• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역지리교육

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An Analysis on the Level of Achievement in Geography Based on NAEP in the United States (NAEP 문항 반응에 기초한 미국 학생들의 지리 성취수준 분석)

  • Park, Sun-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.474-487
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    • 2005
  • This paper aims to provide empirical evidence required to describe the level of achievement by analyzing students' item response in NAEP implemented in the United States in 2001. The geography assessment in the NAEP is aimed to test students of 4th, 8th, and 12th grades, and consists of content dimension and cognitive dimension, The former includes 'space and place' 'environment and society' and 'spatial dynamics and connections,' and the latter includes 'knowing' 'understanding' and 'applying,' The level of achievement is defined as three levels for each grade: Basic, Proficient, and Advanced. In this paper, descriptions of achievement is derived inductively from an analysis of student's responses to the items which were selected by using item-mapping method. As a result, there is a great difference between the level of achievement derived empirically from students' response and the level of achievement designed principally suggested by the expert committee. The former could have a contribution to the improvement in geography curriculum.

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Granite Landforms in the Vicinity of Seungil-gyo Bridge at Cheorwon, Central Korea (철원군 승일교 인근의 화강암 지형 경관)

  • LEE, Min-Boo;HAN, Joo-Yup;KIM, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated granite landforms formed by Hantan-gang fluvial erosion and deposition, or by weathering in the area neighboring the Seungil-gyo bridge in Cheorwon-gun Gangwon-do Korea, in which the contact zone of Myeongseongsan granite and Cheorwon lava plateau creates a unique landform. Major granite landforms are deeply weathered hill, sheet erosional landform, paleo-landform surface and paleosoil, micro-fluvial landforms such as pothole and groove, granite rampart, sand bar and boulder bar, former riverbed. And river cliffs on a weakly weathered dome act as a barrier to lateral shifting of the river.

Formative Age and Process on Basalt of Lava Plateau in the Cheolwon and Yeoncheon Areas, Central Korea (철원 및 연천 지역 용암대지 현무암의 형성 시기 및 형성 과정)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Seong, Yeong Bae;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2020
  • The Cheolwon-Pyeonggang Lava Plateau on the Chugaryeong tectonic valley is one of the most extensive volcanic areas in central Korea. However, formative age and process of the plateau still remains a controversial issue. This study presented OSL ages on the upper and lower sedimentary layers of basalt from four sites in the Cheolwon and Yeoncheon areas and estimated age and process of plateau formation based on sedimentary- and chrono-stratigraphy and topographic analysis. The results suggested that most of the initial topography of the plateau on the Cheolwon and Yeoncheon areas had been almost completed before approximately 90 ka. However, the last lava flow around Jangheung-ri, Cheolwon, seemed to occur until 20-30 ka and had led to complete the present plateau, while the last lava flow in the Jeongok area, Yeoncheon, was estimated to occur at approximately 40 ka.

The Spatial Disparity of Opportunity Potentials in Korea (한국 도시의 경제 $\cdot$ 문화 $\cdot$ 사회 복지적 기회 잠재력의 지역적 격차)

  • Choi, Yoon-Jeong;Lee, Keumsook
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 2005
  • The assessment (or the evaluation) of spatial disparity is the main concern for the study of spatial disparities or spatial inequalities. In order to evaluate the spatial disparity, the regional differences have to be counted quantitatively. Several measurements have been introduced for evaluating the development potentials of each region. Most of them are the composite indices of the socio-economic variables rather than the real potentials of the region. This study attempts to investigate the spatial disparity in Korea. For the purpose, the levels of opportunity potentials of the cities have been calculated by the Potential Model redefined by Lee(1995). The opportunity potentials have been calculated for the educational, cultural, medical service, environmental sectors, income, and consumption sectors, and the spatial patterns of various opportunity potentials have been analyzed. The spatial patterns of opportunity potentials show the severe concentration on the Metropolitan Seoul area through all sectors. The next level concentration appears at the other end of the Keuyng-Bu axis. And the cities relatively high opportunity potential values are distributed along the Keuyng-Bu axis. Remain parts of the country show quietly low opportunity potential values. In particular, the southern-west and the northern-east parts show relatively very low values. This pattern appears for all sectors except for the opportunity potential of the environmental sector. It means that the spatial disparity in Korea have been promoted and enhanced by the national development policies concentrated the investment on the large cities along the Keuyng-Bu axis during the last 40 years.

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전북 남원 일대의 야외지질 학습자료 개발

  • Jo, Gyu-Seong;Jeong, Deok-Ho;Park, Gyeong-Jin;Jang, Hyeon-Geun
    • 한국지구과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.04a
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    • pp.66-66
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    • 2010
  • 야외지질학습은 교실에서 경험할 수 없는 물질과 현상을 관찰하고 직접 경험할 수 있는 기회를 제공받을 수 있어서 매우 중요하다(Orion 1989). 또한 체험활동으로서 교실에서 학습한 내용의 구체적인 예를 제공하여 교육과정을 촉진시키는데 중요한 요소로 인식되고 있다. 일반적으로 야외 활동은 교실 활동보다 학생들의 경험과 훨씬 더 밀접히 관련되어 있기 때문에 보다 의미가 있을 수 있다. 야외실습 중에서 얻은 경험은 학생들이 그가 관찰한 것에 대해 읽도록 동기화시키고, 교과서와 자연조건에서의 실제적 경험 사이의 차이를 연결해 주는 다리를 제공해 줄 수 있다(홍정수, 장남기, 1997). 야외학습을 위한 적절한 장소는 먼저 학습주제나 목표와 부합되는 곳이어야 하며, 지리적으로 가깝고 안전한 곳이어야 한다(김찬종, 2008). 그렇기 때문에 각 지역별로 학습주제와 부합된 지역을 선정하여 야외지질 학습자료를 개발하는 것은 무엇보다 중요하다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 전북 남원 일대를 중심으로 한 야외지질 학습자료를 개발하는데 그 목적이 있다. 전북 남원지역은 한반도의 중요지괴에 해당하는 영남육괴 지리산지구에 해당하며 편마암 복합체를 기저로 이를 관입하는 수 차례의 화성활동과 지구조운동으로 복잡한 지질양상을 보인다. 또한 지리산 지역은 평안분지와 경상분지의 일부가 보존되어 있고 지질시대를 달리하는 각종 화성암류가 골고루 분포하여 각 지질시대별로 화성활동과 지구조 운동이 활발했음을 시사해준다. 본 연구에서는 남원 지역의 지질학적 특징을 관찰하기 용이한 지역을 대상으로 총 5곳을 선정하였다. 남원 시내에 소재한 춘향대교 아래 지역은 중생대 쥐라기에 관입한 저반상의 남원화강암과 페그마타이트가 다수 분포하는 곳이다. 이 지역에서는 무수히 많은 관입암체를 찾을 수 있는데 다수의 지진과 지각변동이 있었음을 알 수 있다. 두 번째 장소는 다양한 바위들을 관찰할 수 있는 구룡계곡 일대이다. 이 장소는 오랜기간 동안 물의 흐름에 의해 풍화와 침식을 받은 다양한 크기의 바위를 관찰하고 구별함으로써 풍화에 따른 원마도의 관계, 바위들의 배치 형태를 통해 고지형 및 고수류의 방향을 유추해 볼 수 있다. 남원에서 장수 방향에 위치한 만행산 주변에는 흑운모편마암에 우세한데, 이 지역에서는 흑운모편마암에 나타나는 변성구조로 볼 때 높은 열과 압력을 받은 광역변성작용을 받는 것으로 판단된다. 또한 관입암체 내에 다양한 맥들이 관입을 해와 이를 통해 관입암체들의 상대연령을 판단해보는 학습자료로 활용될 수 있다. 네 번째 장소는 남원시 인월면 인풍리 소재의 인월 피바위 지역이다. 이 지역에서는 압쇄상 화강암이 주로 관찰되는데 이는 기원암인 반상화강암이 동력변성작용을 받아 생성된 것이다. 다섯 번째 지역은 지리산 내의 뱀사골로 지리산 인근에 분포하는 대표적인 편마암인 반상변정질 편마암을 관찰할 수 있다. 변정이란 변성작용을 받는 동안 형성되는 것으로 변성작용을 받는 동안 생긴 것도 있으나 경우에 따라 생성당시 원래 모암속에 포함되어 있는 반정들도 있다.

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A Geographical Study of Korean Ethnic Schools in Bukkando (북간도지역(北間島地域) 민족학교(民族學校)에 관(關)한 지리학적(地理學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Jin, Shizhu
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.590-603
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    • 2009
  • This report studies what connections was between Ethnic education movement in Bukkando and natural and human knowledge environment as a way to complement total absence of studying Anti-Japanese Movement at the Geographic levels. The summary is as following: At first, the Korean villages, where almost all spread the national schools, so there was a very close relationship. Both from a Longjing as the central plain area to the proliferation of surrounding areas. Second, schools that was adjacent to trunk road were given a great deal of weight on the connection with traffic. After that, however, it decreased gradually. Third, the national schools suffered the dual intervention from China and Japan, experienced a difficult development process. the schools which built by Japan were spreaded areas where concentrate the schools which built by Japan were spreaded areas where concentrated many national schools, both have a close relationship. before 3.13 movement, the distribution of schools that established by the Chinese mainly spreaded the areas concentrated national schools. But, after the 3.13 movement, it appeared a tendency to spread to the Korean people area where relatively dwelled a few people.

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Spatical Variations of Financial Devolution in Primary Schools (초등학교의 자치위임(재정)에 관한 공간적 연구)

  • 배미애
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.517-529
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    • 1999
  • 영국과 같은 서구 복지국가들은 최근 공공복지분야에서 많은 변화를 경험하고 있다. 특히 ‘신관리주의’에 근거한 ‘자치위임(devolution)’은 변화하는 복지국가의 중요한 특징 중의 하나이다. 영국에서 자치위임은 교육분야에서 가장 잘 진행되고 있다. 1988년의 교육법 개정 이후 영국의 초등학교들은 이전에 가지지 못했던 자치권을 지역관할교육청(LEA)으로부터 위임받았다. 특히 LEA로 부터의 학교재정에 관한 자치위임은 매우 중요하게 인식되고 있다. 지리적인 관점에서 이와 같은 공공복지분야에서의 변화들이 공간적으로 불균등하게 진행되고 있다는 점을 인식하는 것은 매우 중요하며 ‘자치위임’의 공간적 특성도 예외는 아니다. 본 연구를 통하여 영국 남부 사우스햄톤시의 초등학교의 자치위임은 지역적으로 매우 불균등하게 진행되고 있다는 것을 알 수 있으며 특히 이러한 불균등한 진행은 지역의 사회경제적 특성에 의해 크게 영향받고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

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Policy Diagnoses and Prescriptions of Crisis on Industrial Regions in the Republic of Korea (한국 산업위기지역에 대한 정책적 진단과 처방)

  • Jung, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.237-245
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this article is to introduce articles of the special issue on 'Revitalization Conditions on Crisis on Industrial Regions: Experience from Europe and the Republic of Korea, and to explore policy alternatives to crisis on industrial regions on the basis of policy diagnoses and prescriptions. In the existing research, diagnoses of such Korean regions are quantitatively focused upon industry, employment, plant, consumption, investment, real estate, and labour market, and are qualitatively based upon external environment and functional, structural and spatial characteristics. Prescriptions of such regions emphasize the establishment of a law and an institutional fix, financial supports, jobs' creation, industrial diversification, the intensification of urban foundation throughout the urban revitalizaion. In the policy development for these regions, it is required to link the industrial sector to social, educational, political and welfare sectors, and furthermore the collaboration of inter- and intra-ministry and the active participation of provincial and local governments are needed.

Citizenship in the Age of Glocalization and Its Implication for Geography Education (글로컬 시대의 시민성과 지리교육의 방향)

  • Cho, Chul-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.618-630
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    • 2015
  • This study is to try to find citizenship needed in the age of glocalization and its implication for geography education. With formation of nation-state after modern, the rights and duties are applied to members of a state in a given territory. But Although states grant de jure citizenship, identity as a citizen is increasingly seen as something that is gained beyond and below the state. Citizenship might be conceived as relational rather than absolute, something that is constituted by its connections or network with different people and places rather than something defined by the borders of the nation-state. New space of citizenship has multiple dimension, and is fluid, mobile, multidimensional, transnational, negotiative. Citizenship operates in an increasingly complex web of overlapping spaces, and is reconceptualized as multiple citizenship based on multiscale. Citizenship should now be thought of as multi-level, reflecting individuals simultaneous membership of political communities at a variety of spatial scales and perhaps of non-territorial social groups. Thus, Citizenship education through geography should focus more on interconnected and layered multiple citizenship than bounded national citizenship.

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Regional Geography in Education and the Learning Theories (地域地理 敎育의 內容 構成과 學習 理論의 照應)

  • Kwon, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.511-520
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    • 1997
  • As the spatial analysis paradigm was established in the discipline during the 1960s, the regional geography became regrded as a nonscientific enterprise. However, school geography has remained an old fashioned regional paradigm. Since then, regional framework which characterized geography curricula in education has been attacked and replaced by more scientific and systematic content. But recently, globalization and localization has rapidly transformed the everyday life of ordinary people. This social change requires regional awareness in school. The purpose of this study is to find relevant learning theories for geography in deucation and to suggest principles of constructing content for regional geography. We must transform the logic of regional concepts into educational content with reference to the learning process. We must examine various propositions for the leaming process. According to the Atomic view of knowledge, the learning process is cumulative, but this can't be applied to sophisticated knowledge. In the Organic view, the learning process is regarded as gradual differentiation. But the learning process is reciprocal, and socially constructed. Applied to geography in education, this view regard "meaningful learning" as social interaction between student's private geographies and content based on public (or academic) geographies.

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