• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Establishment of Geospatial Schemes Based on Topo-Climatology for Farm-Specific Agrometeorological Information (농장맞춤형 농업기상정보 생산을 위한 소기후 모형 구축)

  • Kim, Dae-Jun;Kim, Soo-Ock;Kim, Jin-Hee;Yun, Eun-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.146-157
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    • 2019
  • One of the most distinctive features of the South Korean rural environment is that the variation of weather or climate is large even within a small area due to complex terrains. The Geospatial Schemes based on Topo-Climatology (GSTP) was developed to simulate such variations effectively. In the present study, we reviewed the progress of the geospatial schemes for production of farm-scale agricultural weather data. Efforts have been made to improve the GSTP since 2000s. The schemes were used to provide climate information based on the current normal year and future climate scenarios at a landscape scale. The digital climate maps for the normal year include the maps of the monthly minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation in the past 30 years at 30 m or 270 m spatial resolution. Based on these digital climate maps, future climate change scenario maps were also produced at the high spatial resolution. These maps have been used for climate change impact assessment at the field scale by reprocessing them and transforming them into various forms. In the 2010s, the GSTP model was used to produce information for farm-specific weather conditions and weather forecast data on a landscape scale. The microclimate models of which the GSTP model consists have been improved to provide detailed weather condition data based on daily weather observation data in recent development. Using such daily data, the Early warning service for agrometeorological hazard has been developed to provide weather forecasts in real-time by processing a digital forecast and mid-term weather forecast data (KMA) at 30 m spatial resolution. Currently, daily minimum temperature, maximum temperature, precipitation, solar radiation quantity, and the duration of sunshine are forecasted as detailed weather conditions and forecast information. Moreover, based on farm-specific past-current-future weather information, growth information for various crops and agrometeorological disaster forecasts have been produced.

A Study on the Micro-Topography Landscape Characteristics and Waterfront Landscape Style of Waterfront in Korean Jingyeong Landscape Painting (겸재 정선의 진경산수화에 나타난 수변의 미지형 경관 특성과 하경양식)

  • Kim, Yong-Hee;Kang, Young-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.26-38
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    • 2019
  • This study is based on the analysis of the characteristics of waterfront scenery. Recently, waterfront development has expanded residentially, commercially and into leisure space. In the development of the waterfront, it is necessary to apply designs suitable for urban and various other waterfront areas. In this study, the natural scenery of the waterfront was researched with respect to the Korean Jingyeong landscape paintings and the main elements of the scenery were analyzed. In this study, 105 painting of Korean Jingyeong landscapes paintings were selected for the analysis of the waterside scenery. The paintings of Jeong Seon were studied to categorize streams topographically into mountainous, upper, middle, lower, and ocean types. In addition, major micro-topography elements, which are 13 water image elements and 13 staffage elements were analyzed. The main waterfront landscape elements are divided into 13 types. The waterfalls were divided into long waterfalls, short waterfalls, cascading waterfalls, and other aspects considered were line stream, curve stream, multi-curve stream, pond, water surface, flow surface, wave surface, rock side, pile sandy side, sandy side. There are 13 kinds of staffage elements, include pine forest, pine trees, fir trees, bamboo trees, willow trees, broadleaf tree, villages, houses, gazebo, boat, bridges, and people. The waterfront landscape by a river area was explained according to each characteristic of the waterfront landscape and staffage, and their changes were analyzed in each area. The 105 paintings were divided into 35 pieces of mountainous streams, 9 upper streams, 5 middle streams, 35 lower streams, and 21 oceans, and the change of each waterfront landscape and staffage was analyzed. Based on the topographical analysis of the waterfront landscape and staffage, the results can be summarized into 5 types of the waterfront landscape. Based on the micro-topographical characteristics of the waterfront landscape styles are as follow. In the mountainous streams, long waterfall and deep forest type are apparent, which depicts deep mountain waterfall scenery, and a multi-stream forest is the scenery of a picnic in the mountains, which is a representative form of mountainous streams landscape. In the upper-middle stream, the water-surface and gazebo type is predominant. In the lower stream, the sandy-gazebo typ scenery is predominant and the sandy depiction is unique to lower stream landscape. Pile sandy-dock type is life scenes where human activity highlighted, is a representative form of the lower stream landscapes. The characteristic of the coastal landscape is the serpentine rock scenery on the beach and the wave-serpentine rock type that forms the main coastal landscape. The study aims to propose significant design elements for a natural waterfront landscape planning based on the analysis of landscape in the paintings of Jeong Seon.

Study on improvement of USLE P factor considering topography and cultivation method (지형 및 경작 방법을 반영한 범용토양유실량 산정공식 보전관리 인자 개선 연구)

  • Sung, Yunsoo;Lee, Gwanjae;Lee, Gwanjae;Han, Jeongho;Kim, Jonggun;Lim, Kyoung Jae;Kim, Ki Sung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2019
  • The USLE P factor is a factor that varies depending on how croplands are managed and cultivated. Previous studies tend to overestimate the amount of soil loss because the factor was estimated from the slope of the watershed rather than the estimate of each cultivated land. In addition, the accuracy of estimating the soil loss is decreasing due to the fact that the factor is calculated without considering various conditions of cultivated land defined by Wishmeier and Smith. In order to overcome these problems, the Ministry of Environment (MOE) has proposed to establish the topsoil notification and calculate the P factor according to the cultivation methods (e.g., tillage system, support practice). However, it is required to apply the conditions proposed in the United States to domestic circumstances as it is causing uncertainties. Thus, this study selected the watersheds where soil loss was serious (Haean, Jaun, Banbyeoncheon), measured the actual slopes and slope lengths, and examined the crop, tillage systems, and support practice for each cultivated land. The P factors were recalculated considering the actual conditions of cultivated land and compared to the factors proposed by the previous studies (MOE). As the result of the study, the P factors calculated based on the previous studies were 0.8 ~ 1.0 in three watersheds. On the other hand, it is confirmed that there is a significant difference between the factors notified by MOE and estimated by reflecting the topography and cultivation methods in this study. Therefore, it is considered that the research for developing the cultivation conditions to calculate the P factor suitable for the domestic environment should be continuously carried out.

Predicting Suitable Restoration Areas for Warm-Temperate Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests of the Islands of Jeollanamdo (전라남도 섬 지역의 난온대 상록활엽수림 복원을 위한 적합지 예측)

  • Sung, Chan Yong;Kang, Hyun-Mi;Park, Seok-Gon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.558-568
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    • 2021
  • Poor supervision and tourism activities have resulted in forest degradation in islands in Korea. Since the southern coastal region of the Korean peninsula was originally dominated by warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forests, it is desirable to restore forests in this region to their original vegetation. In this study, we identified suitable areas to be restored as evergreen broad-leaved forests by analyzing the environmental factors of existing evergreen broad-leaved forests in the islands of Jeollanam-do. We classified forest lands in the study area into six vegetation types from Sentinel-2 satellite images using a deep learning algorithm and analyzed the tolerance ranges of existing evergreen broad-leaved forests by measuring the locational, topographic, and climatic attributes of the classified vegetation types. Results showed that evergreen broad-leaved forests were distributed more in areas with a high altitudes and steep slope, where human intervention was relatively low. The human intervention has led to a higher distribution of evergreen broad-leaved forests in areas with lower annual average temperature, which was an unexpected but understandable result because an area with higher altitude has a lower temperature. Of the environmental factors, latitude and average temperature in the coldest month (January) were relatively less contaminated by the effects of human intervention, thus enabling the identification of suitable restoration areas of the evergreen broad-leaved forests. The tolerance range analysis of evergreen broad-leaved forests showed that they mainly grew in areas south of the latitude of 34.7° and a monthly average temperature of 1.7℃ or higher in the coldest month. Therefore, we predicted the areas meeting these criteria to be suitable for restoring evergreen broad-leaved forests. The suitable areas cover 614.5 km2, which occupies 59.0% of the total forest lands on the islands of Jeollanamdo, and 73% of actual forests that exclude agricultural and other non-restorable forest lands. The findings of this study can help forest managers prepare a restoration plan and budget for island forests.

The Current State and Characteristics of Ornamental Grasses in South Korea (국내 유통 관상용 그라스의 현황 및 특징 분석)

  • Kim, Janghun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2021
  • The recent trend of using ornamental grasses as essential landscaping plants has become more prominent, while the demands for today's gardens are to solve the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and urban ecosystem services. Nowadays, the interest in ornamental grasses in South Korea is dramatically increasing, as is the number of available species and varieties. To find the better use of ornamental grasses in urban green spaces, more research should be conducted to understand the current state of ornamental grasses and their characteristics in South Korea. and a practical way of applying ornamental grasses to urban gardens should be devised. For that purpose, this research carried out a survey on the current state of ornamental grasses distributed in the landscaping plants market in South Korea. The grasses were analyzed according to the growing conditions, including habitats, ecological, and horticultural growth characteristics. As a result, 40 genera, 104 species, and 264 taxa of ornamental grasses were verified to be distributed in the market for garden plants in South Korea in August 2021. Poaceae and Cyperaceae are 69.7% and 28.4% among them, respectively. Juncaceae and Typhaceae are of little importance. No Restionaceae is supplied yet. Most of the Poaceae ornamental grasses prefer sunny open land, but others from various habitats are used too. The majority of the Cyperaceae ornamental grasses originate from woodlands, woodland edges, water's edges, and marshes. The market supplies fourteen genera of cool-season and sixteen genera of warm-season grasses. According to life-types of grasses, thirty-eight species are evergreens or semi-evergreens. Thirty-four species are deciduous. Seven species are summer-dormant. According to the growth habits of the grasses, thirty-three species are runners and fifty-one species are clumpers. There are fifteen taxa of ornamental grasses recently selected that have become native grasses.

Vegetation Structure and Growth Environmet of Diabelia spathulata (Siebold & Zucc.) Landrein Population in Mt. Cheonseong, Korea (천성산 주걱댕강나무 개체군의 식생구조와 생육환경)

  • Yi, Myung Hoon;Yoo, Sung Tae;Jang, Jeong Gul
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.346-361
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    • 2021
  • The range of D. spathulata identified in this survey was between N 35° 24' 58" ~ N 35° 26' 35", E 129° 05' 43" ~ E 129° 07' 04". It is located at an altitude of 98~592 m. The soil pH was strongly acidic in the range of 4.2~4.9, with a canopy openness of 18.56% and a chlorophyll index of 36.74 ± 2.80. As a result of the TWINSPAN analysis, 20 plots of 100 m2 each were divided in 4 communities: Pinus densiflora community, Quercus monglica-Diabelia spathulata community, Quercus serrata-Diabelia spathulata community and Carpinus tschonoskii subassociation. The result of species diversity was 0.7615, and evenness and dominance were found to be 0.6077 and 0.3923, respectively. The height of D. spathulata is up to 3.4 m, and the average height is 1.1 m, with most of the species distributed as shrubbery and herbaceous. The average population density of the 20 plots was 1.635 individuals/m2, the height range of flowering was 1.0 ~ 1.8 (aver. 1.39 m) and the rate of flowering was 27.37%. It's propagation pattern was mainly formed by extending the rhizome to the side, creating a colony of ground stems.

Characteristics of Herbaceous Vegetation Structure of Barren Land of Southern Limit Line in DeMilitarized Zone (비무장지대 남방한계선 불모지 초본식생구조 특성)

  • Yu, Seung-Bong;Kim, Sang-Jun;Kim, Dong-Hak;Shin, Hyun-Tak;Bak, Gippeum
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.135-153
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    • 2021
  • The demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a border barrier with 248 kilometers in length and about 4 kilometers in width crossing east to west to divide the Korean Peninsula about in half. The boundary at 2 kilometers to the south is called the southern limit line. The DMZ has formed a unique ecosystem through a natural ecological succession after the Armistice Agreement and has high conservation value. However, the use of facilities for the military operation and the unchecked weeding often damage the areas in the vicinities of the southern limit line's iron-railing. This study aimed to prepare basic data for the restoration of damaged barren vegetation. As a result of classifying vegetation communities based on indicator species, 10 communities were identified as follows: Duchesnea indica Community, Hosta longipes Community, Sedum kamtschaticum-Sedum sarmentosum Community, Potentilla anemonefolia Community, Potentilla fragarioides var. major Community, Prunella vulgaris var. lilacina Community, Dendranthema zawadskii var. latilobum-Carex lanceolata Community, Dendranthema zawadskii Community, Plantago asiatica-Trifolium repens Community, and Ixeris stolonifera-Kummerowia striata Community. Highly adaptable species can characterize vegetation in barren areas to environment disturbances because artificial disturbances such as soil erosion, soil compaction, topography change, and forest fires caused by military activities frequently occur in the barren areas within the southern limit line. Most of the dominant species in the communities are composed of plants that are commonly found in the roads, roadsides, bare soil, damaged areas, and grasslands throughout South Korea. Currently, the vegetation in barren areas in the vicinities of the DMZ is in the early ecological succession form that develops from bare soil to herbaceous vegetation. Since dominant species distributed in barren land can grow naturally without special maintenance and management, the data can be useful for future restoration material development or species selection.

An Analysis of Environmental Factors of Abandoned Paddy Wetlands as References and Changes in Land Cover Types in the Influence Area (묵논습지 환경요인 및 생태영향권 내 토지피복유형 변화 분석)

  • Park, MiOk;Kwon, SoonHyo;Back, SeungJun;Seo, JooYoung;Koo, BonHak
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the characteristics of the soil and hydrological environment of abandoned paddy wetlands examined the changes in land cover type in the ecological affect area, analyzed the environmental factors of abandoned paddy wetlands, and examined the changes in land cover type in the ecological impact area. The ecological environment characteristics of the reference abandoned paddy wetlands were investigated through literature research, environmental spatial information service, and preliminary exploration of the abandoned paddy wetlands, and the basic data for the restoration of abandoned paddy wetlands ware provided by examining the changes in land cover type in the ecological impact area for 40 years. Through this study, it will be possible to manage the rapidly increasing number of abandoned farmland to be converted into wetlands so that it can perform functions equivalent to or greater than that of natural wetlands. In particular, as we checked the clues that abandoned paddy wetlands could spread to surrounding ecological influences through land cover changes, the study sites are highly likely to be reference wetlands, and if the topography, soil, water circulation system, and carbon reduction performance are analyzed carefully, it will be possible to standardize the development process. In addition, through the change in land cover, clues were confirmed that the abandoned paddy wetlands could spread to the surrounding ecological affect areas. The land cover type in the ecological impact area, forests was mainly distributed, but generally decreased rapidly in the last 10-20 years, and forests were changing from coniferous forests to broad-leaved forests, mixed forests, or grassland. It has not yet been fully called to the wetland, and it is found that it has maintained the form of barren or grassland, and as can be seen in the case of natural wetlands after more than 30 years after abandoned, it is expected that the transition will gradually proceed to wetlands that are structurally and functionally similar to natural wetlands.

A Study on Landscape of Cheongpunggye (청풍계(淸風溪) 경관에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyang;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2011
  • Cheongpunggye is located in a valley where Baekaksan, the main mountain of Seoul and Inwang Mountain corresponding to right-white tiger(石白虎) divination based on topography are crossed. The owner of Cheongpunggye is Seonwon Kim Sangyong and many people had visited there without pause because of beautiful landscape since the early times of Chosun. Seonwon Kim Sangyong had ever studied together with Yulgok Yi I and Woogye Seong Hon. He was one of the Western faction(Seo-in) which was the leading power of Injo Coup and died for his chastity during Second Manchu Invasion of Chosun. He is known as a model of fidelity which is a symbol for scholar's spirit in Chosun together with his younger brother Cheongeum Kim Sangheon. Jangdong region, the clan village of New Andong family was the birthplace of Yulgok School which was the fundamental of scholar spirit of Chosun. And Jangdong would be the source of Jin-Gyeong(Real Scenery) Culture which was bloomed by Baekak club composed of Gyeomjae Jeong Seon, Sacheon Lee Byeongyeon, and Gwanajae Cho Yeongseok. The contents of this study are as follows. First, this study explored the placeness of Seochon region through the historical background like the relation between Jangdong, the clan village of Andong Kim family and Andong Kim family, and achievements of Seonwon Kim Sangyong and circumstances of that times. Second, this study tried to know original landscape of Cheongpunggye by investigating location, topography, water system etc. based on analysis of literature, old map, and paintings describing Cheongpunggye. The study was progressed in this way. To infer the original landscape, about 50 landscape elements of Cheongpunggye shown in Punggyejibseunggi(楓溪集勝記), Cheongpunggye Cheop, Cheongpunggye(淸風溪), the work of Gyeomjae Jeong Sean were searched, and then the location and form of the elements was analyzed. Furthermore, by analyzing the meanings of the names for the landscape elements, the thoughts(Naturalism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) supporting the structure of Cheongpunggye could be inferred. It is thought that these findings can contribute to exploration of placeness of Cheongpunggye. The study on original landscape of Cheongpunggye can be used as basic data when these works are executed-revival of Cheongpunggye, restoration of small streams in upper part of Cheonggyecheon, renewal of Seochon region.

The Yongsan Governor General Official Residence in Korean Landscape Architectural History (용산 총독관저 정원의 조경사적 의의)

  • Kim, Hai-Gyoung;Yu, Joo-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 2011
  • This study is about the governor general's official residence and its garden in Yongsan that were constructed during the Japanese occupational time. The garden design drawing was also made while planning such Neo-Baroque style building, and it contains particular information of the garden unlike the other existing landscape drawings. The content of garden translated and landscape historical value drawn out by analysis of garden drawings, press articles and literatures are as follows; First, such governor general's official residence garden in Yongsan is likely to be the Korean first western style landscape form. For, from the point that it was completely constructed together with such official residential building in 1909, its construction time should be before that of the garden of Seokjojeon, Deoksu Palace, which was constructed in 1911. Second, it shows the garden style and garden planting factors introduced together with the modern architecture then. Such garden planting factors are placed from the center axis of the garden that is connected to the center of the building and monument as well. Such style and factors cover and show the flower bed appearing in Baroque style gardens, the monument that forms Vista playing the center of audience's vision, water space that is placed symmetrically against the axis, planting pattern that emphasizes the plants' space, flower bed shape and axis, and what kinds of plants were introduced then. Third, it shows the using pattern of western style gardens. Western style garden parties used to take in place in this garden while official dinner and reception were held in the evening in the official residence. Fourth, it shows the historical value as a modern landscape drawing, which is the Korean first landscape drawing that shows the plants' names and planting techniques marking the current height and planned height for change of topography and water system as a water landscape factor. That is, this drawing has the value that it was upgraded from the other existing ones that expressed only simple plants' symbols or flower bed shapes. I, therefore, hope that the studies on the modern landscape would be getting wider by excavation of new historical records in the future.