Korean Security Journal (시큐리티연구)
- Issue 9
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- Pages.201-235
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- 2005
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- 2671-4299(pISSN)
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- 2714-0644(eISSN)
A Study on Modeling Instruction And Training Program for Korean Private Security Guard
한국 민간경호원 교육프로그램 방향에 관한 연구
- Published : 2005.02.26
This study is designed to contribute for development of Private Security Business by fact-finding in instruction and training of private security guard serviced in this realm and domestic and foreign guard service and modeling effective and rational instruction and training program based on drawn problem. For this study, basically I collected and analyzed documents, theses, and papers of the inside and outside of the country. For practical use of data, I used materials of private security related institutes and police agency. And for private security educating training programs of the inside and outside of the country, I collected materials on internet, and with the help of police agency and interpol. For korean private security company's educating training programs, I made a study with the interview of private security company's businessmen. This study's conclusion is as follows. In a domestic private security enterprise, when set theory instruction minimize instruction and training program and must set up instruction and training program as practical affairs center enemy instruction, and theory instruction must be composed for instruction me that it is connected to practical affairs instruction too. The instruction course of private security guard instruction and training program composed with a security outline, a security plan, an information-gathering, civilian expenses, a security way, terror and terrorism, a related law, security trial, electronic security, a security analysis technique, company introduction, instruction and training program about a professional tube with theory instruction. Practical affairs instruction composed with the selection and a preventive security, close contact attendance security, vehicle security, security driving the security martial arts and self-protection liquor, first aid, security equipment, a gun and shooting, a security protocol, customer satisfaction, facilities security and expenses, a fire fighting instruction, teamwork training, explosive and a dangerous substance, physical strength, a documentation practical affairs, service, instruction and training program about foreigh language instruction.
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