• Title/Summary/Keyword: 협력적 학습

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A Study of Automatic Deep Learning Data Generation by Considering Private Information Protection (개인정보 보호를 고려한 딥러닝 데이터 자동 생성 방안 연구)

  • Sung-Bong Jang
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.435-441
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    • 2024
  • In order for the large amount of collected data sets to be used as deep learning training data, sensitive personal information such as resident registration number and disease information must be changed or encrypted to prevent it from being exposed to hackers, and the data must be reconstructed to match the structure of the built deep learning model. Currently, these tasks are performed manually by experts, which takes a lot of time and money. To solve these problems, this paper proposes a technique that can automatically perform data processing tasks to protect personal information during the deep learning process. In the proposed technique, privacy protection tasks are performed based on data generalization and data reconstruction tasks are performed using circular queues. To verify the validity of the proposed technique, it was directly implemented using C language. As a result of the verification, it was confirmed that data generalization was performed normally and data reconstruction suitable for the deep learning model was performed properly.

Legal-systematic alternative to domestic Violence: Therapeutic Jurisprudence (가정폭력에 대한 법제도적 대안: 치료적 사법이념의 관점)

  • Kwang-Bai Park;Hyung-KI Ji
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.spc
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    • pp.69-86
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    • 2004
  • A review of literature revealed that damaged self-confidence of men as social agents may be the primary, if not proximal, cause of domestic violence. Accumulated damages in social confidence and self-assurance may be moderated by action repertoire acquired during childhood, and mediated by adulthood circumstances such as marital discords and the lack of social support to result in the typical cycle of violence and subsequent feeling of remorse. The present treatments for the domestically violent men in Korea seem to be ineffective to reduce the number of incidents in the society because the treatments are viewed as punishments by the men, damage their social confidence further by stigmatizing them in the community, and destroy their social resources and support systems. It was suggested in this paper to reduce the role of law enforcement and correctional administration to rehabilitate the currently violent men. At the same time, it was also suggested for the Korean court to implement the paradigm of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in handling domestic violence cases. It was argued that the court should take active roles as a healing and rehabilitating agent by cooperating with non-government community establishments such as hospitals, universities and self-help organizations. The reasons and implications of those suggestions were discussed in detail.

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Practices of Teaching Methods based on the Type of Knowledge in Geography Education (지식의 유형에 근거한 지리과 수업 방법의 실제)

  • 심광택;김일기
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.197-215
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to show practices of teaching method based on the type of knowledge in geography education. The results of examining the type of knowledge according to the five themes in guidelines for geographic education in america are as follows: the empirical-analytic knowledge-centered contents are suited for designing concepts inquiry-centered teaching. The historical-hermeneutic knowledge-centered contents are suited for designing problem solving-centered teaching. The critical knowledge-centered contents are suited for designing decision-making-centered teaching. In this shsdy, 1 emphasized teaching method based on the type of knowledge in Ceographv Education according to the responses of students and academic achievement. However, in practice l propose that teachers construct their lesson plans according to their various spheres of interest.

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The Analysis of Discussion Activities and Participants' Behavior in the e-BBS based on a Structural Analysis (구조적 분석에 의한 e-BBS 토의 활동 및 참여자의 행동 분석)

  • Moon, Gyo Sik
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2006
  • Educators have recognized the usefulness of the e-BBS(electronic-Bulletin Board System) as an asynchronous communication medium for collaborative learning. However, theoretical outcomes to understand the structural analysis of thc e-BBS are not adequate enough. As a consequence, we are left with inadequate supportive tools to understand complex communication phenomena and to assist teachers to guide students to educational purposes. This can cause teachers to have a laissez-faire approach using BBS as a communication medium for education due to the lack of understanding the structural and overall situation. To address this issue, this paper presents a theoretical foundation to help understand the structure of discussion activities via the e-BBS and then presents a computational model, based on the structural analysis, for the behavioral analysis of participants. The formal representation of bi-directional discussion activities is realized by devising two graphs - the reply graph and the connection graph. Various measurements and statistics for the analysis are presented in the paper. To clarify the analysis, we classify the results produced through the analysis of discussion activities and participants' behaviors.

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An Analysis on the Management of Support Business of Industry and Learning Cooperation Superior Vocational High Schools (산학협력 우수 전문계고 지원 사업의 운영 실태 분석)

  • Choi, Jae-Hoon;Rho, Tae-Choen
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.113-128
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    • 2009
  • This study aimed at seeking the improvement and developmental direction of support business of industry and learning cooperation superior vocational high schools by providing basic materials. Of 20 high schools selected for the support of industry and learning cooperation superior vocational high schools, 10 schools were selected with the consideration of local characteristics and the features of support business of the schools. Based on initial business plan and interim reports of the selected schools, the data were collected from related report materials, theses and reports. The following conclusions were made in this study. First, with regard to consignment education conducted under the agreement with an outside education specialized institution, consignment education institution directly related to the business area which was promoted by the school was selected. Second, the management of industrial field experience education program included various activities Third, as for employing teachers involving both industry and teaching and lecturing by outside experts, lectures by outside experts were aggressively delivered based on specialized areas. Fourth, as for graduates' career status, the employment rates of the entire university students and students who participated in business were lower than the rate of students who entered schools of higher grade.

Development of the Reading Guidance Course for Strengthening Core Competencies among College Students (대학생의 핵심역량 강화를 위한 독서지도 과목 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Myeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.79-102
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    • 2012
  • Higher educational institutions face an increasing demand for developing a renewed set of competencies of college students who will live in the knowledge-based society. However, relatively little is known about what constitutes the core competencies that college students need to develop and how we can improve them. Nine categories of core competencies required for college graduates were drawn from the previous research and examples of core competencies developed by other institutions. They are analytic thinking skills, problem-solving skills, communicating skills, collaborative working skills, and etc. A reading guidance course for strengthening core competencies, developed based on the teaching and learning methods was adapted to students of LIS for one semester. Implications of these and related findings are discussed.

A Study on the Relationship between Customer and Supplier Network and Innovation Performance: Focused on Mediating Effect of T-Shaped Skill (고객 및 공급자 네트워크와 혁신성과 간의 관계에 대한 연구: T자형 기술의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Tae-Seog
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the role of T-shaped skill between customer/supplier network and innovation performance of firms. To manage effectively the relationship between collaborative firms, firms need to have a prior related knowledge. The premise of absorptive capacity is that the organization needs prior related knowledge to recognize, assimilate, and apply new knowledge. In this context, T-shaped skill facilitates the learning of new related knowledge. The skill is thus a critical component of innovative capabilities. We found that T-shaped skill plays a mediating role in the relationship between networks and innovation performance. The conclusions and implications are discussed.

Case of Convergence Education at the Continuing Education Center at Ulm University in Germany (독일 울름대학교 계속교육센터의 융합교육 사례)

  • Park, EungHee
    • Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to inspect the case of university convergence education on elderly education. The Center for Academic Continuing Education (ZAWiW) at Ulm University in Germany aims to inquiry the diversity and differentiation of university and related institutions for senior education by analyzing the linkages between various major areas related to the subject of the elderly and cooperation models between generations. Various topics related to research and life in the elderly are being conducted with a focus on the participation of elderly learners. Through seasonal academy and Ulm 3rd Generation University, connection between regions and universities and interdisciplinary convergence are being actively provided. It can lead to a differentiated strategy of the university for the education of the elderly.

The collective appreciation of film and the creation of social value - Community cinema in Japan (영화의 공동감상과 사회적 가치 창출 - 일본의 커뮤니티 시네마를 중심으로)

  • Jieun Jang
    • Trans-
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    • v.14
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    • pp.123-155
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzes the characteristics of the social value creation process through the collective appreciation of film. It focuses on the historical development of community cinema in Japan. In modern-day Japan, where digital video is easily accessible and the use of private, personalized media spaces widespread, a sub-culture of collective film appreciation is spreading, as more and more Japanese begin to attend movie screenings in non-commercial theaters. In addition, Japanese community cinema center has begun to integrate and support this viewing experience, which has come to be known as community cinema. A literature review revealed the following characteristics of community cinema. First, local theater screening groups or appreciation groups cooperate with residents to establish and operate movie theaters. Second, these spaces create theoretical and practical participatory learning opportunities that foster understanding of and participation in film culture, through large-scale associations with organizations or institutions that offer viewings. Third, based on collective appreciation, the film culture created through repeated joint viewings produces a social arena in which community can be realized. In these communities film can be put to socially productive uses, such as problem solving.

Subject Development of Fashion Model utilizing Capstone Design (캡스톤 디자인을 활용한 패션 모델의 교과목 개발)

  • Park, Keun-Jung;Kim, Jang-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2021
  • The educational approach using Capstone Design is gradually expanding with the change in social and educational paradigms. Course development utilizing the Capstone Design in models in the department of fashion can create a positive effect in that it enhances the practical capabilities of the fashion model and expands the perspective of various fields related to fashion shows. This study proved the educational efficacy by applying the Capstone Design to the model work presentation course and investigating the implications of the design from the instructor's perspective. The research methods used to guide this course utilizing the Capstone Design were theatrical research and model development research. This study showed that learners' satisfaction for this course combined with Capstone Design was very high, and students were very satisfied with the progress of the class. The instructor's point of view in progressing this course showed the need for education from an in-depth and convergence perspective related to fashion, improvement of temporal and spatial utilization of space, concerns about establishing connections with experts and various industries, and expanding the scope of education through continuous exchanges and cooperation with industry.