• Title/Summary/Keyword: 코딩스킴

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A Study of Video Coding Based on a Morphological Representation of Wavelet Data (웨이블릿 데이터의 형태적 표현을 적용한 동영상 코딩에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜경;오해석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.10b
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    • pp.541-543
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    • 2000
  • 영역의 수와 윤곽선의 길이는 세그멘테이션 기반의 움직임 보상된 비디오 코딩에서 두 가지의 기본적인 제약사항이다. 이 논문에서 제안하는 코딩 스킴은 영역의 수를 축소하는 것에 초점을 맞추고, 윤곽성 코딩, 그리고 치환된 프레임 차이(DFD)의 압축에 초점을 맞춘다. 제안된 스킴의 가장 중요한 특징 중의 하나는 형태적인 필터를 기반으로 하는 spatio-temporal 단순성 알고리즘이고, 그것들과 함께 이미지는 작은 수의 영역으로 나누어질 수 있다. 이 스킴의 매우 중요한 특성은 세그멘테이션 맵 샘플링 기법으로, 그것은 윤곽선 길이를 매우 작은 복원 에러에 비례하여 약 50%까지 줄인다. 실험적인 결과는, 높은 압축 비율에 대하여 매우 작은 코딩 에러를 보여주었다.

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Delay Improvement from Network Coding in Networks with High Coefficient of Variation of Transfer Time (전송시간의 변화가 큰 네트워크에서 네트워크 코딩을 적용한 전송 지연시간 개선 방법 및 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Goo Yeon;Lee, Yong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.49 no.11
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we focus on end-to-end transfer delay improvement by using network coding and propose a scheme where a message is divided into several packets which are network coded generating additional redundancy with the results that the number of transmitted packets increases. In networks with high coefficient of variation of transfer time, increased number of packets could reduce the transfer time of the message to a destination. For the proposed scheme, we investigate the optimum number of divided packets and redundancy considering transfer delay reduction and additional transmission cost caused by using network coding under the restriction of maximum transmission packet size. From the results of the investigation, we see that the proposed scheme is effective in networks having high variability of transfer time and would be very useful and practical especially for the case that expedited deliveries of messages are needed.

An Empirical Approach on Textile Designer's Mental Model focused on the Motif Development for designing CAD tool of Digital Textile Printing (텍스타일 디자이너의 인지적 모형에 대한 실증적 접근 - 디지털 나염 전용 캐드 설계를 위한 모티브 개발을 중심으로-)

  • 송승근;이주현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.160-166
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구의 목적은 비디오/오디오 프로토콜 분석 방식을 이용해서 텍스타일 디자인 프로세스 중 모티브 개발 단계에서 디지털 나염(DTP : Digital Textile Printing) 전용 캐드(CAD)와 같은 디자인 저작도구를 설계할 때 어떤 요소에 중점을 두고 개발 할 것인지에 대한 향상된 지침을 마련하는데 있다. 텍스타일 디자인 프로세스에 대한 프로토콜 분석을 위해 선행 연구를 고찰하여 디자인 행동 범주의 틀을 하향식(top-down)방식으로 설정하고 실제 행동 프로토콜 (action protocol) 분석을 통해 상향식(bottom-up)방식으로 세부 디자인 행동을 도출하였다. 텍스타일 디자인은 선행연구의 건축디자인과는 다른 특징을 지니기 때문에 프로토콜 분석에서도 새로운 디자인 행동 범주(action category)가 필요하게 되었다. 이를 위하여 모델 휴먼 프로세서(Model Human Processor)이론을 근거로 디자인 행동을 모터 행동(motor action), 지각 행동(perceptual action), 인지 행동(cognitive action)의 세 가지 범주[4]로 나누었으며 텍스타일 디자인 프로세스에 적합한 코딩 스킴(coding scheme)을 개발하였다. 본 연구에서는 이 새로운 코딩 스킴을 토대로 디자인 저작도구에 대한 디자이너의 인지적 모형(Cognitive Model)을 개발하였다. 이렇게 개발된 디자이너의 인지적 모형은 디지털 나염을 기반으로 하는 모티브 개발 단계에서 스케치와 렌더링에 대한 디자인 저작 도구의 향상된 설계지침 뿐만 아니라 방향도 시사하였다.

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Algorithm of XML and SOAP Messages Canonicalization (XML 및 SOAP 메시지 정규화 알고리즘)

  • Jeong, Hoe-Gyeong
    • The Journal of Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2004
  • This paper implemented system that run Canonical XML and SOAP messages algorithm. So, can change to more elaborate regular document. Thus, interoperable with other application that takes W3C recommendation. Also, use in several system that physical identify is required when it exchange XML and SOAP messages for web service interoperability. Moreover, Adding the transformation ability between universal encoding scheme and EUC-KR that is internal encoding scheme should be Canonical XML and SOAP messages algorithm that is suited to internal circumstances, and this should be a foundation technique of international interoperability confirmedness.

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An Exploratory Approach to Textile Designer's Cognition Model -focused on the Stage of Motif Development- (텍스타일 디자이너의 인지 모형에 대한 탐색적 접근 -모티브 개발 단계를 중심으로-)

  • 송승근;이주현
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2003
  • This study was an exploratory approach to the cognitive model of textile designers on the stage of motif development in textile design process. Prior to the main research, several previous studies adopting methods of video/audio protocol analysis were reviewed. On the basis of the review, the categories of design action were derived as an analysis frame by application of top-down access method, meanwhile the sub-groups of each category of design action were identified through a bottom-up access method. To summarize the research result, total three categories of textile design action appeared based on the theory of ‘Human processor’ model : ‘motor action’, ‘perceptual action’ and 'cognitive action'. In next, a new coding scheme suitably explaining these three categories of fertile design action was developed. Finally, a cognitive model of textile designer on the stage of motif development, employing the new coding scheme, was suggested in this study.

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Network Coding Technologies for Wireless Bidirectional Asymmetric Relay (무선 양방향 비대칭 상호중계를 위한 네트워크 코딩 기법)

  • Bongseop Song;Sangpill Lee;Choong-Hee Lee;Inho Lee;In-Joong Nam
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2024
  • With the emergence of various next-generation wireless networks, the traditional store and forward(SF) method at network nodes has faced limitations in efficiently utilizing network capacity. To overcome these limitations, various network coding techniques based on the decode and forward(DF) method have been proposed. However, these techniques have primarily focused on traffic environments with asymmetric packet lengths between relay nodes, limiting their applicability when different modulation and coding schemes(MCS) are applied to relay nodes. This paper proposes a relay network coding scheme that supports high frequency efficiency while simultaneously enabling bidirectional relaying using DF, considering asymmetric MCS traffic that reflects different transmission data and wireless channel conditions between individual nodes for efficient utilization of wireless network capacity. Additionally, this paper demonstrates the possibility of cooperative communication at the relay and examines the effect of increased communication distance. Subsequently, computer simulations are conducted to verify the performance gains of the proposed technique in terms of network coding for each source node with asymmetric information lengths. This proposed technique shows additional bit error rate(BER) performance gains by adopting an incremental redundancy(IR) scheme that follows network coding, even in mobile node environments where direct link transmission between source nodes is possible.

A Study on Considerations for Acceptance of LRM Through Analysis of RDA 2020 to Reflect LRM (RDA 2020의 LRM 수용 방식 분석을 통한 LRM 적용시 고려사항에 관한 연구)

  • Mihwa Lee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we propose a plan to reflect LRM in various library-related standards or systems through analyzing the reflection of LRM in RDA. To this end, LRM and RDA 2020 were analyzed in terms of entities, relationships, attributes, and encoding schemes. First of all, for the mapping of entities, relationships, and attributes, all properties and relationships were extracted for each entity of RDA, LRM elements corresponding to each property and relationship were found and mapped, and encoding schemes were additionally compared. As a result, the things to consider in the standards and systems to which LRM is to be applied are: first, entities development considering the LRM hierarchy; second, new relation or shortcut path relation development; third, attributes expansion according to the entities considering the LRM hierarchical structure, and fourth, the development of various encoding scheme. Through this study, it will be possible to find an application plan using the application of RDA as a model in standards or systems to accept LRM.

An Exploratory Approach to Designer Models for Pattern Design Using ChatGPT (챗 GPT를 활용한 패턴 디자인의 디자이너 모델에 대한 탐색적 접근)

  • Hua-Qian Xie;Seung-Keun Song
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.799-805
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    • 2024
  • Recently, generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been rapidly developing and its application fields are expanding beyond text, voice, image, object recognition, time-series forecasting, and natural language processing to the creative design field that AI was thought to be incapable of. We aim for an exploratory approach to study the cognitive model of pattern designers using generative AI. To this end, we used GPT 4o, which is the most well-known generative AI, and applied the protocol analysis method, a cognitive science research method, to the pattern design process. Four design graduate students were selected as subjects and pilot and main experiment were conducted. Voice recording and video capture were performed to collect data. The protocol method applied the concurrent protocol method, which simultaneously expresses what comes to mind while performing the task. The collected verbal data was used to classify the design process by segmenting words and developing a coding scheme to establish a framework for analysis. As a result, analysis, selection, visualization, evaluation, and optimization were discovered. We expect to present design guidelines for pattern design practice.

Design and Implement of Canonical XML Algorithm for Digital Signature System (전자서명 시스템을 위한 XML 정규화 알고리즘 설계 및 구현)

  • 유윤식;이강찬;전종홍;이원석;정회경
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.504-507
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    • 2003
  • These days, XML is accepted and used to e-commerce market broadly. But by reason of XML document has autonomy of expression that can exist same form logically but several other forms physically, several problems ran happen in application that judge effectiveness as physical form such as XML digital signature. Therefore, it is recommending to propose and use Canonical XML algorithm to change identical XML document physically equally logically in W3C to solve this problems. We implemented system that run Canonical XML algorithm that suggested in W3C that can change to more elaborate regular document. Thus, interpretable with other application that takes W3C recommendation. Also, as well as use in digital signature system for web service is useful, use in several system that physical identify is required when it exchanges XML document for web service interoperability are considered to be valuable. Moreover, Adding the transformation ability between universal encoding scheme and EUC-KR that is internal encoding scheme should be Canonical XML Algorithm that is suited to internal circumstances, and this should be a foundation technique of international interoperability confirmedness.

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An Implementation of the Canonical XML Algorithm (XML 정규화 알고리즘 구현)

  • 박기식;조인준;정회경
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.7 no.8
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    • pp.1698-1707
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    • 2003
  • These days, XML is accepted and used to e commerce market broadly. But by reason of XML document can exist same form logically but several other forms physically, several problems can happen in application that judge effectiveness as physical form such as XML digital signature. Therefore, it is recommending to propose and use canonical XML algorithm to change identical XML document physically equally logically in W3C to solve this problems. We implemented system that nm Canonical XML algorithm that suggested in W3C that can change to mon elaborate regular document. Thus, interoperable with other application that takes W3C recommendation Also, as well as use in digital signature system for web service is useful, use in several system that physical identify is required when it exchanges na document for web service interoperability are considered to be valuable. Moreover, Adding the transformation ability between universal encoding scheme and EUC­KR that is internal encoding scheme should be Canonical XML Algorithm that is suited to internal circumstances, and this should be a foundation technique of international interoperability confirmedness.