• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Critical Comments on Akagki's Pediment Morphology in Korea (한국 Pediment 지형의 연구성과에 관한 비판과 문제점)

  • Park, No-Sik
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.68
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    • pp.99-120
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    • 2005
  • It is a wrong decision to use only topographic and geological maps for the study of pediment morphology in Korea. For the study of pediment morphology it is necessary to survey the earth structure by field techniques. In Korea, pediments are mostly found in granite areas with hardrock cover. But, pediments also developed in gneiss areas and what is worse in limestone areas. So, all areas in Korea developed pediment morphology. Only in South Korea pediments show a direction from south to north or from west to east. They developed only in right angles to each other, either parallel or in right angles to the strike, depending on the bedrock structure. Pediments are found in two levels. The upper level pediments are correlated with the lower level erosion surface. Besides this pediments are found in Hoenggye-ri of the Taegwolryong area in a third level 800m above sea level. The pediments developed in basins, at the lower margins of steep slopes dividing three levels of erosion surfaces and around the residual mountains on the erosion surfaces. The first belong to the early stage of pedimentation, the second to the middle stage and the third to the last stage. Also, in Korea monadnock and residual mountain have developed the pediments are correlated the slope of the hinter mountains. Akagki states that the only pedimentation times have been times of arid climate and that they are dissected by gulley erosion with climatic change, but writer's study proves that pedimentation takes place with eustatic movement, reckless defore-station and convectional rain. These facts indicate that the landforms, geological character and process of erosional cycle of the pediments in Korea resemble much those in the Chugoku Mountains of south wertern Japan, but they are larger in scale than those in the Chugoku Mountains. In conclusion, while Akagki emphasizes the geological character and climatic change in pedimentation, the writer studies prove that eustatic movements, especially the sea level rise after the Wurm age are important factors for pedimentation. Besides this the author's studies allow a classification of gentle slopes.

Characteristics of PM10 concentration at seashore and inland according to land-use in Busan (부산지역 지역용도별 해안과 내륙의 PM10 농도 특성)

  • Jeon, Byung-Il
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to consider the characteristics of PM10(particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 10 ${\mu}m$) concentration according to land-use in Busan coastal area. Fine particle is affected by emissions, geographical conditions and meteorological factors. In case industrial area, Gamjeondong(inland) PM10 concentration was higher than Noksandong(seashore) at all season except for Summer. Primary peak at Gamjeondong cleared than Noksandong in Fall and Winter. In case green area, Daejeodong(inland) PM10 concentration was higher than Dongsamdong(seashore) at all seasons. In case commercial area, primary peak occurrence time at Jeonpodong lagged one hour according to season and diurnal change of PM10 concentration at Gwangbokdong was higher than Jeonpodong in Spring. In case residential area, high PM10 concentration(80~90 ${\mu}g/m^3$) lasted for six hours during the daytime in Spring at Deogcheondong and Yongsuri(inland).

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Vegetation Characteristics of Mankyua chejuense Habitats (제주고사리삼의 자생지 유형 및 식생 특성)

  • Hyeon, Hwa-Ja;Moon, Myung-Ok;Kim, Moon-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.395-403
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to investigate the habitat positional environment and vegetation properties of Mankyua chejuense. The habitats were classified into two types depending on the depth of the habitat, the ratio of rock exposure, the dominant species and the surrounding vegetation, which affected the vegetation of the habitats. The habitats with a high ratio of rock exposure showed a distinctive geographical boundary to the adjacent region and most of them were composed of trees that grow in humid environment. On the contrary, in the soil-rich habitats, the depth was shallow, soil layer was well developed, and the trees were introduced from the adjacent areas. However, the dominant species in the herbaceous layer were aquatic plants, which indicated that the habitats had the properties of wetland. Therefore, it was found that thes habitats of Mankyua chejuense have the properties similar to those of marshland. For the preservation of Mankyua chejuense, it is very important to make the habitats maintain such properties of wetland.

Image Map Generation using the Airship Photogrammetric System (비행선촬영시스템을 이용한 영상지도 제작)

  • 유환희;제정형;김성삼
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2002
  • Recently, much demand of vector data have increased rapidly such as a digital map instead of traditional a paper map and the raster data such as a high-resolution orthoimage have been used for many GIS application with the advent of industrial high-resolution satellites and development of aerial optical sensor technologies. Aerial photogrammetric technologies using an airship can offer cost-effective and high-resolution color images as well as real time images, different from conventional remote sensing measurements. Also, it can acquire images easily and its processing procedure is short and simple relatively. On the other hand, it has often been used for the production of a small-scale land use map not required high accuracy, monitoring of linear infrastructure features through mosaicking strip images and construction of GIS data. Through this study, the developed aerial photogrammetric system using the airship expects to be applied to not only producing of scale 1:5, 000 digital map but also verifying, editing, and updating the digital map which was need to be reproduced. Further more, providing the various type of video-images, it expects to use many other GIS applications such as facilities management, scenery management and construction of GIS data for Urban area.

Correlation Analysis of Land Used Pattern and Air Pollution Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 토지이용상태와 대기오염의 상관성 분석)

  • Choi Byoung Gil;Kim Ki Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2004
  • This study analyzes the interrelationship with air pollution quality and land used patterns, and analyzes the history and optimal allocation of TMS using GIS. Seasonal air pollution map are maded of TMS data in study area, and land used patterns based on Land Cover Classification Map are reclassified as residential area, commercial area, industrial area, traffic concentrated area, and non-Polluted area. Pollution sources can be identified through analyzing the correlation of air pollution and land used patterns by GIS spatial overlaying technique. Hence, the result shows that it coincides with the characteristics of conventional air pollution. Air pollution quality measured by TMS shows similar to that of its near stations or the same land used patterns, through the history and allocation analysis of TMS. Therefore, it is need to consider these characteristics in setting TMS positions in the future.

Block Adjustment with GPS/INS in Aerial Photogrammetry (GPS/INS에 의한 항공사진측량의 블럭조정)

  • Park Woon Yong;Lee Kang Won;Lee Jae One;Jeong Gong Uhn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2004
  • GPS photogrammetry or the GPS/INS photogrammetry, which are based on the direct measurement of the projection centers and attitude at the moment of camera exposure time through loading the GPS receiver or INS in aircraft. Both photogrammetric methods can offer us to acquire the exterior orientation parameters with only minimum ground control points, even the ground control process could be completely skipped. Consequently, we can drastically reduce the time and cost for the mapping process. In this thesis, test flight was conducted in Suwon area to evaluate the performance of accuracy and efficiency through the analysis of results among the three photogrammetric methods, that is, traditional photogrammetry, GPS photogrammetry and GPS/INS photogrammetry. Test results shows that a large variety of advantages of GPS photogrammetry and GPS/INS photogrammetry against traditional photogrammetry is to be verified. Especially, the number of ground control points for the exterior orientation could be saved more than 70~80%, respectively.

A Method of Island Information Management System Construction Using Geo-Spatial Information System (GSIS를 이용한 도서(섬)정보관리시스템 구축방안)

  • 박민호;곽성남
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2000
  • In the 21th century, on the level of the limit of national resources, the national land development, the development using the marine resource and the marine space, the international diplomacy and the national security, the island development will be more vitalized. Therefore, considering the various kinds of information becomes diverse and massive quantitatively, it is necessary that we develop an effective system which not only operates the information, but also gives a function of various display using the computer graphic and the multimedia. On this point of view, this study focused on thesuggestion of the application system model which is necessary for an efficient management, analysis and development of our country's island. That is, unlike the previous information system, the IIMS(Island Information Management System) model was developed by the active use of the Geo-Spatial Information System which improves the efficiency of the work by managing the spatial information and the attribute information simultaneously, and objectively induces the decision of the opinion and the policy for the management and the development of the island.

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A study on the Geoid of the GPS/Leveling and Geopotential Model (GPS/Leveling과 지오포텐셜 모델 지오이드 고찰)

  • 고인세;조진동
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2000
  • To utilize the survey method using the geodetic satellite GPS, we tried to analysis the GPS/Leveling and the geopotential model of the 26 GPS observation points including 23 BM and 3 triangulation points with approximately 16-km interval selected from the Andong geographic map with a scale of 1:250,000. The average deviations of the geopotential model calculated from the results of analysis to the GPS/Leveling and the previously developed geopotential models(EGM96, OSU91A, and KGEOID), are 0.493 m, 0.277 m, and 0.195 m, respectively and RMS errors are $\pm$0.299 m, $\pm$0.152 m, and $\pm$ 0.133 m. The general trend of geoid undulations, however, shows an increasing pattern to the NW-SE direction. It has been also reported that the geoid undulation related with topographic-highs and geoid-highs although very poor relationship is shown in this area.

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A Study on 3D-Transformation of Krazovsky Coordinate System (Krassovsky 타원체 좌표의 3차원 변환에 대한 연구)

  • 김감래;전호원;현민호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2001
  • Requiring topographic information of map due to retaining russia map, which needed accuracy analysis of russia map and relation between its and south korea's map. In order to obtain exact location information from the map which has different reference datum. We have to operate coordinate transformation between maps applied different ellipsoid. In this paper, in order to evaluate accuracy between two maps applied different ellipsoid, it has studied theory of map projection and coordinate transformation. Then, select each point which can be recognized on the two maps for accuracy evaluation. After obtaining coordinate values for each point of same area, it is evaluated accuracy each geodetic coordinate and each TM coordinate. As a result of this study, the maps which have different reference datum could be used if the exact origin shift could be obtained and applied.

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Orthophoto Application for Geo-spatial Information Acquisiton of Construction Area(DAM) (공사지역(댐)의 지형정보구축을 위한 정사영상의 활용)

  • 한승희;이형석;이성순
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.395-403
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    • 2000
  • It is so sensitive that the matter of compensation for private possessions caused in the course of public construction planning is very important. Especially, more logical planning is necessary when the dam be constructed, because it is mainly controlled by the surface of water, and if that planning is made public, artificial change is occurred in land use in that area for the purpose of rising the compensation. In this study, the plan for the application of aerial photo based ortho image was drew up for solving these problems and for the rational, rapid compensation. Ortho image was made by aerial photo, used as reading material for the change in land use. The modeling of drainage basin, came under the planning surface of water, and the 3D simulation were performed for the scene analysis, the change understanding in land use for a lot number in a certain period by overlapping the digital image, the digital land registration map, and the digital topography map as well as the analysis of the admitted land followed by the height of reservoir water.

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