• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지질특성화

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Standard Procedures and Field Application Case of Constant Pressure Injection Test for Evaluating Hydrogeological Characteristics in Deep Fractured Rock Aquifer (고심도 균열암반대수층 수리지질특성 평가를 위한 정압주입시험 조사절차 및 현장적용사례 연구)

  • Hangbok Lee;Chan Park;Eui-Seob Park;Yong-Bok Jung;Dae-Sung Cheon;SeongHo Bae;Hyung-Mok Kim;Ki Seog Kim
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.348-372
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    • 2023
  • In relation to the high-level radioactive waste disposal project in deep fractured rock aquifer environments, it is essential to evaluate hydrogeological characteristics for evaluating the suitability of the site and operational stability. Such subsurface hydrogeological data is obtained through in-situ tests using boreholes excavated at the target site. The accuracy and reliability of the investigation results are directly related to the selection of appropriate test methods, the performance of the investigation system, standardization of the investigation procedure. In this report, we introduce the detailed procedures for the representative test method, the constant pressure injection test (CPIT), which is used to determine the key hydrogeological parameters of the subsurface fractured rock aquifer, namely hydraulic conductivity and storativity. This report further refines the standard test method suggested by the KSRM in 2022 and includes practical field application case conducted in volcanic rock aquifers where this investigation procedure has been applied.

Analysis of Geological Risk and Excavation Index using GIS Techinque (지질 피해예상 및 절취 난이도분석을 위한 GIS응용 연구)

  • 김윤종;김원영;유이현;이사로;민경덕
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 1994
  • Two thematic maps on environmental geology were produced in the Cheong-Ju area, with aids of GIS technique. They are landslide hazards & risk maps and cut-fill maps. The models of environmental geology map and digital database were established for creation of these maps by means of cartographic simulation in GIS. These special maps are very important for understanding the environmental characteristics of the study area, and can be applied in the establishment of the regional land use planning. For instance, the landslide hazard and risk map can play very important role in the road design, and cut- fill map in the construction work in the area. The scoring system for landslide analysis was developed through the evaluation of each environmental geologic factor in relation to the others and reflects the relative imporatance of each factor. The excavation index(easy, intermediate and difficult) was evaluated through cut-fill analysis, and they can be very useftil for assessing the degree of excavation difficulty.

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The Study on the Development of Geological and Geomorphological Land-scape Resources to Promote Tourism Geology-A Case Study in the Naejangsan National Park (관광지질학 활성화를 위한 지질 및 지형경관자원 개발에 관한 연구 - 내장산 국립공원을 중심으로)

  • Heo Chul Ho;Kim Seong Yong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.38 no.3 s.172
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    • pp.355-367
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    • 2005
  • In Korea, it is reported that the study about tourism geology, which is a new branch af applied geology that would support the growth of ecotourism world-wide, is significantly deficient. The objectives of this study include (1) the promotion in geodiversity of tourism geology using the data for type and distribution patterns of geological and geomorphological landscapes resources, and (2) the redoubling of diversity in environmental interpretation programs offerend by National Parks Authority (NPA). According to this research results, 62 geological and geomorphological landscape resources in Naejangsan national park were observed. Weathering topography is the most discovered type followed by river, mountain and tectonic topography in decreasing order. It is thought that the above-mentioned data can be utilized to sort and filter by the discussion through consortium organized by geologist and geomorphologist. Furthermore, in order to promote the activation of developing user-oriented geotourism sites, the monitoring on demographical characteristics of geotourists, behaviora characteristics of geotourists within geotourism site, and the analysis for developing geotourism program and events should be accompanied. And, the support of geological engineering dealing the estimation of weathering degree and development of conservation techniques for the object of geotourism will improve the activation of tourism geology.

Data Fusion of Mineral Exploration Data Sets and Its Application Using Fuzzy Set Theory (광물자원탐사 자료에 대한 데이터 통합과 그 응용사례)

  • Sungwon Choi
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.537-544
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    • 1999
  • In mineral exploration, there are many data sets which need to be created, processed and analyzed in order to discover a favorable mineralized zone. Recently, with Geographic Information System (GIS), such exploration data sets have been able to be systematically stored and effectively processed using computer technologies. In this study, most exploration data sets were first digitized and then rasterized. Furthermore, they were integrated together by using fuzzy set theory to provide a possibility map toward a target hypothesis. Our target hypothesis is "there is a skarn magnetite deposit in this study" and all fuzzy membership functions were made with respect to the target hypothesis. Test area is extended from 37:00N/l28:30E to 37:20N/I28:45E, approximately 20 km by 40 km. This area is a part of Taebaeksan mineralized areas, where the Sinyemi mine, a skarn magnetite deposit, is located. In final resultant map, high potential or possibility area coincides with the location of the Shinyemi mine. In this regard, we conclude the fuzzy set theory can be effectively applied to this study and provides an excellent example to define potential area for further mineral exploration.

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Understanding Purposes and Functions of Students' Drawing while on Geological Field Trips and during Modeling-Based Learning Cycle (야외지질답사 및 모델링 기반 순환 학습에서 학생들이 그린 그림의 목적과 기능에 대한 이해)

  • Choi, Yoon-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.88-101
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine the meaning of students' drawings in outdoor classes and modeling-based learning cycles. Ten students were observed in a gifted education center in Seoul. Under the theme of the Hantan River, three outdoor classes and three modeling activities were conducted. Data were collected to document all student activities during field trips and classroom modeling activities using simultaneous video and audio recording and observation notes made by the researcher and students. Please note it is unclear what this citation refers to. If it is the previous sentence it should be placed within that sentence's punctuation. Hatisaru (2020) Ddrawing typess were classified by modifying the representations in a learning context in geological field trips. We used deductive content analysis to describe the drawing characteristics, including students writing. The results suggest that students have symbolic images that consist of geologic concepts, visual images that describe topographical features, and affective images that express students' emotion domains. The characteristics were classified into explanation, generality, elaboration, evidence, coherence, and state-of-mind. The characteristics and drawing types are consecutive in the modeling-based learning cycle and reflect the students' positive attitude and cognitive scientific domain. Drawing is a useful tool for reflecting students' thoughts and opinions in both outdoor class and classroom modeling activities. This study provides implications for emphasizing the importance of drawing activities.

A Study on the Development of Geological and Geomorphological Landscape Resources to Promote Tourism Geology: A Case Study in Taean Seashore National Park (관광지질학 활성화를 위한 지질 및 지형경관자원 개발에 관한 연구 - 태안해안국립공원을 중심으로)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho;Choi, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2007
  • In Korea, it is significantly deficient in the study about tourism geology, which is a new branch of applied geology that would support the growth of ecotourism world-wide. The objectives of this study include (1) the promotion in geodiversity of tourism geology using the data for type and distribution patterns of geological and geomorphological landscape resources and (2) the redoubling of diversity in the environmental interpretation programs offered by the Korea National Parks Service (KNPS). Our field study discovered 212 geological and geomorphological landscape resources distributed in the area of Taean seashore national park. Coastal topography is the most discovered type followed by weathering topography. It is our belief that the aforementioned resources can be utilized as a tourism geological site in assisting the public to understand geological science and to draw their attention and interests after sorting and filtering it out through discussions with geologists and geomorphologists of a consortium. Furthermore, in order to promote the activation of developing user-oriented geotourism sites, it is recommended to keep monitoring on demographical characteristics of geotourists, behavioral characteristics of geotouconrists within the geotourism site and ducting analysis for developing geotourism program and events. And, the research support of geological engineering dealing with the estimation of weathering degree and the development of conservation techniques for the object of geotourism along with the research of environmental science aspects will improve the activation of tourism geology.

Development of a GB-SAR (II) : Focusing Algorithms (GB-SAR의 개발 (II) : 영상화 기법)

  • Lee, Hoon-Yol;Sung, Nak-Hoon;Kim, Jung-Ho;Cho, Seong-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2007
  • In this paper we introduced GB-SAR focusing algorithms for image formation and suggested an optimized solution. We compared the characteristics, advantages, and limitations of the Deramp-FFT (DF) algorithm and the Range-Doppler (RD) algorithm in terms of their image formation principles, memory usage and processing time. We found that DF algorithm is efficient in memory and processing time but can not focus the near range. The RD algorithm can focus the entire range but, considering the refinement on the rail length, it has much redundancy in memory and processing time. In conclusion, we optimized the GB-SAR focusing by using the DF algorithm for a far-range case and the RD algorithm for a near-range case separately.

Engineering Geological Properties of Mudstone and Shale (이암과 셰일의 지질공학적 특성)

  • 박형동
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.11b
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    • pp.18-30
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    • 2002
  • 이암 및 셰일은 점토를 함유하고 있어 풍화작용을 받을 경우 공학적 성질이 급격히 변화하여 강도 저하, 내구성저하현상 및 토사와 유사한 거동을 보이는 등 토목공사에 위험한 요소가 되고 있다. 풍화된 시료엔 대한 실험용 시료 가공이 어렵고 적용 가능한 실험법이 적어 공학적 특성이나 거동을 정량적으로 파악하는 기법이 다른 암종에 비해 극히 제한된다. 현재까지 강도측정과 같은 일반적인 물성의 단순측정보다는 내구성을 분석하는 슬레이킹 내구성 시험 (Slake durability test), Modified Jar test, 팽창율 측정시험 (Swelling test) 등의 정량화 시험법이 주로 사용되고 있으며 국내 현장에서도 적용을 권장할 수 있다. 이러한 실험치의 해석에서 단일 실험치 (예: 팽창율)만으로 지질공학적 특성을 파악하는 경우 잘못된 판단을 할 수도 있으므로, X선 회절분석시험 (XRD: X-Ray Diffraction Test), TG-DTA분석, 주사전자현미경 (SEM: Scanning Electron Microscope) 이미지 분석, 투수계수 측정실험 등도 함께 수행하여 실험결과를 종합적으로 해석하는 것이 바람직하다.

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A study on the variation of rock properties of weathered granites (화강암의 풍화현상에 수반되는 물성변화의 특성)

  • 김영화;장보안
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 1992
  • Granite core samples and bulk samples were first subjected to petrographic examination to determine weathering degrees. Secondly, their physical or mechanical properties including specific gravity, porosity, sonic wave velocity and uniaxial compressive strength were measured. The results were correlated to investigate the influences between properties including physical and mechanical properties, weathering degrees, and rock textures. Porosity and P wave velocity were found the most useful indices in determining the weathering degrees of granites.

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A Study on Geological Factors Affecting Behavior of Sedimentary Rock Tunnel Using Quantification Method Type I (수량화방법 I을 이용한 퇴적암 터널의 지질 인자별 변위 영향도 분석)

  • Yim, Sung-Bin;Seo, Yong-Seok;Kim, Chang-Yong;Kim, Kwang-Yoem
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.2 s.52
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2007
  • Tunnel behavior measured by monitoring during construction is a main item for safety evaluation and it depends widely upon local geological characteristics. To assess in this study how much the geological factors influence on tunnel behavior for each RMR factor, a quantification analysis was carried out using tunnel face maps and measurements as explanatory variables and dependent variables, respectively. The results showed that average significance of the influence of RMR factors - R1, R2, R3, R4 and R5, on tunnel displacements are 17.0%, 20.4%, 20.4%, 11.6% and 30.6%, respectively, and this probably indicates that the groundwater condition played a significant role for the tunnel displacement.