• Title/Summary/Keyword: 체력훈련 프로그램

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Development and Evaluation of Physical Fitness Program for Special Security Guards in Nuclear Power Plant (원자력발전소 특수경비원을 위한 체력훈련 프로그램의 개발 및 효과검증)

  • Jeong, Ho-won;Lee, Suk-ho
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.62
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    • pp.87-111
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    • 2020
  • Special security guards working at nuclear power plants, one of the country's major facilities, serve as human protection to safeguard from threats to nuclear facilities and nuclear materials. The purpose of this study was to develop a physical fitness program for fitness management that is essential for the completion of missions of special guards. This program was designed to prepare the physical fitness test proposed by Jeong et al. (2019). Researchers conducted literature analysis, research meetings, expert meetings and pretests, and developed a 90-minute physical fitness program for 6 weeks, 3 times a week. In order to verify the effectiveness of the developed physical fitness program, the experiment was conducted on 29 subjects(control group: 15, exercise group:14). Specifically, a six-week physical fitness program was conducted for exercise groups, and the fitness test for a special security guard was conducted for all subjects before and after the experiment. As a result, it was found that the physical fitness program was effective in improving the performance of 20m shuttle run, leg tuck, 20m sprint & carry, and medicine ball back throw. Until recently, problems of neglecting fitness management of security guards have been pointed out. It is expected that the physical fitness program proposed by this study will be a practical alternative for security guards' fitness management.

Effects of 24 weeks of Training Program on Aerobic Capacity, Body Composition, and Muscular Strength in High School Sprinters (24주간 운동이 고등학교 단거리 선수의 심폐능력, 신체조성 및 근력에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Byeong-Jun;Moon, Tae-Young;Kim, In-Dong;Han, Gun-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.11b
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    • pp.988-991
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 고등학교 단거리 선수의 심폐능력, 신체조성, 그리고 각 부위별 근력이 24주간 운동을 통하여 어떠한 변화가 있는지 규명하였다. D 고등학교에 재학중이며 운동경력이 최소 4년이상된 남자 단거리 선수 8명을 연구대상자로 선정하였다. 운동 전 후 연구대상자들의 심폐능력, 신체조성, 그리고 근력을 측정하여 자료처리 하였다. 본 연구결과, 체지방률, 체지방량, 제지방량, 그리고 체수분량 모두 훈련 후 통계적으로 유의한 증가가 있었다(p<0.05). $VO_2$max와 aerobic threshold는 운동전보다 향상되었으며 통계적으로 매우 유의한 변화가 나타났다 (p<0.05). 근력 또한 통계적으로 유의한 상승 변화을 보였다 (p<0.05.) 본 연구결과 24주간의 훈련 프로그램은 남자 고등학교 단거리 선수들의 총체적 체력 향상을 도모하였다. 단거리 훈련 프로그램 작성 시 전통적인 방법으로 훈련을 계획하고 실천하기 보다는 경기력 향상 및 부상 예방을 위하여 훈련 전 종합적인 신체검사 및 체력 검사를 전문가와 같이 실시 및 평가하여 이를 토대로 개인의 체력에 맞게 훈련 프로그램을 계획 실천할 필요가 있을 것이다.

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Effects of 24 weeks of Training program on Aerobic Capacity, Body Composition, Physical Fitness, and Muscular strength in High School Sprinters (24주간 운동이 고등학교 단거리 선수의 심폐능력, 기초체력, 신체조성 및 근력에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Tae-Young;Kim, In-Dong;Han, Gun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.4360-4366
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    • 2010
  • It is impossible for all athletes to be satisfied with a single training program due to the fact that they have different physiological characteristics and needs. However, paucity studies have been introduced a specific training program for high school sprinters. Therefore, this study was designed to help develop and introduce the training program with a physical examination to enhance sprinting performance for experienced high school sprinters. VO2max, muscular strength, basic physical ability, and body composition were measured before and after a 24 week training program. The following are the conclusions based on the results of this study: 1) body fat percentage was increased after 24 weeks of training. Fat free mass and the amount of water in the body increased by 1.5% and 1.1% respectively, 2) $VO_2$maxand anaerobic threshold level showed a significant increase after 24 weeks of training, 3) exercise duration and anaerobic threshold duration were also increased after 24 weeks of training, but not statistically significant, and 4) muscular strength significantly increased due to the execution of combined weight training and circuit training. Development and implementation of the training program in this study made sprinters' physical capacities better in VO2max, anaerobic threshold, and muscular strength and body composition. Also, sprinters were able to increase fat free mass through 24 weeks of training due to increased muscle mass. Therefore, a training program for high school sprinters should include a physical examination to enhance sprinting performance and prevent sports injuries.

Seasonal Variation in Physiological Fitness of a Semi-Professional K3 League Soccer Team (K3 리그 축구선수의 시즌별 운동기술체력에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Heon;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.357-368
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    • 2020
  • This study evaluated soccer-specific fitness early and late season to check the conditioning status of K3 league soccer players. Evaluation factors included body composition, agility, quickness, endurance and isokinetic limb muscle strength. As a result, the factors that showed improvement in the late season were skeletal muscle mass, agility and quickness, and body composition, endurance and isokinetic limb muscle strength were not different from each other. The factors that showed improvement in the second half of the season are thought to be due to the learning effect of repetitive training, competition participation during the season. Lastly, endurance and lower extremity strength did not show improvement in the second half of the season due to the fact that no specific training was performed during the season. Taken together, it is necessary to periodically check the fitness status of athletes to develop and apply a fitness training program suitable for competition, transition and preparation period.

Effects on Exercise Training in person with Incomplete Hemisection cord injury after Discharge (불완전 척수손상자의 퇴원 후 운동훈련의 효과 사례보고)

  • Park, Mi-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2005
  • 이 사례연구는 2002년 10월 15일 칼에 의한 좌상으로 경추 3-4번의 불완전 척수손상을 입은 25세의 남자 환자가 최초 병원에서 2002년 12월 한달 간의 치료를 마친 후, 2003년 1월 3일부터 4월 28일까지 태릉에 위치한 N 재활센터에서 주 5회 2시간의 자세조절 훈련, 심폐지구력 훈련, 웨이트 훈련, 스포츠(축구, 소프트 볼), 여가활동(등산)의 프로그램을 적용하여 척추손상 환자의 사회적응을 돕기위한 재활 프로그램의 다양화를 꾀하기 위한 기초 선행 작업으로 시작되었다. 신체능력을 평가하기 위한 측정도구는 관절가동범위(Range of Motion), 수동근력검사(Muscle Manual Test), 경직(Spasticity), 신체체력(Physical Fitness), 발란스(Balance: one leg stand), 상대적인 등속성 하지근력(Isokinetic Muscle Strength) 그리고 신체조성(Body Composition)로 하였다. 재활기간을 통해 처음 시작 일자에서 45일 간격으로 3차례의 측정을(1월 3일부터 4월 28일까지 실시하였다) 실시하였다. 최초 환자의 상태는 부분적으로 일상생활의 도움을 받아야 하는 상태로 동작을 시작하려 할 때 경직이 발생되어 옷을 입고 벗기, 신발 신고 벗기, 운전, 식사, 보행과 계단보행, 경사보행에서 보조자의 도움이 필요했으며, 작은 물건 잡기와 글씨쓰기, 타이핑 작업은 불가능 한 상태였다. 또한 스포츠 활동과 여가활동 역시 불가능 한 상태였다. 3달 15일간의 기간 동안 환자는 복학을 준비하기 위해 적극적으로 치료에 임했으며, 결과는 다음과 같았다. 신체조성은 재활 훈련을 통해 체중, 체지방율(%), 복부지방율(WHR)의 많은 감소를 가져왔다. 경직을 측정하는 Ashworth Scale은 정상에 가깝게 감소하였다. 관절가동범위는 고관절, 무릎, 발목에서 모두 증가하였다. 수동근력검사(0-9)는 많은 향상을 가져왔다. 신체체력능력 항목에서 근지구력의 윗몸일으키기와 팔굽히기, 악근력, 유연성으로 앉아 체간 숙이기, 민첩성으로 사이드 스텝, 순발력의 서전트는 모두 크게 향상되었다. 환자의 일상능력에서도 옷을 입고 벗기, 신발 신고 벗기, 운전, 식사, 보행과 계단보행, 경사보행에서 보조자의 도움이 필요없었으며, 타이핑 작업은 5손가락을 모두 사용하지는 않았지만, 1분에 80타로 큰 향상을 가져왔다. 또한 축구와 소프트볼, 등산을 달에 1회 정도 실시하여 약간의 도움만으로 가능하게 되었다.

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A Study on Modeling Instruction And Training Program for Korean Private Security Guard (한국 민간경호원 교육프로그램 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Chul;Shin, Sang-Min
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.9
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    • pp.201-235
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    • 2005
  • This study is designed to contribute for development of Private Security Business by fact-finding in instruction and training of private security guard serviced in this realm and domestic and foreign guard service and modeling effective and rational instruction and training program based on drawn problem. For this study, basically I collected and analyzed documents, theses, and papers of the inside and outside of the country. For practical use of data, I used materials of private security related institutes and police agency. And for private security educating training programs of the inside and outside of the country, I collected materials on internet, and with the help of police agency and interpol. For korean private security company's educating training programs, I made a study with the interview of private security company's businessmen. This study's conclusion is as follows. In a domestic private security enterprise, when set theory instruction minimize instruction and training program and must set up instruction and training program as practical affairs center enemy instruction, and theory instruction must be composed for instruction me that it is connected to practical affairs instruction too. The instruction course of private security guard instruction and training program composed with a security outline, a security plan, an information-gathering, civilian expenses, a security way, terror and terrorism, a related law, security trial, electronic security, a security analysis technique, company introduction, instruction and training program about a professional tube with theory instruction. Practical affairs instruction composed with the selection and a preventive security, close contact attendance security, vehicle security, security driving the security martial arts and self-protection liquor, first aid, security equipment, a gun and shooting, a security protocol, customer satisfaction, facilities security and expenses, a fire fighting instruction, teamwork training, explosive and a dangerous substance, physical strength, a documentation practical affairs, service, instruction and training program about foreigh language instruction.

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The Relationship between Physical Activity Participation, Physical Fitness Level, and Academic Performance in ROTC

  • Jekal, Yoonsuk;Kang, Sang-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.568-579
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between physical activity participation habits, physical fitness level, and academic performance among the Reserve Military Training Corps (ROTC). Participants in the current study were 71 ROTCs from J University. Physical activity participation was investigated using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), and the level of physical fitness was measured by health-related physical fitness evaluation. For academic performance, university grade data (GPA) was approved by the head of the relevant school district, and the data were collected with the consent of the participants, and each data was analyzed. The correlation between physical activity participation habits, physical fitness level, and GPA was analyzed, and GPA by physical fitness level were compared. This study found that there was no statistically significant correlation between physical activity participation and academic performance. Otherwise, there was a statistically significant correlation between major subjects and total physical fitness score, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. By the level of physical fitness, the ROTCs in the high-physical fitness group showed statistically significantly higher academic performance than the ROTCs in the low-physical fitness group. In addition, low level of physical fitness ROTC group was lower than the other. In conclusion, ROTCs with a high physical fitness level had a positive effect on improving learning ability compared to those who did not. By recommending an autonomous but systematic exercise training program, it is suggested to improve the physical strength of ROTCs and to cultivate excellent future military officers.

The Effects of Judo Training of Male University Students Security Martial Art Majoring on Body Composition, Behavioral Fitness, Growth hormone and IGF-1 (경호무도전공 남자대학생들의 유도수련이 신체구성, 행동체력, 성장호르몬 및 IGF-1에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.57
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    • pp.85-110
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    • 2018
  • The bodyguard is continuously training basic physical training and security art martial to protect the privacy of security target, prepare and deal with external contingencies and threats. Currently, university students majoring in security are required to take a judo class, one of their security art martial, which can use a technology to catch, crush and repress opponent. Therefore, this study identified the effects of systematic training on body composition, Performance fitness, growth hormones, and IGF-1 among male university students through a 10-week judo training program so that it was committed to providing objective data to enhance the value of judo as a security art martial and as a result, we have a conclusion as follows: After 10 weeks of judo training, muscle mass increased significantly, and body fat rate and BMI decreased significantly. The muscular strength and power of Performance fitness were shown to increase significantly, and growth hormones were shown to increase significantly. In total, the above results showed that for judo training university students, overall body composition improved positively, the muscular strength and power of active physical fitness improved, and growth hormones increased. Thus, the increase in muscle strength and growth hormones through judo training will encourage fat breakdown due to the development of the body's muscles and increase bone density in the spine, thereby reducing the risk of fractures and preventing injury to the trainees who are performing a security art martial. It will also greatly help your health by preventing obesity, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, which eventually will enhance your bodyguard function and prolong your life as a bodyguard.

Development of Archery Training Management System for Archer's Performance (양궁 수행력 향상을 위한 훈련관리 시스템 개발)

  • Jang, Young-Sool;Hong, Kil-Dong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.213-222
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    • 2008
  • The goal of this research was to search for an optimum training program that increases archery performance skills in order to develop a performance training and support. For this research, by examining the existing sports statistics program, information management system, and other related documents, we were able to derive an athlete management realm as well as find archer factors. Also through a council we categorized the factors that constituted the training general management. The archery training general management system consists of six realms. First is the log-in and main screen realm. Second is the athlete information category. Third, the point of impact information category. Fourth, the shift-in-frequency analysis realm. Fifth, in the detailed analysis realm. Thus, the developed archery training general management system allows for a more generalized and scientific athlete management and support system. and it has turned out to be an adequate system for archer's performance.

Analysis of Physical Characteristics of Adolescent Weightlifters (중·고교 엘리트 역도선수들의 성장기 기초 및 전문체력 특성 변화)

  • Dong-Joo Hwang;Hyung-Jun Kim;In-A Park;Seung-Hyeon Lee;Joon-Yong Cho;Joo-Ha Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.813-824
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the long-term effects of training on the physical development and exercise performance of adolescent weightlifters, aiming to provide effective training and management strategies for improving competitive performance. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, adolescent weightlifters from middle and high schools in Chungcheongnam-do province [male middle school-aged athletes, n=5; female middle school-aged athletes, n=5; male high school-aged athletes, n=12; female high school-aged athletes, n=8] were examined over approximately 10 months of weightlifting-based training to analyse the changes in body composition, physical fitness (muscular strength, muscular endurance, agility, flexibility, dynamic balance, coordination), and isokinetic muscular function (trunk and lower extremity). As a result, it was found that the physical development of middle and high school-aged athletes underwent physical development primarily characterized by an increase in lean body mass. Additionally, back muscle strength and power, which contribute to rapid and efficient force transmission between the upper and lower body, as well as grip strength necessary for controlling the barbell with a stable grip, are significant factors. These aspects were notably enhanced through specialized training and competitive experience for weightlifting performance at the high school level. On the other hand, changes in factors beyond the primary physical attributes contributing to weightlifting performance were limited, suggesting differences in effectiveness likely stemming from the specific composition of training programs or the athletes' experience and skill levels. Collectively, the findings from this study, which evaluates the physical characteristics and exercise abilities of adolescent weightlifters, are expected to contribute to improved competitive performance of weightlifters.