• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Marine Environmental Characteristics of Seagrass Habitat in Seomjin River Estuary (섬진강 하구역 잘피(Z. marina)서식지의 해양환경 특성)

  • Ji, Hyeong-Seok;Seo, Hee-Jeong;Kim, Myeong-Won;Lee, Moon Ock;Kim, Jongkyu
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.236-244
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    • 2014
  • This study considered a seagrass habitat in order to analyze the characteristics of a marine environment of seagrass located in the Seomjin river estuary, through an analysis of the distribution of the water depth, field observation, and three-dimensional numerical experiments using an EFDC model. The seagrass habitat was usually distributed at D.L(-) 0.5~0.0 m, and was hardly seen in the intertidal zone higher than that range. The distribution of the water temperature was within the range of $7.0{\sim}23.2^{\circ}C$, and the seagrass was demonstrated to have a strong tolerance to changes in the water temperature. In addition, the salinity distribution was found to be 27.2~31.0 psu, with suspended solids of 32.1 mg/L, which were higher than the previous research results (Huh et al., 1998), implying that there may be a reduction in the amount of deposits caused by the suspended solids. As for the sedimentary facies, they were comprised of 62.7% sand, 19.1% silt, and 18.2% clay, indicating that the arenaceous was superior and the sedimentary facies were similar to that of Dadae Bay. According to a numerical experiment, the maximum tidal current was 75 cm/s, while the tidal residual current was 10 cm/s, confirming that it sufficiently adapted to strong tidal currents. The erosion and deposition are predicted to be less than 1.0 cm/year. Thus, it is judged that the resuspension of sediments due to tidal currents and the changes in sedimentary facies are insignificant.

A Study on the Comparison of Measuring Methods and Development of Emssion Factor on Mercury from Large-Scale Emission Sources (대형배출원에서의 수은 측정방법 비교 및 배출계수 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Chun;Kim, Rhok-Ho;Kim, Jong-Hyeon;Lim, Seung-young;Kang, Dae-Il;Hong, Ji-Hyung;Jang, Kee-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.184-192
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    • 2016
  • Recently, studies on reducing mercury have been actively conducted worldwide, which include the current status of mercury emissions and mercury control technology. Among the control technology, Sorbent Trap measurement method has been aggressively developed due to its reliability, easiness in measurement and analysis. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the applicability of the new international measurement method; Sorbent Trap. For this, the study compared the Sorbent trap method (US EPA Method 30B) and the Korean Standard Method for Examination of Air (ES 01408.1) to evaluate their reliability, and developed mercury emission factors. As the result, the relative standard deviations (% RSD) of the two methods were 3.5~13.4% at Coal-fired Power Plants (CPP), 4.0~18.4% at Cement Kilns (CK), and 3.0~11.3% at Medical Waste Incinerators (MWI). The emissions factors were developed as 14.50 kg/ton at CPP, 45.10 kg/ton at CK, and 1,290.2 kg/ton at MWI.

Research of Communication Coverage and Terrain Masking for Path Planning (경로생성 및 지형차폐를 고려한 통신영역 생성 방법)

  • Woo, Sang Hyo;Kim, Jae Min;Beak, InHye;Kim, Ki Bum
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.407-416
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    • 2020
  • Recent complex battle field demands Network Centric Warfare(NCW) ability to control various parts into a cohesive unit. In path planning filed, the NCW ability increases complexity of path planning algorithm, and it has to consider a communication coverage map as well as traditional parameters such as minimum radar exposure and survivability. In this paper, pros and cons of various propagation models are summarized, and we suggest a coverage map generation method using a Longley-Rice propagation model. Previous coverage map based on line of sight has significant discontinuities that limits selection of path planning algorithms such as Dijkstra and fast marching only. If there is method to remove discontinuities in the coverage map, optimization based path planning algorithms such as trajectory optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) can also be used. In this paper, the Longley-Rice propagation model is used to calculate continuous RF strengths, and convert the strength data using smoothed leaky BER for the coverage map. In addition, we also suggest other types of rough coverage map generation using a lookup table method with simple inputs such as terrain type and antenna heights only. The implemented communication coverage map can be used various path planning algorithms, especially in the optimization based algorithms.

Enhanced NOW-Sort on a PC Cluster with a Low-Speed Network (저속 네트웍 PC 클러스터상에서 NOW-Sort의 성능향상)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyoung;Kim, Dong-Seung
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.550-560
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    • 2002
  • External sort on cluster computers requires not only fast internal sorting computation but also careful scheduling of disk input and output and interprocessor communication through networks. This is because the overall time for the execution is determined by reflecting the times for all the jobs involved, and the portion for interprocessor communication and disk I/O operations is significant. In this paper, we improve the sorting performance (sorting throughput) on a cluster of PCs with a low-speed network by developing a new algorithm that enables even distribution of load among processors, and optimizes the disk read and write operations with other computation/communication activities during the sort. Experimental results support the effectiveness of the algorithm. We observe the algorithm reduces the sort time by 45% compared to the previous NOW-sort[1], and provides more scalability in the expansion of the computing nodes of the cluster as well.

A Study on the Assessment of the Marine Traffic Safety at the Pusan Approaching Waters (부산항 접근수역의 해상교통 안전성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Yong-Sik;Jong, Jae-Yong;Park, Yong-Soo;Lee, Hyong-Ki;Moon, Beom-Sik;Park, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.257-268
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    • 2001
  • Marine traffic engineering is the technical field that observe flows of vessel traffic in accurate and describe the features of ships' movement statistically or analytically, then contribute to the improvement of the traffic flow and safety of traffic. Recently, marine traffic engineering has been developed until that possible to estimate a changes in traffic flow caused from some transformations of the traffic condition, and to assess the feasibility and validity of the changes by computer simulation. This paper aims to assess the present traffic safety at the sea area adjacent to Pusan harbour, and the validity of the suggested roundabouts traffic separation scheme at the Pusan approaching water(by Park in 1998) using environmental stress aggregation model There are couple of steps to describe the marine traffic situation and to assess it's safety by computer simulation. The first step is observe the movement of vessel traffic concerned waters and to obtain the relevant data for computer simulation. Second step is to carry out computer simulation to assess the simulated traffic flows by using suitable indexes of assessment model - environmental stress aggregation model. Eventually, this paper conclude that the environmental stress aggregation model is a useful technique to assess the traffic safety and the suggested roundabouts traffic separation scheme could make the concerned area safer than present traffic situation.

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A Teaching Method of Geography about the Ability Grouping and Strategy by WBI (웹 활용을 통한 지리과 수준별 과제해결학습의 수업방안)

  • Park, Cheol-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.97-119
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    • 2001
  • The present education situations are rapidly changing to adapt to 'the Knowledge & Information-based Society'. Especially, the implementation of 'the 7th National Curriculum' put strong emphasis on the learner-centered education that refers to the ability grouping. Therefore, it is necessary that the change from a traditional teaching method to a learner-centered one in geography education will take place. This study will present a design of geography ability grouping through the Task-Solving Learning. This ability grouping method is suitable for the large class. And this study also presents a strategy by applying WBI, which make use of the advantage of computer and constructivism. This WBI model can be applied properly to many teaching-learning methods that includes Self-Directed Learning, Collaborate Learning, Ability Grouping, and Applying ICT Instruction. Actually they are demanded in the current education. A geography-classroom will have an accessible internet program as a precondition for this instruction.

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Tidal Flats and Resident Life : The Case of Bay, Gomso Bay, Youngwang Tidal Flat (서해안 갯벌과 주민 생활 -가로림만, 곰소만, 영광 갯벌을 사례로-)

  • Lee, Yun-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.339-351
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the relationships between tidal cycles, surface landforms, and sediments of tidal flats and their resident life. The study areas are Uengdo Ri in the Garolim Bay with wide the mud flat, Doou Ri in the Youngwang tidal flat which is developed sand flat and salt field, and Gomso Bay which is developed aquaculture industry. For resident around tidal flats, sea working takes precedence over farming, and main earnings gets from tidal flats. Resident life around the tidal flats is deeply related to tidal cycles, and low water level of spring tide becomes, they are most active and get more earnings than usual day, so it seems to be periodic markets. It is usually developed shellfish aquafarms in the mud flat, the stow net fishery in the sand flat, and salt fields in the mixed flat near the coast. Also a tidal flat has specialization of economic activity, and is divided into salt field and fish-farming in the supratidal zone, shellfish aquafarm in the intertidal zone, and oyster and porphyra culture in the subtidal zone.

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Distribution of large jar coffin on Location Characteristics of the Jar Coffins in the Yeongsan River Basin (영산강 유역 옹관묘의 입지특성으로 본 대형옹관의 유통)

  • Lee, Ae Jin;Park, Ji Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.843-855
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study is to find out geomorphological characteristics of historical ruins where people produced and consumed large jar coffins excavated in the Yeongsan river basin using Fluvio-Marine Plains from detailed soil map. For this purpose, we chose the 21 consumption sites. The results are as follows. 21 consumption sites located in the region of upper limit of tidal internal in Yongsan River and tributary rivers. Among these, 18 Consumption sites has high accessibility with Fluvio-marine plains. This means that Consumption remains of Yongsan River basin have been located to area available for distribution from production sites.

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Classification of the damaged areas in the DMZ (demilitarized zone) using high-resolution satellite images and climate and topography data (고해상도 위성영상 및 기후·지형 데이터를 이용한 DMZ 불모지의 유형화)

  • Lee, Ah-Young;Shin, Hyun-Tak;Bak, Gi-Ppeum;Jung, Ji-Young;Sung, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we 1) identified the damaged areas along the south limit line (SLL) of the demilitarized zone (DMZ) by the military's 'DMZ barren land campaign', and 2) categorized the identified damaged areas into a few ecological types. Using high-resolution satellite images, we delineated the total damaged areas to be 1,183.2 ha, which accounted for 50.1% of the 100-m northern buffer regions from the SLL. Of the total damaged areas, 16% were severely damaged, i.e., they had been damaged until recently and so remained barren without vegetation cover. In other areas, the levels of damage were either moderate (59.9%) or slight (24.1%), due to natural succession that turned those areas to grassland or forest. Using satellite image-derived land cover maps and climatic and topographic data, we categorized the damaged areas into seven types: lowland grassland (19.8%), western lowland forest (21.4%), low-altitude forest (25.5%), mid-altitude forest (18.4%), high-altitude forest (6.8%), vicinity in east coast (7.9%), and waterbody (0.2%). These types can be used to identify proper measures to restore ecosystems in the DMZ for now and after Korean reunification.

Minimum Temperature Mapping in Complex Terrain Considering Cold Air Drainage (냉기침강효과를 고려한 복잡지형의 최저기온 분포 추정)

  • 정유란;서형호;황규홍;황범석;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2002
  • Site-specific minimum temperature forecasts are critical in a short-term decision making procedure for preventive measures as well as a long-term strategy such as site selection in fruits industry. Nocturnal cold air pools frequently termed in mountainous areas under anticyclonic systems are very dangerous to the flowering buds in spring over Korea, but the spatial resolution to detect them exceeds the current weather forecast scale. To supplement the insufficient spatial resolution of official forecasts, we developed a GIS - assisted frost risk assesment scheme for using in mountainous areas. Daily minimum temperature data were obtained from 6 sites located in a 2.1 by 2.1 km area with complex topography near the southern edge of Sobaek mountains during radiative cooling nights in spring 2001. A digital elevation model with a 10 m spatial resolution was prepared for the entire study area and the cold air inflow was simulated for each grid cell by counting the number of surrounding cells coming into the processing cell. Primitive temperature surfaces were prepared for the corresponding dates by interpolating the Korea Meteorological Administration's automated observational data with the lapse rate correction. The cell temperature values corresponding to the 6 observation sites were extracted from the primitive temperature surface, and subtracted from the observed values to obtain the estimation error. The errors were regressed to the flow accumulation at the corresponding cells, delineating a statistically significant relationship. When we applied this relationship to the primitive temperature surfaces of frost nights during April 2002, there was a good agreement with the observations, showing a feasibility of site-specific frost warning system development in mountainous areas.