• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 지형학회

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Cosmogenic Nuclides Dating of the Earth Surface: Focusing on Korean Cases (우주선유발 동위원소를 이용한 지표면의 연대측정: 국내 사례를 중심으로)

  • Seong, Yeong Bae;Yu, Byung Yong
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2014
  • Over the last three decades, advances in AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) and Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer make various application of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (CNs) to wide range of earth surface sciences possible. Dating techniques can be divided into three sub-approaches: simple surface exposure dating, depth-profile dating, and burial dating, depending on the condition of targeted surfaces. In terms of Korean landscape view, CNs dating can be applied to fluvial and marine terrace, alluvial fan, tectonic landform (fault scarp and faulted surfaces), debris landforms such as rock fall, talus, block field and stream, lacustrine and marine wave-cut platform, cave deposits, Pliocene basin fill and archaeological sites. In addition, in terms of lithology, the previous limit to quartz-rich rocks such as granite and gneiss can be expanded to volcanic and carbonate rocks with the help of recent advances in CNs analysis in those rocks.

Change Analysis of Eulsukdo Wetland Using Qualitative Multi-temporal Image Data (다중시기 영상자료를 이용한 을숙도 습지 지역의 정성적 변화분석)

  • Lee, Jae-One;Kim, Yong-Suk;We, Gwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2010
  • This research collected some multi-image information of Nakdong River Estuary Eulsukdo area in last 30 years, which are used as the basis information in running the qualitative analysis of the topography relief's deformation. First, to obtain the data, this research carried out a field survey and GCP measurement, then classified and collected the image information by analog and digital image. The acquired images which have passed a high-precise scan process and geometric correction is manufactured by Ortho Mosaic image, then divided them into 9 sections time period classification before we run a qualitative analysis. In late of 1980's there are many changes of environmental topography deformation of the Eulsukdo area which caused by large scale building constructions, appeared to be known through this research. And then in late of 1990's, we organized the wild cultivated lands, started the wetland restoration of the artificial ecology, in 2000's we are able to know the existence of topograph relief change which caused by big scale of bridge construction. Hereafter, in this quick process of the environmental and topographical change of this area caused by the 4 major rivers restoration project, the analysis results of this experiment are expected to be something applicable as important basic data.

On the Topographies and Recovery of Vegetation in the Hillside Erosion Control Districts (산복사방공사시공지(山腹砂防工事施工地)에 있어서 지형(地形)과 식생회복(植生回復))

  • Kang, Wi Pyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.42-46
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    • 1984
  • This study was carried out to obtain the advanced basic data for hillside erosion control works. Recovery of vegetation in the hillside erosion control districts depends on various factors i.e., topographies, soil qualities, rain conditions and erosion control methods. The only relations between topographies and vegetation coverage were surveyed, since the other factors were equal in all those surveyed areas. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1) Mean coverage values were decreased in order of 80%, 78.7%, 64.0% and 56.5%r in concave slope, uniform slope, compound slope and convex slope respectively. The mean coverage of all aspects was 69.8%. The slope pattern have a influence on formation of coverage. 2) Moisture ratio in soil and mean slope have an effect on the mean coverage value. 3) In the beginning of the hillside erosion control working, coverage (14.8%) by arbor species was too low comparing with that by herb. 4) It is more desirable to recover regetation by artificial planting or seed planting than by the natural vegetation in the barren hillside. In the beginning of the hillside erosion control working, it is difficult to expect vegetation recovery by natural species.

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Analysis of Precision of Interpolation of Reservoir bed Through Comparison of Data Acquired by Using UAV and Echo Sounder (UAV와 Echo Sounder 취득 자료의 비교를 통한 저수지 하상의 공간 보간별 정확도 분석)

  • Roh, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2020
  • Reservoir is an important infrastructure of our society because it can store immense amount of water for various usages - manufacturing, agriculture, drinking, power generation, tourism etc. For maintenance of reservoir, various efforts in administrative and technological aspects are periodically conducted and monitoring the conditions of reservoir bed is the first priority for maintenance of reservoir. To check the conditions of reservoir bed, we measured depth of reservoir by using echo sounder, which is relatively reliable, prior to discharging of stored water and surveyed topography of reservoir by using UAV after discharging of water. Then, we conducted interpolation of measured depth of water by means of inverse distance weighting interpolation, Kriging interpolation, minimum curvature interpolation and radial basis function interpolation and calculated the volume of reservoir for each interpolation method. We compared the calculated volume of reservoir with the volume of water calculated by UAV after discharging of water and found the following results: First, as results of the above processes, we found that the Kriging interpolation was 97% correct in measurement of the volume of reservoir. Second, as results of comparison of differences between topographical areas and interpolated areas after selection of cross section for comparison, Kriging interpolation was found to have the most similar configuration with the topographical configuration by showing the least difference in the area of cross section. Therefore, it is determined that the optimal modeling of reservoir bed with the water depth data measured by echo sounder shall provide basic information for efficient maintenance of reservoir.

Development of Information System based on GIS for Analyzing Basin-Wide Pollutant Washoff (유역오염원 수질거동해석을 위한 GIS기반 정보시스템 개발)

  • Park, Dae-Hee;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2006
  • Simulation models allow researchers to model large hydrological catchment for comprehensive management of the water resources and explication of the diffuse pollution processes, such as land-use changes by development plan of the region. Recently, there have been reported many researches that examine water body quality using Geographic Information System (GIS) and dynamic watershed models such as AGNPS, HSPF, SWAT that necessitate handling large amounts of data. The aim of this study is to develop a watershed based water quality estimation system for the impact assessment on stream water quality. KBASIN-HSPF, proposed in this study, provides easy data compiling for HSPF by facilitating the setup and simulation process. It also assists the spatial interpretation of point and non-point pollutant information and thiessen rainfall creation and pre and post processing for large environmental data An integration methodology of GIS and water quality model for the preprocessing geo-morphologic data was designed by coupling the data model KBASIN-HSPF interface comprises four modules: registration and modification of basic environmental information, watershed delineation generator, watershed geo-morphologic index calculator and model input file processor. KBASIN-HSPF was applied to simulate the water quality impact by variation of subbasin pollution discharge structure.

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Multiresolution 4- 8 Tile Hierarchy Construction for Realtime Visualization of Planetary Scale Geological Information (행성 규모 지리 정보의 실시간 시각화를 위한 다계층 4-8 타일 구조의 구축)

  • Jin, Jong-Wook;Wohn, Kwang-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2006
  • Recently, Very large and high resolution geological data from aerial or satellite imagery are available. Many researches and applications require to do realtime visualization of interest geological area or entire planet. Important operation of wide-spreaded terrain realtime visualization technique is the appropriate model resolution selection from pre-processed multi-resolution model hierarchy depend upon participant's view. For embodying such realtime rendering system with large geometric data, Preprocessing multi-resolution hierarchy from large scale geological information of interest area is required. In this research, recent Cubic multiresolution 4-8 tile hierarchy is selected for global planetary applications. Based upon the tile hierarchy, It constructs the selective terminal level tile mesh for original geological information area and starts to sample individual generated tiles for terminal level tiles. It completes the hierarchy by constructing intermediate tiles with low pass filtering in bottom-up direction. This research embodies series of efficient cubic 4-8 tile hierarchy construction mechanism with out-of-core storage. The planetary scale Mars' geographical altitude data and image data were selected for the experiment.

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A Study on the Extraction of a River from the RapidEye Image Using ISODATA Algorithm (ISODATA 기법을 이용한 RapidEye 영상으로부터 하천의 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2012
  • A river is defined as the watercourse flowing through its channel, and the mapping tasks of a river plays an important role for the research on the topographic changes in the riparian zones and the research on the monitoring of flooding in its floodplain. However, the utilization of the ground surveying technologies is not efficient for the mapping tasks of a river due to the irregular surfaces of the riparian zones and the dynamic changes of water level of a river. Recently, the spatial information data sets are widely used for the coastal mapping tasks due to the acquisition of the topographic information without human accessibility. In this research, we tried to extract a river from the RapidEye imagery by using the ISODATA(Iterative Self_Organizing Data Analysis) classification algorithm with the two different parameters(NIR (Near Infra-Red) band and NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)). First, the two different images(the NIR band image and the NDVI image) were generated from the RapidEye imagery. Second, the ISODATA algorithm were applied to each image and each river was generated in each image through the post-processing steps. River boundaries were also extracted from each classified image using the Sobel edge detection algorithm. Ground truths determined by the experienced expert are used for the assessment of the accuracy of an each generated river. Statistical results show that the extracted river using the NIR band has higher accuracies than the extracted river using the NDVI.

A Simple Emergence Model of Southern Type Garlic Based on Temperature (온도에 따른 난지형 마늘 출현 모형)

  • Moon, K.H.;Choi, K.S.;Son, I.C.;Song, E.Y.;Oh, S.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 2014
  • We developed a simple model to predict emergence time and emergence rate of southern type garlic using the daily mean temperature. Emergence rate of garlic was decreased and emergence time was delayed on higher temperature than optimum temperature of $12.7^{\circ}C$. In the model, firstly daily emergence rate was calculated using a beta function to input daily mean temperature, then the percentage of garlic emergence was calculated using a nonlinear model with accumulated emergence rate. The model was good to describe the experimental data of growth cabinet. Also it can explain well the experimental data using temperature gradient tunnel, designed for verification of model performance. But there are 5 days of deviation between estimated and measured time of garlic emergence on the field experiment. More research is needed to develop an advanced model considering other factors, such as soil moisture.

Application of Flood Prevention Measures Using Detailed Topographic Data of River and Lowland (하천-제내지의 상세 지형자료를 이용한 수해방지대책 적용)

  • LEE, Jae-Yeong;HAN, Kun-Yeun;KEUM, Ho-Jun;KO, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the incidence of flooding in Korea has decreased by the measures by central and local governments, however the scale of damage is increasing due to the improvement of living standard. One of the causes of such flood damage is natural causes such as rainfall exceeding the planned frequency of flood control under climate change. In addition, there are artificial causes such as encroachment of river spaces and management problems in upstream basins without consideration of downstream damage potential by regional development flood. In this study, in order to reduce the inundation damage caused by flooding of river, the situation at the time of inundation damage was reproduced by the detailed topographic data and 2D numerical model. Therefore, the effect of preparing various disaster prevention measures for the lowland was simulated in advance so that quantitative evaluation could be achieved. The target area is Taehwa river basin, where flooding was caused by the flooding of river waters caused by typhoon Chaba in October 2016. As a result of rainfall-discharge and two-dimensional analysis, the simulation results agree with the observed in terms of flood depth, flood arrival time and flooded area. This study examined the applicability of hydraulic analysis on river using two-dimensional inundation model, by applying detailed topographic data and it is expected to contribute to establish of disaster prevention measures.

Estimation of Climatological Standard Deviation Distribution (기후학적 평년 표준편차 분포도의 상세화)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Kim, Soo-ock;Kim, Dae-jun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2017
  • The distribution of inter-annual variation in temperature would help evaluate the likelihood of a climatic risk and assess suitable zones of crops under climate change. In this study, we evaluated two methods to estimate the standard deviation of temperature in the areas where weather information is limited. We calculated the monthly standard deviation of temperature by collecting temperature at 0600 and 1500 local standard time from 10 automated weather stations (AWS). These weather stations were installed in the range of 8 to 1,073m above sea level within a mountainous catchment for 2011-2015. The observed values were compared with estimates, which were calculated using a geospatial correction scheme to derive the site-specific temperature. Those estimates explained 88 and 86% of the temperature variations at 0600 and 1500 LST, respectively. However, it often underestimated the temperatures. In the spring and fall, it tended to had different variance (e.g., increasing or decreasing pattern) from lower to higher elevation with the observed values. A regression analysis was also conducted to quantify the relationship between the standard deviation in temperature and the topography. The regression equation explained a relatively large variation of the monthly standard deviation when lapse-rate corrected temperature, basic topographical variables (e.g., slope, and aspect) and topographical variables related to temperature (e.g., thermal belt, cold air drainage, and brightness index) were used. The coefficient of determination for the regression analysis ranged between 0.46 and 0.98. It was expected that the regression model could account for 70% of the spatial variation of the standard deviation when the monthly standard deviation was predicted by using the minimum-maximum effective range of topographical variables for the area.