• Title/Summary/Keyword: 집단 구조

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Detecting Errors in POS-Tagged Corpus on XGBoost and Cross Validation (XGBoost와 교차검증을 이용한 품사부착말뭉치에서의 오류 탐지)

  • Choi, Min-Seok;Kim, Chang-Hyun;Park, Ho-Min;Cheon, Min-Ah;Yoon, Ho;Namgoong, Young;Kim, Jae-Kyun;Kim, Jae-Hoon
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2020
  • Part-of-Speech (POS) tagged corpus is a collection of electronic text in which each word is annotated with a tag as the corresponding POS and is widely used for various training data for natural language processing. The training data generally assumes that there are no errors, but in reality they include various types of errors, which cause performance degradation of systems trained using the data. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel method for detecting errors in the existing POS tagged corpus using the classifier of XGBoost and cross-validation as evaluation techniques. We first train a classifier of a POS tagger using the POS-tagged corpus with some errors and then detect errors from the POS-tagged corpus using cross-validation, but the classifier cannot detect errors because there is no training data for detecting POS tagged errors. We thus detect errors by comparing the outputs (probabilities of POS) of the classifier, adjusting hyperparameters. The hyperparameters is estimated by a small scale error-tagged corpus, in which text is sampled from a POS-tagged corpus and which is marked up POS errors by experts. In this paper, we use recall and precision as evaluation metrics which are widely used in information retrieval. We have shown that the proposed method is valid by comparing two distributions of the sample (the error-tagged corpus) and the population (the POS-tagged corpus) because all detected errors cannot be checked. In the near future, we will apply the proposed method to a dependency tree-tagged corpus and a semantic role tagged corpus.

Detection of the Factors Related to spermatization in Sclerotinia trifoliorum -I. Course of Fertilization (Sclerotinia trifoliorum의 Spermatization에 관여하는 요인(要因)의 검색(檢索) -I. 균(菌)의 수정과정(受精過程))

  • Uhm, Jae Youl;Kim, Young Tae
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.5
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 1987
  • The process of fertilization and changes in anatomical structure of sclerotia during the apothecial formation in Sclerotinia trifoliorum, the causal fungus of sclerotial rot of forage legumes, were investigated. The time of fertilization could be estimated with fair accuracy by the sequencial spermatization of the sclerotia which kept at 15C in saturated moisture. In the case of one strain used in this experiment, fertilization between the sclerotia and spermatia were estimated to take place at around 18days after the sclerotia were placed under the conditions for apothecial induction (15C, saturated moisture). The fertilizable state was maintained for about 45 days and the spermatization thereafter did not induce the apothecial formation. When the sclerotia reached fertilizable state, a number of interwoven hyphal nests were developed within the medulla of sclerotia, regardless of the sexuality of the cultures. Comparing the process of multiplication and growth of the hyphal nests in homothallic and heterothallic culture, they were identified as ascogonium. These ascogonia were persisted for about 45 days. This observation was well coincided with the duration of fertilizable state elucidated by the sequencial spermatization experiment.

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Change and Continuity in Regionalism: A Comparison of 1988, 2003, and 2016 Survey Results (지역주의의 변화: 1988년, 2003년 및 2016년 조사결과 비교)

  • Yoon, Kwang-Il
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.113-149
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to identify the micro-level, social psychological foundation of regionalism and analyze its change and continuity by comparing 1988, 2003, and 2016 survey results. Drawing on the theory of prejudice and social identity, it clarifies the concept of regionalism and examines its affective, behavioral, cognitive implications. In the empirical analysis, where it takes advantage of relevant questions of the same or similar wording in three nationally representative surveys, the study identifies the changes in regionalism at the individual level focusing on anti-Honam prejudice and discrimination and attribution of regional conflict. First, anti-Honam prejudice has been in decline nationally as well as regardless of where one has grown up, except for Daegu/Kyungpook area. Second, anti-Honam prejudice has been weakened among younger generations while regional party identification now affects the sentiment in the direction of regional cleavage overlapped with ideological leanings. Third, while most respondents do not experience explicit discrimination, Honam natives are still more likely to experience discrimination, especially identity and self-esteem related, due to his or her home town. Fourth, Honam natives have been more likely to attribute regional conflict to an external, structural factor like government economic policy and less likely to a subjective one like regional sentiment, which seems to be consistent with attributional attitudes of the victims of prejudice. The study ends with the discussion of how to reduce further anti-Honam prejudice, which includes contact hypothesis, recategorization, cross-categorization, and de-categorization.

The Historical Trauma of Korean and The Challenges of Korean Unification (코리언의 역사적 트라우마와 통일의 과제)

  • Park, Young-kyun
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.143
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    • pp.119-140
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    • 2017
  • After the collapse of the Cold War, there was a shift in perception at two points in discussions on Korean unification. The real core issue of unification is first, that it is a shift in perception that the real problem of unification is not the integration of systems, but the integration of people. Second, there is a shift in perception that there are many Koreans in the four major powers related to the Korean division and their distribution is associated with the tragic history of the Korean Peninsula. The historical trauma of Korean people resulted from the oppression of the collective libido of Koreans, stemming from the pain of modern history of the Korean Peninsula. In addition, the trauma of colonization, diaspora, and division all share the structure of suppression as the '$nation{\neq}states$'. Thus, unification aims to overcome the notion that '$nation{\neq}state$' can not be separated from the process of healing the historical trauma of Koreans. First of all, this article argues that in order to achieve unification on the Korean peninsula, it requires the process of healing the traumas of colonization, diaspora, and division. Second, this paper claims that Korean unification is not only a matter of two countries, but also of making peace by healing historical trauma in Northeast Asia. Third, this paper argues that the healing of Korean's historical trauma should begin with 'sympathy' for pain and proceed to the production of a 'national commonality' through 'communication of difference', which will create a unified peninsula.

A Comparative Study on the Influence of Creation Shared Value Activities on Continuous Use Intention in Korean-Chinese Library Big Data Service: Focusing on Brand Quality and Social Resistance

  • Dong, JingWen
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose the purpose of this study is to examine whether the library's creation shared value activities in China and Korea affect brand quality, social status, and the influence of each variable according to the Chinese and Korean groups. To achieve the purpose of this study, the survey was conducted using questionnaires to users who have used the Big Data Sharing Service in Korean and Chinese libraries. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed to participants in the study, and 460 of the recovered questionnaire were used in the final analysis, which eliminated unfaithful responses. The data collected through the survey were analyzed as frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmed factor analysis, and structured model using statistical programs SPSS22 and AMOS22. The results of the research identified through the empirical analysis of this study are as follows. First, the CSV activities of the library's big data have a significant influence on the brand quality and social status. Second, brand quality and social resistance has a significant positive effect on continuous use intention. Third, the influence of the CSV activities in Korean and Chinese libraries has been found to be partly different. Through the conclusion and discussion section, the theoretical implications of this study, practical implications and in-depth discussions on the limitations of the study and its future direction were presented.

A Study on the agricultural productivity of ancient reservoir through hydrological analysis - Cheong reservoir located Yeongcheon, southeastern part of Korea (수문학적 분석을 통한 한국 고대수리시설의 농업생산력 연구 - 영천 청제)

  • Jang, Cheol Hee;Kim, Hyeon Jun;Seong, Jeong Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.33-33
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    • 2018
  • 농업이 기간산업이었던 고대사회에서 수리시설(水利施設)의 축조는 농업의 성패를 가늠하는 중요한 요소로 정치 경제 사회 전반에 걸쳐 큰 영향을 미치는 국가적인 대규모 사업이었다. 이에 따라 수리시설의 축조 시기와 배경, 축조 기술과 운영, 구조, 몽리(蒙利) 효과 및 보수(補修)와 수축(修築) 등에 대한 연구는 우리의 농경(農耕)문화사를 밝히는데 중요한 관건이 된다. 관개(灌漑) 수리시설의 축조와 정비는 수전(水田) 개발과 밀접한 연관이 있다. 제방(堤防)을 축조함으로써 주변의 수전 개발을 촉진하고, 가뭄과 홍수로부터 안전하게 전답을 유지할 수 있어 수확량을 높이게 된다. 농업생산력의 향상은 대내적 체제 정비는 물론 치열한 국가 간의 경쟁에서 우위를 점하는데 필요한 경제적 배경이 된다. 이처럼 고대수리시설은 개인과 집단 나아가 국가의 생존을 뒷받침하는 근본이었지만, 과연 우리는 그 역사성과 의미에 대해 제대로 평가를 했던 것일까? 또한, 고대수리시설의 관개 및 치수(治水) 능력은 구체적으로 어느 정도였으며 근대에 비하면 어느 정도였을까? 일부 수리시설에 대해 관개면적을 추정한 경우는 있으나, 그 예도 많지 않을뿐더러 시기적인 변천 양상을 제대로 반영하고 있지 못하는 것이 현실이다. 본 연구는 고대로부터 원형을 비교적 잘 간직하고 있는 수리시설 중 경북(慶北) 영천(永川)의 청제(菁堤)를 대상으로 고고학적 역사학적 입장에서 보다는 수문학적(水文學的) 농업수리학적(農業水利學的) 관점에서 저수량(貯水量) 및 관개(灌漑) 면적에 따른 농업생산력을 살펴보았다. 지형 및 GIS (Geographic Information System) 정보를 이용하여 저수지의 규모 및 관개 면적을 추정하였으며 수문학적 해석 모형(模型)인 CAT(Catchment hydrologic cycle Assessment Tool)(김현준 등, 2012)을 이용하여 저수량 및 관개 가능량을 분석하였다. CAT은 공간 단위별로 침투(浸透), 증발(蒸發), 지하수(地下水)흐름 등의 모의(模擬)가 가능하도록 개발된 모형이다. 특히, 농업용 저수지 및 홍수방재용(洪水防災用) 저류(貯留)시설 등의 저류량(貯留量) 및 방류(放流量)에 대한 모의가 가능하다(장철희 등, 2012). 고대수리시설의 저수량 및 관개 면적에 따른 농업생산력을 공학적 수문학적으로 해석하는 연구는 과거물 관리 및 생산력의 실태를 좀 더 자세히 파악할 수 있는 토대가 될 것이며, 역사학적 자료와의 비교 분석을 통해 우리나라 고대수리시설의 역사성 및 우수성을 찾을 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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The Effect of Entrepreneurship, Perception of Entrepreneurial Environment and Participation in Government Start-up Support Project on Business Performance (창업자들의 기업가정신과 창업환경인식, 그리고 정부의 창업지원사업 참여정도가 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Young-Hye;Jang, In Sung;Kim, Pansoo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the effects of entrepreneurship and perception of entrepreneurial environment on business performance. In particular, this study analyzed the difference in the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable by using the government's participation in the start-up support project as a moderate variable. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher drew the variables corresponding to entrepreneurship and the variables related to entrepreneurship awareness. Innovativeness and risk sensitivity were selected as variables for entrepreneurship, and market environment and product environment were selected as variables for perception of entrepreneurial environment. Based on the above variables the research model was completed including the degree of participation in the government's start-up support project as a moderating variable. The data for the empirical analysis were collected from start-up companies in Daegu in 2018. A total of 601 questionnaires were collected and 399 copies of the data were used in this study after removing the unfaithful answers. The results of the analysis showed that innovation had a negative effect on management performance, and risk sensitivity, market environment, and product environment had a positive effect on management performance. In terms of the moderating effect, in the case of innovation, the higher the participation in government support projects, the lesser the negative effect. Risk sensitivity and product environment showed a strong impact on companies with a lot of government support projects, and the market environment had a strong impact on those who participated less. This study confirmed the importance and necessity of entrepreneurship and perception of entrepreneurial environment that influence the management performance of entrepreneurs. It is also meaningful in that it deals with the practical effects of the government's start-up support project on the start-up performance.

Sijo seen through present-day succession and transfiguration of classics (고전의 현대적 계승과 변용을 통해 본 시조)

  • Na Jung-Soon
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.24
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    • pp.173-197
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    • 2006
  • Works recreated modernly succeeding classics often appear in novels, plays and movies. Observing 'modern succession and transfiguration of classics', 1 became curious about 'recreation of classics' in Sijo genre, and in that interest this thesis begins the argument. I identified that many Sijo are recreations of classics, and also classical literature are continually being transformed into modern Sijo. Especially Sijo of Lee Guang-Soo in 1920s and Sijo of Cho Un In 1940s are pioneering works. Thereafter modern Sijo have been continuously recreated from classics. This paper is about what are the meanings of modern Sijo in this category, and how should they advance. Also this argument will indicate how Sijo will be created in the future. Transforming classics into modern works is a valuable task, because it succeeds traditional culture and connects the classics' age to the modem age. For example, the Sijo of Lee Guang-Soo and Cho Un have significance in terms of literature history. The problem lies in modern Sijo that is creatively experimenting with classics succeeding those. Many modem Sijo are created attaching too much importance to the technique of contents, not comprehending the structural principles and formal aesthetics of Sijo. Thus, Sijo that adopt classics modernly reveals the limit of creation. Furthermore, recreating Sijo with the original contents untouched has no meaning at all. From this standpoint, modern Sijo recreated from classics can be reasonable only when they reflect the life, culture. and reality of present and comprehend the formal aesthetics of Sijo.

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The Effect of Government Officials' Cultural Bias to their Social Acceptance including a Case Study of Implementing New Air Traffic Flow Management System (공무원의 문화적 편향이 사회적 수용성에 미치는 영향 연구: 새로운 항공교통시스템 도입 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soo-Jung;Jin, Jang-Won;Park, Sung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2021
  • In this study aviation authority officials were classified into four cultural groups according to culture theory, and then questioned to determine the effects of cultural bias on their social acceptance of a new air traffic flow management system. Based on previous studies, cultural biases were categorized as egalitarianistic, individualistic, fatalistic, and hierarchical, and social acceptances were considered to be influenced by four variables, that is, perceptions of usefulness, work attitude, intention to use, and behavior (job absorption). Empirical analysis showed that hierarchy had a significant positive effect on social acceptance, and egalitarianism was found to have a significant positive effect on social acceptance with 95% credibility. We propose the organizational culture of Korean government be changed to accept the diverse opinions of government officials during the implementation phase of the new system recommended by ICAO.

Two Economic Crises, Unemployment, Working Poor, and Gender: Explaining the Dynamics of the Risk Patterns of Suicide in South Korea (두 번의 경제위기와 실업, 노동빈곤, 그리고 젠더: 한국 자살 위험양식의 역동적 변화에 대한 시론)

  • Moon, Dasuel;Chung, Haejoo
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.233-263
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    • 2018
  • This study sought to identify gender-specific mechanisms of increased suicide rates during economic crises in South Korea. In order to address research aims, we focused on two international economic crises: IMF financial crisis in 1997, and international recession in 2008. This study provides three main findings. First, different mechanisms increased suicide rates during the two economic crises. Particularly, the high level of unemployment raised suicide rates during the 1997 IMF while the high level of working poor in the 2008 recession. Second, suicidal risk patterns for men and women differed at each period. The 1997 crisis which mostly affected full-time permanent workers had had relatively greater impacts on men suicide, whereas the 2008 crisis which affected precarious workers had done on women suicide. Finally, our finding indicated that these gender-specific risk patterns had been derived from the gendered labour market and male-friendly social policy. Placing women at the periphery of the labor market and using them as a buffer in times of crisis, governments failed to protect them from their economic difficulties. Suicide is fundamental and important public health and social problems. These findings suggest that the national suicide prevention strategy should pay attention to the social determinants of suicide through gendered as well as population health perspectives.