• Title/Summary/Keyword: 직업 추천

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Neural Network Analysis of Determinants Affecting Purchase Decisions in Fashion Eyewear (신경망분석기법을 이용한 패션 아이웨어 구매결정요소에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Ji Min
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2024
  • This study applies neural network analysis techniques to examine the factors influencing the purchasing decisions of fashion eyewear among women in their 30s and 40s, comparing these findings with traditional parametric analysis methods. In the fashion area, machine learning techniques are utilized for personalized fashion recommendation systems. However, research on such applications in Korea remains insufficient. By reanalyzing a study conducted in 2017 using traditional quantitative methods with these new techniques, this study aims to confirm the utility of neural network methods. Notably, the study finds that the classification accuracy of preferred sunglasses design is highest, at 86.2%, when the L-BFGS-B neural network is activated using the hyperbolic tangent function. The most critical factors influencing purchasing decisions were consumers' occupations and their pursuit of new styles. It is interpreted that Korean sunglasses consumers prefer "safe changes." These findings are consistent for selecting both the frames and lenses of sunglasses. Traditional quantitative analysis suggests that the type of sunglasses preferred varies according to the group to which a consumer belongs. In contrast, neural network analysis predicts the preferred sunglasses for each individual, thereby facilitating the development of personalized sunglasses recommendation systems.

Needs Analysis and Recognition of Classroom Operation of Nursing Teacher in Vocational High School (특성화고 간호과 교사들의 수업운영에 대한 인식 및 요구분석)

  • Jang, Myung-Hee;Kwak, Misun
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine how the nursing teacher in vocational high school operates the class and examine various perceptions about the operation education. Moreover, This is to comparing the difference between nursing experience and education major about the operation the class. Based on the above findings, First, the nursing teacher should be recognized as a professional subject teacher and should have a qualification system that is appropriate as a professional subject teacher. Second, a formal education program should be established so that those who worked in the nursing field can become teachers of nursing education. It is recommended that nursing education within the graduate school of education be newly established and operated only for nursing graduates who are majored in the same country as developed countries. Third, if the establishment of qualifications and qualifications system can not be realized in a short time, it is necessary to systematically prepare the training for specialization nursing teachers only.

구전 커뮤니케이션 유형에 따른 의료서비스 만족도에 관한 연구

  • Park, Hoe-Ja;Gang, Seok-Jeong
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.6
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    • pp.313-337
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    • 2000
  • 오늘날 병원마케팅에서 간호서비스는 병원 내 어느 전문직보다도 가장 많은 시간을 고객인 환자와 합께 나누며 환자의 욕구 충족을 위하여 고도의 분업화된 제반 부서들간의 활동을 조정하고 융화시키는 역할올 통하여 환자들이 지각하는 병원서비스의 만족도에 종요 한 부분을 차지하고 있으므로 병원마케팅의 전략적 초점으로 전환될 필요가 있다. 의료 서비스는 특성상 전문성이 강해서 정보가 소비자에게 공유되지 못하고 있으며 비영리조직이라는 인식하에 의료 서비스에 대한 광고를 제한합으로써 실제적으로 소비자에게 필요한 의료 관련 정보들마저도 제한을 받는 경우가 많이 있다. 그리고 의료서비스의 무형성, 비분리성, 이질성, 소멸성의 특성으로 어떠한 의료 서비스를 이용할 것인지해 대한 결정을 고객이 하기 어렵기 때문에 오늘날 의료 소비자들이 의료제공 기관을 선택 할 때는 밑올만한 다른 사랑의 추천에 크게 의존하고 있는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 국내의 연구에서도 의료소비자들이 병원을 선택하는 주된 정보 획득 원천이 주변의 제 3자인 것으로 알려져 있다. 이러한 정보 전달에 구전 커뮤니케이션이 주요한 제3자적 억할을 한다. 이러 한 관접에서 불 때 의료 소비자둘 사이의 구전 커뮤니케이션은 마케 팅 전략상 매우 종요하 며 마케팅 관리측면에서 의료 소비자들의 구전 커뮤니케이션 형태톨 파악하는 것은 매우 중요한 일이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 구전 커뮤니케이션의 내용 및 경로 그리고 유형을 파악하고 이들 유형간 의료서비스의 만족도를 알아봄으로써 효파적인 병원 마케팅 전략을 수립하는데 필요한 자료를 제공하고자 한다. 본 연구의 결과를 증합해 보면 의료소비자들이 연령 성별 학력, 소득, 직업, 주거지가 비슷한 사람과 구전이 활발하게 일어냐는 것을 파악 할 수 있어 특히 상업적 광고가 제한 된 병원의 마케팅 전략에 oH우 유용한 것이 훨 수 있다. 또한 불만족한 소비자일수록 발신 자적 입장에 서서 주위의 사람들에게 활발한 구전 활동을 수행하고 었음을 알 수 있다. 이 는 의료 소비자들이 만족한 경우보다는 불만족한 경우에 더욱 구전을 수행하려는 의지가 강해짐올 시사한다. 따라서 병원은 소비자들의 불만을 감소시키기 위해 노력해야 한다. 특히 의료인의 친절함이 가장 많이 구전이 되는 것을 알 수 있었는데 의사나 간호사는 치료 나 간호의 직접적인 제공자로서 의료 소비자들의 만족도에 중요한 영향을 미치므로 의료소 비자들의 요구에 부응하는 서비스를 충족시켜 줄 수 있도록 노력해야하며 이러한 바탕 위에 병원마케팅 전략이 수립되어야 할 것이다.

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하이힐이 허리 근육 피로에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • 현수돈;김정룡
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.304-310
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    • 1997
  • 연세대학교 영동세브란스 병원에서 94년 요통환자 2천4백10명을 직업별로 분류한 결과, 주부가 56%, 학생이 13.4%를 차지했다고 발표했다. 특히 주부환자비율은 85-90년에 38.9%로 조사된 것에 비하면 주목할만한 증가세를 보였다. 이러한 주부요통증가의 원인 중 임상적으로 이미 확인된 것이 하이힐에 의한 것이다. 하이힐을 신을 경우 허리에 부담을 주고 요통을 유발할 수 있다는 것이다. 그러나, 이러한 임상적 가설에 대한 구체적인 연구나 검증이 이루어진 바 없어 하이힐이 허리에 어떤 영향을 주는지에 대해 확인할 수 없었다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 하이힐이 허리에 미치는 영향에 대한 임상적 가설을 검증하고 영향 정도에 대한 구체적 수치를 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위해 5명의 신체 건강한 20대 초반의 여성들이 모집되었고, 하이힐의 굽높이를 독립변수로, 허리 근육 피로도를 종속 변수로 설정하여 하이힐의 굽높이가 허리 근육에 미치는 영향에 대해 조사하였다. 허리 근육 피로도는 Spectral EMG를 통해 분석하였고 정량화되었다. 측정된 자료를 통계 분석한 결과, 하이힐의 굽높이가 여성의 허리 근육에 유의하게 영향을 미침이 발견되었고, 우리 나라 여성에게 적합한 하이힐의 굽높이는 3-5cm 정도임이 밝혀졌다. 본 연구 결과는 하이힐의 디자인에 있어서 굽높이에 대한 추천치로 제안될 수 있으며 여성들의 하이힐로 인한 요통을 어느 정도 예방할 수 있어 여성 근로 손실을 줄이는 데 기여할 수 있다. 본 연구를 하이힐 굽형태나 충격흡수 등의 독립변수 요인을 추가하여 확대하면 하이힐 디자인에 응용하는데 더욱 유용하리라 생각된다. 없었다. 전신쾌적감은 약간 쾌적하게 나타났고 전신온냉감은 약간 따뜻하다라고 나타났으며 손가락끝의 동통감은 약간 아프다고쪽으로 나타났다.때문에 이를 디자인에 곧바로 적용시키기 어려운 점이 있다. 이에 본 연구는 기존의 바용성 평가를 위한 분석도구들이 갖는 문제 점들 해결하여 제품의 사용자 인터페이스 디자인 개발과정에서 활용할 수 있는 평가 분석도구를 개발하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 첫째, 다양한 유형의 정보를 포함하는 비디오 정보를 선정하였따. 둘째, 데이터를 다양한 측면에서 추출할 수 있는 Data logger를 개발하였다. 셋째, 데이터를 시각적으로 정리하고 분석할 수 있는 도구를 제안한다. 마지막으로 인터페이스 디자인에서 여러 가지 디자인안을 도출해 내는 작업에 이용할 수 있는 종합화과정을 개발한다. 이러한 일련의 과정이 통합된 컴퓨터 시스템 안에서 이루어지도록 프로그램을 개발하여 정보의 유용성을 높일 수 있도록 한다.at the entropy index as a measurement of inter-business relatedness is not significant but technological relatedness index is significant. OLS estimates on pooled data were considerably different from FEM or REM estimates on panel data. By introducing interaction effect among the three variables for business portfolio properties, we obtai

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A Customer Segmentation Scheme Base on Big Data in a Bank (빅데이터를 활용한 은행권 고객 세분화 기법 연구)

  • Chang, Min-Suk;Kim, Hyoung Joong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2018
  • Most banks use only demographic information such as gender, age, occupation and address to segment customers, but they do not reflect financial behavior patterns of customers. In this study, we aim to solve the problems by using various big data in a bank and to develop customer segmentation method which can be widely used in many banks in the future. In this paper, we propose an approach of segmenting clustering blocks with bottom-up method. This method has an advantage that it can accurately reflect various financial needs of customers based on various transaction patterns, channel contact patterns, and existing demographic information. Based on this, we will develop various marketing models such as product recommendation, financial need rating calculation, and customer churn-out prediction based on this, and we will adapt this models for the marketing strategy of NH Bank.

The Market Segmentation of Coffee Shops and the Difference Analysis of Consumer Behavior: A Case based on Caffe Bene (커피전문점의 시장세분화와 소비자행동 차이 분석 : 카페베네 사례를 중심으로)

  • Yu, Jong-Pil;Yoon, Nam-Soo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2011
  • This study provides analysis of the effectiveness of domestic marketing strategies of the Korean coffee shop "Caffe Bene". It bases its evaluation on statistical outputs of 'choice attributes,' "market segmentation," demographic characteristics," and "satisfaction differences." The results are summarized in four points. First, five choice attributes were extracted from factor analysis: price, atmosphere, comfort, taste, and location; these are related to coffee shop selection behavior. Based on these five factors, cluster analysis was conducted, with statistical results classifying customers into three major groups: atmosphere oriented; comfort oriented; and taste oriented. Second, discriminant analysis tested cluster analysis and showed two discriminant functions: location and atmosphere. Third, cross-tabulation analysis based on demographic characteristics showed distinctive demographic characteristics within the three groups. Atmosphere oriented group, early-20s, as women of all ages was found to be 'walking down the street 'and 'through acquaintances' in many cases, as the cognitive path, and mostly found the store through 'outdoor advertising', and 'introduction'. Comfort oriented group was mainly women who are students in their early twenties or professionals, and appeared as a group to be very loyal because of high recommendation to other customers compared to other groups. Taste oriented group, unlike the other group, was mainly late-20s' college graduates, and was confirmed, as low loyalty, with lower recommendation activity. Fourth, to analyze satisfaction differences, one-way ANOVA was conducted. It shows that groups which show high satisfaction in the five main factors also show high menu satisfaction and high overall satisfaction. This results show that segmented marketing strategies are necessary because customers are considering price, atmosphere, comfort, taste, location when they choose coffee shop and demographics show different attributes based on segmented groups. For example, atmosphere oriented group is satisfied with shop interior and comfort while dissatisfied with price because most of the customers in this group are early 20s and do not have great financial capability. Thus, price discounting marketing strategies based on individual situations through CRM system is critical. Comfort oriented group shows high satisfaction level about location and shop comfort. Also, in this group, there are many early 20s female customers, students, and self-employed people. This group customers show high word of mouth tendency, hence providing positive brand image to the customers would be important. In case of taste oriented group, while the scores of taste and location are high, word of mouth score is low. This group is mainly composed of educated and professional many late 20s customers, therefore, menu differentiation, increasing quality of coffee taste and price discrimination is critical to increase customers' satisfaction. However, it is hard to generalize the results of study to other coffee shop brand, because this study have researched only one domestic coffee shop, Caffe Bene. Thus if future study expand the scope of locations, brands, and occupations, the results of the study would provide more generalizable results. Finally, research of customer satisfactions of menu, trust, loyalty, and switching cost would be critical in the future study.

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Importance and Influence in Factors of Selecting Dental Clinics in Some Regions (일부지역의 치과병·의원 선택요인의 중요도와 영향)

  • Chun, Ae-Jong;Lee, Ka-Yean
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to offer the importance on factors of selecting dental institution according to general characteristics targeting general dental patients, and the information of having important influence upon choosing dental clinic and dental hospital. The survey was carried out from August 2009 to September. As a result of analyzing SAS(ver 9.1), the following conclusions were obtained. In the importance on factors of selecting dental institution according to general characteristics, it was thought to be important in convenience of movement or mobility such as distance, transportation, and parking convenience according to age level. According to final academic background, the importance in a factor of rumor in dental clinic was high(p < 0.05). According to job, the significant difference was shown in rumor of dentistry and parking convenience(p < 0.05). According to income, the factor in the appearance of training a medical specialist was indicated to be statistically higher in the group with over 5 million won than the group with under 2 million won(p < 0.05). Given seeing the distribution of opinion about dental hospitals (comparison with dental clinics), the excellence in the medical staff's ability was indicated to be the highest in all of the factor of influencing the use satisfaction(${\beta}=0.18$), the factor of influencing the recommendation level(${\beta}=0.21$), and the factor of influencing the re-use intention(OR=2.09).

A Qualitative Study on Work Continuance of Hospital Nurses (병원 간호사의 직무수행 지속에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Yun, MiRa;Han, Jong-Sook;Baek, Kyoung Ah;Ahn, Jung-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.334-346
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the inner characteristics of nurses that contributed to their overcoming work-related stress and continuing to work in hospitals. We sought to identify strategies nurses used to reduce early turn-over intention and promote job retention. Twelve nurses with at least five years of work experience were recruited from two tertiary-level hospitals and three general hospitals in Seoul and Gyeonggi for focus group interviews. Data were collected from January 27 to April 20, 2016. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. Based on the results, the inner characteristics and strengths of these nurses were classified into four categories and 13 sub-categories. The four categories wereas follows: "efforts to overcome self," "positive attitude," "effective communication and support from surroundings," and "aim to grow as a nursing professional." The results of this study indicate that the strength of nurses should be enhanced to facilitate a continued desire to work. Training for self-reflective practice is recommended to improve resilience, positive attitudes, and communication skills, as well as to establish job identity.

Neutron Activation Analysis of Human Hair for Human Health Assessment (인체보건 환경평가를 위한 모발의 중성자방사화분석)

  • Chung, Young-Sam;Kang, Sang-Hoon;Moon, Jong-Hwa;Kang, Young Hwan;Cho, Seung-Yon
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2001
  • There is personal difference in the concentrations of trace elements in human hair according to human life or history suck as occupation, race, sex, age, food habit, social condition and so on. It is also found that the individual's deviation of elemental concentrations is reflecting the degree of environmental pollutants exposure to human body, intakes of food and metabolism. To compare the degree of accumulation in the hair tissue, human hair samples were collected from five positions of head and analyzed by non-destructive neutron activation analysis with and without washing according to IAEA's recommended method. Analytical quality control is performed using the certified reference material. The relative error of Cu, Cr, Na, Co, Mg, As, Se, Zn and those of Mn, Ca, Fe, Sr are within ${\pm}5%$ and ${\pm}10%$, respectively and the relative standard deviation of elements are within ${\pm}10%$. The deviations between the individuals and hair sampling positions were estimated. The deviation of individual was seven times more than that of positions. Under the defined condition, the difference and the correlation of elemental concentrations were compared with two different groups, office and factory workers. The result can be used as a fundamental data for human health and environment assessment.

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A Study on Enrollment Satisfaction, Career Directions, and Image of Dental Hygienists for Dental Hygiene Students in Some Regions (일부지역 치위생(학)과 학생들의 진학만족도와 진로방향, 치과위생사 이미지에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Seon-Jeong;Ku, In-Young;Choi, Hwa-Young;Ka, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.564-575
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    • 2015
  • A self-administered survey was conducted in dental hygiene students at colleges or universities in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province to provide basic data necessary to suggest standards for the direction of career for dental hygiene students and construct desirable image of dental hygienists. The data were collected from February to May 2013; with the exception of 46 questionnaires containing insincere responses, 1,679 were finally analyzed using SPSS/Win 18.0, drawing the following conclusion: The freshmen showed higher levels of regret for selection and enrollment recommendation than the sophomores, juniors, or seniors and the sophomores, juniors, and seniors showed higher levels of willingness to change courses than the freshmen; thus, those in lower grades showed higher environment satisfaction. As for desired career, regardless of grades, they showed higher preference for being employed as a dental hygienist; as for desired paths to get a job, the freshmen were more likely to get professors' recommendations and the sophomores, juniors, and seniors showed higher preference for open recruitment. They showed higher preference for getting a job in a large city because of greater possibility of improvement. As for the desired period of employment, regardless of grades, they showed higher preference for employment before getting married and for reemployment after their children grew up; as for desired workplace, the freshmen showed higher preference for a dental clinic in a hospital, whereas the sophomores, juniors, and seniors showed higher preference for a dental hospital. As for the differences in image of dental hygienists by grades, the freshmen and sophomores showed higher levels of attitudes than the juniors; the freshmen and sophomores showed higher levels of beliefs than the juniors or seniors; and the seniors showed higher levels of values than the freshmen, sophomores, or juniors, and the sophomores and juniors showed higher levels of values than the freshmen; thus, students in lower grades showed higher levels of attitudes and beliefs and those in higher grades showed higher levels of values. Such factors of enrollment satisfaction as willingness to change courses and persuasion to make enrollment had significant effects on image of dental hygienists. Dental hygiene students need to make efforts to establish a job identity and get desirable image of dental hygienists and to make constant efforts to promote more accurate and positive image of dental hygienists through systematic and positive public relations.