• 제목/요약/키워드: 풍화속도

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Friction Features of Geosynthetics Through the Pullout Test (인발실험을 통한 토목섬유의 마찰특성 평가)

  • Shin, Eun-Chul;Yun, Sock-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2003
  • Recently, construction of the reinforced earth structures, which adopts reinforcing materials of geosynthetic, is rapidly increasing due to its good economic advantages, beautiful appearance, and convenient construction. Nonetheless, the most important factor of interpretation and design of the reinforced earth structures, which is assessment ways of friction features between earth and geosynthetic, has not been standardized yet. It has great difference of interpretation and design methods which suggested to the design engineer. This study is to present the way how to assess more reasonably friction features between geogrid and weathered granite soil through the pullout test. Based on a large-scale pullout test of geogrid, the maximum shear stress, interface fricton angle, and friction efficiency are presented with consideration of various test condition.

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Genesis and Mineralogical Characteristics of Acid Sulfate Soil in Gimhae Plain -II. Genesis and Distribution of the Soil Clay Minerals (김해평야(金海平野)에 분포(分布)한 특이산성토(特異酸性土)의 생성(生成)과 광물학적(鑛物學的) 특성(特性) -II. 점토광물(粘土鑛物)의 분포(分布) 및 생성(生成))

  • Jung, Pil-Kyun;Yoo, Sun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.168-178
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    • 1994
  • Acid sulfate soils occur extensively in Gimhae area where they have been formed from the brackish alluvial sediments along the sea coast and river estuary. The strong acid environment enhances silicate weathering and thus affects the soil clay minerals. The minerals were identified through chemical, X-ray diffraction and thermal methods. The ratio of $SiO_2$ and $Al_2O_3$ in the clay fractions ranged from 3.14 to 3.77, indicating that the distribution of the clay minerals were 1 : 1 and 2 : 1 minerals. Cation exchange capacity in the clay fractions was low due to high contents of 1 : 1 minerals and hydroxy interlayered vermiculite(HIV). The B and C horizon rich in jarosite have large amounts of yellow streaks which reflect high content of $Fe_2O_3$ and $K_2O$. Vermiculite and illite were quantified from thermogravimetry(TG), kaolin minerals from both TG and differential thermal analysis(DTA), and HIV from X-ray diffraction analysis. The dominant clay minerals were kaolin minerals, vermiculite, illite and HIV. HIV considered to be formed, especially, in acid soil environments. The minor minerals were quarts, feldspar, jarosite, pyrite, hematite and goethite. Kaolin minerals were the most abundant clay minerals throughout the acid sulfate soil. Kaolin minerals, however, increased towards the top of horizons throughout the soils and HIV decreased towards the top of horizons in the soil of Gimhae series and Haecheog series. Alteration of HIV to kaolin minerals during weathering of low pH condition in deep soil horizons may explain the high quantities of kaolin minerals and the relatively low quantities of HIV in the soil at top horizons.

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Characterization of Arsenic Immobilization in the Myungbong Mine Tailing (명봉광산의 광미 내 비소의 고정화 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Chun;Jeong, Jong-Ok;Kim, Ju-Yong;Kim, Soon-Oh
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2010
  • The Myoungbong mine located in Boseong-gun, Jellanamdo consists of Au-Ag bearing quartz veins which filled the fissures of Bulguksa granitic rocks of Cretaceous. The tailings obtained from the Myungbong mine were used to investigate the effects of various processes, such as oxidation of primary sulfides and formation(alteration) of secondary and/or tertiary minerals, on arsenic immobilization in tailings. This study was conducted via both mineralogical and chemical methods. Mineralogical methods used included gravity and magnetic separation, ultrasonic cleaning, and instrumental analyses(X-ray diffractometry, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and electron probe microanalyzer) and aqua regia extraction technique for soils was applied to determine the elemental concentrations in the tailings. Iron (oxy)hydroxides formed as a result of oxidation of tailings were identified as three specific forms. The first form filled in rims and fissures of primary pyrites. The second one precipitated and coated the surfaces of gangue minerals and the final form was altered into yukonites. Initially, large amounts of acid-generating minerals, such as pyrite and arsenopyrite, might make the rapid progress of oxidation reactions, and lots of secondary minerals including iron (oxy)hydroxides and scorodite were formed. The rate of pH decrease in tailings diminished, in addition, as the exposure time of tailings to oxidation environments was prolonged and the acid-generating minerals were depleted. Rather, it is speculated that the pH of tailings increased, as the contribution of pH neutralization reactions by calcite contained in surrounding parental rocks became larger. The stability of secondary minerals, such as scorodite, were deteriorated due to the increase in pH, and finally arsenic might be leached out. Subsequently, calcimn and arsenic ions dissociated from calcites and scorodites were locally concentrated, and yukonite could be grown tertiarily. It is confirmed that this tertiary yukonite which is one of arsenate minerals and contains arsenic in high level plays a crucial role in immobilizing arsenic in tailings. In addition to immobilization of arsenic in yukonites, the results indicate that a huge amount of iron (oxy)hydroxides formed by weathering of pyrite which is one of typical primary minerals in tailings can strongly control arsenic behavior as well. Consequently, this study elucidates that through a sequence of various processes, arsenic which was leached out as a result of weathering of primary minerals, such as arsenopyrite, and/or redissolved from secondary minerals, such as scorodite, might be immobilized by various sorption reactions including adsorption, coprecipiation, and absorption.

Stability and Damage Evaluation of the Buddha Triad and 16 Rock-Carved Arhat Statues at Seongbulsa Temple in Cheonan, Korea (천안 성불사 마애석가삼존과 16나한상의 손상도 및 안정성 평가)

  • Yang, Hyeri;Lee, Chan Hee;Jo, Young Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.78-99
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    • 2020
  • The Buddha triad and 16 Arhat statues carved on the rock surface at Seongbulsa temple is the only domestic remaining example of all 16 Arhats, so its academic value is very high. However, it is severely damaged and so required a stability evaluation through study of digital documentation and precise diagnosis for the purpose of comprehensive conservation. This process established that the Buddha statues were of similar scale, while the Arhats showed a wide variety of sizes, and the two kith and kin in the volume were larger than the Arhats. It was estimated that the statues of food for Buddha are similar to the Arhat statues, and most of the statues are well-formed. The rock used to carve the Buddha statues is banded gneiss with distinct foliation, alternating between white bands of quartz and feldspar and black bands composed of biotite. The Buddha statues have been damaged by physical weathering, discoloration, and biological contamination. In damage evaluations, joint (3.6 crack index), peeling (5.2%), exfoliation (1.7%), and falling off (0.1%) were observed on the rock surface of the Buddha statues. In particular, due to severe biological weathering, stage 9 and 10 biological coverage of the rock surface accounted for 57.5% of the total area, and stages 5 to 8 also accounted for a high share at 22.3%. The discoloration factors were shown to be dark brown and white with Fe, Ca, and S, and a large amount of C detected in the blackened contaminants, and the damage weight high in all areas. Discontinuities in different directions were identified in the rock surface. Analysis of potential rock failure types indicated that there is a possibility of plane and toppling failure, but wedge failure is unlikely to occur. The mean ultrasonic velocity of the main rock surface was 2,463m/sec, the lower part of the left side with a large number of joints was relatively low, and the highly weathered (HW) type to the completely weathered (CW) type concentrated distribution, showing weak properties. For the Buddha statues, conservation treatment is required for about 14.9% of micro cracks and 58.9% of exfoliation cracks. In addition, in order to improve the conservation environment of the Buddha statues, maintenance of drainage and ground preparations for the rock surface gradient and plants are necessary, and protection facilities should be reviewed for long-term conservation and management purposes.

Analysis on the Reliability and Influence Factors of Refraction Traveltime Tomography Depending on Source-receiver Configuration (송수신기 배열에 따른 굴절 주시 역산의 영향 인자 및 신뢰성 분석)

  • Lee, Donguk;Park, Yunhui;Pyun, Sukjoon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 2017
  • In land seismic exploration, irregular surface topography and weathering layer in near surface distorts the reflected signals of data. Therefore, typical land seismic data should be compensated for this distortion by static correction. To perform the static correction, near-surface velocity is required, which can be obtained by seismic refraction survey. However, land seismic data is often acquired in a limited form of geometry depending on the equipment availability, accessibility condition, and permission for the survey site. In this situation, refraction analysis should be performed using reflection data because it is impossible to acquire refraction-oriented data due to limited source and receiver geometry. In this study, we aimed to analyze the reliability of the results obtained by refraction traveltime tomography when using reflection data with a limited number of sources and receivers from irregular surface topography. By comparing the inversion result from irregular topography with that from flat surface, we found that the surface topography affects the reliability of the inversion results to some degree. We also found that the number of sources has little effect on the inversion results unless the number of sources are very small. On the other hand, we observed that velocity distortion occurred in the overlapped part of receiver arrays when using a limited number of receivers, and therefore suggested the size of the least overlapping ratio to avoid the velocity distortion. Finally, we performed numerical tests for the model which simulates the surface topography and acquisition geometry of the survey region and verified the reliability analysis of inversion results. We identified reliable areas and suspicious area of the inverted velocity model by applying the analysis results to field data.

Correlation interpretation for surface-geophysical exploration data-Chojeong Area, Chungbuk (지표물리탐사 자료의 상관해석-충북 초정지역)

  • Gwon, Il Ryong;Kim, Ji Su;Kim, Gyeong Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.75-88
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    • 1999
  • A recent major subject of geophysical exploration is research into 3-D subsurface imaging with a composite information from the various geophysical data. In an attempt to interpret Schlumberger sounding data for the study area in 2-D and 3-D view, resistivity imaging was firstly performed and then pseudo-3-D resistivity volume was reconstructed by interpolating several 1-D resistivity plots. Electrical resistivity discontinuities such as fracture zone were successfully clarified in pseudo-3-D resistivity volume. The low resistivity zone mainly associated with fracture zone appears to develop down to granitic basement in the central part of the study area. Seismic velocity near the lineament is estimated to be approximately as small as 3,000 m/s, and weathering-layer for the southeastern part is interpreted to be deeper than for the northwestern part. Geophysical attributes such as electrical resistivity, seismic velocity, radioactivity for the Chojeong Area were analysed by utilizing a GIS software Arc/Info. The major fault boundaries and fracture zones were resolved through image enhancement of composite section (electrical resistivity and seismic refraction data) and were interpreted to develop in the southeastern part of the area, as characterized by low electrical resistivity and low seismic velocity. However, radioactivity attribute was found to be less sensitive to geological discontinuities, compared to resistivity and seismic velocity attributes.

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Quantitative Evaluation for Effectiveness of Consolidation Treatment by using the Ethylsilicate for the Namsan Granite in Gyeongju (경주 남산 화강암을 대상으로 에틸실리케이트를 이용한 강화 처리에 대한 정량적 평가)

  • Han, Min-Su;Lee, Jang-Jon;Jun, Byung-Kyu;Song, Chi-Young;Kim, Sa-Dug
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2008
  • Stone cultural heritages in Korea are mostly situated out door without any notable protection thus there are severe damage from chemical and biological weathering. This in turn, causes deformation and structural damage. To counter act this problem and to increase durability, various kinds of conservation materials are used in the conservation and restoration treatment. However, there are not many practical and technological experiment done on this subject. This paper attempts quantitative evaluation of effectiveness of ethylsilicate based resin for Namsan granite in Gyeongju. When two different materials with different ethylsilicate concentration were compared, the result indicated decrease of absorption and porosity with increase of ultrasonic velocities, uniaxial compressive strength, elastic constant, tensile strength and Poisson's ratio. In addition, comparison of physical characteristic of the conservation material resulted favorably toward ones with higher concentration of ethylsilicate. This is due to the ethylsilicates characteristic to fill the internal pores of stone. There is discolouration of stone surface after treatment with conservation material. This was more prominent with the product of higher ethylsilicate concentration.

Preliminary Report for KD Subsurface Oil Storage (원유 비축시설 건설을 위한 예비조사)

  • Han, Jeong Sang;Huh, Ginn
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 1980
  • The rocks exposed in the investigation area are andesite of Late Cretaceous age, and syenite and aplitic granite of Bulgugsa Series of Early Cretaceous Period, which is intruded in the older andesitic rock. The strike and dip of major joint is $N10^{\circ}$ to $60^{\circ}E$, and $70^{\circ}SE$ to vertical respectively. According to seismic exploration, lower velocity zone, deemed to be fractured and/or crushed zone, is appeared along the gully center of east flank of the area. Test drilling shows that andesite bedrock is mostly very hard, massive, and very fine to medium grained and has almost 100 percent RQD and core recovery. In comparision with andesitic bedrock, intruded syenite cores show that it is highly crush especially at the depth from 55m to 63m.

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Shear Strength Characteristics of Weathered Granite Soil below the Freezing Point (동결온도 조건에서의 화강풍화토 전단강도 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Joonyong;Choi, Changho
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2013
  • Analysis via classical soil mechanics theory is either ineffective or inappropriate for fully describing stress distribution or failure conditions in cold regions, since mechanical properties of soils in cold regions are different from those reported in the classical soil mechanics theory. Therefore, collecting and analyzing technical data, and systematic and specialized research for cold regions are required for design and construction of the structure in cold regions. Freezing and thawing repeat in active layer of permafrost region, and a loading condition affecting the structure changes. Therefore, the reliable analysis of mechanical properties of frozen soils according to various conditions is prerequisite for design and construction of the structure in cold regions, since mechanical properties of frozen soils are sensitive to temperature condition, water content, grain size, relative density, and loading rate. In this research, the direct shear apparatus which operates at 30 degrees below zero and large-scaled low temperature chamber are used for evaluating shear strength characteristics of frozen soils. Weathered granite soil is used to analyzed the shear strength characteristics with varying freezing temperature condition, vertical confining pressure, relative density, and water content. This research shows that the shear strength of weathered granite soil is sensitively affected by various conditions such as freezing temperature conditions, normal stresses, relative densities, and water contents.

Development of an Unmanned Conveyor Belt Recovery Skimmer for Floating Marine Debris and High Viscosity Oil (무인 컨베이어 벨트식 부유쓰레기 및 고점도유 회수장비 개발 연구)

  • Han, Sang-goo;Lee, Won-ju;Jang, Se-hyun;Choi, Jae-hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.208-215
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    • 2017
  • When persistent oil, such as crude oil or Bunker C oil, is spilled at sea, viscosity increases through the weathering process. Equipment that can collect this oil when mixed with floating marine debris is very limited. In this study, devices that can be attached to the outside of existing oil skimmers have been applied to the inside of the main body, to develop an unmanned conveyor belt type floating marine debris and high viscosity oil recovery skimmer, which is composed of a conveyor belt, a sweeper with a forced inflow device, and a collection tank equipped with a buoyant body. The resulting skimmer was operated at a speed of 1.2 knots at a distance of 30 m in a sea area test. It was stable when moving laterally in any direction. An oil recovery performance test was conducted using a portable storage tank, and oil was recovered from a minimum of $7.8k{\ell}/h$ to a maximum of $23.3k{\ell}/h$. Moreover, recovery of $7.7k{\ell}/h$ was obtained in a wave water tank test with floating marine debris such as PET bottles and oil mixed. If the equipment developed in this study was used in the field for oil pollution accidents, it could be expected to contribute to improved response capability. We believe our equipment could be used in further studies to improvement the performance of existing portable oil skimmers.