• Title/Summary/Keyword: 협력적 학습

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A Study of Ways to Utilize MOOCs in LIS Education (문헌정보학 교육의 MOOCs 활용 방안 연구)

  • Chang, Yunkeum
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.263-282
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    • 2015
  • Online education in the field of LIS has continued to spread out in university curricula or with collaborative online programs through consortia among universities. Unlike the traditional online education, however, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) with the recent advent and advances have risen as a new paradigm in education of the future in that these are massive online learner-centered courses, free and open to any person with no limit on enrollment. With no exception to this phenomenon, the LIS field centered by overseas iSchool universities has been offering MOOCs for core LIS courses. This research conducted a case study of utilizing a part of overseas LIS MOOCs in a core LIS course at domestic University-A, in order to explore the potential for utilizing overseas MOOCs in LIS education. The results of conducting a survey and a focus group interview to students discovered that MOOCs content was interesting and useful and many of them were willing to take other MOOCs in the future, despite some language barriers. Based on these findings, this study suggested the need for establishing educational value, administering methods, ways to motivate students, and designing MOOCs by incorporating the characteristics of the LIS field, as ways to utilize MOOCs in LIS education.

An Action Research to Improve Nursing Ethics and Professional Course using Visual Thinking and Window Panning (비주얼 씽킹과 윈도우 패닝을 적용한 간호윤리와 전문직 교과목 수업개선에 관한 실행연구)

  • Choi, Hanna;Kim, Suhyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.362-373
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    • 2021
  • This is an action research study of mixed methodology design to confirm the implementation process and effects of applying visual thinking and window paning on improving nursing ethics and professional courses. Based on the conceptual model for action research, a quantitative and qualitative approach was taken. The data was collected and analyzed in an integrated manner. The survey analysis was done using the SPSS WIN 23.0 program. The participants were interviewed after experiencing the techniques in class and content analysis was used on the answers. As a result of applying visual thinking and window paning, ethical decision-making confidence (t=6.748, p<.001) and nursing professional intuition (t=-3.52, p<.001) showed statistically significant changes. There was, however, no significant change in biomedical ethics consciousness (t=1.291, p=.199). Qualitative analysis found that they had fresh experience, an unfamiliar but comfortable feeling, feeling of being mine, insufficient time, systematic case study approach based on theory, were able to cultivate cooperation and coordination ability through discussion and experience in various professional fields, pride, ethical responsibility consciousness and were able to apply learning content in the field. Visual thinking and window paning foster diverse competencies in nursing education and help integrative learning. Therefore, based on the results it is proposed that visual thinking and window paning are applied to the improvement of instruction in other courses to develop core nursing competency.

A comparative analysis of Leadership Competency Education System in Korea, US and UK (한국·미국·영국의 유아교육기관 원장 리더십역량 교육체계 비교분석)

  • Park, Soo-Jin;Kim, Mi-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.255-283
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the comtent of the education system of US and the UK in order to build an integrated system that can develop the leadership competency of preschool principle. Based on this, the implications are as follows. First, competencies can developed through learning rather than fixed. Therefore, re-conceptualization of leadership competence appropriate to the characteristics and organization of the individual as the presiding authority of the preschool can be considered as ability to show visible knowledge and skills, invisible self concept. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a capacity development plan based on this. Second, the introduction and implementation of continuous and systematic training programs such as the training system that strengthens the capacity of the directors and principals of the United States and the United Kingdom is necessary. To do this, we must introduce a system that renews certification every five years, like the United States, rather than a system that acquires and maintains certification with a single training. Third, various training methods should be carried out. In the case of the US and the UK, we think it is desirable to train in various ways in the training period, the university, the teacher center, and the private organization or association. Therefore, it is necessary to build a cooperation system with various institutions such as training institutes, universities, teacher centers, educational information research institutes, and private organizations in each province, and strengthen them in various ways. Fourth, the contents and methods of qualification training and future job training of the director of the preschool should be deviated from the uniform level. Therefore, the systematic research that reflects the knowledge and contents of the administration required in the field should be given priority by the university or research organization that is in charge of the training.

Skills Development Programmes and Activities for LIS Professionals in India: A Road Map For South Asian Countries (문헌정보학 전문가를 위한 인도의 기술개발 프로그램과 활동 분석)

  • Ramesha, Ramesha
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.95-113
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    • 2011
  • The new millennium with mystifying convergence of IT has opened new challenges to LIS profession. This has resulted to continuous skill development and lifelong learning, for capacity building in consonant with contemporary changes. The LIS profession in India has created several mechanisms to organize and conduct several skills development programmes through which professionals are continuously enabled to update their professional knowledge and skills, in practice and teaching. There is a good organizational infrastructure and identified areas related to the recent developmental trends and as such LIS professionals and educators have facilities for updating their knowledge at veritable levels and intervals. The paper has surveyed programmes conducted by different organizations at different levels and highlights the aspects of the organizational infrastructure and the emergent areas of applications in LIS teaching, research and professional practices in India. The selection of areas and subjects for various skill development programmes suggest the competencies acquired by the LIS professionals from India, and the empowerment of their professional knowledge can be of immense value to its neighbouring countries. The paper highlights the knowledge and competencies of the LIS professionals in India and the broad-based facilities available here which can be a model for those countries which are seeking to utilize the LIS human resources from this part of the sub-continent. The paper in this circumstance surveyed on the institutional infrastructure for skill developmental opportunities available in India which would meet such requirements within and to the countries outside in the South Asian region seeking its collaboration in such manpower development work.

An Analysis of Teacher Librarians' Educational Role Embedded in Inquiry Tasks of Elementary Social Studies Textbooks: based on the 4th·5th·6th Grade in the Second Term (초등학교 「사회」 교과서 탐구 과제에 포함된 사서교사의 교육적 역할 분석 - 초등학교 4·5·6학년 2학기 사회교과를 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Jong-Youl;Song, Gi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.29-47
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the inquiry tasks included in the elementary social studies with school library based instruction (SLBI) focused on the information literacy process and select teacher librarians' educational role under learning for social studies. For this purpose, national elementary curriculum of $4^{th}$, $5^{th}$ and $6^{th}$ social studies in the second term are analyzed. As results of analysis, the $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ students who take part in solving the inquiry tasks could compare and analyze illustrations, photographs and texts in their text books individually and present the results with speaking. The $6^{th}$ students could deal with their tasks using their experience, idea or information found from other resources and express the outcome orally according to the content of inquiry tasks. Therefore, teacher librarians could teach information literacy skills such as comparison, contrast, combination, distinction between opinions and facts, or prediction and inference of conclusion to the $4^{th}$ and $5^{th}$ elementary student. Teacher librarians can also participate in whole information literacy instruction for the $6^{th}$ students from building the solution strategies of tasks, collecting and using materials to completing and evaluating the results under the long term collaboration with the classroom teachers.

A Study on the Design of Inquiry Instruction Model by Information Literacy Instruction in School Library (학교도서관의 정보활용교육에 의한 탐구수업모형 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Ro, Jin-Young;Byun, Woo-Yeoul;Lee, Byeong-Ki
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.471-492
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    • 2009
  • Inquiry instruction is a dynamic process that uses questioning and answering to have students actively participate in their own learning. Inquiry instruction is a teaching technique in which teachers do not provide knowledge, but help students discover knowledge by themselves. However, Inquiry instruction currently has problems of lack of connection between inquiry process and school library, lack of collaboration between the media specialist and teacher, and lack of applicable models. Information literacy is the ability to access, evaluate and use information. Information literacy process is closely related to the inquiry process. Thus, this study suggested an elaborative model in inquiry instruction using information literacy process. This research derived the skills, strategies, activities of inquiry instruction model by comparing and analyzing Lippitt's inquiry process with information literacy process(Big6 Skills, Pathways to Knowledge, I-Search, 8Ws, Inquiry Process, Inquiry in the Research Process). Based on the results, this study designed an elaborative model in inquiry instruction using information literacy process.

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A Study on the Reading Effectiveness of School Library Event Collection Programs: Focusing on Korean History (학교도서관 이벤트컬렉션 프로그램의 독서 효과에 관한 연구: 한국사 분야를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Eunjung;Kim, Giyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.73-110
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    • 2017
  • This study explores the effectiveness and applications of event collection programs, which are integrated programs with event experience and collection experience as a cooperation model that combines school education and library resources as course-related materials. For the purpose, a triangulated analysis with both quantitative and qualitative data was conducted. As a result, This study examined an event collection program's effectiveness which were positive effects on the participated students' reading and perceptions on the roles of their school libraries. The event collection supported the students to self-construct their knowledge by exploring information with the provision of a collection with various materials on a topic, which would be hardly provided within the traditional library subject classification, and that the event collection program could be a useful tool for self-directed reading due to its promotion of interaction, sharing, and participation among materials and the participated students by functional factors of experiential marketing.

Improvement Plan for Library Services Through the Disabled Users' Needs Analysis in University Library (장애인 이용자의 요구분석을 통한 대학도서관 서비스 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Jae-Young;Jeong, Hye-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.189-207
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    • 2010
  • To provide appropriate use of information and learning opportunities for ensuring to disabled, university libraries are needed to be equipped with facilities and conveniences. This study aimed to suggest the improvements of university library services of disabled student with a focus group interview and through conducting comparative analysis of domestic and foreign cases. On the basis of analysis, this study concluded that a library administrator should reflect the views of users(disabled student) in university sector and provide a dedicated space for disabled student only. Also, the arrangement of librarians for the disabled and education for them should be back up for improving library service for the disabled. In addition, groping the ways of cooperation with campus organizations, and operating the regular evaluation is the factors which should be considered in.

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중소기업구조개선(中小企業構造改善)과 지역기술혁신체제(地域技術革新體制)

  • Park, Jun-Gyeong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.3-61
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    • 1996
  • 80년대초 이후 기술혁신의 가속으로 중소기업에서도 기술변화에 대한 적응이 경쟁력의 유지를 위한 핵심과제가 되면서, OECD 국가는 중소기업에 대한 과학기술정보(科學技術情報)의 이전(移轉)을 촉진하는 정부지원을 확충하였다. 경제성과의 개선을 위해서는 기술혁신만이 아니라 기술혁신의 성과를 확산시키는 것도 중요하다는 인식으로 중소기업의 경쟁력향상에 기여하는 과학기술정보의 공급확대를 위하여 연구개발사업(硏究開發事業)에 대한 지원을 강화하는 동시에 중소기업에 대한 과학기술정보의 이전을 촉진하기 위하여 과학기술정보의 공급원(供給源)(대학, 시험연구기관 등)과 중소기업을 연결하는 다양한 중개(仲介)(촉매(觸媒))기관(機關)의 설립 운영을 지원하고 있다. 연구개발과 과학기술정보이전에 관한 과학기술공급원과 중소기업간의 인식의 차이를 해소하기 위하여 정보교환(情報交換)과 인적교류(人的交流)를 확대하고 과학기술공급원이 제공하는 지식을 중소기업이 이용하기 쉬운 기술로 변환하기도 한다. 이러한 기능을 중개기관이 효과적으로 수행하기 위해서는 중소기업 사업자와 신뢰관계(信賴關係)를 구축하는 것이 긴요하며, 기술변화를 인지 수용하도록 유도하는 초기단계에서는 중소기업의 네트워크를 통하여 접근하는 것이 효과적이다. 이러한 기술확산과정(技術擴散過程)의 특성으로 인하여 지역혁신체제(地域革新體制)의 구축과 기술혁신정책(技術革新政策)의 지역화(地域化)가 강조되고 있다. 최근에 통상산업부와 과학기술처도 기술혁신정책의 지역화를 시도하고 있다. 연구기반과 산업기반을 고려하여 지역별로 다양한 유형의 산학연 공동연구기반이 구축될 계획이다. 기술혁신정책의 지역화는 시도단계에 불과하며 효율적인 지역혁신체제를 구축하기 위한 여건도 불리하다. 선진국에 비하여 대학과 연구기관의 연구자원(硏究資源)에서도 현격한 차이가 있으나, 네트워크의 혁신성을 좌우하는 지식집약형 중소기업의 비중과 중소기업기술개발의 혁신성에서도 선진국에 비하여 절대열위에 있다. 이러한 불리한 여건을 극복하기 위하여 중소기업의 혁신현장에 밀착된 지역의 전문가집단이 지역경제의 비전과 지역산업의 특수성을 고려하여 지역연구개발사업(地域硏究開發事業)을 전략적으로 기획하고 효율적으로 추진하며, 기획 추진과정에 참여하는 지역대학 지역시험연구기관 지역산업단체 등이 구성하는 지역사회(地域社會)의 협의체(協議體)가 정보공유(情報共有)와 공동학습(共同學習)을 통하여 지역혁신체제의 형성을 주도하고 경쟁과 협력의 조화를 통하여 기술혁신을 가속시키는 지역사회(地域社會)의 규범(規範)과 문화(文化)가 정착되도록 노력하며 중앙정부는 지역연구개발사업에 대한 지원에서 투명하고 합리적인 평가기준을 제시하고 지역산업의 혁신성과에 의하여 지원을 차등화(差等化)하는 경쟁원리를 도입하여 지역사회의 합리적 의사결정을 유도해야 한다.

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Development of Standards and Instructional Model of Future Mathematics Classroom (미래 수학 교실 기준과 수업 모형의 개발)

  • Kim, Bumi;Lee, Chong Hee
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.673-698
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we suggest the standards for future mathematics classroom from environment, teachers, and students aspects. Future mathematics classroom should have the three environmental standards that perform responsible roles and appropriate functions of physical resources and classroom space. In the teacher standards' domain, we presented as a total of eight kinds. Concretely, we proposed the four standards for improvement of mathematical teacher's instructional expertise and the four standards for improvement of abilities of learners. The students standards consist of 4 domain a such as 3 standards of mathematical investigation and problem solving, 3 standards of cooperation and communication, 1 standard of utilization and operation of mathematical technologies and learning support systems, 2 standard of digital ethics and citizenship. Also, we developed the mathematical convergence instruction model and reported the results of its application after the lessons conducted in the classroom equipped with advanced environmental and technologies. We presented the convergence instruction model and scenarios focused on thoughts and actions of teachers and students in the future mathematics classroom.

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