• Title/Summary/Keyword: 측지수

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A Research for the Adoption of WGS-84 Geodetic Datum to the Chart and the Map (WGS-84 측지계의 해도와 육도 적용에 관한 고찰)

  • 임정빈
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.2 no.S1
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 1996
  • 본 연구는 Bessel 측지계에서 WGS-84 측지계로 좌표변환할 경우 발생할 수 있는 우리나라 지형정보의 변동을 고찰한 것이다. 고찰 대상은 우리나라 지형형태와 독도와 일본의 오끼제도 사이의 거리로 하였다. Bessel 측지계에서 WGS-84 측지계로 좌표변환한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1). Mercator 도법에서, 임의로 선정한 정사각형의 우리나라 주변 지형은 고위도에서 축소되면서 부채꼴 모양으로 변형되는 결과를 나타내었다. 2). UTM 도법에서, 우리나라 남동부근 연안의 52S 지역중에서 임의로 선정한 정사각형 지형은 가로가 2m 축소되고, 세로는 1m 축소되었다. 3). Mercator 도법을 이용한 한국의 독도와 일본의 오끼제도 사이의 거리를 비교한 결과 오끼제도가 독도쪽으로 약 25.3m 근접하게 되는 결과를 나타내었다.

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Development of Optimal Pruning Method on Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) Production (오크라 생산에 있어서 적정 적심방법 개발)

  • Ahn, Yul-Kyun;Kim, Shun-Hwan;Seong, Ki-Cheol;Moon, Doo-Kyong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.58-61
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to develop an optimal pruning method for okra production. Three pruning methods were tested including apical bud removing, one-third removing from the top of plant, and no pruning as a control with 3 kinds interval for 15 days after 2 months sowing. The growth and development of okra was better at the treatment of one-third removing of plant than the others. The number of branches was 0.7 in control, 3.7~4.0 in apical bud removing, and 3.0~6.0 in one-third removing treatment. In summary, one-third pruning of plant from the top of plant at 30 days after starting of pruning treatment, which showed the highest yield by 12,910 kg/10a.

Calculation of Local Coordinate of Common Points for Coordinate Transformation by Trilateral Adjustment (좌표변환 공통점의 지역측지계 조정좌표 산출 - 삼변망조정계산의 활용 -)

  • Yang, Chul Soo;Kang, Sang-gu;Song, Wonho;Lee, Won Hui
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2024
  • Trilateral adjustment can complement the problem of transforming cadastral maps into World Geodetic Coordinate system. First, it is possible to determine adjusted coordinate of common points that match each other over a wide area. Second, calculations that focus on specific points can be performed. Third, a solution that maintains the shape of the regional network can be obtained through constraints. Thus, the point coordinates can be determined appropriately for the survey system. In addition, heterogeneous survey results that span regions with different coordinate origins can be calculated on a single origin coordinate. This improves the efficiency of the workflow in tranforming cadastral maps into World Geodetic Coordinate System.

Accuracy of the Loran-C Fix in Cheju Areas (제주지역에서의 Loran-C 위치의 정도)

  • Kim, Gwang-Hong;Sim, Hyeong-Il;Jang, Chung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 1985
  • This paper was conducted for the purpose of evaluating the accuracy of the observed time difference in Loran-C when the ground wave propagated on the surface included both land sea. The time difference of X and Y station in North East Pacific Chain GRI 5970 was measured at 25 points in Cheju areas. The results obtained are as follows: (1) The errors of time difference for M-X pair are increased when the Loran-C wave propagates above 500m heights of Hanla mountain on propagation path between the observed point and master or X, Y slave station. (2) The errors of time difference for M-X pair are able to decrease by way of correction for the propagation velocity and the geodetic datum, but errors of the time difference for M-Y pair very irregularly because irregular terrain include in propagation path from X station and propagation path from Y station is twice longer than X station. (3) It is confirmed that accuracy of Loran-C fix can elevate by the way of all correction for a geodetic datum transformation, the propagation velocity with refractive index of radio wave and the propagation velocity over land.

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Optimum Management of Tomato Side Stems Pruning in Summer Cultivation (고온기 토마토 재배시 적정 측지관리방법 구명)

  • Kim, Sung Eun;Kim, Young Shik
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2014
  • This research was conducted to establish appropriate methods to prune tomato side stems during summer. Cherry tomatoes "Unicorn" (Monsanto Korea, Korea) were grown in the coir based growing medium, and irrigation was controlled time based system. There were three pruning treatments: 1) removing all side stems (ACUT), 2) remaining two leaves on the side stems right below any cluster (PCUT), and 3) remaining two leaves on all side stems (LEFT). Experimental results showed that the occurrence of swollen stems, a symptom of nutrient excess, was influenced by side stem pruning due to blocking of consumption of photosynthetic products. The photosynthetic rate was not different between leaves on main stem and those on side shoots. Therefore the differences in the total amounts of photosynthetic products seemed to come out from the differences in leaf areas on each treatments, influencing on fruit yield difference. The yields and harvesting rates were better in ACUT treatment when tomato plants were harvested until $5^{th}$ cluster, however tomato yield was higher in LEFT treatment when more then $5^{th}$ clusters were harvested.

Development of the Process of Coordinate Transformation of Local Datum Cadastral Map to the World Geodetic System - Using Adjusted Coordinate - (지적도면의 세계측지계 좌표변환 프로세스에 대한 연구 - 조정좌표의 활용을 통해서 -)

  • Yang, Chul Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.spc4_2
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    • pp.401-412
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    • 2014
  • This study is purposed on showing an effective process for coordinate transformation of cadastral maps, based on the local datum, in the World Geodetic System (WGS) for Cadastral Reform Project (CRP). The process follows three steps: coordinate adjustment, datum transformation and distortion modeling. The first procedure is that point coordinates on local datum has to be adjusted by those GPS observed point-to-point distances, using trilateration. Secondly, the adjusted coordinates need to be transformed to WGS by applying the Affine model, while the verification of the methodology is implemented under numerical experiments. To conduct this procedure, 195 points in the same coordinate origins in Seoul and 61 points in several different origins in Incheon are used in the estimation. As a result, there are less than 2cm coordinate differences between transformed coordinates and measured ones at everywhere. Also, it is remarkable that the transformation does not depend on either of the particular common points or the sizes of computed region. Therefore, this suggested methodology is expected to easily provide identifications and corrections for points-deviations for improved quality of the cadastral map by distortion modeling through CRP.

Studies on the Main Vine Training in Hops I. Effect of Vine Training Methods and Dates on Growth and Yield in Hops 1.Effect of Vine Training Methods and Dates on Growth and Yield in Hops (Hop의 적심에 관한 연구 제1보 적심방법 및 주경적심 시기가 Hop의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, K.Y.;Ree, D.W.
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.141-146
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    • 1982
  • In the vine training methods, main vine training yield was 36% higher than the non-training. Main vine training date was studied for increasing cone yield in hops. Training was done four different dates from May 14 to May 29 including non-training as a check. Earlier training increased cone yield from 12 to 43% due to more beared branches per plant, longer branch length caused by accelerating the branch growth, and an increased of number of cone per beared branch and total cone number.

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우리나라의 천문측지 지오이드에 관한 연구

  • 조규전;이영진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1991
  • The geoid is the one of major suject in Geophysics and Geodesy. The iregularities of the geoid will affect the computation of precise geodetic coordinates and moreover will cause an errors in trajectory computations and reference directions for inertial guidance system. The aim of this study is to develope the best local geoid model for Korea. For this purpose, an astrogeodetic levelling and surface fitting techniques have been applied in determination of the geoid as a first trials. As a result of it, a local geoid has been obtained with the standard errors of $\pm$0.49m and $\pm$0.66m respectively and the maximum geoid undulation in Korea is found as 22m~23m approximately.

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Effect of Culture Conditions on Pot Cultivation of Veronica longifolia L. (긴산꼬리풀의 분화재배에 미치는 재배조건의 영향)

  • Lee, Sang In;Yeon, Soo Ho;Lee, Seung Yeon;Lee, Cheol Hee
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.04a
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    • pp.86-86
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    • 2019
  • 현삼과(Scrophulariaceae)에 속하는 긴산꼬리풀(Veronica longifolia L.)은 벽자색의 긴 꽃이 총상화서로 달려 청량감을 자아내어 분화소재로 이용한다면 단조로운 실내의 분위기를 환기할 수 있다. 따라서, 조경 및 관상용 식재에 용이한 긴산꼬리풀의 재배는 2018년 5월 15일에 파종하여 생산된 유묘를 2018년 7월 16일에 정식하여 2018년 10월 15일까지 수행하였다. 기비실험은 코트비료(싱싱코트)를 포트당 0, 10 및 20알 처리하였다. 추비는 hyponex (N-P-K, 4-6-6)를 4주 간격으로 총 3회 각 0, 1000 및 $2000mg{\cdot}L-1$로 엽면시비 하였다. 광량 실험은 무차광, 55 및 75% 차광막을 설치하여 수행하였다. 왜화제 종류 및 농도 실험은 dinizonazole(빈나리)과 daminozide (B-9)를 각 0, 1000 및 $2000mg{\cdot}L-1$ 농도로 처리하였으며, 적심처리는 4주차에 1회 처리 유무를 달리하였다. 모든 실험의 공통사항은 플라스틱 10호 화분에 원예상토를 충진한 후 200구 트레이에 종자를 셀당 4립씩 파종하여 생산된 유묘를 정식하였다. 연구의 결과, 기비처리는 초장, 마디수, 엽수가 증가하고, 절간장 및 측지수를 감소시켰으나, 유의적인 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 추비 처리는 농도가 높을수록 엽수가 증가하는 경향을 보였으며, $2000mg{\cdot}L-1$에서 무처리에 비해 유의적으로 많았다. 차광정도에 따른 긴산꼬리풀의 생육은 무차광 조건에서 생육이 가장 양호하였다. 차광률이 증가할수록 전반적인 생육이 억제되고, 개화율도 크게 감소하는 결과를 보였다. 왜화제 처리별로는 종류에 관계없이 전반적인 생육이 억제 되었다. Diniconazole 및 daminozide의 농도가 높을수록 초장이 억제되는 경향을 보였으나, 측지수, 마디수, 엽수도 감소하여 관상적 이용에 적합하지 않다. 적심을 할 경우 전반적인 생육은 큰 차이가 나타나지 않았으며, 측지수가 감소하였다. 따라서, 긴산꼬리풀의 분화생산을 위한 재배기술은 기비는 처리하지 않고, 추비는 $2000mg{\cdot}L-1$로 시비하며, 광이 충분한 곳에서 재배하는 것이 효과적이다. 또한, 왜화제와 적심은 일반적으로 줄기신장을 억제하고 마디수와 엽수를 증가시켜 관상적 이용효과가 있는 것으로 알려져 있지만 본 연구에서는 반대의 결과를 보여 처리 하지 않는 것이 효과적인 것으로 판단된다.

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An Integrated Approach to the GIS Data Reengineering for the New Korea Geodetic Datum (세계측지계 도입에 따른 공간데이터 재정비를 위한 통합모델 연구)

  • Lee Yang-Won;Park Key-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.2 s.107
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    • pp.153-171
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    • 2005
  • The newly adopted Korea Geodetic Datum (a.k.a. KGD2002) calls for massive reengineering work on geospatial dataset. The main focus of our study is placed on the strategy and system implementations of the required data reengineering with a keen attention to integrated approaches to interoperability, standardization, and database utilization. Our reengineering strategy includes file-to-file, file-to-DB, DB-to-file, and DB-to-DB conversion for the coordinate transformation of KGD2002. In addition to the map formats of existing standards such as DXF and Shapefile, the newly recommended standards such as GML and SVG are also accommodated in our reengineering environment. These four types of standard format may be imported into and exported from spatial database via KGD2002 transformation component. The DB-to-DB conversion, in particular, includes not only intra-database conversion but also inter-database conversion between SDE/Oracle and Oracle Spatial. All these implementations were carried out in multiple computing environments: desktop and the Web. The feasibility test of our system shows that the coordinate differences between Bessel and GRS80 ellipsoid agree with the criteria presented in the existing researches.