• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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카르스트지형의 윤회 소고

  • 박병수
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.32-36
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    • 1985
  • 석회암처럼 탄산을 내포하고 물에 용해되는 암석으로 형성된 지방에선 유수가 적은 탓에 골짜기가 잘 발달되지 않고 그 대신 여러 가지 특유한 지형이 발달한다. 이 현상을 총칭하여 카르스트(Karst)라고 한다. 따라서 그 곳에서 이루어지는 윤회를 카르스트 윤회라고 한다. 그 곳에 작용하는 영력은 용해에 의하기 때문에 용식이라고 부른다. (중략)

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선유산지괴의 Karst cycle 고찰 -특히 Karst 표면지형을 주로-

  • 박관섭
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.14-17
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    • 1976
  • 본논문은 전국 처처에 분포하는 천여개소의 석화암 용식지형중에서도, 해발고도가 가장 얄고, 해안에서의 거리가 제일 가까운 위치에 발달한 선유산지괴의 지표면 Karst cycle에 대하여 고찰하고, 발달과정과 인문 관계를 밝히는데 목적을 두었다. (중략)

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산호동굴개발의 지리적 배경

  • 김동진
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.16
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    • pp.72-88
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    • 1987
  • 이 정선지구는 그 주변이 높은 산지로 둘러쌓여 있고 더구나 험한 산지지형 때문에 다른 지역과의 교통연락이 불편하여 이른바 폐쇄된 사회로 되어왔다. 또한, 산지성 지형 때문에 광산업과 임업이외의 근대산업의 발달에 불리하여 여태까지 낙후된 산촌사회를 겨우 유지하여 왔을 뿐이다.(중략)

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백룡굴의 성인과 2차생성물에 관한 동굴지형학적 고찰

  • 서무송
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1978
  • 20세기 과학문명은 지구표면에 인적말답의 지역을 거의 없게 하였다. 그러나 아직도 뜻있는 탐험대상으로서 우리들의 흥미와 학구열을 자극하는 공간이 남아있으니, 그것이 바로 해저지형과 지하에 비장된 동굴현상인 것이다.(중략)

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Assessing Southern-type Garlic Suitability with regards to Soil and Temperature Conditions (기온과 토양요인을 고려한 난지형 마늘 재배적지 분석)

  • Kim, Yong-Wan;Jang, Min-Won;Hong, Suk-Young;Kim, Yi-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.266-271
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the land suitability for southern-type garlic cultivation associated with both temperature and soil constraints. The suitability analysis was conducted with hourly temperature data from 2001 to 2010 at all fifty seven meteorological stations and the soil-based suitability map of garlic provided by Rural Development Administration. Firstly the temperature data were processed by the growth stages (germinating, bulbing, and winter vegetation season), and then were adopted to limit the irrelevant lands. Next, as a result of overlaying each soil and temperature suitability map, the total 274,339 ha of area was mapped as highly suitable or suitable for southern-type garlic cultivation and the top four of the largest classified si-guns were identified as Naju, Jeongeup, Gochang, and Jinju. On the other hand, the statistical records of KOSIS (KOrea Statistical Information Service) showed lower amount of cultivation area than the analyzed results in the major production sites, Goheung, Sinan, Haenam, and Muan. However, it should not be regarded as exceptional because farmer's preference might not correspond to potential land usability.

Study on the Control and Topographical Recognition of an Underwater Rubble Leveling Robot for Port Construction (항만공사용 사석 고르기 수중로봇의 제어 및 지형인식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Sung;Kim, Chi-Hyo;Lee, Jin-Hyung;Lee, Min-Ki
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2018
  • When underwater rubble leveling work is carried out by a robot, real-time information on the topography around the robot is required for remote control. If the topographical information with respect to the current position of the robot is displayed as a 3D graphic image, it allows the operator to plan the working schedules and to avoid accidents like rollovers. Up until now, the topographical recognition was conducted by multi-beam sonars, which were only used to assess the quality before and after the work and could not be used to provide real-time information for remote control. This research measures the force delivered to the bucket which presses the mound to determine whether contact is made or not, and the contact position is calculated by reading the cylinder length. A variable bang-bang control algorithm is applied to control the heavy robot arms for the positioning of the bucket. The proposed method allows operators to easily recognize the terrain and intuitively plan the working schedules by showing relatively 3-D gratifications with respect to the robot body. In addition, the operating patterns of a skilled operator are programmed for raking, pushing, moving, and measuring so that they are automatically applied to the underwater rubble leveling work of the robot.

Ecological Studies on the Warm-Season Turfgrass and Cool-Season Turfgrass Mixtures (난지형 잔디와 한지형 잔디의 혼식에 관한 생태학적 연구)

  • Park, Bong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2003
  • Five warm-season turfgrass [Zoysia japonica Steud., Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze, Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm., Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro.) Hack. and Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] were overseeded with 2 cool-season turfgrasses [Poa pratensis L. and Festuca arundinacea Schreb.] to examine suitability of these species for planting in mixture for producing a year-round turf. Percent of warm-season and cool-season turfgrasses in the mixture were estimated for 5 years. Also, to evaluate the fertilization times of the warm-season and cool-season turrfgras mixtures. Eremochloa ophiuroides and Buchloe dactyloides were not suitable for warm-season and cool-season turfgrass mixtures. However, Zoysia japonica, Stenotaphrum secundatum and Cynodon dactylon were suitable for warm-season and cool-season turfgrass mixtures. Zoysia japonica, Stenotaphrum secundatum and Cynodon dactylon were showed approximately 50% botanical composition five years after cool-season turfgrass overseeding. And, those three warm-season turfgrass mixtures showed approximately 20% visual ratings in winter period. Fertilization in early spring and late autumn had made cool-season turfgrass dominated in mixtures. Therefore, fertilization times in warm-season and cool-season turfgrass mixtures was desirable in summer period.

Lineament and Fault-related Landforms of the Western Chungcheongnamdo (충남 서부지역의 선형구조와 단층지형)

  • Tae-Suk Kim;Cho-Hee Lee;Yeong Bae Seong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.224-238
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed lineaments and fault-related landforms in Chungcheongnam-do, central Korean Peninsula, based on historical and instrumental records, given its susceptibility to future earthquakes. We extracted 151 lineaments associated with fault-related landforms. In regions with the Dangjin and Yesan faults, lineaments with strikes matching these faults were densely distributed. Conversely, in the Hongseong Fault area, the number of lineaments was smaller, and those with strikes similar to the fault were less discernible. This is likely due to the extensive distribution of alluvium and surface deformation from long-term weathering, erosion, and cultivation, which obscures geomorphic evidence of faults. At five key fault points, we identified fault-related landforms, such as fault saddles, knickpoints in Quaternary alluvium, and linear valleys, along the lineament, which may indicate an actual fault. However, the displacements of the Quaternary layer within the lineaments appear to be influenced more by external factors, such as artificial disturbances (e.g., cultivation) or stream erosion, than by direct fault movement. The differences between the fault-related landforms in this study area and those in the southeastern Korean Peninsula suggest a specific relationship between fault types and their associated landforms.

Implementation of autonomous driving algorithm and monitoring application for terrain navigation (지형 탐색 자율주행 알고리즘과 모니터링 애플리케이션 구현)

  • Kang, Jongwon;Jeon, Il-Soo;Kim, Myung-Sik;Lim, Wansu
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose an autonomous driving algorithm that allows a robot to explore various terrains, and implement an application that can monitor the robot's movement path during terrain search. The implemented application consists of a status unit that indicates the position, direction, speed, and motion of the mobile robot, a map unit that displays terrain information obtained through terrain search, and a control unit that controls the movement of the mobile robot. In order to control the movement of the robot, only the start and stop of the search/return is commanded by the application, and all driving for the search is performed autonomously. The basic algorithm for terrain search uses an infrared sensor to check for obstacles in the order of left, front, right, and rear, and if there is no obstacle and the path traveled is a dead end, it returns to the previous position and moves in the other direction to continue the search. Repeat the process to explore the terrain.

Drawing of Sea Mapping using Sound Detector (음향탐지장비를 활용한 해저지형도작성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Gi;Kim, Myoung-Bae;Kim, Kam-Lae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.6_2
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    • pp.625-633
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    • 2007
  • Recently human beings are enforcing marine investigations to extend their living environment from land to the sea. Therefore, this study grasped objects in the bottom of the sea and its topographical undulation and acquired topographic map with a sound detector. In result, This study acquired their images with a sound detector and can draw up a Drawing of Sea Mapping and a three-dimensional modeling map.