• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형요인

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Nitrate Concentration and ${\delta}^{15}N$ Value of the Groundwater in the Miyakojima Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan (일본(日本) 궁고도(宮古島)의 지하수중(地下水中)의 $NO_3-N$${\delta}^{15}N$치(値))

  • Park, Kwang-Lai;Kikuo, Kumazawa.
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 1995
  • Nitrate concentration and ${\delta}^{15}N$ value in the groundwater in Miyakojima Island, Okinawa, were measured during 1992-1993. Water from the shallow and the deep wells at the ten separate sites were sampled. Mineral contents and natural nitrogen isotope abundance(${\delta}^{15}N$) were analyzed using a liquid chromatography and a mass spectrometry (Finnigan MAT 252). Except for waters which were directly influenced by sea water invasion, most of the groundwater showed small variations among their mineral contents and ${\delta}^{15}N$ values. The average nitrate nitrogen concentrations were $1.4{\sim}11.5mgL^{-1}$ and average ${\delta}^{15}N$ values were +4.3${\sim}$+9.7$%_o$. From the nitrate concentration and ${\delta}^{15}N$ value observed, the types of the groundwater could be categorized into four groups, such as high ${\delta}^{15}N$ and high nitrate, high ${\delta}^{15}N$ and medium nitrate, low ${\delta}^{15}N$ and medium nitrate, and low ${\delta}^{15}N$ and low nitrate, reflecting the main source of nitrate contamination, such as animal and domestic waste, animal waste and soil organic matter, soil organic matter and chemical fertilizer, and chemical fertilizer, respectively. It was discussed that the lowest ${\delta}^{15}N$ value was higher than the ${\delta}^{15}N$ value of the chemical fertilizers used in this island(-3.9${\sim}$-1.4$%_o$), then considerable amounts of nitrogen must be lost by ammonium evaporation or denitrification after fertilization.

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A Study on the Location of Urban Parks for Green-Network Revitalization - Based on Downtown of Busan - (도시공원 입지특성에 따른 그린네트워크 활성화 연구 - 부산광역시 도심권을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Gyu-Hong;Park, Sung-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2010
  • Seen topographically, Busan is a city that is coastal and hilly. In the city, most parks have been formed around mountain areas that are not so useful. They also are unbalanced in location among different regions of the city. The purpose of this study is to find how to manage urban parks towards green network promotion. For the purpose, this researcher first analyzed physical and environmental characteristics of urban parks located within the main living spheres of Busan. Then, the researcher examined interactive relations between those parks and downtown areas surrounding them to classify types of the parks. In association, the researcher classified the entire of the city into inland and coastal regions. And the researcher examined mountainous and hilly urban parks that were 150 to 300 meters above sea level in the former region and 100 to 150 meters above sea level in the latter. Findings of the study can be summarized as follows. The above examination found that parks of Busan feature physically penetrating and overlapping with downtown areas of the city. How well the green zones of Busan in form of urban park are inter-connective and influential to each other heavily depends on shapes and functions that the downtown areas of the city have. In this study, urban parks of Busan were grouped according to their types and then analyzed. Based on results of the analysis, the researcher tried to find how to increase the utility of another urban parks that are expected to be formed and how to promote so-called the green network that integrates greens. Considering findings of the study, the researcher would make the following suggestions. In case of forming an urban park in a gently sloped green zone which is easily accessible and noticeable, it's important that the park should include a stream to which another green zone is converged or, if the park is located near a costal area, contribute to promote urban functions and openness. While, in a high-altitude green zone, it's more effective to form so-called the green way that consists of some limited usable site of the zone and greens behind it and then form a hub of regional community at the intersection between the main road and main gate to the urban park, contributing to the green network promotion.

Prediction of Nitrate Contamination of Groundwater in the Northern Nonsan area Using Multiple Regression Analysis (다중 회귀 분석을 이용한 논산 북부 지역 지하수의 질산성 질소 오염 예측)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Koh, Dong-Chan;Ko, Kyung-Seok;Yeo, In-Wook
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2008
  • Nitrate concentrations were measured up to 49 mg/L (as $NO_3$-N) and 22% of the samples exceeded drinking water standard in shallow and bedrock groundwater of the northern Nonsan area. Nitrate concentrations showed a significant difference among land use groups. To predict nitrate concentration in groundwater, multiple regression analysis was carried out using hydrogeologic parameters of soil media, topography and land use which were categorized as several groups, well depth and altitude, and field parameters of temperature, pH, DO and EC. Hydrogeologic parameters were quantified as area proportions of each category within circular buffers centering at wells. Regression was performed to all the combination of variables and the most relevant model was selected based on adjusted coefficient of determination (Adj. $R^2$). Regression using hydrogelogic parameters with varying buffer radii show highest Adj. $R^2$ at 50m and 300m for shallow and bedrock groundwater, respectively. Shallow groundwater has higher Adj. $R^2$ than bedrock groundwater indicating higher susceptibility to hydrogeologic properties of surface environment near the well. Land use and soil media was major explanatory variables for shallow and bedrock groundwater, respectively and residential area was a major variable in both shallow and bedrock groundwater. Regression involving hydrogeologic parameters and field parameters showed that EC, paddy and pH were major variables in shallow groundwater whereas DO, EC and natural area were in bedrock groundwater. Field parameters have much higher explanatory power over the hydrogeologic parameters suggesting field parameters which are routinely measured can provide important information on each well in assessment of nitrate contamination. The most relevant buffer radii can be applied to estimation of travel time of contaminants in surface environment to wells.

Assessment of the Cause and Pathway of Contamination and Sustainability in an Abandoned Mine (폐광산 오염원인 분석 및 오염경로, 향후 지속가능성에 대한 평가)

  • Kim, Min Gyu;Kim, Ki-Joon;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.411-429
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    • 2018
  • Daeyoung mine (also called "Daema mine") produced gold and silver from mainly gold- and silver-bearing quartz veins. The mine tailings are a waste hazard, but most of the tailings were swept away or dispersed throughout the area around the mine long before the tailing dump areas were transformed into agricultural land. Soil liner and protection facilities, such as retaining walls, were constructed in the mine area to prevent the loss of tailings. The content of the tailings is 3,424.41~3,803.61 mg/kg, which exceeds the safety standard by a factor of 45. In addition, contamination was detected near agricultural areas and in the sediments in downstream drainage channels. A high level of As contamination was concentrated near the waste tailings yard; comparaable levels were detected in agricultural areas close to streams that ran through the waste dump yard, whereas the levels were much lower in areas far from the streams. The contamination in stream sediments showed a gradual decrease with distance from the mine waste yard. Based on these contamination patterns, we concluded that there are two main paths that affect the spread of contaminants: (1) loss of mine waste, and (2) the introduction of mine waste into agricultural areas by floods after transportation by streams. The agricultural areas contaminated by mass inflow of mine waste can act as contamination sources themselves, affecting other agricultural areas through the diffusion of contaminants. At present, although the measured effect in minimal, sediments in streams are contaminated by exposed mine waste and surface liners. It is possible for contaminants to diffuse or spread into nearby areas if heavy elements trapped in soil grains in contaminated agricultural areas leach out as soil solution or contaminant particles during diffusion into the water supply.

Optimal Spatial Scale for Land Use Change Modelling : A Case Study in a Savanna Landscape in Northern Ghana (지표피복변화 연구에서 최적의 공간스케일의 문제 : 가나 북부지역의 사바나 지역을 사례로)

  • Nick van de Giesen;Paul L. G. Vlek;Park Soo Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.2 s.107
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    • pp.221-241
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    • 2005
  • Land Use and Land Cover Changes (LUCC) occur over a wide range of space and time scales, and involve complex natural, socio-economic, and institutional processes. Therefore, modelling and predicting LUCC demands an understanding of how various measured properties behave when considered at different scales. Understanding spatial and temporal variability of driving forces and constraints on LUCC is central to understanding the scaling issues. This paper aims to 1) assess the heterogeneity of land cover change processes over the landscape in northern Ghana, where intensification of agricultural activities has been the dominant land cover change process during the past 15 years, 2) characterise dominant land cover change mechanisms for various spatial scales, and 3) identify the optimal spatial scale for LUCC modelling in a savanna landscape. A multivariate statistical method was first applied to identify land cover change intensity (LCCI), using four time-sequenced NDVI images derived from LANDSAT scenes. Three proxy land use change predictors: distance from roads, distance from surface water bodies, and a terrain characterisation index, were regressed against the LCCI using a multi-scale hierarchical adaptive model to identify scale dependency and spatial heterogeneity of LUCC processes. High spatial associations between the LCCI and land use change predictors were mostly limited to moving windows smaller than 10$\times$10km. With increasing window size, LUCC processes within the window tend to be too diverse to establish clear trends, because changes in one part of the window are compensated elsewhere. This results in a reduced correlation between LCCI and land use change predictors at a coarser spatial extent. The spatial coverage of 5-l0km is incidentally equivalent to a village or community area in the study region. In order to reduce spatial variability of land use change processes for regional or national level LUCC modelling, we suggest that the village level is the optimal spatial investigation unit in this savanna landscape.

A study on the traditional salt-making of the Joolpo inlet area during the 18th and 19th century (18~19世紀 茁浦灣의 煮鹽 - 鹽場의 分布와 煮鹽法을 중심으로 -)

  • ;Hong, Keum-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.46-64
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    • 1994
  • Among every civilized people salt has been recognized as an essential foodstuff to the human society without which even man's survivor is unthinkable. The cultural-anthropological meaning of salt is estimated highly as well, and in geographical perspective salt itself symbolize regional interrelationship. Playing a decisive role in freeing innermost settlement from isolation, salt aiso made a contribution to expanding human habitats. This study tries to reconstruct historica geography of 18th and 19th century surrounding traditional salt-roasting (chayeom). The Joolpo Inlet area which is located on the mid-western coast in Honem Region is selected for study area. Established on the basis of optimum physical geographical conditions such as topography, climate and vegetation, salt-making of Joolpo Inlet area was run dynamically with the sudden turn of events in the 18-19th century which was chacterized as an age of transition from medieval society to modern one. In this paper the writer attempts to clarify mainly following three points: physical conditions and socio-economic background leading to the initiation and later development of roasting of salt in Joolpo Bay; distribution of saltworks; methods of saltmaking. Main points drawn from these analyses can be summarized as follows: of iron pan and cow-drawn tools rendered labour-saving and output growth. 1, Saltworks of Joolpo Inlet area in the 18-19th century were distributed evenly over Kobu, Puan, Mujang and Heungduck counties among which Kobu's was located in Puanmyon - a sort of exclave. All saltworks belonging to above four counties were clasified as most lucrative ones in Honam Region on government archives. In particular, Gumdang saltwork which belongs to Mujang county is noteworthy in that it was first introduced by one Paekje priest in 6th century and therefore it provides a clue to examine the history of salt-roasting of Joolpo Inlet area. In light of the fact that temple or monastery economy, regardless of East and West, has been closely connected with traditional industry, the case of Gumdang is not unusual. 2. The process of saltmaking follows this order: harrowing of salt field exposed to solar heat; construction of saltern mound with saline earth; acquiring of brine by leaching saline earth; roasting of salt. Salterns (saltworks) are consisted with various salt making facilities such as roasting shed, saltern mound, salt field, salt well) salt pit or brine pit) and seawater reservoir. Among them roasting shed which is constructed chiefly with hundreds of pieces of pine tree as a frame and with straw as roof and wall is customarily considered as an unit of saltwork. And inside it is saltpan made of two kinds of materials, that is iron pan or plaster pan. The area attached to one unit of roasting shed is approximately 1 ha, and that of saltern mound is a tenth of it.

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Effect of Capital Market Return On Insurance Coverage : A Financial Economic Approach (투자수익(投資收益)이 보험수요(保險需要)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 이론적(理論的) 고찰(考察))

  • Hong, Soon-Koo
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.249-280
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    • 1993
  • Recent financial theory views insurance policies as financial instruments that are traded in markets and whose prices reflect the forces of supply and demand. This article analyzes individual's insurance purchasing behavior along with capital market investment activities, which will provide a more realistic look at the tradeoff between insurance and investment in the individual's budget constraint. It is shown that the financial economic concept of insurance cost should reflect the opportunity cost of insurance premium. The author demonstrates the importance of riskless and risky financial assets in reaching an equilibrium insurance premium. In addition, the paper also investigates how the investment income could affect the four established theorems on traditional insurance literature. At the present time in Korea, the price deregulation is being debated as the most important current issue in insurance industry. In view of the results of this paper, insurance companies should recognize investment income in pricing their coverage if insurance prices are deregulated. Otherwise. price competition may force insurance companies to restrict coverage or to leave the market.

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Ecological Characteristics and Management Plan of Geumdangsil Pine Forest of Yecheon (예천 금당실 송림의 생태적 특성 및 관리방안)

  • Lee, Soo-Dong;Lee, Chan;Kim, Donwook;Kim, Jisuk
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.718-732
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to provide data for the basic research to found the effective conservation and management plan for the Geumdangsil Pine Forest of Yecheon designated as Natural Monument No. 469. Furthermore, this paper suggest efficient sustainable forest preservation and using. In order to achieve the sustainable forest preservation, this study was to analyse topography, land use, tree growth, soil environment, forest usage and forest management, etc. According to analysis the results, the site area is located in the flatlands where is from 130 to 140 m above sea level. The around forest was transformed into agricultural land. The 565 individuals of Pinus densiflora grows in the forest, whereas, 25 trees was cut down or died. There are signs of 25 stumps. The most of 565 trees' diameter at breast height(DBH) was centerized between 30 cm and 50 cm, moreover, the average life expectancy of trees were 85.4 years. The oldest age of tree was estimated to be 200 years. The Sample trees of rate of branch growth is from 4.3 cm to 5.1 cm per year. The middle branch which is more vigorous growth grow 24.2 cm for 3 years. Moreover, the result of soil physico-chemical properties analysis of 7 plots, 4 categories which is soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, specific electrical conductance was generally good, however, the 2 categories which is soil pH, exchangeable cation needed improvement. Currently, the site was not pressured by facilities and usage, however, there might be threaten by agriculture such as encroaching on forest. Therefore, there should establish comprehensive ecosystem management such as facility management, visitors management and operation management In this paper considered 4 fields that is ecosystem management, facility management, visitors management and operation management for sustainable management.

Spatio-temporal Variations in the Dynamics and Export of Large Wood in Korean Mountain Streams (우리나라 산지계류에 있어서 유목 동태의 시.공간적 다양성과 그에 따른 유출 특성)

  • Seo, Jung Il;Chun, Kun Woo;Kim, Suk Woo;Im, Sangjun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.3
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    • pp.333-343
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    • 2012
  • In-stream large wood (LW) has a critical impact on the geomorphic characteristics relevant to ecosystem management and disaster prevention, yet relatively little is known about variations in its dynamics and subsequent export on the watershed-scale perspective in Korea. Here we review variations in the dynamics and subsequent export of LW as a function of stream size, which is appropriate for Korean mountain streams. In upstream channels with narrow bankfull widths and low stream discharges, a massive amount of LW, resulting from forest dynamics and hillslope processes, may persist for several decades on valley floor. These pieces, however, are eventually transported during infrequent debris flows from small tributaries, as well as peak hydrology in main-stem channels. During the transport, these pieces suffer fragmentation caused by frictions with boulders, and stream bank and bed. Although infrequent, these events can be dominant processes in the export of significant amounts of LW from upstream channel networks. In downstream channels with wide bankfull widths and high stream discharges, LW is dominantly recruited by forest dynamics and bank erosion only at locations where the channel is adjacent to mature riparian forests. With the LW pieces that are supplied from the upstream, these pieces are continuously transported downstream during rainfall events. This leads to further fragmentation of the LW pieces, which increases their transportability. With decreasing stream-bed slope, these floated LW pieces, however, can be stored and form logjams at various depositional sites, which were developed by interaction between channel forms and floodplains. These pieces may decay for decades and be subsequently transported as particulate or dissolved organic materials, resulting in the limitation of LW fluvial export from the systems. However, in Korea, such depositional sites were developed in the extremely limited streams with a large dimension and no flood history for decades, and thus it does not be expected that the reduction of LW export amount, which can be caused by the long-term storage. Our review presents a generalized view of LW processing and is relevant to ecosystem management and disaster prevention for Korean mountain streams.

Characteristics of Water Distribution and Transport Depending on Soil Evolution in the Different Forest Stands (상이(相異)한 임분(林分)의 토층분화(土層分化)에 따른 수분분포(水分分布)와 이동특성(移動特性))

  • Jin, Hyun-O;Chung, Doug-Young;Son, Yowhan;Joo, Yeong-Teuk;Oh, Jong-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2000
  • We investigated the patterns of soil horizon evolution and its water distribution on three different forest stands covered with Larix leptolepis, Pinus koraiensis, and Qercus mongolica on the Experimental Forest of Kyunghee University, located in Kwangju, Kyunggi-Do. Compared to the properties of depths of O and A horizons evolved on the Pinus koraiensis stand, the depths of O and A horizons on the forest stands of Larix leptolepis and Qercus mongolica were shallower, indicating that the soil horizon were deeply influenced by geographical characteristics, its erosive and sedimentary distinction, vegetation cover and its population density. And the bulk densities of the sites selected were lower in the high slope gradient than that in the lower slope gradient at the same depth of soil profile. Therefore, the changes of the soil bulk densities were closely related to the soil organic matter and the vertical transport of soil particle throughout soil depths. On the other hand, the bulk density and organic matter content in soil can influence the water transport phenomena, resulting in decrease of the hydraulic conductivity as the increase in the bulk density, while the organic matter can not affect the hydraulic conductivity on the soil surface layer. For a rainfall infiltration characteristics from a lysimeter experiment established on the stand of Larix leptolepis, the bulk density and slope gradient strongly influenced the vertical transport of water, as well as the lateral movement of rainfall. Conclusively, the characteristics of water movement and distribution in the forest stand can be determined not by the geographical factor such as slope gradient but also by the bulk density and organic matter content remained in soils.

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