• 제목/요약/키워드: 한국 지형학회

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u-러닝 요소 기술 동향

  • Yun, Jong-Hyeon;Ji, Hyeong-Geun;Kim, Byeong-Wan;Myeong, Se-Hwa;No, Gyeong-Hui
    • Communications of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2009

Bathymetric changes off the sea south of Jinwoo-do Island in the Nakdong River estuary (낙동강 하구역 진우도 남측 해역의 해저지형 변화)

  • Park, Bong-woon;Kim, Sung-bo;Kim, Jae-joong;Kim, Ki-cheol
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2016
  • Bathymetric changes were studied in the southern sea off the Jinwoo-do Island, which is one of the deltaic barrier islands surrounding the Nakddong river estuary. In this study, 16 bathymetry data sets were obtained from June 2006 to April 2015. Two narrow channels, the one lying between Jinwoo-do and Shinja-do, and the other one lying between Nulcha-do and Jinwoo-do extended into the eastern and western parts of the study area, respectively. The eastern extension of the channel contained a passage of mixed estuarine waters of seawater and river water discharged from the Nakdong river barrier and the west Nakdong River. The western channel connected the Nakdong River estuary with the Busan New Port via a connecting pier. Total volumetric changes of sediments in study area and discharge flow of the Nakdong river barrier were analyzed. Bottom topographical changes occurred mainly in the eastern extension of the channel. These changes were initially characterized by gradual erosion or deposition followed by rapid restoration. The total volume of sediment gradually increased from June 2006 to March 2013, but experienced a sudden decrease in October 2013 because of typhoon Danas. Few fluctuations were observed from October 2013 to April 2015. Analysis of the cross-sectional bathymetry of the north-south direction showed that the deepest point of the eastern channel moved 100-130 m westward and 200 m northward between June 2006 and April 2015.

A Study on the Application of Criterion (vii) of World Heritage and Identifying Values in Criterion (vii) for Mt. Seoraksan in the Tentative List (세계유산의 등재기준(vii)의 적용 사례 분석과 잠정목록 상에 있는 한국 자연유산에의 적용 가능성 연구: 설악산을 중심으로)

  • Sung, Hyo Hyun;Kim, Jisoo;Suh, Jiwon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2016
  • The objects of this study are to identify values of criterion(vii) and to consider a possibility of application of criterion (vii) of UNESCO World Heritage to Mt. Seoraksan Natural Reserve based on the analysis of the concept of criterion (vii) and justifications of World Heritage sites under criterion (vii). According to the analysis results of 114 Natural Heritage sites under criterion (vii) listed between 1978-2015, detailed values of the criterion and their applied cases were categorized into 10 values. Based on this category, values were drawn that could be applied to Mt. Seoraksan and support the justification of criterion (vii) in three aspects. First, the value of visuality could be applied to Mt. Seoraksan due to its abundance of Scenic Sites, which means it has been recognized as an area with natural beauty by government. Second, the value of comprehensiveness of geomorphological landscape could be applied to Mt. Seoraksan in that it shows all kinds of granite landform in a relatively limited area. Finally, the value of comprehensiveness of geomorphological landscape could be again applied due to its overall mountainous river landscape.

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Comparison of Topographic Surveying Results using a Fixed-wing and a Popular Rotary-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) (고정익 무인항공기(드론)와 보급형 회전익 무인항공기를 이용한 지형측량 결과의 비교)

  • Lee, Sungjae;Choi, Yosoon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2016
  • Recently, many studies have been conducted to use fixed-wing and rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, Drones) for topographic surveying in open-pit mines. Because the fixed-wing and rotary-wing UAVs have different characteristics such as flight height, speed, time and performance of mounted cameras, their results of topographic surveying at a same site need to be compared. This study selected a construction site in Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea as a study area and compared the topographic surveying results from a fixed-wing UAV (SenseFly eBee) and a popular rotary-wing UAV (DJI Phantom2 Vision+). As results of data processing for aerial photos taken from eBee and Phantom2 Vision+, orthomosaic images and digital surface models with about 4 cm grid spacing could be generated. Comparisons of the X, Y, Z-coordinates of 7 ground control points measured by differential global positioning system and those determined by eBee and Phantom2 Vision+ revealed that the root mean squared errors of X, Y, Z-coordinates were around 10 cm, respectively.

Petrologic and Geomorphologic Characteristics of Micrographic Granite in the Ijin-ri Area, Ulsan (울산 이진리 미문상화강암의 암석학적 및 지형학적 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Woong;Kim, Haang-Mook;Hwang, Byoung-Hoon;Yang, Kyoung-Hee;Kim, Jin-Seop
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2009
  • This study illustrates the relationship between the petrographic characteristics of micrographic granite and the topographic features around Ijin-ri. Light-brown to light- gray granite is composed of intergrown fine-grained quartz + orthoclase, displaying micrographic textures. Miarolitic cavities are abundant. Many micro-landforms including tor, tafoni, and gnamma occurred in the micrographic granite of the study area. Tafoni is dominant in the north and gnamma is dominant in south. From our study of the occurrence and textural properties, two alteration zones were clearly identified; one is an external zone (A) characterized by abundant of small sized miarolitic cavities and the other is an internal zone (B) having them less than zone A. The former is dominant in north, and the latter is dominant in south. Particular geomorphologic features such as fluting cores and raised rims are present in the Ijin-ri area. This suggests that development of miarolitic cavities played an important role in the formation of the various geomorphologic features. Consequently, the petrogenesis of the micrographic granite is related to geomorphologic features in the external zone typified by abundant tafoni such as the tiger rock, and the formation of a platform as micro-landforms is influenced by thetextural differences of host rock in the internal zone.

Biomass and Net Production of Pinus densiflora Natural Forests of Four Local Forms in Korea (한국산(韓國産) 4개(個) 지역형(地域型) 소나무 천연림(天然林)의 물질생산(物質生産)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, In Hyeop;Lee, Seok Myon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.79 no.2
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    • pp.196-204
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    • 1990
  • Pinus densiflora is not only widely distributed but also one of the most economically important timber species in Korea. In Korea, this species is classified into four local forms according to tree forms, as it has widely geographical variations. Trees of Ankang form are dwarfish nearly like shrubs, and those of Keumkang form are very tall and straight. Those of flatland and highland forms are exhibited in-between Ankang and Keumkang forms. This study was carried out to examine biomass, net production and production efficiency among four local forms of Pirzus densiflora forests growing in Korea. For the study, dimension analysis was used for trees and harvest method for shrubs and herbs in four 30-40 year-old stands showing the typical tree forms. Stand biomass of Ankang, flatland, highland and Keumkang forms were 29.87, 110.89, 133.53 and 205.42 t/ha, respectively. As going in order of Ankang, flatland, highland and Keumkang forms, the proportions of stem woods to total tree biomass increased while the proportions of stem barks, live branches, needles and roots showed a tendency to decrease. Stand net productions of Ankang, flatland, highland and Keumkang forms were 3.716, 10.796, 13.097 and 16.500 t/ha yr., respectively. As going in order of Ankang, flatland, highland and Keumkang forms, the proportions of stem woods and lire branches to total tree net production increased while the proportion of needles decreased. In case of live branches, the opposite trend of biomss and net production proportion may be resulted from the differences in the ratio of self-pruning. Net assimilation ratios of Ankang, flatland, highland and Keumkang forms were 1.406, 1.920, 1.487 and 1.677, respectively. Efficiency of needles to produce stems in those forms were 0.239, 0.714, 0.572 and 0.771, respectively. Considering the difference in measuring time, net assimilation ratio and efficiency of needles to produce stems may increase as going in order of Ankang, flatland, highland and Keumkang forms.

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