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A Study on Effect of Justice of Public Officials for Total Payroll Costs System on Organizational Performance -Focus on Moderate Effect of Receptivity- (공무원의 총액인건비제도에 대한 공정성이 조직성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -수용성의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Jun, Jae Gyun;Park, Hyeon Suk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.189-204
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    • 2013
  • Today, politics, economy and technique in the world are rapidly changed. To respond to these changes public institutions as well as government and corporate try to change themselves and to adapt these situation and environment. Total payroll costs system which is one of critical methods to adapt changing world began to introduce in 2004 for public services in Korea. After exhibition and enforcement, all education administration in Korea adopted this system in 2013. This study focus on how total payroll costs system can be successfully controled and utilized, and who this system increase organizational effectiveness and efficacy in public services. Organizational members' effort, perspective, attitude and behavior are most important factors for organizational change and new option. Organizational change and adaptation always involve members' change and adaptation, so this study emphasizes on members' perspective and attitude on total payroll costs system. As a result, distribution justice, procedure justice, and receptivity about total payroll costs system are related to organizational performance such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This means organizational members' perspective(distribution justice and procedure justice) and attitude(receptivity) are most crucial factors for effectiveness and efficacy of total payroll costs system. Furthermore with distribution justice, procedure justice and receptivity, total payroll costs system would increase members' job satisfaction and organizational commitment. To sum up, members' perspective and attitude are most important factors for change, thus for success of total payroll costs system, we should understand how people are critical, especially their distribution justice, procedure justice, and receptivity; and also how total payroll costs system are valuable system; and how we can control and handle this system.

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The Relationships of Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership on the Hospital member's Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention (일 종합병원 종사자에서 변혁적 리더십과 거래적 리더십이 조직몰입과 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji-In;Jeong, Hyo-Sang
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2009
  • The purposes of this study were (1) to describe the effects of transformational leadership and transactional leadership on the hospital member's organizational commitment and turnover intention, (2) to provide with fundamental data in enhancing organizational effectiveness. For this purpose, the types of leadership, organizational commitment and turnover intention were evaluated among hospital members. A survey was conducted with 827 respondents working in a general hospital in Sungnam-shi. For the data analysis SPSS 10.0 was utilized. To verify the reliability and validity of variables, Chronbach's ${\alpha}$ and confirmatory factor analysis were processed. After descriptive analysis, regression analysis was conducted. In these progresses all the statistical significant levels were set at ${\alpha}$= 0.05. Results of the study can be summarized as follows. First, the types of leadership had differences in the level of organizational commitment and turnover intention of the hospital members and then transformational leadership had a more influence than did transactional leadership. Second, there were significant correlations for organizational commitment and turnover intention with overall characteristics of leadership(p<.05). Third, the factor influencing hospital member's organizational commitment and turnover intention were transformational leadership(p<.001). Total explanatory powers($R^2$) were 20.2% (organizational commitment) and 12.1%(turnover intention). Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that organizational commitment significantly high when transformational leadership was higher and it also showed turnover intention was significantly lower. In conclusion, the results of this study show that the leadership influence hospital member's organizational commitment and turnover intention and they are different the types of leadership. This results suggest that in order to be as successful leaders in hospital, the leaders should know their employee's behaviors and change their leadership styles.

Factors Associated with Customer Orientation and Nursing Productivity (간호사의 고객지향성과 간호업무생산성)

  • Yeo, A-Ram;Lee, Haejung;Jin, Hyekyung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the levels of customer orientation in nurses whose work experience was between 1 and 5 years and to examine factors associated with customer orientation and nursing productivity. Methods: For this descriptive correlational study, nurses (N=164) were recruited from a University Hospital in B city, from November 1 to 23, 2012. Questionnaires included measures of customer orientation, nursing productivity, organizational commitment, job stress, and turnover intention. Data were analysed with the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: The mean age of participants was 25 years, 96% were single, and 54.9% had a bachelor degree. Organizational commitment (${\beta}$=.387) and job stress (${\beta}$=.280) significantly explained the variance in customer orientation ($R^2$=15.8). Customer orientation (${\beta}$=.479), education level (${\beta}$=.196), and turnover intention (${\beta}$=-.184) significantly explained the variance in nursing productivity ($R^2$=35.3). Customer orientation was the most important factor in explaining the variance in the nursing productivity. Conclusion: This study highlighted the relationship between customer orientation and nursing productivity. Improving the customer orientation could result in increasing nursing productivity. Future managerial intervention to improve customer orientation is warranted.

A Study on Empowerment Related Factors of Clinical Nurses (임상간호사의 임파워먼트 관련요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Sil;Lee, Myung-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.145-163
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research is to identify antecedent variables and outcome variables of the empowerment in clinical nurses, and to suggest managerial strategies for increasing their empowerment. Data were collected from October 12 to 18, 2000 through questionnarie taken by 566 nurses in 3 general hospitals. The 5 structured instruments were used for collecting the data : Spreitzer's Items Measuring Empowerment, Bass's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire-1, Moorman's Equity of rewards scale, Mobley's turnover intention scale, and the Organizational Commitment Scale developed by Mowday, Porter & Steers. The data obtained were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe' test, Pearson's Correlation Coefficients, Factor Analysis, Cronbach's alpha Coefficients, Multiple Regression. The results were as follows; 1. Head nurse's transformational leadership showed an positive correlation with empowerment(r=.304, p=.00). Regression coefficient between transformational leadership and empowerment was significant(${\beta}=.326$, p=.00), However, there was no a correlation between equity of rewards and empowerment. 2. The general characteristics of nurses were significant differences with empowerment. As for position, age, working experience, and education background showed significant difference with empowerment(F=10.979, 11.224, 6.812, 5.411, p<.01). 3. Empowerment showed a positive correlation with organizational commitment and a negative correlation with turnover intention (r=.387, -.274, p=.00). Regression coefficient between empowerment and organization commitment was significant(${\beta}=.365$, p=.00). In conclusion, the more head nurse took the transformational leadership, the higher nurses perceived empowerment. The higher their empowerment level, the higher organizational commitment they perceived. On the contrary, the higher their empowerment level, the lower their turnover intention. Therefore, in order to increase nurses' organization commitment and decrease their turnover intention, their empowerment should be increase. And it is necessary to develop the transformational leadership of head nurses so as to increase empowerment.

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Path Analysis for Workplace Incivility, Empowerment, Burnout, and Organizational Commitment of Hospital Nurses (병원간호사의 근무지에서 무례함, 소진, 조직몰입과의 경로분석 연구)

  • Kim, Se Young;Kim, Jong Kyung;Park, Kwang-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.555-564
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine nurses' experience of workplace incivility from coworkers, supervisors, patients or patients' families, and doctors. The researcher identified the relationships among empowerment, burnout, and organizational commitment of hospital nurses. Methods: The sample included 415 hospital nurses. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS and AMOS. Results: The average incivility score was 2.94 from doctors and 2.89 from patients or patients' families, higher than from supervisors (1.90) and coworkers (1.87). The variables affecting burnout included direct effect of empowerment (${\beta}$=-.46, p<.001), direct effect of patients or patients' family incivility (${\beta}$=.14, p<.001), direct effect of supervisor incivility (${\beta}$=.12, p<.001), and direct effect of doctor incivility (${\beta}$=.09, p<.001). The variables affecting organizational commitment were direct effect of burnout (${\beta}$=-.58, p<.001), indirect effect of empowerment (${\beta}$=-.23, p<.001), indirect effect of patients or patients' family incivility (${\beta}$=-.12, p<.001), indirect effect of supervisor incivility (${\beta}$=-.10, p<.001), and indirect effect of doctor incivility (${\beta}$=-.09, p<.001). Conclusion: The results indicate that incivility affecting nurses results in a high degree of burnout and a low degree of organizational commitment. Therefore, it is necessary to assess incivility cases and to hold workshops designed to curb incivility and establish healthy workplaces.

Factors Influencing Competency in Evidence-based Practice among Clinical Nurses (간호사의 근거중심실무역량에 대한 영향요인)

  • Kim, Yeon-Sook;Kim, Jimee;Park, Mi-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe competency in evidence-based practice (EBP) among clinical nurses and to explore critical thinking disposition (CTD) and organizational culture (OC) as possible predictors for competency in EBP. Also this study was conducted to identify baseline data for purpose of developing evidence-based OC to ensure safety of patients and to improve quality of nursing services in clinical setting. Methods: With a descriptive correlation study design, a competency in EBP questionnaire was administered to a convenience sample of nurses (N=393) from a single general hospital in Gyeonggi Province. Results: The overall mean score for competency in EBP was $3.03{\pm}0.53$. Factors influencing competency in EBP were education (${\beta}=0.23$, p<.001), attendance at lectures on EBP (${\beta}=0.18$, p<.001), intellectual eagerness & healthy skepticism (${\beta}=0.27$, p<.001) among CTD, and hierarchy-oriented OC (${\beta}=0.14$, p=.005), which explained about 35% of the total variance. Conclusion: Critical thinking and competency in EBP should be part of nursing education especially for undergraduate students as well as strengthening clinical practice by activation of EBP. The results of this study that hierarchy-oriented OC, is a significant predictor for competency in EBP is difficult to accept. Its seemed to require further exploration.

The Impact of Hospital CEO Leadership Behaviors on Employees' Job Satisfaction and Intention in Korea (병원 CEO 리더십 스타일이 조직구성원의 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향Turnover)

  • Park, Jae-San
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2006
  • The organizational effectiveness of hospital in various environmental fluctuations is a large and complex problem. Hospital CEO leadership characteristics may be a critical determinant of employees' job satisfaction and turnover intention. Several empirical studies on transformational leadership found that transformational leadership behaviors were positively related to workers' job satisfaction and turnover intention. Very little research related to this subject has been done in health care settings in Korea. The author explores the relationship between hospital CEO leadership style and its effect on job satisfaction and turnover intention among the all staffs of general hospital. The relationship of hospital CEO leadership style to employees' job satisfaction was investigated using the Bass's leadership paradigm of transformational and transactional leadership. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire(MLQ) and the index of job satisfaction and turnover intention were completed by 493 hospital employees(doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, technicians, and assistants). The findings show a similar trend to the previous studies. Hospital CEO leadership behaviors and employee outcomes were significantly correlated. Correlations showed a significant positive relationship between those hospital CEO exhibiting a transformational leadership style and the job satisfaction of their staffs. The results of multiple regression analysis indicate that the effect of charisma in transformational leadership behaviors is more higher than other variables. Transformational leadership style may be a more effective strategy and have a greater effect on staff outcomes, attitudes and behaviors. The findings of this study reveal implications for efficient hospital management and the importance of understanding relationship between hospital CEO's leadership style and subordinate behaviors in the context of CEO's desirable role and function for hospital strategy planning and future direction.

A Study on the Relationship between Autonomy and Group Cohesiveness Perceived by Nurs es and their Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Motivation and Intend to stay on jobs (간호사가 지각한 자율성, 그룹 결속력과 직무만족도, 조직몰입, 직무동기, 재직의도와의 관계)

  • Lee, Sang-Keum;Park, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is analysis of the relationship between autonomy and group cohesiveness perceived by nurses and their job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation and intend to stay on jobs to develope the nursing staff management. The results are as follows: 1. Characteristics of subjects are not significantly different in perceived autonomy, but group cohesiveness, organizational commitment and intend to stay on jobs are different in nursing unit(p<.05). Educational background is significantly different in job satisfaction: nurses who has diploma show higher scores than who has baccalaureate degree(p<.05). 2. Perceived autonomy is related with job satisfaction, motivation and intend to stay on jobs but is not related with organizational commitment(p<.05). 3. Group cohesiveness perceived by nurses is significantly related with job satisfaction, organizational commitment motivation and intend to stay on jobs and their correlation coefficients are higher than that of perceived autonomy(p<.05). 4. The interaction effect of autonomy and group cohesiveness with all dependent variables is not significant(p>.05). The main effect on all dependent variables is presented as group cohesiveness. 5. The canonical correlation coefficient of independent variables and dependent variables is 0.503(p<0.000). The above results are important in the aspect of the development of strateges for retension of qualified nurses performing quality of nursing care and organizational efficacy. Autonomy and group cohesiveness perceived by nurses are important factors in nursing staff management; the further studys on job redesign and intervention strateges for enhancing group cohesiveness are needed.

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Factors Affecting on Organizational Commitment of Hospital Employees (병원조직 구성원의 직장애착에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • 이상곤;감신;박재용;한창현;김건엽;이원기;차병준
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.201-233
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to find out the factors affecting on organizational commitment of hospital employees. For the purpose, the questionnaire-based research was done with 1280 hospital employees who were working in 2 university hospitals and 4 general hospitals located in Taegu City and Kyungpook Province from November 20, 1997 to December 22, 1997. The results of the study were summarized as follows. There were significant correlations among environmental variables, psychological variables, structural variables, vertical conflict, horizontal conflict, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. By path analysis, variables such as pay, work involvement, work definiteness, met expectations, positive affectivity, distributive justice, job security, expectations before entering a hospital had significant positive effect on job satisfaction in order of size, while, vertical conflict, job opportunity, and horizontal conflict had significant positive effect on job satisfaction in order of size, while, vertical conflict, job opportunity, and horizontal conflict had signifecant negative effect in order of size. Variables such as job satisfaction, job security, work involvement, pay, vertical conflict, met expectations, distributive justice, positive affectivity, work unit control, job autonomy, and job routinization had significant positive direct effect on organizational commitment in order of size, while, job opportunity, job hazards and resource inadequacy had significant negative direct effects in order of size. It was found that the following variables, listed in order of size, had significant total effects on organizational commitment : job satisfaction, job security, job opportunity, work involvement, pay, met expectations, distributive justice, positive affectivity, job hazards, and work unit control. In considering abovc findings, it is recommended that programs for job satisfaction promotion, job security, decrease of intent to leave, work involvement promotion, adequate pay, met expectations, distributive justice, positive affectivity promotion, job hazards decrease, and work unit control grant should be implemented to increase organizational commitment.

The Influence Factors and Effects of Self-leadership: Focusing on Members of the Hospitals (셀프리더십의 영향요인과 효과: 의료기관 조직구성원을 중심으로)

  • Min, Byung Chul;Lim, Sung Won;Kim, Han Kyoul;Rhee, Hyun Sill
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate the factors of self-leadership depending on individual characteristics, job characteristics, and qualities of leader-member exchange. Additionally, this study aims to discover the effect of self-leadership's outcome factors on organizational citizenship behavior and innovative activities. In order to verify research model and hypothesis, questionnaires were collected from department members working at general hospitals, hospitals, and clinics in metropolitan area of Seoul, which were 85 departments and 344 respondents. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS ver. 19.0 and Amos ver. 18.0 statistical package using Structural Equation Model. The results of the analysis showed that both individual characteristics and job characteristics have significant positive effect on self-leadership. Also, self-leadership had significant positive relationship on innovative action and organizational citizenship behavior. The implications of this study are as follow. First, this study empirically explained how self-leadership is applied in healthcare organizations. Second, it verified the relationship between causal factors and outcome factors of self-leadership. Also, prior researches of self-leadership have been conducted on business companies, but this study explored self-leadership at healthcare organizations, which increased external validity. Nowadays, many people are interested in the effect of leadership in order to overcome issues coming from enlarged organizations and to improve performance. Self-leadership will contribute to maximizing voluntary efforts of human resources and performance in a rapidly changing healthcare industry.