• Title/Summary/Keyword: 큰 수

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Rethinking the Records of the Japan's Korean Colonial Rule and the Post-War Compensation : Focusing on the Dual Decision Making System and the Sources of the Documents (제국의 식민지·점령지 지배와 '전후보상' 기록의 재인식 조선의 식민지지배·보상처리 결재구조와 원본출처를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Kyung-Nam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.39
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    • pp.281-318
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    • 2014
  • This article aims to inquire into the decision making system and the sources of the original documents made by means of it in Imperial Japan, the colonial Chosun, GHQ, and the occupied Japan in terms of the post-war treatments of compensation on the Japanese colonial rules. It deals with them from 1910 to 1952 in the perspective of history and archivistics. This article attempts to establish the foundation on which the perception of the documents made in the Imperial Japan, its colony, and the occupied territory would be widened by placing the colonial rules and the compensation on them into a continuous line. The records of Japan's forced occupation of Korea during 1910-1945, and the original records documenting the decision making process of post-war compensation under GHQ, 1945-1952, have been dispersed in Korea, Japan and the United States. This dispersed preservation was mainly due to the complicated decision-making process among Governor-General of Chosun, the Japanese Imperial government, and the GHQ. It was the top-down styled, dual decision making system, in which the critical policies, personnel, and budget had been decided in Imperial homeland, while their implementations were made in the colonies. As a result, the records documenting the whole process of domination have been preserved dispersedly in Japan and its colonies. In particular, the accounts of not yet paid Korean workers that was forced to mobilize in Japan's colonial periods, which is emerging as the diplomatic conflict between Korea and Japan, had been dealt in the decrees of the Japanese government and policy-making of GHQ. It has already been changed to the problem as 'economic cooperation' from the 'debt'. Also, the critical records for post-war compensation were preserved dispersedly in the United States and Japan under the top-down decision making process of GHQ-Japan. Therefore, the dispersed records of 1910-1952 about the colonial rules by the Imperial Japan and the post-war compensation on them must be re-investigated for the adequate documentation in the context of time and space.

A Study on the Online Newspaper Archive : Focusing on Domestic and International Case Studies (온라인 신문 아카이브 연구 국내외 구축 사례를 중심으로)

  • Song, Zoo Hyung
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.48
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    • pp.93-139
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    • 2016
  • Aside from serving as a body that monitors and criticizes the government through reviews and comments on public issues, newspapers can also form and spread public opinion. Metadata contains certain picture records and, in the case of local newspapers, the former is an important means of obtaining locality. Furthermore, advertising in newspapers and the way of editing in newspapers can be viewed as a representation of the times. For the value of archiving in newspapers when a documentation strategy is established, the newspaper is considered as a top priority that should be collected. A newspaper archive that will handle preservation and management carries huge significance in many ways. Journalists use them to write articles while scholars can use a newspaper archive for academic purposes. Also, the NIE is a type of a practical usage of such an archive. In the digital age, the newspaper archive has an important position because it is located in the core of MAM, which integrates and manages the media asset. With this, there are prospects that an online archive will perform a new role in the production of newspapers and the management of publishing companies. Korea Integrated News Database System (KINDS), an integrated article database, began its service in 1991, whereas Naver operates an online newspaper archive called "News Library." Initially, KINDS received an enthusiastic response, but nowadays, the utilization ratio continues to decrease because of the omission of some major newspapers, such as Chosun Ilbo and JoongAng Ilbo, and the numerous user interface problems it poses. Despite these, however, the system still presents several advantages. For example, it is easy to access freely because there is a set budget for the public, and accessibility to local papers is simple. A national library consistently carries out the digitalization of time-honored newspapers. In addition, individual newspaper companies have also started the service, but it is not enough for such to be labeled an archive. In the United States (US), "Chronicling America"-led by the Library of Congress with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities-is in the process of digitalizing historic newspapers. The universities of each state and historical association provide funds to their public library for the digitalization of local papers. In the United Kingdom, the British Library is constructing an online newspaper archive called "The British Newspaper Archive," but unlike the one in the US, this service charges a usage fee. The Joint Information Systems Committee has also invested in "The British Newspaper Archive," and its construction is still ongoing. ProQuest Archiver and Gale NewsVault are the representative platforms because of their efficiency and how they have established the standardization of newspapers. Now, it is time to change the way we understand things, and a drastic investment is required to improve the domestic and international online newspaper archive.

Uranium and Radon Concentrations in Groundwater of the Daejeon Granite Area: Comparison with Other Granite Areas (대전 화강암지역 지하수의 우라늄과 라돈 함량: 다른 화강암지역과의 비교)

  • Yun, Uk;Kim, Moon Su;Jeong, Do Hwan;Hwang, Jae Hong;Cho, Byong Wook
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.631-643
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    • 2018
  • Uranium and radon concentrations in groundwater from 80 wells from Daejeon area were measured to determine the range of concentrations according to the geology. The median uranium content of groundwater was $11.14{\mu}g/L$ for the two-mica granite, $0.90{\mu}g/L$ for the biotite granite, and $0.47{\mu}g/L$ for the Ogcheon group. The median radon content of groundwates was 114.3 Bq/L for the two-mica granite, 61.6 Bq/L for the biotite granite, and 42.2 Bq/L for the Ogchon group, respectively. The uranium content of two-mica granite is 3.78 mg/ kg, which is slightly higher than that of biotite granite 3.20 mg/kg. However, the uranium content in groundwatewr of two-mica granite groundwater is much higher than that of biotite granite. This can be explained by the fact that the two-mica granite is vulnerable to weathering than biotite granite, so uranium in mineral is easily leached into groundwater. The exceeding rate of samples having uranium content above $30{\mu}g/L$ in granite area was 23.8%, which is higher than that of 6.7% in Jurassic granite in Korea. On the other hand, the exceeding rate of samples having radon content above 148 Bq/L in granite rate area was 31.0% which is similar to that of Jurassic granite area of 31.7%.

Disaster Risk Assessment using QRE Assessment Tool in Disaster Cases in Seoul Metropolitan (서울시 재난 사례 QRE 평가도구를 활용한 재난 위험도 평가)

  • Kim, Yong Moon;Lee, Tae Shik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2019
  • This study assessed the risk of disaster by using QRE(Quick Risk Estimation - UNISDR Roll Model City of Basic Evaluation Tool) tools for three natural disasters and sixteen social disasters managed by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. The criteria for selecting 19 disaster types in Seoul are limited to disasters that occur frequently in the past and cause a lot of damage to people and property if they occur. We also considered disasters that are likely to occur in the future. According to the results of the QRE tools for disaster type in Seoul, the most dangerous type of disaster among the Seoul city disasters was "suicide accident" and "deterioration of air quality". Suicide risk is high and it is not easy to take measures against the economic and psychological problems of suicide. This corresponds to the Risk ratings(Likelihood ranking score & Severity rating) "M6". In contrast, disaster types with low risk during the disaster managed by the city of Seoul were analyzed as flooding, water leakage, and water pollution accidents. In the case of floods, there is a high likelihood of disaster such as localized heavy rains and typhoons. However, the city of Seoul has established a comprehensive plan to reduce floods and water every five years. This aspect is considered to be appropriate for disaster prevention preparedness and relatively low disaster risk was analyzed. This corresponds to the disaster Risk ratings(Likelihood ranking score & Severity rating) "VL1". Finally, the QRE tool provides the city's leaders and disaster managers with a quick reference to the risk of a disaster so that decisions can be made faster. In addition, the risk assessment using the QRE tool has helped many aspects such as systematic evaluation of resilience against the city's safety risks, basic data on future investment plans, and disaster response.

Differences in Urine Cadmium Associations with Renal Damage Markers According to the Adjustment with Specific Gravity or Urinary Creatinine (요비중 또는 크레아티닌 보정에 따른 요중 카드뮴과 신장손상지표와의 관련성 비교)

  • Kim, Yong-Dae;Eom, Sang-Yong;Yim, Dong-Hyuk;Kwon, Soon Kil;Park, Choong-Hee;Kim, Guen-Bae;Yu, Seung-Do;Choi, Byung-Sun;Park, Jung-Duck;Kim, Heon
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.265-271
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    • 2019
  • In general, specific gravity (SG) and urinary creatinine (CR) have been used to adjust urinary cadmium (Cd) concentrations. However, the validity of correction methods has been controversial. We compared the two adjustments to evaluate associations between urinary Cd and various renal damage markers and to evaluate the relationship between urinary Cd concentration and renal disease markers, such as estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), in a relatively large general population sample. Among the 1,086 volunteers who were enrolled in this study, 862 healthy volunteers who did not have kidney disease were included in the final analysis. Urinary Cd, malondialdehyde (MDA), and N-acetyl-${\beta}$-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) concentrations were measured, the creatinine-based eGFR was calculated, and the relationships between these markers were subsequently analyzed. This study showed the use of urinary Cd concentration adjusted with SG rather than with urinary creatinine may be appropriate in studies evaluating renal function based on Cd exposure. Urinary Cd concentration adjusted with SG had a positive correlation with urinary MDA levels and a negative correlation with eGFR. This relationship was relatively stronger in women than in men. This study showed that urinary Cd level was associated with decreased eGFR in the general population, and oxidative stress was likely to act as an intermediator in this process. These results suggest that eGFR can be a very good indicator of kidney damage caused by Cd exposure in the general population.

On the Persistence of Warm Eddies in the East Sea (동해 난수성 에디의 장기간 지속에 관하여)

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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.318-331
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    • 2019
  • In this study, comparative analysis is performed on the long-term persisted warm eddies that were generated in 2003 (WE03) and in 2014 (WE14) over the East Sea using the HYCOM reanalysis data. The overshooting of the East Korea Warm Current (EKWC) was appeared during the formation period of those warm eddies. The warm eddies were produced in the shallow Korea Plateau region through the interaction of the EKWC and the sub-polar front. In the interior of the both warm eddies, a homogeneous water mass of about $13^{\circ}C$ and 34.1 psu were generated over the upper 150 m depth by the winter mixing. In 2004, the next year of the generation of the WE03, the amount of the inflow through the western channel of the Korea Strait was larger, while the inflow was lesser than its climatology during 2015 corresponding to the development period of the WE14. The above results suggest that the heat and salt are supplied in the warm eddies through the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC), however the amount of the inflow through the Korea Strait has negligible impact on the long-term persistency of the warm eddies. Both of the warm eddies were maintained more than 18 months near Ulleung island, while they have no common feature on the pathways. In the vicinity of the Ulleung basin, large and small eddies are continuously created due to the meandering of the EKWC. The long-term persisted warm eddies in the Ulleung Island seem to be the results of the interaction between the pre-existed eddies located south of the sub-polar front and fresh eddies induced by the meanderings of the EKWC. The conclusion is also in line with the fact that the long-term persisted warm eddies were not always created when the overshooting of the EKWC was appeared.

Chemical compositions of different cultivars of astringent persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) and the effects of maturity (떫은감(Diospyros kaki Thunb.) 품종 및 수확시기에 따른 영양 성분 변화)

  • Yoo, Seul Ki;Kim, Jong Min;Park, Seon Kyeong;Kang, Jin Yong;Han, Hye Ju;Park, Hyo Won;Kim, Chul-Woo;Lee, Uk;Heo, Ho Jin
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.248-257
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to determine the chemical components of different cultivars (Gabjubaekmok, Sangjudungsi, and Godongsi) of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) and the effects of maturity. The detected free sugars were fructose and glucose, and glucose levels tended to increase with maturity. Palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and stearic acid, and potassium were major components. In the amino acid component analysis, the following were usually present in the following month: glutamic acid in Gabjubaekmok in July, lysine in Sangjudungsi in August, and threonine in Godongsi in October. Vitamin C tended to increase with aging, and fruit harvested in July had the highest total phenolic and flavonoid contents. In the metabolite analysis, there were significant differences among cultivars and with maturity. The major physiological compounds were analyzed using ultra performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass ($UPLC/Q-TOF/MS^2$) and were citric acid and gallic aicd. As maturity progressed, citric acid increased but gallic acid decreased.

Comparison of Domestic and Foreign Design Standards for Overall Stability of Soil Nailed Slopes (쏘일네일 보강 비탈면의 전체 안정성에 대한 국내외 설계기준 비교)

  • Kim, Tae-Won;You, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2019
  • The international trend in soil nailed wall design has been evolved from the allowable stress design to limit state design and it is still currently ongoing. The design guidelines in Korea and Hong Kong still adopts the allowable stress design philosophy while those in others mostly do the limit state design. In this study, four soil nail design methods presented in the major design guidelines (U.S. FHWA GEC 7 (2015), Clouterre in France (1991), Soil nailing - best practice guidance in U.K. (CIRIA, 2005), Geoguide 7 in Hong Kong (2008) and Design standard for slope reinforcement work in Korea (KDS 11 70 15 f: 2016)) are described and analyzed in brief. The factor of safety and CDR (Capacity-to-Demand Ratio) which is used to measure the degree of conservatism of a design guide are obtained for the two cases. One is the design example presented in CIRIA (2005) and the other is in-situ loading test performed on the top of backfill of the soil nail wall to investigate the conservatism of design guidelines. It is revealed that the design method in overall stability of soil nail walls in domestic design method (CDR=0.78) is the most conservative and those by Clouterre (CDR=0.99, 1.09), Geoguide 7 (CDR=1.13, 0.97), U.S. FHWA (CDR=1.09, 1.07) and CIRIA (CDR=1.40, 1.16) in order from the second most conservative to the least conservative for the design example presented in CIRIA. For the in-situ loading test performed on the top of backfill of the soil nail wall, the order of conservatism is identical except that the places of Geoguide 7 (CDR=0.66, 0.72) and FHWA (CDR=0.73, 0.72) are changed. However, the results obtained among U.S. FHWA (2015) and Clouterre (1991) and Geoguide 7 (2008) are not so different.

Tenebrio molitor (Mealworm) Extract Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Alleviates Hyperglycemia in C57BL/Ksj-db/db Mice (C57BL/Ksj-db/db 제 2형 당뇨모델을 이용한 갈색거저리 유충(밀웜) 추출물의 인슐린 감수성 및 혈당개선효과)

  • Kim, Seon Young;Park, Jae Eun;Han, Ji Sook
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.570-579
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    • 2019
  • Diabetes is one of the serious chronic metabolic diseases caused by Westernized eating habits, and the goal of diabetes treatment is to keep blood glucose at a normal level and prevent diabetic complications. This study was designed to investigate the anti-diabetic effects of a mealworm (Tenebrio molitor larva) extract (MWE) on hyperglycemia in an animal model with type 2 diabetes. Diabetic C57BL/Ksj-db/db mice were divided into three groups: diabetic control, rosiglitazone, and MWE. The mice supplemented with MWE showed significantly lower blood levels of glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin when compared with the diabetic control mice. The homeostatic index of insulin resistance was significantly lower in mice supplemented with MWE than in diabetic control mice. MWE supplementation significantly stimulated the phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 and Akt, and activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in insulin signaling pathway of skeletal muscles. Eventually, MWE increased the expression of the plasma membrane glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) via PI3K/Akt activation. These findings demonstrate that the increase in plasma membrane GLUT4 expression by MWE promoted the uptake of blood glucose into cells and relieved hyperglycemia in skeletal muscles of diabetic C57BL/Ksj-db/db mice. Therefore, mealworms are expected to prove useful for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, and further studies are needed to improve type 2 diabetes in the future.

Influence of Corporate Venture Capital on Established Firms' Aquisition of Startups (스타트업 인수 시 기업벤처캐피탈(CVC)이 모기업에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, MyungGun;Kim, YoungJun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2019
  • As a way to find new and innovative technologies, many companies have invested in and acquired skilled startups. Because startups are usually small in size and have a small history of past business experience, there are many risks involved in acquiring them as they have limited technical skills and business feasibility verification methods. Thus, venture capital plays an important role in discovering and investing competitive startups. While Independent Venture Capital generally values financial returns, Corporate Venture Capital, which plays investment roles in the firm, values business synergies with the parent company from a strategic perspective. In an industry sector where development of technology is rapid and whether new technology is held determines a company's competitiveness, existing companies incorporate startups with innovative technologies into their investment portfolios, collaborate together, and take over for comprehensive cooperation. In addition, new investments and acquisitions are carried out through the management of portfolio companies to obtain and utilize industry information. In this paper, major U.S. companies listed in the U.S. verified their investment activities through corporate venture capital and their impact on parent companies and startups through regression, while the parent company's acquisition performance was analyzed through an event study based on a stock price analysis. The criteria for startup were defined as companies with less than 12 years of experience, and the analysis showed that the parent companies with corporate venture capital with a larger number of investments actively take over startups. In addition, increasing corporate venture capital's financial investment activities shows a negative impact on the parent companies' acquisition activities, and the acquisition performance increased when the parent companies took over startups in its portfolio.