• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Development of a GIS Model for Projecting Eco-Friendly Forest Roads (GIS를 이용(利用)한 환경친화적(環境親和的) 임도(林道) 노선(路線) 선정(選定) 프로그램의 개발(開發))

  • Lee, Byungdoo;Chung, Joosang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.3
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    • pp.431-439
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    • 2000
  • In this study, a GIS-application model to determine the optimal route of eco-friendly forest roads and to evaluate the environmental and engineering features of the route was developed. The model consists of five modules for managing spatial and attribute data, determining the optimal route for forest road projection, evaluating environmental and engineering efficiency of forest roads, analyzing characteristics of mountain terrains and report-writing. Using the pull-down menu system, these modules were integrated to be user-friendly for forest field practitioners. Visual Basic 6.0 and Avenue were used as the programming tool and the commercial GIS softwares, ArcView 3.1, Spatial Analyst and 3-D Analyst were used as the basic engine of the model for GIS analysis. In this paper, discussed are the principles for forest road projection and evaluation and structures and application features of the model.

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Relationship between Stream Geomophological Factors and the Vegetation Abundance - With a Special Reference to the Han River System - (하천의 지형학적 인자와 식생종수의 관계 -한강수계를 중심으로-)

  • 이광우;김태균;심우경
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to develop prediction models for plant species abundance by stream restoration. Generally the stream plant is affected by stream gemophology. So in this study, the relationship between the vegetation abundance and stream gemophology was developed by multiple regression analysis. The stream characteristics utilized in this study were longitudinal slope, transectional slope, micro-landforms through the longitudinal direction, riparian width and geometric mean diameter and biggest diameter of bed material, and cumulated coarse and fine sand weight portion. The Pyungchang River with mountainous watershed and the Kyungan stream and the Bokha stream in the agricultural region were selected and vegetation species abundance and stream characteristics were documented from the site at 2~3km intervals from the upper stream to the lower. The Models for predicting the vegetation abundance were developed by multiple regression analysis using SPSS statistics package. The linear relationship between the dependant(species abundance) and independant(stream characteristics) variables was tested by a graphical method. Longitudinal and transectional slope had a nonlinear relationship with species abundance. In the next step, the independance between the independant variables was tested and the correlation between independant and dependant variables was tested by the Pearson bivariate correlation test. The selected independant variables were transectional slope, riparian width, and cumulated fine sand weight portion. From the multiple regression analysis, the $R^2$for the Pyungchang river, Kyungan stream, Bokga stream were 0.651, 0.512 and 0.240 respectively. The natural stream configuration in the Pyungchang river had the best result and the lower $R^2$for Kyunan and Bokha stream were due to human impact which disturbed the natural ecosystem. The lowest $R^2$for the Bokha stream was due to the shifting sandy bed. If the stream bed is fugitive, the prediction model may not be valid. Using the multiple regression models, the vegetation abundance could be predicted with stream characteristics such as, transection slope, riaparian width, cumulated fine sand weigth portion, after stream restoration.

Acoustic Characteristics of Underwater Noise from Uldolmok Tidal Current Pilot Power Plant (울돌목 시험조류발전소의 수중소음 특성 연구)

  • Ko, Myungkwon;Choi, Jee Woong;Yi, Jin-Hak;Jeong, Weonmu
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.523-531
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    • 2012
  • Recently, as a result of increasing concern about eco-friendly power, the demand for the power stations using environmentally friendly powers such as photovoltaic energy, wind force, tidal power, and tidal current has been increasing worldwide. Among these power stations tidal current power plant requires strong current generated by the topographic characteristics of the ocean floor. Uldolmok waterway producing very strong current is an ideal location for a tidal current power generation. However the occurrence of anthropogenic underwater noise generated by the tidal current power station may affect the marine environment. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the noise radiated from the station and predict the range influenced by the radiated noise. In this paper, the measurements of radiated noise spectrum level by the tidal current power station are presented, and the source level per unit area is estimated. Finally, the propagation properties of the radiated noise in the Uldolmok waterway is evaluated from the model simulation using the parabolic equation method, RAM.

Performance Evaluation of the Drift Control in Residential Tall Building Using the Dampers (제진장치를 적용한 초고층 주거형 건축물의 횡변위 제어 성능 평가)

  • Park, Ji-Hyeong;Kim, Tae-Ho;Kim, Ook-Jong;Lee, Do-Bum
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.265-273
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    • 2008
  • The problem controlling lateral drift by the wind and the earthquake is very important in high rise buildings. But, outrigger system, generally used for residential tall buildings in Korea, has weak points with the occupancy of special space, the difficult construction and the long duration of works. On the other hand, the damper reduces story drifts of building structure by absorbing vibration energy induced by the dynamic loads and the application of damper systems is relatively simple. Also, the lateral drift control system such as outrigger system may raise the wind vibration problem of serviceability like human comfort and this problem may need another vibration control devices. Accordingly, we analyze the effect of the drift control using various dampers to substitute for outrigger system as the efficient system in residential tall buildings.

Application of Open Information Model for the Information Management on Building Flood Damage (건물 침수피해 정보관리를 위한 개방형 정보모델의 응용방안)

  • Song, Min Sun;Kim, Min-Su;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.565-572
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    • 2014
  • A systematically structured 3D information model can be effectively utilized in many application fields. This study presents the methodology of generation and application of the city information model, which is suited for the management of the flood damage information. To ensure the interoperability and re-usability of the information, this study develops application methodology to utilize the information attributes included in the CityGML as an open standard data schema and extension methodology for additional information attributes. Also, an effective combining method for topography and building model was proposed. Using the data extracted from the combined information model based on a real flood damage case, it was shown that the numbers of casualties and isolation during a flood can be predicted and as a result, the applicability of the data model on flood damage estimation is naturally verified.

Edge Vegetation Structure in Kaya Mountain National Park (가야산 국립공원의 주연부식생구조)

  • 오구균;진태호;양민영
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.51-69
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    • 1989
  • To investigate edge vegetation structure and edge species in Kaya Mountain National Park, field survey was executed from July to August, 1989 and the result are as follows. Cantilevered and advancing types of edge vegetation were observed on site, The relative importance values of major species were changed along distance from edge to forest interior and were seemed to be affected by aspect, soil moisture and present tree layer vegetation. Especially, light-oriented species were observed as a codominant species under pine tree canopy due to selective allelopathy effect and thin canopy. Ecological indices according to the distance from edge to forest interior did not show regular pattern, but edge depth was estimated as 15-20m, approximately, Dominant species of edge seemed to be affected by soil moisture rather than altitude and aspect, but floristic similarities seemed to be affected by altitude. Frequency classes of edge species were different by aspect, altitude and physiogra-phical location. Lespedeza maximowiczii, Weigela subsessilis and Fraxinus rhynchophylla showed high frequency class in all environment conditions.

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Quantitative Analysis of Landscape in Tokyusan National Park (덕유산 국립공원 경관에 대한 계량적 분석)

  • 김세천
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the objective basic data for applying to development and conservation management of the national park through the quantitative analysis of the visual quality included in the and physical environment of the Tokyusan National Park. For this, spatial images and structures, of natural elements have been analyzed by factor analysis algorithm, and degree of visual quality has been measured mainly through questionnaries. Result of this study can be summarized as follows. Factors covering the spatial image of the Tokyusan National Park landscape have been found to be the overall synthetic evaluation, appeal, spatial, natural quality and dignity factors such as the overall synthetic evaluation, spatial and appeal yield high factor scores. The main factors determining the degree of visual quality are the clearness valley, peculiarity of configuration, natural of trail, harmony of suitable artificial planting and temple.

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Development of Estimating Method for Areal Evapotranspiration using Satellite Data (인공위성 자료를 활용한 광역증발산량의 산정방법 개발)

  • Shin, Sha-Chul;An, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2007
  • One of the most important hydrologic components is evapotranspiration. It is a process by which water is evaporated from moist land surfaces and transpired into atmosphere by plants. There are many methods of estimating evapotranspiration rate and its potential such as the methods of soil-moisture sampling, lysimeter measurements, water balance, energy balance, groundwater fluctuations and evapotranspiration. But it is very difficult to estimate evapotranspiration in terms of regional discrete characteristics of topography and/or vegetation. The evapotranspiration is strongly affected by ground covering vegetation, and the degree of vegetation growth. In order to grasp vegetation condition over a vast study area, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices) calculated from the data obtained from NOAA/AVHRR were utilized. Through multi-regression analysis, we developed a model equation to estimate the evapotranspiration using NDVIs and temperature data.

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Generation of Open City Information Model for Disaster Prevention (방재업무 활용을 위한 개방형 도시정보모델 생성)

  • Park, Sang Il;Song, Min Sun;Jang, Young-Hoon;Seo, Kyung-Wan;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.321-328
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    • 2014
  • Clear understanding and related information management of geography and city facilities are the fundamental approach to prevent city disaster. In order to accomplish the service to prevent city disaster effectively, there needs to be a consistent framework for data collection, to build models, and to manage information. In this study, the authors proposed standardized city information modeling process and application concept to use information model for service of preventing city disaster in information management standpoint. The study was conducted on the process of classification and necessary attributes to manage city facilities effectively considering disaster related information. Additionally, the study suggested the methods for building an open city information model based on an integrated data schema, CityGML. Finally, through the implementation of sample model, the study confirmed city information modeling methodology and applicability for service of disaster prevention.

Fungal flora of $Ull\check{u}ng$ Island (II) -on some resupinate fungi­ - (울릉도의 균류상 (ll) -수종 배착성균류에 대하여-)

  • Jung, Hack-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1991
  • Fresh materials were obtained during collection trips to $Ull\check{u}ng$ Island in October, 1989, and August, 1990. Among them, some resupinate fungi were identified. Seven fungi were confirmed new in Korea and are recorded here with descriptions. They are Gloeocystidiellum karstenii, Peniophora lilacea, Phlebia cremeo-alutacea, P. deflectens, P. livida, Resinicium bicolor, and Hymeno­chaete corrugata.

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