• Title/Summary/Keyword: 한국 제4기학회

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Synthesis of Adhesion Promoters with Improved Compatibility and Properties of UV-Curable Adhesives Containing Adhesion Promoters (상용성이 개선된 접착 증진제의 합성 및 이를 함유한 자외선 경화형 접착제의 특성분석)

  • Park, Jung-Hyun;Won, Jonh-Woo;Kim, Ju-Yeol;Yoon, Yoo-Jung;Kwon, Oh-Hyeong;Hwang, Jin-Sang
    • Journal of Adhesion and Interface
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2018
  • In this study, adhesion promoters with acrylate and carboxylic acid moiety were synthesized from malenized polybutadiene and 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate for producing adhesive film with low water absorption and high adhesion. The surface properties, adhesion strength, mechanical properties and water absorption of adhesive films were characterized according to the amount of acrylate and carboxylic acid in the synthesized adhesion promoters. As the carboxylic acid in the adhesion promoters increased, the adhesion strength showed a tendency to increase and the mechanical properties also improved compared to the commercial adhesion promoter. The compatibility of adhesion promoters improved remarkably due to the presence of polybutadiene (hydrophobic nature), maleic anhydride (hydrophilic nature) and carboxylic acid (hydrophilic nature).

Synthesis of Trifluoromethylated Dihydro-1,4-oxathiin Carboxanilides and Their Fungicidal Activity (삼불화메틸기가 포함된 디히드로-1,4-옥사티인 카르복스아닐리드 유도체의 합성과 살균 활성)

  • Nam, Kee-Dal;Kim, Jin-Cheol;Cho, Kwang-Yun;Hahn, Hoh-Gyu
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2001
  • ${\alpha},{\beta}$-Unsaturated carboxanilides 5 with trifluromethylated dihydro-1,4-oxathiins were synthesized for the development of new agrochemical fungicide. Chlorination of trifluoromethylated ${\beta}-keto$ ester 6 followed by the reaction with 1,2-mercaptoethanol gave intermediate 1,4-oxathiane 11. Without purification of 11, substitution of hydroxy group by chlorine, followed by dehydrochlorination of 10 in the presence of triethylamine afforded trifluoromethylated dihydro-1,4-oxathiin ethyl ester 9. Acylation of the hydroxy group of the carboxylic acid 12 followed by treatment of various amines gave the corresponding trifluoromethylated dihydro-1,4-oxathiin carboxamides 5. Antifungal screening (in vivo) of the synthesized compounds against typical plant diseases, which include rice blast, rice sheath blight, cucumber gray mold, tomato late blight, wheat leaf rust, and barley powdery mildew, was carried out. Where meta position of the phenyl group was substituted with isopropoxy or isopropyl group, excellent antifungal activities against rice sheath blight and wheat leaf rust were detected.

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A Real time Image Resizer with Enhanced Scaling Precision and Self Parameter Calculation (강화된 스케일링 정밀도와 자체 파라미터 계산 기능을 가진 실시간 이미지 크기 조절기)

  • Kim, Kihyun;Ryoo, Kwangki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.99-102
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    • 2012
  • An image scaler is a IP used in a image processing block of display devices to adjust image size. Proposed image scaler adopts line memories instead of a conventional method using a frame memory. This method reduced hardware resources and enhanced data precision by using shift operations that number is multiplied by $2^m$ and divided again at final stage for scaling. Also image scaler increased efficiency of IP by using serial divider to calculate parameters by itself. Parameters used in image scaling is automatically produced by it. Suggested methods are designed by Verilog HDL and implemented with Xilinx Vertex-4 XC4LX80 and ASIC using TSMC 0.18um process.

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Studies on the N-Acyl Amino Acid Type Surfactants(4) Surface Active Properties of N-Acyl-N-Methyl-β-Alanine Salts (N-아실 아미노산계 계면활성제에 관한 연구 (제 4 보) N-아실-N-메틸-β-알라닌 염류의 계면활성)

  • No, Seung-Ho;Lee, Sun-Ju;Kim, Tae-Young;Nam, Ki-Dae
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.216-221
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    • 1991
  • Surface activities of four potassium N-acyl-N-methyl-${\beta}$-alaninate including surface tension, foaming power, foam stability, emulsifying power and dispersion power were measured respectively, and critical micelle concentration(cmc) was evaluated. Consequently these anionic surfactants with long chain acyl amide showed good emusifying power of O/W type, foaming, foam stability and dispersion effect.

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Drug Interaction of Sulfonamides and Furosemide (I)-Displacement Effect of Furosemide on Protein Binding of Sulfonamides in Bovine Serum Albumin- (설파제와 푸로세미드 약물상호작용(제 1보)-설파제의 우혈청 단백결합에 대한 푸로세미드의 치환효과-)

  • Lee, Jin-Hwan;Choi, Jun-Shik;Lee, Chong-Ki;Burm, Jin-Pil
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 1989
  • The displacement of protein bound sulfonamides (sulfisoxazole, sulfamethoxazole, sulfisomidine) by furosemide was investigated in bovine serum albumin by equilibrium dialysis method. Furosemide $(2{\times}10^{-4}M)$ in bovine serum albumin ($7.24{\times}10^{-5}$, $1.45{\times}10^{-4}$, $2.89{\times}10^{-4}M$). Sulfisoxa캐1e and furosemide were bound reversibly to bovine serum albumin and competitive for the same binding sites when administered together. Consequently, dosage regimen of sulfisoxazole should be adjusted carefully when sulfisoxazole is administered along with furosemide.

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Ecological Studies on Rice Sheath Blight Caused by Rhizoctonia solani 1. The Difference of Disease Development Between Jinheung and Yushin (잎집무늬마름병의 생태학적연구 1. 진흥과 유신의 발병차이)

  • Kim Chang Kyu;Kang Chang Sik;Rim Sa Joon;Lee Eun Jong;Lee Kyung Hee
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.20 no.2 s.47
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 1981
  • The percentage of lesion height vs. plant height was higher in Yushin than Jinheung within the same nitrogen level. The infection occurred at the same level of waterline and the symptoms developed with the same speed for two varieties, but the damage was greater in Yushin as the symptoms reached faster to the top due to the short length of the 1st and 2nd internodes from the top.

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Design Point Operating Characteristics of an Oxidizer Rich Preburner (산화제 과잉 예연소기 설계점 운영 특성)

  • Moon, Ilyoon;Moon, Insang;Kang, Sang Hun;Ha, Seong-Up;Lee, Soo Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2013
  • It was designed and tested at the design point that an oxidizer rich preburner for a staged combustion liquid rocket engine propelled by kerosene and LOx. The oxidizer rich preburner was designed as some of LOx injected from the mixing head was burned with kerosene and the rest of LOx injected from injection holes in the regenerative cooling chamber was vaporized by combustion gas. The preburner is operated at OF ratio of 60 and combustion pressure of 20 MPa. The Preburner has a honey-comb type mixing head with simplex swirl injectors, a turbulence ring improving combustion stability and uniformity of product gas temperature distribution, and a nozzle simulating the duct. With the combustion test results at the design point, the oxidizer rich preburner showed high combustion stability and uniformity of product gas temperature distribution.

Control of Smart Base-isolated Benchmark Building using Fuzzy Supervisory Control (퍼지관리제어기법을 이용한 스마트 면진 벤치마크 건물의 제어)

  • Kim, Hyun-Su;Roschke P. N.
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.4 s.44
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2005
  • The effectiveness of fuzzy supervisory control technique for the control of seismic responses of smart base isolation system is investigated in this study. To this end, first generation base isolated building benchmark problem is employed for the numerical simulation. The benchmark structure under consideration is an eight-story base isolated building having irregular plan and is equipped with low-damping elastometric bearings and magnetorheological (MR) dampers for seismic protection. Lower level fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) for far-fault or near-fault earthquakes are developed in order to effectively control base isolated building using multi-objective genetic algorithm. Four objectives, i.e. reduction of peak structural acceleration, peak base drift, RMS structural acceleration and RMS base drift, are used in multi-objective optimization process. When earthquakes are applied to benchmark building, each of low level FLCs provides different command voltage and supervisory fuzzy controller combines two command voltages io one based on fuzzy inference system in real time. Results from the numerical simulations demonstrate that base drift as well as superstructure responses can be effectively reduced using the proposed supervisory fuzzy control technique.

Sedimentary Facies and Geomorphological Development of Alluvial Plain at Neungsan-ri, Buyeo, Korea (부여 능산리 충적평야 퇴적상과 지형발달)

  • Yoon, Soon-Ock;Kim, Ae-Sun;Hwang, Sang-Ill
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2010
  • The aims of this study are to clarify the geomorphological development of a alluvial plain and discuss the vegetation environments and agriculture activities in the Wangpo-River alluvial plain at Neungsan-ri, Buyeo by analyzing geomorphological classification, sedimentary facies and age datings. The alluvial plain at Wangpo-River was formed by the influences of Geum-River with the sea-level rising during the Holocene. The basin of Wangpo-River consists of natural levees, back marsh-type alluvial plains, valley plains and hills. The natural levees by Geum-River largely distributes at the area where Wangpo-River flows to Geum-River and the alluvial plains at the middle and lower reach are the back marsh areas of Geum-River. Moreover, the area along Wangpo-River show higher contents of coarse materials and thinner peat sediments than the back marsh. The lower sandy deposits in the alluvium of Wangpo-River was formed with the influences of human in the Bronze Age during the sea level falling and the peaty deposits was formed due to the water level rising of Wangpo-River during the sea level rising in the early Iron Age.

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Late Quaternary Stratigraphy and its Depositional History in the Inner Shelf off the Southern Coast, Korea (한국 남해 내 대륙붕 후 제4기 층서 및 퇴적역사)

  • Yoo, Dong-Geun;Lee, Ho-Young;Park, Keun-Pil;Koo, Nam-Hyung;Kim, Jong-Chon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2005
  • Analysis of high-resolution seismic profiles acquired from the inner shelf off the southern coast of Korea reveals that the inner shelf sequence can be divided into three stratigraphic units formed after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Unit I is characterized by complex seismic facies including semi-transparent, stratified, and hummocky reflections on seismic records. It consists of sandy mud or muddy sand, deposited under estuarine environment during the post-glacial transgression. Unit II acoustically shows semi-transparent or hummocky reflections and consists of sand with gravels and shell debris, produced by shoreface erosion during the transgression. Unit III is characterized by transparent or semi-transparent seismic facies and consists of mud originated from the Nakdong and Seomjin rivers during recent highstand of sea level. Unit III is confined to the inner shelf with an extenal form of stratal wedge.