1975년(年) 3월(月), 4년반(年半) 동안의 Chemical Abstracts 색인(索引)과 온-라인이 가능(可能)한 CA Condensates를 비교(比較)하였다. 두가지 데이터 베이스를 함께 이용(利用)하여 검색(檢索)하는 방법(方法)이 가장 효율적(效率的)이지만 실예(實例)에서 보는 바와 같이 CA Condensates를 검색(檢索)하는 것이 보다 실용적(實用的)이다. System Development Corp 사(社) (SDC)에 설치(設置)되어 있는 온-라인 형태(形態)인 CHEMCON과 CHEM7071을 Chemical Abstracts 색인(索引)과 비교(比較)하였다. 대부분(大部分)의 Chemical Abstracts 이용자(理容者)들은 Chemical Abstracts 책자나 우가색인(累加索引)에는 친숙(親熟)하지만 CA Condensates는 아마도 그리 친숙(親熟)하지 못할 것이다. CA Condensates는 서지적 사항을 기계(機械)로 읽을 수 있는 형태(形態)로 되어 있고 Chemical Abstracts에 따라서 색인(索引)되므로 매주 발행되는 Chemical Abstracts 책자의 뒷 부분이 있는 색인(索引)과 같이 우리에게 가장 친숙(親熟)한 형태(形態)로 되어 있다. Chemical Abstracts가 현재(現在) 사용(使用)하고 있는 데이터 데이스이지만 본고(本稿)에서는 Index와 Condensates를 둘 다 데이터 베이스로 정의(定義)한다. Condensates가 미국(美國)의 Chemical Abstracts Service 기관으로부터 상업적(商業的)으로 이용(利用)할 수 있게 되자 여러 정보(情報)센터에서는 이용자(利用者)들의 프로 파일을 뱃취방식(方式)으로 처리(處理)하여 매주 나오는 자기(磁氣)테이프에서 최신정보(最新情報)를 검색(檢索)하여 제공(提供)하는 서어비스 (SDI)를 시작하였다. 어떤 정보(情報)센터들은 지나간 자기(磁氣)테이프들을 모아서 역시 뱃취방식(方式)으로 소급(遡及) 문헌검색(文獻檢索) 서어비스를 한다. 자기(磁氣)테이프를 직접 취급(取扱)하는 사람들을 제외(除外)하고는 대부분(大部分) Condensates를 아직 잘 모르고 있다. 소급(遡及) 문헌검색(文獻檢索)은 비용이 다소 비싸고 두서없이 이것 저것 문헌(文獻)을 검색(檢索)하는 방법(方法)은 실용적(實用的)이 못된다. 매주 나오는 색인(索引)에 대해서 두 개나 그 이상의 개념(槪念)이나 물질(物質)을 조합(組合)하여 검색(檢索)하는 방법(方法)은 어렵고 실용적(實用的)이 못된다. 오히려 주어진 용어(用語) 아래에 있는 모든 인용어(引用語)들을 보고 초록(抄錄)과의 관련성(關連性)을 결정(決定)하는 것이 때때로 더 쉽다. 상호(相互) 작용(作用)하는 온-라인 검색(檢索)을 위한 Condensates의 유용성(有用性)은 많은 변화를 가져 왔다. 필요(必要)한 문헌(文獻)만을 검색(檢索)해 보는 것이 이제 가능(可能)하고 어떤 항목(項目)에 대해서도 완전(完全)히 색인(索引)할 수 있게 되었다. 뱃취 시스팀으로는 검색(檢索)을 시작해서 그 결과(結果)를 받아 볼 때 까지 수시간(數時間)에서 며칠까지 걸리는 번거로운 시간차(時間差)를 이제는 보통 단 몇 분으로 줄일 수 있다. 그리고 뱃취 시스팀과는 달리 부정확하거나 불충분한 검색방법(檢索方法)은 즉시 고칠 수가 있다. 연속적인 뱃취 형태의 검색방법(檢索方法)에 비해서 순서(順序)없이 온-라인으로 검색(檢索)하는 방법(方法)이 분명(分明)하고 정확(正確)한 장점(長點)이 있다. CA Condensates를 자주 이용(移用)하게 되자 그의 진정한 가치(價値)에, 대해 논의(論義)가 있었다. CA Condensates의 색인방법(索引方法)은 CA Abstract 책자나 우가색인(累加索引)의 방법(方法)보다 확실히 덜 체계적(體系的)이고 철저(徹底)하지 못하다. 더우기 두 데이터 베이스는 중복(重複)것이 많으므로, 중복(重複)해서 검색(檢索)할 가치(價値)가 없는지를 결정(決定)해야 한다. 다른 몇 개의 데이터 베이스와 CA Condensates를 비교(比較)한 논문(論文)들이 여러 번 발표(發表)되어 왔는데 일반적(一般的)으로 CA Condensates는 하위(下位)의 데이터 베이스로 나타났다. Buckley는 Chemical Abstracts의 색인(索引)이 CA Condensates 보다 더 좋은 문헌 (데라마이신의 제법에 관해서)을 제공(提供)한 실례(實例)를 인용(引用)하였다. 죠오지대학(大學)의 Search Center는 CA Condensates가 CA Integrated Subject File 보다 기능(機能)이 못하다는 것을 알았다. CA Condensates의 다른 여러 가지 형태(形態)들을 또한 비교(比較)하였다. Michaels은 CA Condensates를 온-라인으로 검색(檢索)한 것과 매주 나오는 Chemical Abstracts 책자의 색인(索引)은 수작업(手作業)으로 검색(檢索)한 것을 비교(比較)한 논문(論文)을 발표(發表)하였다. 그리고 Prewitt는 온-라인으로 축적(蓄積)한 두 개의 상업용(商業用) CA Condensates를 비교(比較)하였다. Amoco Research Center에서도 CA Condensates와 Chemical Abstracts 색인(索引)의 검색결과(檢索結果)를 비교(比較)하고 CA Condensates의 장점(長點)과 색인(索引)의 장점(長點), 그리고 사실상(事實上) 서로 동등(同等)하다는 실례(實例)를 발견(發見)하였다. 1975년(年) 3월(月), 적어도 4년분(年分)의 CA Condensates와 색인(索引)(Vols 72-79, 1970-1973)을 비교(比較)하였다. 저자(著者)와 일반(一般) 주제(主題) 대한 검색(檢索)은 Vol 80 (Jan-June, 1974)을 사용(使用)하여 비교(比較)하였다. CA Condensates는 보통 세분화(細分化)된 복합물(複合物)을 검색(檢索)하는 데 불편(不便)하다. Buckly가 제시(提示)한 실례(實例)가 그 대표적(代表的)인 예(例)이다. 그러나, 다른 형태(形態)의 검색실예(檢索實例)(단체저자(團?著者), 특허수탁저(特許受託著), 개인저자(個人著者), 일반적(一般的)인/세분화(細分化)된 화합물(化合物) 그리고 반응종류(反應種類)로 실제적(實際的)인 검색(檢索)을 위한 CA Condensates의 이점(利點)을 예시(例示)하였다. 다음 실례(實例)에서 CHEMCON과 CHEM7071은 CA Condensates를 온-라인으로 입력(入力)시킨 것이다.
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in kinetics between 6 months of rehabilitation training and 12 months of rehabilitation training after total hip arthroplasty. 10 unilateral THA participants performed kinetic tests. Three dimensional kinematics and hip flexors and abductors electromyography (EMG) were collected during each trial. T-test was used for statistical analysis (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in EMG data between the two groups, but the mean comparison EMG data was higher in the 12 months rehabilitation training group than the 6 months rehabilitation training group. The moment value was found with motion-dependent interaction analyzing method which was used by Feltner and Dapena. There was no significant difference between moment values of the two groups. There was no significant difference between ground reaction forces of the two groups; however, there were some differences shown in Fz (vertical reaction force) between the two groups ($892{\pm}104\;N$, $820{\pm}87\;N$). The first peak impact force was about 9% lower in the 12 months group compared to the 6 months group. The second peak active force was nearly equal between the two groups. More research is necessary to determine exactly what constitutes optimal rehabilitation training biomechanics for patients with total hip arthroplasty.
In oder to study the correlation between daily urinary output of sodium chloride and blood pressure, twenty four hour urine samples were collected from 224 cases (70 male and 154 female) of healthy Koreans whose age varied from 18 to 70 years old. The volume and concentration of sodium, chloride and potassium and total nitrogen were measured, along with the resting blood pressure. Results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. Daily urinary output was increased as a function of age. However, daily urinary output per unit sulface area was maintained at approximately 800 to 900 $ml/m^2$ in all age groups of male and it increased as a function of age in female groups. There was no significant difference between male and female. 2. The daily urinary sodium concentration was decreased gradually acceding to age in both sexes. Daily excretion of sodium was constant regardless of age in both sexes but especially high in 25-39 year female age group, which was slightly greater in males than in females. 3. The daily urinary chloride concentration was at approximately 250 meq/L in all age groups of male and which decreased as a function of age in females. 4. Hence the daily urinary output of sodium chloride was constant in all age groups of males which increased as a function of age in female groups. However, daily excretion of sodium chloride per unit sulface area was maintained at approximately 11 $gm/m^2$ in males and which increased as a function of age in females. 5. The daily urinary excretion of potassium was constant regardless of age in both sexes. 6. Urinary K/Na ratio was maintained at approximately 0.27 in males and 0.33 in females. 7. The daily urinary output of total nitrogen amount was approximately $8{\sim}10$ gm in males and $7{\sim}9$ gm in females. However, daily urinary output of nitrogen per unit sulface area was constant regardless of age in both sexes. 8. The systolic blood pressure was increased gradually according to the age in both sexes and was higher for males than females under 40 years of age. However, there was no significant difference between both sexes in ages over 40 years. 9. Quantitative comparisons indicated that daily urinary output and sodium chloride excretion are higher while daily potassium output, nitrogen excretion and urinary K/Na ratio are significantly lower among Koreans than a among Occidentals. These findings suggest that average Koreans live on low-protein and high-salt diet throughout their livers. Statistical result obtained may he summarized as follows; 10. The relation between blood pressure and sodium concentration of urine. The correlation between systolic blood pressure and sodium concentration was negatively associated for both sexes and the correlation coefficient was significant for females $({\gamma}_1=-.19<-{\gamma}_{152},\;_{0.05}=-0.159)$ and it was not significant for males $({\gamma}_1=-.19>-{\gamma}_{68},\;_{0.05}=-0.232)$ tut may be due to the sample size for males. The correlation between diastolic blood Pressure and sodium concentration was negatively associated for both sexes and the correlation coefficient was significant for males $({\gamma}_1=-.37<-{\gamma}_{68},\;0.05=-0.232)$ and the relation was not significant for females $({\gamma}_1=-.11>-{\gamma}_{152},\;_{0.05}=-0.159)$. 11. The relation between blood pressure and daily urinary sodium chloride excretion. The association between systolic blood pressure and sodium chloride excretion was positively correlated for both sexes and the relation was significant for females $({\gamma}_1=.20>{\gamma}_{152},\;_{0.05}= 0.159)$ and it was insignificant for males $({\gamma}_1=.09<{\gamma}_{68},\;_{0.05}=0.232)$, The relation between diastolic blood pressure and sodium chloride excretion was positively associated and insignificant for both sexes males $({\gamma}_1=.17<{\gamma}_{68},\;_{0.05}=0.232)$ and females $({\gamma}_1=.09<{\gamma}_{152},\;_{0.05}=0. 159)$. 12. The relation between daily urinary nitrogen excretion and sodium chloride excretion. The association between daily nitrogen excretion and sodium chloride excretion was positively significant for both sexes, males $({\gamma}_1=.31>{\gamma}\;_{68},\;_{0.05}=0.232)$ and females $({\gamma}_1=.36>{\gamma}_{-152},\;_{0.05}=0.159)$.
Document classification based on emotional polarity has become a welcomed emerging task owing to the great explosion of data on the Web. In the big data age, there are too many information sources to refer to when making decisions. For example, when considering travel to a city, a person may search reviews from a search engine such as Google or social networking services (SNSs) such as blogs, Twitter, and Facebook. The emotional polarity of positive and negative reviews helps a user decide on whether or not to make a trip. Sentiment analysis of customer reviews has become an important research topic as datamining technology is widely accepted for text mining of the Web. Sentiment analysis has been used to classify documents through machine learning techniques, such as the decision tree, neural networks, and support vector machines (SVMs). is used to determine the attitude, position, and sensibility of people who write articles about various topics that are published on the Web. Regardless of the polarity of customer reviews, emotional reviews are very helpful materials for analyzing the opinions of customers through their reviews. Sentiment analysis helps with understanding what customers really want instantly through the help of automated text mining techniques. Sensitivity analysis utilizes text mining techniques on text on the Web to extract subjective information in the text for text analysis. Sensitivity analysis is utilized to determine the attitudes or positions of the person who wrote the article and presented their opinion about a particular topic. In this study, we developed a model that selects a hot topic from user posts at China's online stock forum by using the k-means algorithm and self-organizing map (SOM). In addition, we developed a detecting model to predict a hot topic by using machine learning techniques such as logit, the decision tree, and SVM. We employed sensitivity analysis to develop our model for the selection and detection of hot topics from China's online stock forum. The sensitivity analysis calculates a sentimental value from a document based on contrast and classification according to the polarity sentimental dictionary (positive or negative). The online stock forum was an attractive site because of its information about stock investment. Users post numerous texts about stock movement by analyzing the market according to government policy announcements, market reports, reports from research institutes on the economy, and even rumors. We divided the online forum's topics into 21 categories to utilize sentiment analysis. One hundred forty-four topics were selected among 21 categories at online forums about stock. The posts were crawled to build a positive and negative text database. We ultimately obtained 21,141 posts on 88 topics by preprocessing the text from March 2013 to February 2015. The interest index was defined to select the hot topics, and the k-means algorithm and SOM presented equivalent results with this data. We developed a decision tree model to detect hot topics with three algorithms: CHAID, CART, and C4.5. The results of CHAID were subpar compared to the others. We also employed SVM to detect the hot topics from negative data. The SVM models were trained with the radial basis function (RBF) kernel function by a grid search to detect the hot topics. The detection of hot topics by using sentiment analysis provides the latest trends and hot topics in the stock forum for investors so that they no longer need to search the vast amounts of information on the Web. Our proposed model is also helpful to rapidly determine customers' signals or attitudes towards government policy and firms' products and services.
Kang, Seung-Gul;Nam, Ji-Hye;Kim, Hana;Shin, Hong Beom
Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the polysomnographic characteristics and prescription status of restless legs syndrome (RLS) patients in naturalistic setting. Methods: We reviewed medical record of the patients over 18 years olds who (i) satisfied the clinical RLS diagnostic criteria and (ii) had the polysomnography and got treatment related thereto. As a baseline, we evaluated the four diagnostic criteria of the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (IRLSSG) and the International Restless Legs Scale (IRLS) of the subjects. Then the polysomnography and the suggested immobilization test (SIT) were conducted and, after one month of pharmacotherapy using dopamine agonist, the IRLS was evaluated again. Results: A total of 211 subjects participated in this analysis and 94 (44.5%) of them were male and the other 117 (55.5%) were female and the average age of the 211 subjects was $46.9{\pm}14.2$. Out of such 211 subjects, 136 subjects (64.5%) also had the obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and 53 subjects (25.1%) also had the periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD). 185 subjects (87.7%) out of the 211 subjects had some other sleep disorders except RLS. The results of the polysomnography were as follows : 78.0% of sleep efficiency, 86.8 min of wake after sleep onset, and 3.4% of N3. More specifically, 12.4/h of the average apnea hypopnea index, 14.8/h of the periodic limb movement during sleep (PLMS), 41.2/h of the periodic limb movement during wake during SIT and 21.6/h of total arousal index during sleep. Out of the total subjects, 149 (70.6%) of them took the ropinirole and 47 (22.3%) of them took the pramipexole, and the average dosage of ropinirole was 0.9mg(dosage range 0.125-5 mg) while the average dosage of pramipexole was 0.5 mg (dosage range 0.125-4 mg). The dosage of the ropinirole showed a significant positive correlation with the age (r=0.25, p=0.002) and also with the IRLS (r=0.23, p=0.038). The IRLS at the baseline was 24.9 while the same was decreased down to 13.4 after one month. Conclusions: Analyzing the result of this study, a majority of clinical RLS subjects demonstrated comorbidity with some other sleep disorder such as the OSA or PLMD. 25.1% of the subjects showed a PLMD, which was less than in previous researches and the average PLMS was not very high as 14.8/h. The dosage of dopamine agonist taken was often a bit more than the amount recommended in Korea. A prospective research using a large scale controlled subjects will be necessary with respect to this topic.
In the early twentieth century, history of animation began by modern artists, they produced various experimental images with the newly invented film and cameras. Artists in the field of movie, photography, paintings and others manipulated images in motion. But as some animated movies won industrial success and popularity, they became the trend but experimental style of early animation preserved by so-called non-mainstreamers or experimental animators, counteracting commercialism. Disney animation also followed the trend by applying realistic Hollywood film style, the worse critics placed a low value on the animation and it tarnished the image, although it was profitable investment from a business standpoint. To make images realistic, they opened a drawing class that animators developed skills to imitate motions and forms from subjects in real life. Also some techniques and gizmos were used to mimic and simulate three dimensional objects and spaces, multiplane camera and compositing 3D CG images with 2D drawings. Moreover, they brought animation stories from fairly tales or folk tales, and Walt's personal interest in live-action movies, they applied Hollywood-film-like narratives and realistic visual, and harsh criticism ensued. On the surface early disney animations' potential seems to be weakened, but in reality it still exists by simplifying and exaggerating forms and color as modern arts. Disney animation employs concepts of the modernism paintings such as simplified shapes and colors to a character design, when their characters are placed together in a scene, that visual elements cause mental reaction. This modification gives a new internal experience to audiences. As conceptual colors in abstract paintings make images appeared to be flat, coloring characters with no shading make them look flat and comparing to them, background images are also appeared to be flat. On top of that, multi-perspective at background images recalls modernist paintings. This essay goes in details with the animation pioneers' works and how Disney animation developed its techniques to emulate real life and analyses color schemes, forms, and spaces in Disney animation compared with modern artists' works, in that the visual language of Disney animation reminds of impression from abstract paintings in the beginning of the twentieth centuries.
In parallel with advancement of the industrial society and accompanied quality-of-life improvement, jewelry is now rather viewed as one of common accessories used in daily life, than as a luxurious item as treated before change of perception about it in the past, attracting thus gradually multiplying demand for it. Thanks to rapid spread of multi media like the Internet, an increasing number of people have come to develop great liking for exceptional design and unique format of jewelry products. Following drain of their reserves, natural gems are unlikely to meet the demand for them fully in the future. As a consequence, it seems essential to rely on synthetic, artificial, imitation jewelry or organic substances and quasi-mineral in amorphous structure for substitute jewelry. Since synthetic jewelry has such a great potential as substitute jewelry, it is expected to maximize added value to jewelry if and when accompanied with development of creative design and upgrading of processing technology for jewelry, in addition to various types of synthetic jewelry and glass that have been already put in use as substitute substances. Synthetic jewelry is thus believed to be able to greatly contribute to progress of the jewelry industry. In many countries of the world, jewelry and gem industry has been regarded as one of promising sectors vital in enriching the national wealth. In this context, the Korean Ministry of Finance and Economy announced in July 2007 "an activating policy for the jewelry and gem industry, declaring to cultivate and grow it to be new engine for the nation's growth". The present paper thus aims to conduct a study exclusively on cutting design of synthetic jewelry as a part of measures to activate the jewelry industry in Korea. Efforts are made to develop designs for jewelry that are unique and different from the conventional stereotyped form of polishing and are added with color, pattern and fashionable cutting. Priority is given in this regard to designing jewelry that may attract general public and may be shared by public beyond the limit of conventional design for jewelry and producing products that stand in contrast with other products. By upgrading the quality of jewelry design, competitiveness of the jewelry industry may be ensured and the creative area of jewelry design may be expanded by far.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
The current insurance market is facing a real problem that the high cost of insurance spent in maintaining a non- face-to-face sales channels face of the channel facing growing contribution to the reduction of side. As a result, the productivity issue facing designers of representative organizations in the organization channel will be referred to an urgent problem. As a result of improved organizational productivity architect that is the goal of this study to demonstrate what a performance improvement factor of insurance agents. Personality factors and individual insurance agents individual-environmental suitability and job satisfaction, consider the impact on turnover intention year of the results architects extroversion, sincerity, openness, it won a chronic, emotional gender, personality representing the honesty factor is organizational commitment and job satisfaction It has had a significant impact on. In other words, this is a lively and extroverted nature of the actuary, the more harmonious interpersonal relationships and higher emotional empathy with others can raise the extent that has a strong sense of belonging and attachment to their company's commitment. Whereas personality factors were not significant influence turnover intention has. This can be made to represent the need for screening of agents introduced from the introduction stage. Depending on the personality factors of organizational commitment, personal planners also occurs because of the differences and job satisfaction. Whereas turnover of agents is the result of empirical factors that are affected by other agents than to individual character generated by the character of the individual agents. Compliance boss, job suitability, individuals representing a fellow fitness, tissue compatibility environmental compliance is having a significant impact on both the degree of organizational commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intention. In other words, the boss or colleague, values and personality, working method, as fits well the concerns and pursuing goals are similar, and their job aptitude higher the suitability of the organization is about to have a sense of belonging and attachment to the company commitment can do. This is the result of a demonstration that the work environment of the actuary agents productivity gains and loyalty depends on the insurance company, which currently belongs.
Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
Purpose: Phenylketonuria (PKU) results from a deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). The mutation of the PAH gene results in decreased phenylalanine hydroxylase enzyme activity in hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) patients. This study reports ten cases of patients with the benign HPA genotype c.158G>A (p.Arg53His, R53H) variant in the PAH gene and aims to evaluate the clinical significance of the R53H variant. Methods: Ten Korean patients with the HPA genotype the R53H variant were included in this study. A retrospective medical record review was conducted. We characterized the phenotypes of the patients with HPA with the R53H variant using the following system: classic PKU, moderate PKU, mild PKU, Mild HPA, and benign HPA. Results: Five patients had the R53H variant with the "Pathogenic" variants (R413P, R241C, $Y356^*$, c.442-1G>A, $Y325^*$), Two patients had the "Likely pathogenic" variants ($W187^*$, A259T), Two patients had the "Uncertain significance" variants (R53H, G344D), and One patient had the "Not provided" variant (c.1066-14C>G). Nine patients genotyped with the R53H variant were the patient with benign HPA and One patient genotyped with the R53H homozygote was within normal range of plasma phenylalanine. None of the ten patients required dietary restriction of phenylalanine or pharmacotherapy to maintain their plasma phenylalanine levels and showed no clinical symptoms of HPA. Conclusion: Ten patients with HPA genotype the R53H variant were the patient with benign HPA and showed no clinical symptoms of HPA. Thus, the R53H variant, which was previously classified as an "Uncertain significance" mutation in HPA patients, should be re-classified as "Benign."
This study is designed to present basic materials necessary for offering the more effective way of dental hygienists, or those who are in charge of the education of Oral health, the treatment and prevention of dental problems, educating Oral health by stage by dint of determining the actual condition of the knowledge and management of dental hygiene, or prevention of the basic dental disease except the professional methods of dental management and evaluating their abilities to manage dental hygienes. In terms of the real conditions of the management of dental hygienes, the majority of the subjects said, "not bad" or "healthy". Most of them (62.1%) said that they brush their teeth three times a day, and most of them (85.2%) depend on rolling methods. 69.2% of them used brushes that are neither hard nor soft, and 28.4% of them use soft brushes and 49.7% of them brush their teeth for about 3 minutes. In terms of brushing time, 27.8% of them brush their teeth after lunch, while 23.8% of them brush their teeth after breakfast. 66.3% of them use fluoric tooth pastes while 19.5 percent of them said, "I have no idea." and 14.2% of them said, "No." In terms of complementary dental hygiene goods, dental goggles are used by 23% of them, and dental threads are used by 78.1% and tooth brushes are used by 78.1% of them, and 42.4% of the subjects use the instruments one to twice a day, and 53.8% of them use them for less than one minute a time. In terms of dental health care, 17.2% of them have a chew of gum and 8.3% of them pay a regular visit to dental clinics and 5.3% of them don't smoke.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.