• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형건축

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Development of Quantity Take-off Building Information Modeling System for Retaining Wall (객체 기반 물량 산출을 위한 흙막이 BIM 설계 시스템 구축)

  • Kang, SeoungWoo;Kim, Eun-Seok;Lee, Si-Eun;Kim, Chee-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, a retaining wall system, developed using building Information modeling (BIM), is presented. Based on the information from a literature review, elementary technologies for the system were defined and developed. First, for the elementary technology, BIM libraries were constructed using standards and previous study results to achieve versatility and reusability. Second, methods for determining the quantity take-off (QTO) of a retaining wall were reviewed for an earth-work calculating system. Additionally, inverse distance weighting interpolation was used to generate topography. Finally, four formulas for calculating the QTO were proposed and devised for each element. After its development, the BIM system was analyzed and verified through comparison with a two-dimensional drawing-based QTO. The proposed system is deemed to be practical for determining the QTO of retaining walls and earth works. The contributions and limitations of the research are discussed in this paper.

GSSHA 지하수 모의를 위한 대수층 깊이 공간 분포 기법 연구

  • Jea-Whan Shin;Tae-Hee Yoon;Young-Seok Lee;Suk-Hwan Jang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.522-522
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    • 2023
  • 지하수 시스템의 방출은 저지대 강에서 건조기에 흐르는 하천 유지유량의 원천이 된다. 수자원 분야에서 분포형 모형이 도입되며 수문 분석의 고도화가 이루어지고 있는 오늘날에도, 아직 대수층 깊이 등 지하수관련 매개변수에 대한 연구는 미진한 실정이다. 본 연구는 분포형 모형의 지하수 관련 매개변수 중 지형자료에 해당하는 대수층 깊이의 물리적인 분포형태를 예측하고, 지하수 모의결과를 검토하여 해당 기법의 적용성을 확인하였다. 본 연구에서는 북측의 미계측 유역을 포함한 소양강 유역을 연구대상 지역으로 설정하였고, 정밀한 분포형 모형인 GSSHA(Gridded Surface Hydrologic Analysis)를 활용하였다. 대수층 깊이 추정 방법은 크게 세가지 시나리오로 구분하여 모의를 진행하였다. 유역의 지하수 데이터를 통해 도출된 대수층깊이 등분포(시나리오1), 지표 고도와 대수층 깊이의 선형 반비례 관계를 가정한 선형 회귀식(시나리오2), 동일한 가정을 두고 Log차원에서 회귀식을 적용한 경우(시나리오 3). 위 3가지 시나리오를 통해 산정된 유출량과, 지하수 수위 등을 소양강댐 유입량 자료 및 유역 내 6개 지하수 관측소를 대상으로 결과를 비교하여 적용성을 확인하였다. 시나리오별 유출량 모의 오차평가 결과, 관측 첨두 유량을 가장 잘 반영하고 있는 기법은 일반적으로 선행 연구에서 많이 활용하고 있는 등분포형 기법으로 분석되었으며, 과소·과대 모의된 정도를 나타내는 지표와 모형의 효율성을 나타내는 지표는 선형 회귀분석 기법이 가장 우수한 결과로 분석되었다. 따라서, 대수층 깊이를 등분포하여 모의하던 기존 방식에 비해 지면고도-대수층깊이 간의 반비례 관계를 적용하는 방식이 지하수 모의에 있어서 보다 합리적일 것으로 판단된다. 향후 임의의 인자와 대수층 깊이간의 정밀한 회귀관계를 도출한다면 더욱 합리적이고 신뢰성 높은 결과를 얻을 수 있을것으로 기대된다. 또한 유역 단위의 지하수 모의가 정밀하게 이루어진다면 최근 많은 관심이 집중되는 하천 유지유량과 건기 유출 등의 연구 분야에도 많은 기여를 할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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Evaluation of Performance of CFRP Sheet Reinforcement on RC Members Subjected to Axial Load and Flexural Moment (축력과 휨 모멘트를 받는 RC 부재의 CFRP 시트 보강에 따른 성능 평가)

  • Bae, Chan Young;Lee, Ji Hyeong;Kim, Sang Woo;Kim, Jin Sup
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.567-576
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    • 2023
  • In general, RC beam members are designed as flexural members, considering only the bending load. However, in actual buildings, axial and bending load are simultaneously applied due to the continuity between members. As a result, the bending strength of the RC beam member increases, but the displacement decreases, and cracks are mainly concentrated in the center of the beam. Therefore, in this study, the bending performance of both normal and strengthened RC beam using carbon fiber sheets subjected to combined axial and bending load was experimentally evaluated. The carbon fiber sheets were wrapped around the middle of the specimens, and axial and bending load were applied simultaneously to the beams. The magnitude of the axial force and the effects of carbon fiber sheet reinforcement on the deformed shape, bending strength, deflection, and ductility of the RC beams were analyzed. The results show that as the applied axial force increased, the maximum bending strength increased, but the ductility decreased 64%. The bending strength of the strengthened beams increased up to 27%, the maximum deflection decreased around 8% and the ductility increased by up to 43%.

Inundation Pattern Analysis by Applying Flood Routing Model with Random Forest Regression (하도홍수추적 모형과 랜덤포레스트 회귀를 이용한 침수양상 분석)

  • Kim, Hyun Il;Kim, Byung Hyun;Han, Kun Yeun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.398-398
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    • 2020
  • 대도시 상류부에 위치한 댐의 과도한 방류 또는 급작스러운 붕괴는 대규모의 인명 또는 재산피해를 야기할 수 있으며, 다양한 댐 유입량 조건에 따른 침수양상을 파악하는 것은 수재해 대응능력 향상에 필수적이다. 그러나 다양한 과다한 댐 방류 또는 붕괴유량에 따른 침수 범위는 도시의 내수침수와 달리 매우 넓은 지형조건을 고려하며 침수 범위가 광범위하게 나타날 수 있다. 이는 다양한 댐 유입량 조건에 따른 침수 지도를 생성 및 파악하는데 어려움을 가중시키며, 특히 댐 운영에 따른 침수양상을 실시간으로 파악하는데 어려움을 가중시킨다. 본 연구에서는 저빈도부터 PMF(Probable Maximum Flood) 조건까지의 다양한 댐 유입량자료를 바탕으로, 1차원 하천홍수해석을 실시하였다. 연구 대상으로 팔당댐에 대한 댐 해석을 실시하였으며, 팔당댐 하류에 위치한 서울시에 대한 영향을 분석하였다. 1차원 해석 결과로 산정되는 각하도 단면 별 홍수위자료와 GIS을 연계하여 다양한 발생빈도를 나타내는 유입량에 대한 침수지도를 생성하였으며, 기존에 제시된 발생빈도에 따른 침수지도 외에 임의 빈도의 침수지도를 실시간으로 생성할 수 있는 랜덤포레스트 회귀 모형을 구축하였다. 위의 과정들을 통해 다양한 유입량 조건에 따른 연구대상 지역에서의 침수예상도를 분석할 수 있었으며, 서울시 전반적으로 나타날 수 있는 침수심의 공간적 분포를 파악할 수 있었다. 주어진 침수 지도를 이용하여 서울시에 대한 인구 및 건축물의 경제적 가치 자료를 이용하여 추가적인 홍수 위험도 분석이 가능할 것으로 보이며, 임의 빈도에 대하여 실시간으로 침수를 예측할 수 있는 랜덤포레스트와 연계할 수 있다. 제시된 방법론은 댐의 과다한 방류량과 붕괴 현상을 재현하며, 도시의 수재해 대응능력 향상을 위한 기초자료를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 보인다.

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A Study on the Feng Shui Environment of Simgok Seowon (심곡서원의 풍수 환경연구)

  • Duck-Soo Choi;Jeong-Hae Park
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2023
  • Simgok Seowon was established to honor Jo Gwang-jo, who is a scholar and politician in the mid-Joseon period. It is located in a propitious site based on Feng Shui. Its Jusan is Mugokeumseongchae(武曲金星體) with Wonhwahyul(圓窩穴), and its Ansan is Tamrangmokseongchae(貪狼木星體). It is a Jehyang(祭享)-centered Seowon that sets a Jehyang place in Hyeolcheo. Around the Sadang(祠堂), the Four gods including Jwacheongryong(左靑龍) Woobackho(右白虎), Jujak(朱雀), and Hyeonmu(玄武) protect the Hyeolcheo(穴處) well. It is a typical central axis symmetrical spatial arrangement where everything is located centered on Sawoo(祠宇). It is a type of Jeonhakhumyo(前學後廟) that arranges the main hall at the front of buildings and places the Sadang that is a Jehyang place at the back of Sadang. To the left side of the Sadang, Yeonji(蓮池) was created by applying the principles of Cheonwonjibang(天圓地方), which serves as Yusik(遊息) area with functions to adjust microclimate and to extinguish fires. Feng Shui plays an important role when determining orientation, direction, and location of the buildings. Therefore, it could be regarded as realizing the aesthetic spirit of Cheoninhabil(天人合一) to compose the Feng Shui-oriented spatial arrangement by recognizing accurately the relationship between nature and human being depending on topography, wind, water flow, and point of the compass.

Comparison of wind data for review of take-off and landing directions of UAM port (UAM Port의 이·착륙 방향 검토를 위한 바람 자료 비교)

  • Jaewoo Park;GeonHwan Park;HyeJin Hong;SungKwan Ku
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.393-403
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    • 2022
  • Various studies suggest that the initial operating form of UAM, which is being presented as a solution to the urban traffic problem, will be similar to VTOL aircraft among current aircraft. In a form similar to determining the direction of the runway where fixed-wing aircraft take off and land, the vertiport where take-off and landing of VTOL aircraft takes place determines the flight direction of departure and arrival in consideration of the direction of the wind. Unlike areas where airports are generally built, in the case of downtown areas, it is expected that the characteristics of wind may continuously change depending on the environment of changing terrain or obstacles such as the construction of new buildings. In this study, long-term actual observation data for reviewing the take-off and landing directions at the city center where the location of the vertiport is expected are compared using a wind speed map, and the characteristics of the ground wind and the possibility of change in the direction of the predominant wind depending on the observation period and observation location confirmed.

The Improvement of Real-time Updating Methods of the National Base Map Using Building Layout Drawing (건물배치도를 이용한 국가기본도 수시수정 방법 개선)

  • Shin, Chang Soo;Park, Moon Jae;Choi, Yun Soo;Baek, kyu Yeong;Kim, Jaemyeong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2018
  • The National Base Map construction consists of the regular correction work of dividing the whole country into two regions and carrying out the modification Plotting by aerial photographs every two years as well as the real time updating work of correcting the major change feature within two weeks by the field survey and the As-Built Drawing. In the case of the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS) used for real time updating work of the National base map, the coordinate transformation error is included in the positional error when applied to the National Base Map based on the World Geodetic Reference System as the coordinate system based on the Regional Geodetic Reference System. In addition, National Base Map is registered based on the outline(eaves line) of the building in the Digital Topographic Map, and the Cadastral and Architecture are registered based on the building center line. Therefore, the Building Object management standard is inconsistent. In order to investigate the improvement method, the network RTK survey was conducted directly on a location of the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS) and the problems were analyzed by comparing with the plane plotting position reference in National Base Map. In the case of the general structure with the difference on the Building center line and the eaves line, beside the location information was different also the difference in the ratio of the building object was different between Building center line and the eave. In conclusion, it is necessary to provide the Base data of the double layer of the Building center line and the outline of the building(eaves line) in order to utilize the Building Layout Drawing of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System(KRAS). In addition, it is necessary to study an organic map update process that can acquire the up-to-dateness and the accuracy at the same time.

A reevaluation of the castles and palaces of Goryeo Gangdo (江都) using GIS (고려 강도(江都)의 성곽과 궁궐 재고찰)

  • KANG, Dongseok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.174-191
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    • 2021
  • Gangdo (江都), a reproduction of Gaegyeong, was the capital of Goryeo for 39 years. However, due to the urgent wartime situation of the Mongol invasion and the geographical features of Ganghwa Island, the castle system and palace layout were somewhat different from those of Gaegyeong. Gangdo's castle can be understood as a triple castle system consisting of outer castle, middle castle, and inner castle. First, the outer castle was the first to be completed, and it was built at the forefront to prevent the Mongol army from invading in the first place. It is presumed that the section was between Huamdon and Hwadodon in the outer castle during the Joseon Dynasty. The middle castle can be seen as the present 'Middle Castle', a castle built of earth on the outskirts of the Ganghwa-mountain Castle. Considering the sophistication and robustness of the construction method confirmed in the archaeological research, this castle is thought to have been built under a meticulous plan. In other words, as the capital city, it was completed 'at last' as recorded in the Koryo History, after a long 18-year construction process to protect palaces, government offices, and private houses. The inner castle was a castle with the character of a palace. This corresponds to the Old Castle of Ganghwabu (江華府) during the Joseon Dynasty, and it almost coincided with the scale of the composition of Gaegyeong's palace castle. It was a complex functional space, featuring the integration of the palace and the imperial castle, where the main government offices and ancillary facilities, including the palace, were located. Based on the documentary record that these palaces were similar to Gaegyeong's palace, the palace map was overlapped with that of Gaegyeong. The central axis of the building from Seungpyeongmun (昇平門) to Seongyeongjeon (宣慶殿) coincided with Kim Sangyongsunjeol Monument in Ganghwa- Goryeo Palace. Therefore, it seems that the palace of Gangdo had the same basic structure as that of Gaegyeong. However, the inner palace and annexed buildings must have been arranged in consideration of the topographical conditions of Ganghwa, and this is estimated to be the Gunggol area in Gwancheong-ri.

A Study on the Construction Characteristics of Folk Houses Designated as Cultural Heritage in Jeolla-do Province (전라도 지역 문화재 지정 민가정원의 현황 및 조영특성)

  • Jin, Min-Ryeong;Jeong, Myeong-Seok;Sim, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Hye-Suk;Lee, Kyung-Mi;Jin, Hye-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2020
  • For the purpose of recording Folk House Garden, this study was to review the historical value, location, space composition, Placememnt of the Building, garden composition, and management status of Folk House Garden designated as a cultural asset in Jeolla-do and to promote continuous maintenance and preservation in the future and enhance its value. The results of the study are as follows. First, most of them have been influenced by the trend of the times, such as the creation of a modern private garden and the spread of agricultural and commercial development through the garden components influenced by the royal, Japanese, and Western styles. Second, there are differences in the spatial composition of private households and the way they handle sponsorship, depending on the geographical location. When the geographical features were divided into flat and sloping areas, private houses located on flat land were divided into walls, walls were placed around the support area, and flower systems and stone blocks were created. The private houses located on the slope were divided into two to three tiers of space, and the wooden plant, flower bed, and stone bed were naturally connected to the background forest without creating a wall at the rear hill. Third, the size of the house and the elements of the garden have been partially destroyed, damaged, and changed, and if there is a lack of records of the change process, there is a limit to the drawing floor plan. There were many buildings and garden components that were lost or damaged due to changes in the trend and demand of the times, and some of them without records had to rely on the memory of owners and managers. Fourth, the species in Warm Temperate Zone, which reflects the climatic characteristics of Jeolla-do, was produced, and many of the exotic species, not traditional ones, were introduced. Fifth, fine-grained tree management standards are needed to prepare for changes in spatial function and plant species considering modern convenience.

Distribution, Preservation Characteristics of Land and River Natural Aggregates in Nonsan City, Korea (논산시 하천 및 육상 골재 자원의 부존 현황과 특성)

  • Hyun Ho Yoon;Sei Sun Hong;Min Han;Jin-Young Lee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.143-159
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    • 2024
  • Natural aggregate is an essential resource for human activities, closely related to construction. The aggregate demand has been increasing annually, and due to the nature of the resource, it is difficult to procure from distant locations. This study identifies the distribution and characteristics of aggregate-bearing areas as part of a municipal-level aggregate resource survey conducted in Nonsan City, Korea, in 2023. Nonsan City is located approximately 35 km straight distance from the Geum River estuary and lies at the passageway of the main stream of the Geum River. The topography of Nonsan City features eastern mountainous areas and western plains, creating an east-high-west-low geomorphic setting, with 33 streams distributed across the city, including tributaries of the Geum River like Nonsan Stream, Noseong Stream, and Ganggyeong Stream. All streams originate from the highlands in the north and east, converge with Nonsan Stream, and then join the west bank of the main stream of the Geum River at the western boundary of Nonsan City. Drilling core results show shallow depths in the highlands to the north and east, deepening towards the west, reaching a maximum depth of 25 m near the main stream of the Geum River. The total reserve of land aggregates is calculated to be 246,789,000 m3, with a developable amount of 172,750,000 m3. The total reserve of river aggregates is 5,236,000 m3, with a developable amount of 3,765,000 m3. The distribution of aggregates varies according to the geomorphic, geologic, and development pattern of the river system. Reserves are scarce in mountainous areas but are abundant in regions with rivers and wide alluvial plains, although reserves appear at depths greater than 4m. The distribution of aggregate resources in Nonsan City is influenced by stream activities and sea level changes, with the tidal range of the Yellow Sea acting as an unfavorable condition for the preservation of aggregate resources.