show that the proposed method can generate precise 3D contents based on scene structure information. By using the proposed reconstruction tool, the stereographer can collaborate efficiently with workers in production pipeline for 3D contents production.

Design and Implementation of a 3-dimensional GIS Data Provider System (3차원 GIS 데이터제공자 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • 남광우;이성호;박종현
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2004
  • The 3-dimensional GIS data provider system manages and retrieves 2, 3-dimensional spatial and time data. This system provides the standard interfaces which help developers to omit additional works to do modify or convert a format of 2 or 3-dimensional spatial data, which has been already accumulated, into that dependent on a specified system. This system consists of a data provider and data access component. The former deals with the connections with some databases and manages the meta data, so that the various GIS or software can access to 3-dimensional spatial and time data via the same method, and the latter takes charge of index management and spatial operations on GIS data for consumers. The system offers the diverse spatial operations and analysis functions for 3-dimensional GIS.

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Realization of 3D Virtual Face Using two Sheets of 2D photographs (두 장의 2D 사진을 이용한 3D 가상 얼굴의 구현)

  • 임낙현;서경호;김태효
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.16-21
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    • 2001
  • In this paper a virtual form of 3 dimensional face is synthesized from the two sheets of 2 dimensional photographs In this case two sheets of 2D face photographs, the front and the side photographs are used First of all a standard model for a general face is created and from this model the feature points which represents a construction of face are densely defined on part of ears. eyes, a nose and a lip but the other parts. for example, forehead, chin and hair are roughly determined because of flat region or the less individual points. Thereafter the side photograph is connected symmetrically on the left and right sides of the front image and it is gradually synthesized by use of affine transformation method. In order to remove the difference of color and brightness from the junction part, a linear interpolation method is used. As a result it is confirmed that the proposed model which general model of a face can be obtain the 3D virtual image of the individual face.

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