• Title/Summary/Keyword: 확장식별자

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Extended Use Case Modeling for Service-Oriented Computing (서비스 지향 컴퓨팅을 위한 확장 유스케이스 모델링)

  • Cho, Jun-Soo;Chong, Ki-Won
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.153-163
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    • 2009
  • It is necessary to identify the use cases of the supplier systems in order to define new service using their functions. Current use case modeling techniques, however, do not represent the external use cases clearly, because the external system is represented only by an actor. This ambiguity of the modeling technique declines the comprehensiveness of the model, and does not limit the scope of the target system explicitly. In this paper, we propose the extended use case modeling technique for service-oriented computing. This modeling technique enables the definition of external use cases and components. They are used to limit the boundary of the target system, and the relationship between them are modeled by the realization of external use cases. The proposed technique uses UML stereotype extension mechanism. so the compatibility with current use case modeling technique is preserved.

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A Study on Considerations in the Authority Control to Accommodate LRM Nomen (LRM 노멘을 수용하기 위한 전거제어시 고려사항에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Mihwa
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.109-128
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    • 2021
  • This paper is to explore considerations in authority control to accommodate LRM nomen entities through the literature reviews, the analysis of RDA rules, and the opinion survey of domestic catalog experts. As a result, for authority control, considerations were proposed in the aspect of nomen's attribute elements, catalog description, and MARC authority format. First, it is necessary to describe in as much detail as possible the category, the scheme, intended audience, the context of use, the reference source, the language, the script, the script conversion as the attributes of the nomen with the status of identification, note, and indifferentiated name indicators added in RDA. Second, the description method of attribute elements and relational elements of nomen can be unstructured, structured, identifier, and IRI as suggested in RDA, and vocabulary encoding scheme (VES) and string encoding scheme (SES) should be written for structured description, Also, cataloging rules for structuring authorized access points and preferred names/title should be established. Third, an additional expansion plan based on Maxwell's expansion (draft) was proposed in order to prepare the MARC 21 authority format to reflect the LRM nomen. (1) The attribute must be described in 4XX and 5XX so that the attribute can be entered for each nomen, and the attributes of the nomen to be described in 1XX, 5XX and 4XX are presented separately. (2) In order to describe the nomen category, language, script, script conversion, context of use, and date of usage as a nomen attribute, field and subfield in MARC 21 must be added. Accordingly, it was proposed to expand the subfield of 368, 381, and 377, and to add fields to describe the context of use and date of usage. The considerations in authority control for the LRM nomen proposed in this paper will be the basis for establishing an authority control plan that reflects LRM in Korea.

A Study on Batch Auditing with Identification of Corrupted Cloud Storage in Multi-Cloud Environments (손상 클라우드 식별 가능한 다중 클라우드 일괄 감사 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Sooyeon;Kwon, Taekyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2015
  • Recently, many public auditing schemes have been proposed to support public auditability that enables a third party auditor to verify the integrity of data stored in the remote cloud server. To improve the performance of the auditor, several public auditing schemes support batch auditing which allows the auditor to handle simultaneously multiple auditing delegations from different users. However, when even one data is corrupted, the batch auditing will fail and individual and repeated auditing processes will be required. It is difficult to identify the corrupted data from the proof in which distinct data blocks and authenticators of distinct users are intricately aggregated. In this paper, we extend a public auditing scheme of Wang et al. to support batch auditing for multi-cloud and multi-user. We propose an identification scheme of the corrupted cloud when the data of a single cloud is corrupted in the batch auditing of multi-cloud and multi-user.

A Study on the Interconnection and Utilization of National Authority and ISNI: Focusing on the case of National Library of Korea (국가전거와 ISNI 연계 및 활용 방안 연구 - 국립중앙도서관을 중심으로 -)

  • Sungsook Lee;Ziyoung Park;Hyewon Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.457-483
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    • 2023
  • As ISNI spreads, the process and utilization method of authority control that identifies and links individual or group names is also expanding. In this study, the characteristics of the connection and utilization of ISNI and national authorities in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany were derived, and a plan to improve the connection and utilization of national authorities and ISNI was presented, focusing on the National Library of Korea. Focusing on major countries actively participating in the establishment and utilization of ISNI since its founding, national authorities and ISNI linkage methods and ISNI data used in services were analyzed. The implications of this study for the linkage and convergence of national authority and ISNI data were: first, applying ISNI to support authority work, second, establishing a close cooperation system with the publishing community, and third, establishing infrastructure for linking ISNI and authority records at the national level, and finally, providing user service pages based on authority data.

The Method to choose Architectural Approaches by Evaluation (평가를 통한 아키텍처 접근법 선정 방법)

  • Koh Hyonhee;Kung Sanghwan;Yoon Sungchun;Park JaeNyon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.11b
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    • pp.385-387
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    • 2005
  • 복잡하고 방대해진 시스템 개발에서 다양한 이해 관계자들의 요구사항을 시스템에 정확히 반영해야 하고, 이를 위해 시스템의 품질 속성과 이해관계자들의 이해관계를 반영한 소프트웨어 아키텍처의 설계가 성공적인 프로젝트를 위한 중요한 이슈가 되었다. 본 연구에서는 아키텍처 설계 과정에서 식별된 아키텍처 접근법 대안들에 대해 시스템의 요구사항에 대한 만족도를 평가하여 설계단계에서 설계자들이 가장 적합한 아키텍처 접근법을 선정 하도록 하고 있다. 즉 평가를 통해 선정된 아키텍처 접근법을 기반으로 아키텍처 설계를 확장해 나감으로써 설계 산출물의 신뢰성과 완성도를 높이는 효과를 기대 할 수 있다.

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A Study of the Internet scalability problems (Internet 확장성 문제에 관한 연구)

  • You, Tae-Wan;Lee, Seung-Yun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.852-855
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    • 2007
  • 1990년대 인터넷의 폭발적인 확장은 인터넷의 심각한 scalability 문제를 야기 시켰다. 특히 BGP 테이블의 기하급수적인 성장세를 보였고, 이러한 확정성을 해결하기 위해 새로운 IP 프로토콜인 IP version 6(IPv6)를 표준화하였다. 그러나 IPv6는 실질적으로 인터넷의 scalability를 충분히 해결하지 못했으며, 특히 멀티호밍, Traffic Engineering, PI (Provider Independent) routing 정책들로 인해 다시 한 번 scalability 문제는 크게 이슈화 되었다. 따라서 현재 인터넷의 표준을 제정하는 IETF에서는 장기적인 안목으로 인터넷 아키텍처의 변경을 통해 자연스럽게 해결하려 하고 있다. 현재 인터넷 아키텍처가 가지고 있는 가장 큰 문제는 routing과 addressing의 핵심으로 사용되는 IP 주소의 의미의 중복 (overloading semantics)이며, 라우팅을 위한 정보 (how), 단말의 위치 정보(where), 그리고 이 외에 전송 계층 상위에서 사용되는 단말의 식별자 정보(who)로 사용되는 IP 주소의 의미 중복을 해결하면, 자연스럽게 scalability 문제를 해결함과 동시에 멀티호밍, Traffic engineering, renumbering, 그리고 이동성 지원 등을 지원할 수 있게 되는 것이다. 본 논문은 이와 같이 현재 인터넷이 가지고 있는 확장성 문제를 살펴보고, 이를 해결하기 위해 제시된 IP 주소에서 Identifier와 locator를 분리하는 기술들을 분석한다.

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Attack Surface Expansion through Decoy Trap for Protected Servers in Moving Target Defense

  • Park, Tae-Keun;Park, Kyung-Min;Moon, Dae-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a method to apply the attack surface expansion through decoy traps to a protected server network. The network consists of a large number of decoys and protected servers. In the network, each protected server dynamically mutates its IP address and port numbers based on Hidden Tunnel Networking that is a network-based moving target defense scheme. The moving target defense is a new approach to cyber security and continuously changes system's attack surface to prevent attacks. And, the attack surface expansion is an approach that uses decoys and decoy groups to protect attacks. The proposed method modifies the NAT table of the protected server with a custom chain and a RETURN target in order to make attackers waste all their time and effort in the decoy traps. We theoretically analyze the attacker success rate for the protected server network before and after applying the proposed method. The proposed method is expected to significantly reduce the probability that a protected server will be identified and compromised by attackers.

Application of RFID System for MES Enhancement -Focused on EPCIS Expended Model- (MES개선을 위한 RFID 적용 -EPCIS 확장모형을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Weon-Yong;Rhee, Jong-Tae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.333-345
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    • 2007
  • In the recent years, the companies have manually recorded a production status in a work diary or have mainly used a bar code in order to collect each process's progress status, production performance and quality information in the production and logistics process in real time. But, it requires an additional work because the worker's record must be daily checked or the worker must read it with the bar code scanner. At this time, data's accuracy is decreased owing to the worker's intention or mistake, and it causes the problem of the system's reliability. Accordingly, in order to solve such problem, the companies have introduced RFID which comes into the spotlight in the latest automatic identification field. RFID is an automatic identification technology by radio communication technology that allows us to identify or record information without contacting the corresponding object, and as Gen2 and EPCIS, EPCglobal's standard tag for RFID, have recently been established, it will be introduced to the whole computation industry. This study suggests RFID type Modeling Notation for analyzing logistics flow to improve MES focusing on extended model of EPCIS, and EPCISEvent Template in manufacturing industry.

FPGA-based Hardware Implementation of Cryptography Algorithm ARIA (암호화 알고리즘 ARIA의 FPGA기반 하드웨어 구현)

  • Kim Young-Soo;Cho Sun-Gu
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.1229-1236
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    • 2006
  • Group oriented multicast service is a prerequisite for the current application system for remote lecture and customer service. IP multicast is used to be generally accepted as an internet standard. IP multicast which is designed to support network based replication model can efficiently use host and network resource, however it has some weak points that it has to support IP multicast in the internet by adding multicast-capable internet infrastructure such as router and is vulnerable to security by using public IP address for group identifier. Therefore we propose the trigger based application level multicast model that can enhance both scalability and security by separating the functions, which send and receive message to solve these problems. Our suggested model is expected to ensure the promotion of quality of service and reliability.

Indexing Techniques or Nested Attributes of OODB Using a Multidimensional Index Structure (다차원 파일구조를 이용한 객체지향 데이터베이스의 중포속성 색인기법)

  • Lee, Jong-Hak
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.2298-2309
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    • 2000
  • This paper proposes the multidimensioa! nested attribute indexing techniques (MD- NAI) in object-oriented databases using a multidimensional index structure. Since most conventional indexing techniques for object oriented databases use a one-dimensional index stnlcture such as the B-tree, they do not often handle complex qUlTies involving both nested attributes and class hierarchies. We extend a tunable two dimensional class hierachy indexing technique(2D-CHI) for nested attributes. The 2D-CHI is an indexing scheme that deals with the problem of clustering ohjects in a two dimensional domain space that consists of a kev attribute dOI11'lin and a class idmtifier domain for a simple attribute in a class hierachy. In our extended scheme, we construct indexes using multidimensional file organizations that include one class identifier domain per class hierarchy on a path expression that defines the indexed nested attribute. This scheme efficiently suppoI1s queries that involve search conditions on the nested attribute represcnted by an extcnded path expression. An extended path expression is a one in which a class hierarchy can be substituted by an indivisual class or a subclass hierarchy in the class hierarchy.

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