• Title/Summary/Keyword: 확대 영상

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A Study on the Formative Characteristics of Character Design : Focusing on Body Proportion (캐릭터 디자인의 조형적 특성에 관한 연구 -신체비례를 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Hye Kyungg
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Floral Art and Design
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    • no.41
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 2019
  • The characters that could be connected to diverse cultural contents have formed diverse platforms with the development of digital technology, and the size of the relevant industry and market is rapidly growing. Recently, the utilization of character emoticons for smartphone messenger has been rapidly increased, so that the characters are settled down as a tool for non-verbal communication, on top of drawing attention as an independent area. With the expansion of character market, the importance of design that could give interest and familiarity to consumers is more emphasized. The body proportion of characters includes the implicative and symbolic meanings that could express diverse personalities. Thus, this study examined the body proportion of the characters with the high consumers' preference, and then analyzed the characteristics of formative elements of character design in accordance with the body proportion. In the results of the analysis, the exaggerated form of SD characters in two or three-head figure, and the realistic Real characters in seven or eight-head figure were preferred. For the SD characters, the colors with a high chroma showing the cute and cheerful image were used. For the Real characters, the cubic effect was expressed through the colors with active images and the light and shade of color. Even though the SD characters have limited motions due to the omitted body parts, the facial movements of animation characters are exaggerated while the Real characters describe the realistic and dynamic motions.

Study on the Applicability of CPT Based Soil Classification Chart (콘관입시험결과를 이용한 흙분류차트의 적용성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chan-Hong;Im, Jong-Chul;Kim, Young-Sang
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5C
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2008
  • Soil profiling is one of the most important work among geotehnical engineering practice. Generally, soil profile is estimated from the observation of soil samples during subsurface exploration but such estimation also includes some experiencing aspects such as flushed water from the borehole, slime colour, boring speed and so on. In addition, since the capacity of hydraulic drill rig is significantly increased, thin layers might be easily missed. So, continuous soil profile is almost impossible over all depth to be bored from conventional subsurface exploration. While CPT or CPTu can serve continuous soil profile information over all depth generally in 5cm interval. Many charts or methods for soil profile from CPT result have been proposed during last several decades over the world. However they have not been verified in local ground condition in Korea. In this research, CPT results and soil classification results based on USCS were compiled from 17 sites over the Korea. Soil classification results by using 7 CPT soil classification charts were compared with those of USCS for the compiled database. Most proper CPT soil classification chart for Korean soil characteristics was evaluated and effective parameters for the soil classification from CPT were discussed. Finally interrelationship between CPT soil classification chart and USCS soil classification was evaluated.

Current status of site observations for evapotranspiration and soil moisture content in the K-water dam watershed (K-water 댐 유역 증발산량 및 토양수분량 관측 현황)

  • Cho, Younghyun;Kang, Tae Ho;Lee, Young Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.67-67
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    • 2022
  • 국가 물관리 측면에서 증발산량과 토양수분량은 자연계 손실로서 국내 수자원 총량의 약43%(563억 m3/년)를 차지하며, 수자원의 계획과 개발, 물순환 과정 규명 및 다양한 수재해 분석 등을 위한 수문 요소이다. 정부는 2005년 「수문조사 선진화 5개년 계획」과 2008년 「제1차 수문조사기본계획(2010~2019년)」을 통해 2019년까지 증발산량과 토양수분량 관측소 확대(각각 25개 지점) 기반을 마련하였고 「수자원의 조사·계획 및 관리에 관한 법률」에 따라 매년 공인 수문 자료로 증발산량과 토양수분량을 측정하고 있다. 증발산량과 토양수분량은 댐 유역의 정밀한 물순환 해석에도 매우 중요한 정보로서 현재 K-water에서의 관측은 일부 시험유역(용담댐 유역)의 flux tower에 의한 에디공분산법(Eddy Covariance Method) 및 토양수분 센서(TDR, Time Domain Reflectometery)에 의한 지점 자료의 생산만 각각 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 K-water 댐 유역의 증발산량 및 토양수분량 관측 현황과 그간 관측된 자료의 특성을 각종 경향성 분석 등과 함께 소개하고자 한다, 증발산량의 경우는 2개소의 flux tower를운영(덕유산 지점 2011년 이후, 용담 지점 2017년 이후)하고 있으며, 토양수분량은 총 7개소(계북, 천천, 상전, 안천, 부귀, 주천 지점 2013년 이후, 장계 지점 2017년 이후)에 TDR센서를 설치, 계측 운영 중이다. 이렇게 관측된 자료는 매년 홍수통제소 주관 관련 전문가 공인심사를 통해 일자료 기준으로 한국수문조사연보에 수록되고 있으며, K-water에서도 연보를 통해 공개된 자료를 기준으로 공공데이터포털(data.go.kr) 등과 연계하여 온라인 자료 서비스 중이다. 한편, 최근 2020년 「제2차 수문조사 기본계획(2020~2029년)」에서는 수자원 위성 개발연구와 연계하여 위성을 활용한 증발산량과 토양수분량 산정 연구의 필요성이 강조되고 있다. 하지만 본 연구에서 살펴본 지점 자료만으로는 댐 유역을 포함한 광역단위의 시계열 공간정보를 생산하기 한계가 있으며, 댐 유역과 국내 전 지역의 공간 시계열 증발산량 및 토양수분량 자료 산정과 활용 방안에 대해 정립하고, 나아가 위성영상을 활용한 댐 유역 증발산량·토양수분량 관측 가이드라인 마련 등을 위해서는 국가적으로 많은 재원의 투입과 노력이 필요한 상황이다.

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Neuroscientific Challenges to deontological theory: Implications to Moral Education (의무론에 대한 신경과학의 도전: 도덕교육에의 시사)

  • Park, Jang-Ho
    • Journal of Ethics
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    • no.82
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    • pp.73-125
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    • 2011
  • This article aims to search for moral educational implication of J. D. Greene's recent neuro-scientific approaches to deontological ethics. Recently new technique in neuroscience such as fMRI is applied to moral and social psychological concepts or terms, and 'affective primacy' and 'automaticity' principles are highlighted as basic concepts of the new paradigm. When these principles are introduced to ethical theories, it makes rooms of new and different interpretations of them. J. D. Greene et al. claim that deontological moral judgments or theories are just a kind of post hoc rationalization for intuitions or emotions by ways of neuroscientific findings and evolutionary interpretation. For example, Kant's categorical imperative in which a maxim should be universalizable to be as a principle, might be a product of moral intuition. Firstly this article tries to search for intellectual backgrounds of the social intuitionalism where Greens' thought originates. Secondly, this article tries to collect and summarize his arguments about moral dilemma responses, personal-impersonal dilemma catergorizing hypothesis, fMRI data interpretations by ways of evolutionary theory, cultural and social psychological theories, application to deontological and consequential theories, and his suggestion that deontological ethics shoud be rejected as a normative ethical thought and consequentialism be a promising theory etc. Thirdly, this tries to analyse and critically exam those aspects and argumentation, especially from viewpoints of the ethicists whose various strategies seek to defeat Greene's claims. Fourthly, this article criticizes that his arguments make a few critical mistakes in methodology and data interpretation. Last, this article seeks to find its implications for moral education in korea, in which in spite of incomplete argumentation of his neuroscientific approach to morality, neuroethics needs to be introduced as a new approach and educational content, and critical materials as well.

Development of future education programs through edutech utilization programs (에듀테크 활용 프로그램을 통한 미래교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee Min-hye
    • Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.81-95
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    • 2022
  • The core of this study is to develop an edutech utilization program to be applied to 5th grade students by utilizing school curriculum time, and the conclusions based on the results of the study are as follows. First, for the development of future educational programs using edutech, a content preference survey was conducted and significant responses were confirmed from 27 teachers and 216 students, excluding missing values. In the future education implementation, UCC (video shooting, editing, etc.) and work activities (3D pen, 3D printer, etc.) were selected based on the need for separate edtech devices. Second, in order to develop a future education program using edutech, the future education class module was set in 4 stages based on previous research. First of all, in Make a foundation, theories by subject are developed, and in Open an activity, future education experience activities using key edutech are developed. In Organize evaluation, individual self-evaluation was conducted, and based on this, customized in-depth supplementary activities were conducted in Act individually. Third, in order for future education programs using edutech to be organized in the regular curriculum, sufficient connectivity with the curriculum must be secured. The basis for systematic and stable research was prepared by analyzing the curriculum of the 5th grade subject of the study and securing hours in connection with creative experiential activities. The data developed through this process were modified and supplemented based on the content validity test. The fact that the program application and verification steps were not performed is a limitation of this study, but it is expected that this program will expand the possibility of future education practice in the school field.

Automatic Extraction of Tree Information in Forest Areas Using Local Maxima Based on Aerial LiDAR (항공 LiDAR 기반 Local Maxima를 이용한 산림지역 수목정보 추출 자동화)

  • In-Ha Choi;Sang-Kwan Nam;Seung-Yub Kim;Dong-Gook Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_4
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    • pp.1155-1164
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    • 2023
  • Currently, the National Forest Inventory (NFI) collects tree information by human, so the range and time of the survey are limited. Research is actively being conducted to extract tree information from a large area using aerial Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) and aerial photographs, but it does not reflect the characteristics of forest areas in Korea because it is conducted in areas with wide tree spacing or evenly spaced trees. Therefore, this study proposed a methodology for generating Digital Surface Model (DSM), Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and Canopy Height Model (CHM) images using aerial LiDAR, extracting the tree height through the local Maxima, and calculating the Diameter at Breath Height (DBH) through the DBH-tree height formula. The detection accuracy of trees extracted through the proposed methodology was 88.46%, 86.14%, and 84.31%, respectively, and the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of DBH calculated based on the tree height formula was around 5cm, confirming the possibility of using the proposed methodology. It is believed that if standardized research on various types of forests is conducted in the future, the scope of automation application of the manual national forest resource survey can be expanded.

Dosimetry Evaluation Based on Approach Site During Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Procedure (말초 삽입형 중심 정맥 카테터(PICC) 시술 시 Approach site에 따른 선량 평가)

  • Young-Hyun Seo;Jung-Keun Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.757-763
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    • 2024
  • Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC) are a safe and effective method for patients requiring long-term venous access, with expanding indications in various clinical situations. This study aims to evaluate dosimetry based on the PICC insertion site to propose an optimal approach that achieves effective dose reduction. Between 2022 and 2024, 129 patients who underwent Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) procedures at a cardiac center in Yeosu were analyzed, with 72 procedures using the right arm and 57 using the left arm. Although there was no statistically significant difference in physical characteristics between the two groups, dosimetry evaluations showed that using the right arm resulted in significantly lower values for absorbed dose (4.06·10-5 ± 0.21 mGy·cm2), air dose (1.67 ± 0.98 mGy), and fluoroscopy time (30.49 ± 9.04 s) (p<0.05). These results suggest that procedures using the right arm are safer and more effective. In the evaluation of overall variables, the correlation between fluoroscopy time and physical characteristics was not statistically significant, but absorbed dose and air dose showed a meaningful increase as fluoroscopy time increased (p<0.001), reflecting a similar trend to the left arm approach. This study confirmed that the right arm is effective for dose reduction during PICC procedures when comparing insertion sites in the left and right arms. The use of the left arm tended to increase absorbed dose and fluoroscopy time due to the greater anatomical distance to the superior vena cava (SVC). A limitation of the study is that it focused on general patients rather than critically ill ones; however, these results are expected to contribute to appropriate route selection for PICC access.

Earthquake Monitoring : Future Strategy (지진관측 : 미래 발전 전략)

  • Chi, Heon-Cheol;Park, Jung-Ho;Kim, Geun-Young;Shin, Jin-Soo;Shin, In-Cheul;Lim, In-Seub;Jeong, Byung-Sun;Sheen, Dong-Hoon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2010
  • Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Law was activated into force on March 2009. By the law, the obligation to monitor the effect of earthquake on the facilities was extended to many organizations such as gas company and local governments. Based on the estimation of National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the number of free-surface acceleration stations would be expanded to more than 400. The advent of internet protocol and the more simplified operation have allowed the quick and easy installation of seismic stations. In addition, the dynamic range of seismic instruments has been continuously improved enough to evaluate damage intensity and to alert alarm directly for earthquake hazard mitigation. For direct visualization of damage intensity and area, Real Time Intensity COlor Mapping (RTICOM) is explained in detail. RTICOM would be used to retrieve the essential information for damage evaluation, Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA). Destructive earthquake damage is usually due to surface waves which just follow S wave. The peak amplitude of surface wave would be pre-estimated from the amplitude and frequency content of first arrival P wave. Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system is conventionally defined to estimate local magnitude from P wave. The status of EEW is reviewed and the application of EEW to Odesan earthquake is exampled with ShakeMap in order to make clear its appearance. In the sense of rapidity, the earthquake announcement of Korea Meteorological Agency (KMA) might be dramatically improved by the adaption of EEW. In order to realize hazard mitigation, EEW should be applied to the local crucial facilities such as nuclear power plants and fragile semi-conduct plant. The distributed EEW is introduced with the application example of Uljin earthquake. Not only Nation-wide but also locally distributed EEW applications, all relevant information is needed to be shared in real time. The plan of extension of Korea Integrated Seismic System (KISS) is briefly explained in order to future cooperation of data sharing and utilization.

Assessment of Environmental Conservation Function using Changes of Land Use Area and Surface Temperature in Agricultural Field (용인시의 토지이용면적과 지표면 온도 변화를 이용한 환경보전 기능 변동 계량화)

  • Ko, Byong-Gu;Kang, Kee-Kyung;Hong, Suk-Young;Lee, Deog-Bae;Kim, Min-Kyeong;Seo, Myung-Chul;Kim, Gun-Yeob;Park, Kwang-Lai;Lee, Jung-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • This study was aimed at assess environmental conservation functions by analyzing the change of land use areas in agricultural fields between 1999 and 2006, and comparing land surface temperature distribution between 1994 and 2006 in Yongin city. Land use maps of Yongin city were obtained from soil maps for 1999, Quickbird satellite images(less than 1 m) and parcel map for 2006. The land use area for Yongin city was in the order of forest > paddy field > upland > residence & building in 1999, and forest > residence & building > paddy field > upland in 2006. Decrease of paddy and upland fields reduced 34% and 41% of the capability of agricultural multifunctionality as to environment including flood control, groundwater recharge, and air cooling. Land surface temperature(LST) was derived from Landsat TM thermal infrared band acquired in September of 1994 and 2006 and classified into three grades. The results impplied that green vegetation in agricultural field and forest play an important role to reduce land surface temperature in warm season.

A Case of Urologic Manifestation of IARS2-associated Leigh Syndrome (IARS2 유전자 연관 리 증후군(Leigh syndrome) 여아에서 방광기능장애 증례)

  • Hyunjoo Lee;Ji-Hoon Na;Young-Mock Lee
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2023
  • Leigh syndrome is a rare progressive neurodegenerative mitochondrial disorder with clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Recently, balletic IARS2 variants have been identified in a number of patients presenting broad clinical phenotypes from Leigh and West syndrome to a rare syndrome CAGSSS characterized by cataracts, growth hormone deficiency, sensory neuropathy, sensorineural hearing loss, and skeletal dysplasia syndrome (OMIM#616007). We describe a child with Korean Leigh syndrome with urologic manifestations resulting from a compound heterozygote mutation in IARS2. A 5-year-old girl visited the emergency room with a complaint of abdominal pain accompanied by abdominal distension. Abdominal-pelvic CT showed a markedly distended urinary bladder without definite obstructive lesions. She was diagnosed with neurogenic bladder dysfunction based on a urodynamic study. She had global delayed development due to neurologic regression after 6 months of age and a history of bilateral cataract surgery at the age of 2 years. Her brain magnetic resonance imaging showed symmetrically increased signal intensities in the bilateral putamen and caudate nuclei with diffuse cerebral atrophy. No gene variants were identified through whole-mitochondrial genome analysis. Whole exome sequencing was performed for diagnosis, and compound heterozygous pathogenic variants were identified in IARS2: c.2446C>T (p. Arg816Ter) and c.2450G>A (p. Arg817His). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of bladder dysfunction manifestation in a patient with IARS2-related Leigh syndrome. Thus, it broadens the clinical and genetic spectrum of IARS2-associated diseases.

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