• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Classification of Cities in the Metropolitan Area based on Natural Hazard Vulnerability (기후변화 대응을 위한 광역도시권 차원의 자연재해 저감방안 연구 -자연재해 취약성에 따른 수도권 도시의 유형화-)

  • Shim, Jae Heon;Kim, Ja Eun;Lee, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.5534-5541
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    • 2012
  • This paper classifies cities in the metropolitan area based on natural hazard vulnerability. The procedure of our empirical analysis is divided into three parts as follows: First, it summarizes variables related to natural hazard vulnerability to significant factors, carrying out principal component analysis. Second, it classifies cities in the metropolitan area, conducting cluster analysis using factor scores. Lastly, it proposes differential measures for natural hazard mitigation for classified cities in the metropolitan area, based on natural hazard vulnerability.

Development of a SEAMCAT Based Interference Evaluation Tool with ITU-R P.526 (ITU-R P.526을 지원하는 SEAMCAT 기반 전파 간섭 평가 도구 개발)

  • Lim, Chang Heon;Kwon, Jong Man;Kim, Yong Hoon;Lee, Yang Won
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37C no.9
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    • pp.791-801
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    • 2012
  • Currently, SEAMCAT has been widely used as a tool to evaluate the effects of interference among a variety of wireless communication systems. This supports various channel propagation models, all of which are based on some statistical models for the channel propagation and do not exploit any specific terrain characteristics. Thus it is not appropriate for assessing the effects of interference between wireless systems, given some specific terrain features. In order to overcome this limit in its use, it is necessary to extend the capability of SEAMCAT to support a channel propagation model which takes into account terrain informations. The ITU-R P.526 is a familiar channel propagation model which calculates the path loss considering the terrain features. In this paper, we present an enhanced version of SEAMCAT which supports the ITU-R P.526 and provide a few examples of interference evaluation using it.

A study on the Analysis Method of Interference using SEAMCAT in UHF band (UHF대역에서의 SEAMCAT을 이용한 간섭 분석기법에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Seung-Il;Jang, Kyoung-Seung;Kang, Sung-Chul;Lee, Joo-Hwan;Kang, Jeong-Jin;Choi, Gyoo-Seok;Cha, Jae-Sang;Kim, Seong-Kweon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we proposed the modeling of UHF frequency environment in a random mountainous area with line of sight. A transmitting station is defined as wanted transmitter(Wr) and a receiving station is defined as victim receiver(Vr). These set up victim link. A interference transmitter(It) and wanted receiver(Wr) set up interference link. We compared measured data at random mountainous area with data of the result using spectrum engineering advanced monte calo analysis tool(SEAMCAT), interference simulation based on the monte-carlo method. The desired received signal strength(dRSS) of SEAMCAT had the calculated error of 70% from the measured received signal strength because there was a topographical effect. Therefore, the effect of diffraction interference was included to lessen the power of transmitter in the proposed simulation. The cause of received power error are cable loss and errors of a measuring instrument. The proposed simulation modeling in UHF frequency environment expect that is the useful study on interference analysis and reassignment of broadcasting frequency.

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Developing Stereo-vision based Drone for 3D Model Reconstruction of Collapsed Structures in Disaster Sites (재난지역의 붕괴지형 3차원 형상 모델링을 위한 스테레오 비전 카메라 기반 드론 개발)

  • Kim, Changyoon;Lee, Woosik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2016
  • Understanding of current features of collapsed buildings, terrain, and other infrastructures is a critical issue for disaster site managers. On the other hand, a comprehensive site investigation of current location of survivors buried under the remains of a building is a difficult task for disaster managers due to the difficulties in acquiring the various information on the disaster sites. To overcome these circumstances, such as large disaster sites and limited capability of rescue workers, this study makes use of a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) to effectively obtain current image data from large disaster areas. The framework of 3D model reconstruction of disaster sites using aerial imagery acquired by drones was also presented. The proposed methodology is expected to assist fire fighters and workers on disaster sites in making a rapid and accurate identification of the survivors under collapsed buildings.

Identification of Nash Model Parameters Based on Heterogeneity of Drainage Paths (배수경로의 이질성을 기반으로 한 Nash 모형의 매개변수 동정)

  • Choi, Yong-Joon;Kim, Joo-Cheol;Jung, Kwan-Sue
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2010
  • For the first time, this study identifies Nash model parameters by GIUH theory based on grid of GIS with heterogeneity of drainage path. Identified parameters have advantages to improve accuracy and usefulness with considering hillslpoe-flow, geomorphological dispersion and easily extracting geomorphological factors by GIS in the watershed. Calculated results by identified parameters compare with observation data for verification of this model. The comparison is well correspondence between observed data and calculated results. And the comparison results of changing trends about lag time and the variance as hillslope and channel characteristic velocities sensitively present changes about hillslope characteristic velocity. Thus this model justifies that estimation of hillslope characteristic velocity demands with the great caution.

A Study on the Distribution and Behavior of Cs-137 in the Environment According to Topography and Nature of the Soil (지형 및 지질에 따른 Cs-137 분포 및 거동에 관한 연구)

  • 한상준;이경진;박응섭;이홍연;김희근
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구에서는 국내 원전이 위치한 지역의 토양에서 $Cs^{137}$의 축적 경향을 파악하기 위하여 원전이 위치한 영광군 관내의 평지와 고산지대인 금정산, 불갑산 및 영광원전으로부터 원거리에 위치한 내장산 등을 대상으로 토양 중 $Cs^{137}$의 화학적인 특성과 고도에 따른 $Cs^{137}$의 축적 경향을 평가하기 위하여 실험을 통한 연구를 수행하였다. 일반적으로 국내 토양 중 $Cs^{137}$의 농도는 불검출 - 2523q/kg-dry의 범위 내에 포함되었으며 본 연구에서 수행한 평지부분과 고산지대인 원전으로부터 2km 떨어진 금정산, 약 20km 떨어진 불갑산 및 원거리에 위치한 내장산에서도 지금까지의 $Cs^{137}$ 농도 범위에 들었다. 그러나 고산지대는 평지에서와는 다르게 고도가 증가함에 따라 $Cs^{137}$ 농도도 증가하는 경향을 보이고 있고, 정상 부분보다 $Cs^{137}$의 농도가 하부 부분보다 더 높게 나타났고 영광원전 인근 일반평지부분보다는 $Cs^{137}$의 방사능 농도가 2~6배 정도의 높은 경향을 나타내었다. 연구결과 $Cs^{137}$의 분포는 지형적 요인(고도, 강수량 등)과 토양의 화학적 요인(양이온치환용량)과 상관성이 근 것으로 나타났다. 지형적 요인으로는 주로 고도를 들수가 있는데 높은 고도의 산의 경우 대기중 $Cs^{137}$이 토양에 침투되는 기회가 커짐으로 동일한 토질 조건의 평지 토양에 비해 높은 $Cs^{137}$ 준위를 나타내었다. 토양의 화학적 요인으로는 양이온치환용량이 주요 인자임이 규명되었다. 양이온치환용량은 침적된 $Cs^{137}$을 토양에 고정시키는 능력을 나타내며 같은 지형조건에서 높은 양이온치환용량을 가진 시료가 낮은 양이온치환용량을 가진 토양에 비해 $Cs^{137}$ 농도가 높은 값을 보였다.

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Design Flood Estimation by Basin Characteristics (유역특성을 이용한 설계홍수량 추정)

  • Park, Ki-Bum;Kim, Gyo-Sik;Han, Ju-Heun;Bae, Sang-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1172-1175
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    • 2006
  • Generally, the estimation of design flood uses basin rainfall data, water level data, and runoff data, and so forms rainfall-runoff model. Because owing to the lack of hydrological data, the decision of representative unit hydrograph about the basin is difficult, the estimation of design flood uses topography feature data, and so presumes variables, and then applies the presumed variables to the model. In estimating design flood by using the model, it is considerably difficult to analyze how the model input variables estimated by topography factors, or the design flood data estimated previously are related to basin feature factors as the basic data, and presume design flood in the unmeasured basins or the basins where river arrangement basic plan is not established. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the design flood estimated previously by river arrangement basic plan is correlated with topography factors in presuming design flood, and so examine the presumption measures of design flood by using topography feature data and probability rainfall data.

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Development of KBASIN-HSPF system for estimating parameter of watershed based model (유역모형 파라미터 산출을 위한 KBASIN-HSPF 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Dae-Hee;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.328-332
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    • 2006
  • 환경모델링 기법은 비선형 오염유출현상을 구조화하여 배출특성 규명 및 정책대안의 영향예측 도구로서 활용도가 증가하고 있다. 반면 복잡한 입력 파라미터의 구성은 모형운영에 있어 비정량적 수치를 적용할 수 있는 가능성을 내포하고 있다. 이러한 한계성을 극복하기 위해 최근 들어 GIS와 정보기술의 연계를 통한 자료관리 및 모형 매개변수 산출을 위한 연구들이 활발히 진행 중에 있다. GIS-모델링 분야의 기술적 성장에도 불구하고 정보구축의 시점, 주기, 구축 형태 등의 통일화가 이루어지지 않았다. 따라서 BASINS과 같은 기 구축된 정보 분석체계를 사용하고자 할 때 단위사업별로 구축된 공간정보의 구조해석을 다시 수행해야 하는 문제를 지니고 있다. 이는 구축된 정보를 사용하여 해석하고자 하는 주체가 분명하지 않고, 분석모델에서 요구하는 입력 자료의 구조를 명확하게 해석할 수 있는 정보기술과 분석기술의 연계부족으로 발생한 문제이다. 이에 본 연구의 목적은 NGIS사업을 통해 축척된 지형공간 데이터베이스와 GIS의 공간분석기능을 연계하여 유역 오염원 기상 공간정보의 관리, 유역 오염유출모형인 HSPF(Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran)의 운영정보 생성을 지원하는 지능형 정보관리시스템을 개발하는데 있다. 주 연구내용은 시스템 분석 및 설계, 기초 데이터 수집과 DB 구축, 지형 매개변수 산정을 위한 GIS-HSPF의 통합 인터페이스 구축이다. 개발된 KBASIN-HSPF는 EPA에 의해 개발된 BASIN의 유역분할, 하천망생성, 지형특성계수 산정 기능과 함께 우리나라의 지형.오염원.기상정보의 저장구조를 고려한 데이터 모델링, Tissen망에 준한 강우자료 생성 그리고 HSPF 모형운영정보 산정 및 전환기능을 포함하고 있다. KBASIN-HSPF는 유역기반 점.비점오염원 정보를 통합 관리하고자 하는 오염총량관리제의 기술적 정보관리 환경으로 활용가능하며, 기존의 오염유출모델링을 위해 자료준비부터 정보연계, 모형운영까지 분산된 환경에서 수행되었던 것을 통합환경하에서 진행함으로써 정보의 질적보장과 정보전환의 표준화방안을 제시하는 정보분석시스템이다.

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The estimation of GIS-based soil erosion considering up- and down-stream topographic characteristics (상하류 지형특성을 고려한 기반 GIS 토사유실 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Koh, Deuk-Koo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.333-337
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to present a strategic approach to selecting prior areas of soil erosion to be examined for effective soil conservation planning and management, in conjunction with remote sensing data and GIS skill for surface characteristics. To do this, two basins are selected: Andong and Imha basin. Geographically one is in the vicinity of the other but turbidity in the main reservoir of each basin is quite different. it is important to clarify general behavior of soil erosion driven by rainfall event for both basins for further understanding and effective soil conservation planning and management. Also, Both basins are divided into several sub-basins and the severity of soil loss is intensively investigated to identify areas with high erosion potential for each sub-basin so that the efficiency of soil conservation program may increase. Especially, this study analyzed soil erodibility factor(K), topographic factor(LS), cover management factor(C) and soil erosion; 3 sub-basins for Andong basin (up-, mid-, downstream) and 6 sub-basins for Imha basin (up-, mid-, and downstream for two tributaries) because Imha basin consists of two tributaries (Banyeon and Yongjeon river). The approach suggested herein will provide a guideline for choosing prior areas to be examined and managed for soil conservation planning.

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A Study of Design Flood Discharge Characteristics by Topographical Parameters (지형학적 인자에 따른 설계홍수량 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ki-Bum;Kim, Gyo-Sik;Hwang, Sung-Hwan;Cha, Sang-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1182-1186
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    • 2006
  • The decision of design flood in river basins is very important in the aspect of flood control. The design flood of rivers was estimated according to the size and importance of basins. As the damage of floods increases more and more and the importance of defense against floods increases further, the presumption of design flood can be very important. Especially, what influences most greatly flood is rainfall. However, in spite of equal rainfall, the estimated flood differ according to the features of basins. The fact that the features of basins influence greatly the estimation of flood was confirmed by the preceding research results and experiences. However, although many rivers have their own basin features, the research on how these basin features are related to the estimation of design flood, is not yet sufficient. The purpose of this study is to identify how the design flood estimated previously by river arrangement basic plan is correlated with topography factors, and so investigate the correlation between basin topography factors and design flood in order to provide the additional information for the unmeasured basins or the middle/small river basins where their river plan is not established.

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