• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Geospatial Data Display Technique for Non-Glasses Stereoscopic Monitor (무안경식 입체 모니터를 이용한 지형공간 데이터의 디스플레이 기법)

  • Lee, Seun-Geun;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.599-609
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    • 2008
  • Development of computer and electronic technology leads innovative progress in spatial informatics and successful commercialization. Geospatial information technology plays an important role in decision making in various applications. However, information display media are two-dimensional plane that limits visual perception. Understanding human visual processing mechanism to percept stereo vision makes possible to implement three-dimensional stereo image display. This paper proposes on-the-fly stereo image generation methods that are involved with various exterior and camera parameters including exposure station, viewing direction, image size, overlap and focal length. Collinearity equations and parameters related with stereo viewing conditions were solved to generate realisitc stereo imagery. In addition stereo flying simulation scenery was generated with different viewing locations and directions. The stereo viewing is based on the parallax principle of two veiwing locations. This study implemented anaglyphic stereogram, polarization and lenticular stereo display methods. Existing display technology has limitation to provide visual information of three-dimensional and dynamic nature of the real world because the 3D spatial information is projected into 2D plane. Therefore, stereo display methods developed in this study improves geospatial information and applications of GIS by realistic stereo visualization.

The Origin and Development of Hybrid Environmental Design (혼성적 환경설계의 기원과 전개)

  • Kim, Han-Bai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • Since the late 20th century, post-modern society has needed new styles in environmental design. The land art begun during that time supplied the momentum for the birth of the hybrid environmental design. The new design approach, focusing on land form and landscaping begun with land-form architecture, raised a powerful current of hybridization in the environmental design genres. The new picturesque landscape design distinguished by manipulated land forms and sublimated aesthetics appeared under the influence of land art and land-form architecture. Similarly, landscape urbanism was formed by the fusion of landscape architecture and urbanism. Therefore, the representative hybrid styles in environmental design appear as new picturesque landscape design, land-form architecture and landscape urbanism. With the new, strong interest in land and landscape, this same new interest was given to 'time' on account of the dynamics and indeterminacy of urban society. This new interest in land and time gave rise to new hybrid methodologies for environmental design such as mapping, diagramming and folding. These three tools have been applied most comprehensively in landscape urbanism. The 'fold' is the most popular design tool for most of the hybrid genres. The 'diagram' is the second-most popular design tool mostly for landscape urbanism and land-form architecture. Mapping is being actively applied to landscape urbanism and passively applied in new picturesque landscape design. In general, landscape urbanism seems to be a timely and suitable alternative for contemporary urban society. It displays very high potentials in the regeneration of the locality through the comprehensive hybrid methodology. It is necessary to actively engage in and develop landscape urbanism fit the local needs.

Geomorphic Features of ${\check{O}}rumkol$(Frozen Valley) Area (Kyungnam Province, South Korea) - Mainly about Talus - (경남 밀양 얼음골 일대의 지형적 특성 -Talus를 중심으로-)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.165-182
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    • 1997
  • The aim of this paper is to clarify geomorphic features on talus within ${\check{O}}rumkol$ and the origin of ${\check{O}}rumkol$. ${\check{O}}rumkol$ is located in Milyang of Kyungnam province, in South Korea. ${\check{O}}rumkol$ is good area to study talus. because it is characterized by following three geomorphic landscapes : free face surrounding ${\check{O}}rumkol$ ; ${\check{O}}rumkol$ with deep and wide valley floor ; lots of taluses typically developing within ${\check{O}}rumkol$. The main results can be summarized as follows: 1) The origin of ${\check{O}}rumkol$ may be suggested two assumptions : one is that its origin have been resulted from intrusion structure(intrusive rock might capture less resistant rock as tuff) ; the other is that its origin have been resulted from volcanic depression after intrusion or eruption. But these assumptions are not obvious. therefore more geological evidences will be supplemented after this 2) The characteristics of ${\check{O}}rumkol$ talus (1) Pattern ${\check{O}}rumkol$ taluses are tongue-shaped or cone-shaped in appearance. They are $50{\sim}200m$ in length and the range of the maximum width from 25 to 115m and one of their mean slope gradient from 32 to $36^{\circ}$ (2) Origin ${\check{O}}rumkol$ taluses have been formed under periglacial environment in the last glacial age and they are classified into rock fall talus type, considering in conjunction with the shape, hardness, sorting, weathering conditions of constituent debris. (3) The stage of landform development ${\check{O}}rumkol$ talus slope profiles are mainly concave slope. This concave slope type was eventually caused by talus creep at the lower end of the talus. That means new additions of debris from the free face have virtually ceased and there is no evidence of recent motion in the deposit. Now it is predominant that vegetation cover is gradually increasingly. Therefore ${\check{O}}rumkol$ taluses appear to be relict form stage. at present.

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Type and Characteristics of Debris Landform in Mt. Mudeung (무등산 암설지형의 유형과 특징)

  • Oh, Jong-Joo;Park, Seoung-Phill;Seong, Yeong-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.253-267
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    • 2012
  • The study looked into the type and characteristics of debris landforms in Mt. Mudeung. By focusing on the representative area, we aimed to categorize the debris landforms based on the morphologic and genetic characteristcis. The types of debris areas in Mt. Mudeung can be divided into the exposed debris type, mixed type of matrix, and the boulder-hidden type. Supply of block in the debris slope area displays different features depending on types of rocks. For the stony slopes of andesite, the block must be moved from the columnar joint or cliff in the upper part. The andesite debris slopes display dominant edge shape while displaying no round shape. The granite stony slopes display dominant round shape and the present exposed slope was assumed to be formed as the core stone which was deep weathered moved along slope during the periglacial era and the matrix was removed after post-glacial era. The movements of blocks are assumed to be caused by solifluction process. The joint area where granite and andesite areas meet, granite is located beneath andesite area, and this implies that blocks were actively freezing and creeping by solifluction and freezing and thawing at that time. It can be assumes that the granite matrix formed plain slope and then andesite boulder covered up the slope. Currently, the blocks in the stony slopes of Mt. Mudeung shows almost no mobility and the stony slopes created under periglacial climate can be considered to be fossil landform.

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$\acute{E}$tude pour le D$\acute{e}$veloppement du G$\acute{e}$otourisme de l'$\hat{I}$le de Geum-o dans la Ville de Yeosu en Cor$\acute{e}$e du Sud (여수시 금오도의 지오투어리즘 정착을 위한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.336-350
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    • 2012
  • Cette $\acute{e}$tude a pour objectif d'analyser et d'expliquer le g$\acute{e}$osite de l'$\hat{I}$le de Geum-o pour connaitre les caract$\acute{e}$ristiques de cette r$\acute{e}$gion du point de vue $\acute{e}$cologique, historique et culturel $\grave{a}$ partir de ses ressources g$\acute{e}$omorphiques et g$\acute{e}$ologiques. Il y a plusieurs ressources g$\acute{e}$otouristiques sur $\hat{I}$le de Geum - o: la falaise de 'Miyeokneolbang' et 'Shinseondae'; la plage de Gigpo; la falaise et la caverne marine de 'Gualbaramtong'; le tombolo et l'$\hat{I}$le reli$\acute{e}$e $\grave{a}$ la terre de Choungsan; la coul$\acute{e}$e de roches de Jangji; la plage de cailloux de Jangji; le lieu des tuf et des andesite de la c$\hat{o}$te orientale. On a g$\acute{e}$n$\acute{e}$ralement d$\acute{e}$velopp$\acute{e}$ la couche s$\acute{e}$dimentaire et les roches volcaniques li$\acute{e}$es $\grave{a}$ la derni$\grave{e}$re p$\acute{e}$riode du m$\acute{e}$sozo$\ddot{i}$que. Une route g$\acute{e}$otouristique part de l'embarcad$\grave{e}$re de Hamgoumi sur l'$\hat{I}$le de Geum-o et continue du Nord-Ouest jusqu'au Sud-Est l'autre route part de la c$\hat{o}$te Est et continue en suivant la c$\hat{o}$te orientale. Nous proposons des panneaux d'explication g$\acute{e}$otouristique de Janji centr$\acute{e}$s sur la coul$\acute{e}$e de roches.

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Study of the ENC reduction considering Update (갱신을 고려한 전자해도 소형화 연구)

  • Shim, Woo-Seong;Park, Jae-Min;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.425-430
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    • 2003
  • The satellite navigation system is widely used for identifying a user's position regardless of weather or geographic conditions and also make effect on new technology of marine LBS(Location Based Service). which has the technology of geographic information such as the ENC. Generally, there are conceivable systems of marine LBS such as ECDIS, or ECS that use the ENC itself with powerful processor in installed type on ships bridge. Since the ENC is relatively heavy structure with dummy format for data transfer between different systems, we should reduce the ENC to small and compact size in order to use it in mobile platform. In this paper, we assumed that the mobile system like PDA, or Webpad can be used for small navigation or information system in marine field. We considered the reduction of the ENC size to make them fit well to small capability of mobile platform. However, the ENC should be updated periodically by update profile data produced by HO. If we would reduce the ENC without a consideration of update, we could not get newly updated data furthermore. As summary, we studied considerations for ENC reduction with update capability. It will make the ENC be useful in many low performance platforms for various applications.

A Study on Correlation between Species Composition and Environmental Factors in Abies koreana Forest (구상나무림의 종조성과 환경인자간 상관관계)

  • Park, Byeong Joo;Kim, Ji Dong;Lee, Jun Woo;Cho, Seung wan;Heo, Tae Im;Lee, Dong Hyuk;Byeon, Jun Gi
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.144-155
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to analyze community structure and species composition of Abies koreana forest. Field survey was carried out from June, 2019 to 2020, September. 121 plots (20×20 m) were set up, 5 herb layer plots (3×3 m) were constructed for each plot, and there, Diameter at Breast Height(DBH), height, environmental factor were measured. It was analyzed that water stress did not have a significant effect on the factors affecting the growth of A. koreana in Mt. Halla-san, and in the case of Mt. Deokyu-san, the more forest stands located at the ridge, the higher the tree density. It was found that the factors affecting the distribution of Abies koreana were not consistent according to the environment of study site.

Fluvial Processes and Vegetation - Research Trends and Implications (하천과정과 식생 - 연구동향과 시사점)

  • Woo, Hyoseop;Cho, Kang-Hyun;Jang, Chang Lae;Lee, Chan Joo
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2019
  • We've reviewed existing studies on the interactions among vegetation, hydrology, and geomorphology in the stream corridors, adding one more factor of vegetation in the traditional area of hydro-geomorphology. Understanding of the interactions among those three factors is important not only academically but also practically since it is related intimately to the restoration of river corridor as well as management itself. Studies of this area started from field investigations in the latter part of the 20th century and focused on the flume experiments and then computer modelling in the 1990s and 2000s. Now, it has turned again to the field investigations of specific phenomena of the vegetative-hydrologic-geomorphologic interactions in detailed micro scales. Relevant studies in Korea, however, seem to be uncommon and far behind the international status quo in spite that practically important issues related directly to this topic have been emerged. In this study, we propose, based on the extensive literature review and authors' own knowledge and experiences, a conceptual diagram expressing the interactions among vegetation, flow (water), sediment, and geomorphology. Existing relevant studies in Korea since the 1990s are classified according to the categorization in the proposed diagrams and then briefly reviewed. Finally, considering the practical issues of riparian vegetation that have emerged recently in Korea, we propose areas of investigation needed in near future such as, among others, long-term and systematic field investigations and monitoring at multiple river corridors having different attributes on vegetative-hydrologic-geomorphologic interactions, including vegetative dynamics for succession.

Development of CanSat System With 3D Rendering and Real-time Object Detection Functions (3D 렌더링 및 실시간 물체 검출 기능 탑재 캔위성 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Youngjun;Park, Junsoo;Nam, Jaeyoung;Yoo, Seunghoon;Kim, Songhyon;Lee, Sanghyun;Lee, Younggun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.49 no.8
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    • pp.671-680
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    • 2021
  • This paper deals with the contents of designing and producing reconnaissance hardware and software, and verifying the functions after being installed on the CanSat platform and ground stations. The main reconnaissance mission is largely composed of two things: terrain search that renders the surrounding terrain in 3D using radar, GPS, and IMU sensors, and real-time detection of major objects through optical camera image analysis. In addition, data analysis efficiency was improved through GUI software to enhance the completeness of the CanSat system. Specifically, software that can check terrain information and object detection information in real time at the ground station was produced, and mission failure was prevented through abnormal packet exception processing and system initialization functions. Communication through LTE and AWS server was used as the main channel, and ZigBee was used as the auxiliary channel. The completed CanSat was tested for air fall using a rocket launch method and a drone mount method. In experimental results, the terrain search and object detection performance was excellent, and all the results were processed in real-time and then successfully displayed on the ground station software.

Geomorphological and Sedimentological Characteristics of Jangdo Wetland in Shinan-gun, Korea (신안 장도습지의 지형과 퇴적물 특성)

  • CHOI, Kwang Hee;CHOI, Tae-Bong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2010
  • The Jangdo wetland is located on a very gentle slope of the mountain area in Daejangdo island, Shinan-gun, Korea, in which the area of the watershed is estimated at 147,000 m2. The wetland has been regarded as a peat bog without any sedimentological evidence. This study was conducted to analyze the geomorphological and sedimentological characteristics of the wetland. The geographic information system (GIS) was used to analyze the drainage system, and field surveys were conducted to measure the range and depth of wetland deposits. The grain size analysis, organic matter determination, elements analysis and radiocarbon dating were performed on samples from the wetland. As a result, the wetland deposits were about 30 cm deep on average, the mean grain sizes ranged from 50 to 500 μm, and the average C/N ratio was 11.5. The portion of organic matter it contained was only 5~26%, which did not satisfy the peat standards. The radiocarbon ages from the wetland deposits range 180±50 14C yr BP to modern, which indicated that natural and anthropogenic interferences including agricultural activities have continuously happened. We conclude that the Jangdo wetland is still in its infancy, not a steady state, so that it could be very sensitive to a small disturbance.