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A Study on the Effect of Metals on Bacteria Adhesion to Zeolite as Bio-media Materials (제올라이트를 이용한 생물막 형성시 미생물의 부착에 금속이 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae Keun;Park, In Sun;Park, Jae-Woo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.3B
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    • pp.303-310
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    • 2009
  • Natural zeolite is widely used as sorbents and bio-media materials because it is cheap as well as it has efficient porous structures and large cation exchange. In this study, the effect of metal cations $(Na^+,\;Ca^{2+},\;Mg^{2+},\;Al^{3+})$ adsorbed to natural zeolite on the microorganism attachment was investigated. Metal-modified zeolites (MMZ) were prepared with 0.01 M, 0.02 M and 0.1 M NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 and AlCl3 solutions respectively, which concentrations were equivalent to 10%, 20% and 100% of cation exchange capacity (CEC) of natural zeolite. Pseudomonas putida was used as microorganism which was cultivated in Beef Extract Medium at 26C. The microorganism attachment to MMZ was increased more than natural zeolite. The amount of bacterial adhesion to MMZ and natural zeolite were $Mg^{2+}>natural>Na^+>Al^{3+}>Ca^{2+}$ under 10% of CEC, $Mg^{2+}>Ca^{2+}>Al^{3+}>natural>Na^+$ under 20% of CEC and $Ca^{2+}>Mg^{2+}>natural>Al^{3+}>Na^+$ under 100% of CEC. Especially, Mg-modified zeolite (Mg-MZ) showed the highest amount of bacterial adhesion, which increased the microorganism attachment 60% higher than natural zeolite under 10% of CEC. However, the amount of bacterial adhesion was decreased as the concentration of metal cations modified to zeolite were increased, showing that the increased amounts were 60% under 10% of CEC, 50% under 20% of CEC and 10% under 100% of CEC in Mg-MZ. Additionally, the effect of Mg2+ in solution on the bacterial adhesion was investigated in order to compare it with the effect of Mg2+ adsorbed to zeolite. The maximum quantity of bacterial adhesion to Mg-MZ was not different from the amount of microorganism attachment to the natural zeolite when Mg2+ solution was added.

Research on the Circumstance for Agricultural Investment of Cambodia (캄보디아 농업투자 환경에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyu-Seong;Bae, Dong-Jin;Kim, Seong-Nam;Kang, Young-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of International Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.475-484
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    • 2011
  • International price of cereal has been dramatically increasing for the past few years. This price hike amplified the importance of food self-sufficiency in numerous countries due to the fact that food security is directly proportional to food self-sufficiency. In this study, we conducted a survey to provide useful information of Cambodia's agricultural environment to possible Korean agricultural investors and as to highlight Cambodia as a strong candidate for the establishment of Korea's foreign base for cereal production. The survey conducted includes information regarding Cambodia's agricultural environment and investment circumstances including the political, economical and other contributing factors affecting agricultural investment in Cambodia. Seventy percent of the Cambodia's total population engage in agriculture and this comprises about 30% of the country's GDP. This statistics reflects the possibility of Cambodia's poverty alleviation which proves that agriculture in Cambodia is the driving force for the improvement of the country's economy. In addition, low labor cost, fertile land, abundant water resources, like the Tonle sap lake and the Mekong river, and unreclaimed lands are the strong points that could attract agricultural investors to Cambodia. Poor infrastructure, irrigation systems, law reforms, including social and cultural differences may be the biggest setbacks for the acceleration of Cambodia's agriculture development. However, the Cambodian government is open and willing to make adjustments for Cambodia to be both foreign and domestic agricultural investor-friendly, expecting that it will boost its country's agricultural development. Making the best out of this opportunity, the coordination of KOICA with Korean agricultural investors in building infrastructures and with the help of the KOPIA program for the transfer of agricultural technology will benefit both countries and will play an important role in Cambodia's agriculture.

A Study on the Adaptation Process of North Korean Immigrant Youth Discontinuing Formal Education (학업중단 북한이탈 청소년의 적응과정에 관한 질적연구)

  • Yang, Young Eun;Bae, Imho
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.189-224
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    • 2010
  • Nowadays Korean society has a fast growing population of North Korean immigrant youth. Especially, North Korean immigrant youth, who are discontinuing formal education, experience difficulties in social exclusion and adaptation. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of adaptation and social support of North Korean immigrant youth discontinuing formal education, and to seek affirmative supporting plans and solutions for their adaptation. The methodology utilized for this study was a case study research. On the basis of the results and categorization, 'a network between overall categories and of early adaptation' was derived. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows. First, the participants of this study experienced major difficulties during 'economical adaptation', and their economical adaptation was strongly interrelated with their 'educational adaptation'. The discontinuing of their education resulting from their fleeing period caused 'academic differential and age disparity.' Thus they could not enroll in the formal education system, and their insufficient educational background resulted in low wages and overwork due to manual labor jobs. Second, participants recognized 'interpersonal relations' as the most essential factor in adaptation, and 'social support' from the interpersonal relations played an important role in adaptation to and comfort in Korean society. 'Interactions with South Koreans' was recognized as a significant resource for gaining informational and appraisal support, but was not activated satisfactorily. On the other hand, interaction with North Korean immigrants was avoided by the reason that 'there's nothing to learn', however emotional support from North Korean immigrants of close relationship played an important role in participants' adaptation, especially in all aspects of psychological adaptation. Third, participants experienced a lot of difficulties and stresses in their 'physical health and psychological adaptation'. Their chronic diseases worsened by remaining untreated, and female perceived symptoms were observed more often than in male. Meanwhile, excessive 'stresses' from the unfamiliar environment of South Korea negatively affected their psychological adaptation. However, they were satisfied with sense of liberty and security from living in a democratic society.

The Differences of Rice Growth and Yield at Various Agroclimatic Regions in Chungnam Province (충남지역 농업기후 지대별 벼 생육 및 수량 변이)

  • Choi, N.G.;Park, J.H.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2018
  • Rice cultivation is immensely affected by many climatic factors including temperature, precipitation, etc, and imbalanced climatic conditions negatively affect the growth of rice. In this study, we investigated the effects of different agroclimatic zones of Chungnam Province on rice quality and examined the correlations between climatic characteristics and rice yield components. Average temperatures and rainfall were higher in 'Western Sobaek Inland' than those in the 'South Western coastal zone, and precipitation records showed a wide variation among counties due to typhoons during the examined periods. The average accumulative temperature affecting the magnitude of production during reproductive growth periods was higher in "Cheon-An", "Gong-Ju", "Yeon-Gi (Se-Jong)", "Bo-Ryeong", and "Dang-Jin" counties than those in other counties. The plant height was higher in 'Western Sobaek Inland' counties such as "Yeon-Gi(Se-Jong)" and "Cheon-An", and 'Southern Charyeong Plain' counties such as "Cheong-Yang", "Dang-Jin", and "A-San", than those in other counties. The number of tillers during the 40 days after rice transplantation in "Seo-Cheon" and "Bo-Ryeong" counties increased compared to other counties. This result was relevant to the fact that the date of rice transplantation in those counties was 3 to 4 days later than those in other counties of Chung-Nam Province. The average yield (milled rice basis) was the highest in 'Western Sobaek Inland' zone, showing 3,756 kg ha-1, followed by 'Southern Charyeong Plain' zone showing 3,621kg ha-1, and was the lowest in 'South Western coastal zone by 3,315kg ha-1. "Yeon-Gi(Se-Jong)" and "Dang-Jin" counties showed the highest yields of 4,100kg ha-1. "Seo-San", "Seo-Cheon", and "Tae-An" counties were relatively lower yields of 3,240~3,280kg ha-1 in comparison of other counties.

Cultural Characteristics and Artificial Cultivation of Edible Mushroom, Clitocybe maxima (흰깔대기버섯의 배양적 특성 및 인공재배에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, M.K.;Kim, D.U.;Kang, H.W.;Seo, G.S.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2018
  • A edible mushroom, Clitocybe maxima (Lentinus giganteusis) commercially cultivated in China and Taiwan. However, the researches of cultivation and cultural characteristics were not reported in Korea. In this study, we conducted on cultural characteristics and artificial cultivation of C. maxima. Six isolates were collected from China(3 isolates, commercial strain), Taiwan(1 isolate, commercial strain) and Korea(2 isolates, wild type). C. maxima and L. giganteus collected in China and Taiwan, respectively, are the same in China and are estimated to be of the same species as cultured characteristics. The mycelial growth of the collected strains was not significantly different in agar medium but it showed the best growth in YPMG in liquid culture. Optimum temperature for mycelial growth and induction of fruit body were 25℃ and 30℃, respectively. In order to artificial cultivation of C. maxima, cultural characteristics and artificial cultivation were carried out using agricultural by-products and forestry by-products materials. Mycelial growth was suitable in rice straw, cottonwood sawdust, corncob and rice seed medium, and it was selected as a cultivation medium. The suitable medium for artificial cultivation of C. maxima was selected to mixed medium 2(compounding ratio(v/v): 55% of hardwood sawdust, 5% of cottonseed pellets, 10% of cottonseed, 15% of beet pulp, 15% of swollen rice husks). It took about 30 days to be able to harvest, it was faster than oyster mushrooms. The cultivation period was about 30days. A isolate, CMA-002 was not initiation to fruit body primordiuma on the used cultivation substrate. Other 5 isolates were initiate and development to fruit body on the substrate used in this study. The strain CMA-003 was initiated to be fruiting body by 8~10 days after induction of fruiting body in all of the substrates. Isolate CMA-003 was generate to a bundle fruit body. Other isolates, however, were form fruit body individually. The CMA-003 strain was likely highly recommendable strains for farming. The optimum conditions for the induction and growth of C. maxima fruit body were 25~30℃, 8 hr illumination per day with white fluorescent lamp, 90~95% relative humidity, and 1,500 ppm of CO2 concentration in a cultivation room.

The Study on the Class Difficulty of Elementary Pre-service Teachers' Seasonal Change Unit (초등예비교사의 계절변화 단원에 대한 수업곤란도 연구)

  • Soon-shik Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.340-350
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the difficulty level of class on the seasonal change unit for 84 students at a university of education. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, if we first present the four topics that make up the seasonal changes in elementary science, the subjects that have the greatest difficulty in teaching for prospective elementary school teachers are 'Why do seasonal changes occur?' (Teaching difficulty level 4.05), 'The sun changes depending on the season' What is the difference between the southern altitude and the length of day and night?' (difficulty level of class, 3.12), 'What is the relationship between the altitude of the sun, length of shadow, and temperature during the day?' (difficulty level of class, 2.85), 'How does the temperature change depending on the season?' (class difficulty level 2.80). As a result, in the elementary science season change unit, the class on the four topics 'Why do seasons change?', which is classified as a class topic that requires the concept of spatial perception, showed a higher level of class difficulty than other units. Second, in the seasonal change unit, various factors of class difficulty appeared depending on the class topic. When pre-service elementary school teachers look at the factors that make class difficult when teaching a lesson on seasonal changes in order of frequency, 42 (50%) said 'Experimental instruction for comparing the altitude of solar masculine according to the tilt of the axis of rotation', followed by 'Solar masculine'. 38 people (45%) answered 'Difficulty in explaining mid-high altitude and the length of day and night', 27 people (32%) answered 'Difficulty in explaining the concept of mid-high altitude', and 24 people (32%) answered 'Difficulty in explaining seasonal changes in the sun's position.' 29%), 20 people (24%) said 'Explain the reasonable reason why the height of the light should be adjusted when measuring the solar altitude', and 16 people (19%) said 'It is difficult to explain the reason for the discrepancy between the solar altitude and the maximum temperature'. ), 'difficulties in measuring sand (ground) temperature' were mentioned by 12 people (14%). Third, when analyzing the factors of class difficulty, there were more curriculum factors than teacher factors. In this context, the exploratory activities on 'Why do seasonal changes occur?', the fourth topic of the seasonal change unit in which elementary school pre-service teachers showed the greatest difficulty in teaching, need improvement in terms of the curriculum.

Factors influencing happiness among Korean adolescents: With specific focus on the influence of psychological, relational and financial resources and academic achievement (한국 청소년의 행복: 심리적, 관계적, 경제적 자원과 학업성취의 영향)

  • Youngshin Park;Uichol Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.399-429
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this research examines the factors that influence happiness among Korean adolescents by focusing on psychological resource (as measured by self-efficacy), relational resource (as measured by social support) and financial resource (as measured by family's monthly income). In addition, the influence of academic achievement on happiness is examined. To examine the influence of socio-economic status and family's monthly income, adolescents living in three different districts in Seoul (from working to middle to upper class districts) were randomly selected and interviewed in their home. A total of 190 elementary school, middle school, high school and university students (male=83, female=107) completed the resiliency of efficacy scale developed by Bandura (1995) and emotional support and happiness scale developed by the present researchers, in addition to background information. The results of the path analysis are as follows. First, the most important predictor of happiness among Korean adolescents is relational resources. In other words, emotional support received from significant others was most predictive of happiness; more than 60 times the effect of family's monthly income, three times the effect of academic achievement, and two times the effect of resiliency of efficacy. The second most important factor that predicted the happiness of Korean adolescents was psychological resource (i.e., resiliency of efficacy), which had 30 times the effect of family's monthly income. In addition resiliency of efficacy played a mediating role between emotional support on one hand and happiness on the other. Third, those respondents who had higher academic achievement reported higher levels of happiness, which had 20 times the effect of family's monthly income. Fourth, family monthly income did not predict happiness among Korean adolescents. Fifth, socio-economic status and school level did not have direct influence on happiness but had mediating influence through their influence on emotional support. In other words, those respondents with higher socio-economic status and elementary school students were more likely to receive social support from significant others, which in turn increased their happiness. These results indicate that the most important predictor of happiness among Korean adolescents is emotional support, followed by resiliency of effic acy and academic achievement, indicating that those adolescents from wealthy families are not necessarily happier.

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Application and effectiveness of a nutrition education program based on the 2020 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans for undergraduates in Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeonggi-do (2020 한국인 영양소 섭취기준 활용 자료를 이용한 영양교육 프로그램의 적용 및 효과: 경상남도 및 경기도 지역 대학생을 대상으로)

  • Mijoo Choi;Hyein Jung;Nayoung Kim;Sangah Shin;Taejung Woo;Eunju Park
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.730-741
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The 2020 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans (KDRIs) serves as a foundation for daily nutrient and energy recommendations aiming to enhance public health and prevent chronic diseases. They act as guidelines for maintaining proper nutrition and overall health. Using KDRIs is crucial for promoting healthier lifestyles and making informed dietary choices. Thus, this study explores the influence of a nutrition education program, based on the 2020 KDRIs, on the nutrition knowledge and dietary habits of undergraduates in Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeonggi-do. Methods: The nutrition education program, designed with diverse instructional materials, was executed across a wide range of universities. The education group (n = 75) engaged in the program for a 6-week instructional period, while the control group (n = 53) underwent the survey without participating in the education program. Nutrition Quotient (NQ) and knowledge assessments were administered to both groups immediately before and after the instructional period. Results: Within the education group, the nutrition education program positively impacted responses to NQ practice items, including knowledge of nutrition, daily intake, and portion sizes (p < 0.05). In contrast, there were no significant differences between the before and after responses of the control group for most survey items. Post-program evaluations showed significantly higher self-assessment scores and increased satisfaction levels (p < 0.05), with the satisfaction rate for the education program using the 2020 KDRIs reaching 99.2%. Conclusion: This study has demonstrated the positive impact of an effective nutrition education program. However, there is a need for the continuous development and implementation of nutrition education programs to sustain these outcomes and further enhance the nutritional education experience.

Screening of Natural Products for Anti-diabetic Activity and Analysis of Their Active Compounds (항당뇨 효능이 있는 천연물의 탐색 및 활성물질의 분석)

  • Hwa Sin Lee;Bo Bae Park;Sun Nyoung Yu;Min Ji Kim;Yun Jin Bae;Yi Rooney Lee;Ye Eun Lee;Si Yoon Kim;Yun Ho Shim;Soon Cheol Ahn
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.33 no.10
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    • pp.783-790
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    • 2023
  • Modern people have an increased incidence of metabolic diseases due to changed eating habits, and diabetes is considered the most significant metabolic disease. Given that existing diabetes treatments are accompanied by side effects, the aim of this study was to identify traditional natural products that have anti-diabetic activity. The potential anti-diabetic and antioxidant activities of natural products were examined using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay, α-glucosidase assay, and protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) inhibition assay. Methanol extracts of Ulmus davidiana var. japonica, Acer tegmentosum branches, Nelumbo nucifera seeds, and Carthamus tinctorius seeds were found to have high anti-diabetic activity and further fractionated with solvents using ethyl acetate and butanol. Consequently, the ethyl acetate fraction of C. tinctorius seeds (MG-11-E) with high α-glucosidase and PTP1B inhibitory activity was selected. MG-11-E was subjected to preparative thin layer chromatography, and fraction #6 showed high α-glucosidase and PTP1B inhibitory activity. Fraction #6 was analyzed and fractionated via high performance liquid chromatography with 50% methanol as the mobile phase, and anti-diabetic activity was observed in the sample that eluted after 4 min as a single peak. The α-glucosidase inhibitory activity exhibited by this sample seemed to be greater than the PTP1B inhibitory activity; thus, it was concluded that a greater anti-diabetic therapeutic effect may be achieved by combining this agent with natural products that inhibit PTP1B activity.

The Moderate Effect of the Religious Fundamentalism on Religious Orientations and Subjective Well-being (종교지향과 주관적 웰빙의 관계에 대한 종교적 원리주의의 조절효과)

  • Sung-Jin Chung;Chang-Ho C. Ji;Kyung-Hyun Suh;Shin-Seop Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.19-41
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to investigate how religious orientation of college students and the religious fundamentalism are related to their subjective well-being, and the interaction of religious orientations and the religious fundamentalism on their well-being. The participants were 374 college students who studies at an university located in Seoul, whose average of age were 22.54 (SD=4.79). The psychological tests used in this research included the following: I/E-R, the Religious Fundamentalism Scale, the Spiritual Well-Being Scale, Emotion Frequency Test, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Subjective Happiness Scale, Life Satisfaction Motivation Scale, and Life Satisfaction Expectancy Scale. Although religious students experienced more religious well-being than non-religious students, their subjective well-being were not higher than those of non-religious students. Results reveal that religious orientations were positively related to subjective well-being such as life satisfaction, subjective happiness, and positive emotions, as well as spiritual well-being. However, those covariance was approximately 4~6% only. Religious fundamentalism was also positively related to spiritual well-being and life satisfaction, it was negatively related to the motivation to live though. On the other hand, moderate effects of the religious fundamentalism on the relations of religious orientations to most of subjective well-being variables. Results of simple main effect analyses indicated that the students who were strongly oriented toward religion with higher religious fundamentalism showed significantly higher existential well-being, positive emotions, life satisfaction, subjective happiness, and especially their motivation and expectation for future life, whereas there were no significant differences in subjective well-being of students with lower religious fundamentalism by religious orientation. This finding suggests that some religiosity variables could affect human well-being with interactions

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