• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역의 구성

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Local Governance from the Perspective of Community Welfare: Focusing on 'Gwangju Greenway' as a Case (지역사회복지관점에서 로컬거버넌스 특성 분석: 광주 푸른길 사례를 중심으로)

  • Shim, Mi-Seung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2016
  • Community recently pays attention to participation, network, and partnership of local residents and community stakeholders for the purpose of solving community problems and issues. This is the typical characteristics of local governance as an institutional setting to solve the problems which communities face with. The aim of this study is to attempt an analysis of local governance from the perspective of community welfare. To do that, it especially focuses on 'Gwangju Greenway' as a case. Participation of and communications among local residents strengthen their community's capabilities to deal with problems and seek better solutions. Above all, networking and cooperation between local government and local residents are required to improve the quality of local residents' participation at the process of planning and policy-making in the area of community welfare. 'Gwangju Greenway' is a good example of community welfare in that local residents actively seek to solve their own problems and realize common good within their local community through the improvement of social interaction and solidarity among local residents, thus resulting in good quality of life.

A Study on the Use of Wintering Habitats of Water Birds Arriving at Coastal Wetlands in Jeollanam Province, Korea (전라남도 연안습지에 도래하는 수조류의 월동지 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Young-Bok;Jung, Sook-Hee;Yoo, Seung-Hwa;Kang, Tae-Han;Lee, Han-Soo;Paek, Woon-Kee;Choi, Chung-Gill;Kim, In-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to survey the population of water birds wintering at the seven coastal wetlands of Jeollanam province including Suncheon Bay and Yeongsan Lake, from 2000 through 2003. The 90 species and 857,570 individuals in total were sighted at the seven survey sites. We classified the wintering water birds into seventeen groups of taxa based on the similar ecological attributes, among which, eight groups were found to inhabit the water surface or riparian areas. Classified groups that showed higher rate of using bay areas than that of lake areas were in the order of waders, gulls and swans. On the other hand, the groups that showed higher rate of using lake areas than that of using bay areas were revealed in the order of dabbling ducks, grebes and geese. In conclusion, there was a difference in the pattern between the two classified groups. As a result of the UPGMA cluster analysis using CCs ($S{\varnothing}rensen'a$ index of similarity and Ro (Horn's index of community overlap), the results showed that Suncheon Bay had the most unique species formation out of the seven areas. Bay and lake areas were different from each other in the formation of species and Individuals. As a result of combining the index rank according to the maximum aggregate count, the Suncheon Bay is ranked the highest in importance of the habitats for water birds, followed by the order of Boseong-Deukryang Bay, Gangjin Bay, Gocehongam Lake, Geumho Lake, Yeomam Lake, and Yeongsan Lake. Considered overall, the importance of the bay areas was relatively higher than that of reclaimed lake areas.

An Energy Efficient Cluster-Based Local Multi-hop Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (무선 센서 네트워크를 위한 에너지 효율적인 클러스터 기반 지역 멀티홉 라우팅 프로토콜)

  • Kim, Kyung-Tae;Youn, Hee-Yong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.16C no.4
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    • pp.495-504
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    • 2009
  • Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consisting of a largenumber of sensors aims to gather data in a variety of environments and is beingused and applied in many different fields. The sensor nodes composing a sensornetwork operate on battery of limited power and as a result, high energyefficiency and long network lifetime are major goals of research in the WSN. Inthis paper we propose a novel cluster-based local multi-hop routing protocolthat enhances the overall energy efficiency and guarantees reliability in thesystem. The proposed protocol minimizes energy consumption for datatransmission among sensor nodes by forming a multi-hop in the cluster.Moreover, through local cluster head rotation scheme, it efficiently manageswaste of energy caused by frequent formation of clusters which was an issue inthe existing methods. Simulation results show that our scheme enhances energyefficiency and ensure longer network time in the sensor network as comparedwith existing schemes such as LEACH, LEACH-C and PEACH.

Addressing and Routing Method for Zigbee Network Expansion (Zigbee 기반 네트워크의 확장을 위한 어드레스 방식과 라우팅 방법)

  • Choi, Sung-Chul;Jeong, Woo-Jeong;Kim, Tae-Ho;Jeong, Kyu-Seuck;Kim, Jong-Heon;Lee, In-Sung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2009
  • Zigbee is a universal communication standard used in USN and is utilized in various applications. Zigbee protocol provides an address within a single PAN network, and at this time, it uses DAA. This is a method that divides a 16-bit address area into blocks with a fixed size according to the depth to assign one to each node. However, this method is limited because it has to assign addresses in 16 bits. As the depth increases, the number of nodes also increases exponentially to the maximal number of routers provided to each depth. Therefore, it is difficult to construct a huge network with numerous routers and large depth as in the places which are wide or have many shadow areas. Besides, since all the operations are performed in a single PAN network, it is hard to make several PANs into a single network. This article suggests new addressing and routing methods that can construct several PAN networks into a single network and combine broad area with less limitation in the number of routers and depth by extending the Zigbee-based network. Moreover, this paper has tested its performance and has verified its usability through substantive tests.

Electrical Resistivity Survey at the Ground with Micro-subsidence by Excessive Pumping of Groundwater (지하수 과잉양수에 따른 미세 지반변형 지역에서의 전기비저항 탐사)

  • Song Sung-Ho;Lee Kyu-Sang;Yong Hwan-Ho;Kim Jin-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2004
  • Because the minute displacement of ground accompanied by excessive pumping of groundwater at specified site is mainly generated from ill-balancing of water budget within groundwater basin, It is necessary to monitor the variation of micro-subsidence for a long time at representative points. We made up the conceptual model using two-dimensional electrical resistivity survey and three-dimensional soil profile consisted of loam and sand. In verifying the reliability of this conceptual model using numerical modeling for ground settlement and groundwater flowing, two-dimensional electrical resistivity survey with short distance of electrode following soil sampling with hand auger would be useful for interpreting hydrogeological structure related to the minute displacement of ground consisted of loam and sand.

Source Separation and Citizen's Recycling Activity of Solid Waste (생활쓰레기 분리수거와 재활용 활동에 관한 조사연구)

  • Chung, Jae-Chun;Lee, Mu-Choon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.299-315
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    • 1993
  • This study was performed to investigate the recycling activity of solid waste. Three study area were selected, which were Dobonggu in Seoul, Siheung City and Kimpogun. The amount of recycled out of the solid waste generated was between 0.02 kg per capita/day -0.10 kg per capita/day. The recovery rate of the waste paper was 42.7%, which was the highest, followed by glass bottles, cans and plastics. The waste paper was the most important item concerning its weight percentage and amount of sales. It comprised more than 60% in its weight and sales amount out of the total recycled item. Glass bottles placed the second. Amount of sale for the recycled item was less than 5 Won per capita/day, this is very low. The Recycling Drive Association, a private organization was mainly organized by public administrational basis and its activity was simply concentrated on the reclassification of the collected recyclables. Generally, citizen's participation and the member's satisifaction was low since there was no economic incentives. In this paper, some strategies were suggested and evaluated to increase citizen's recycling activity.

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Development of Measurement Standard Scale for Festival Basic Quality(BASICQUAL) (지역축제 기초품질(BASICQUAL) 척도 개발)

  • Maeng, Hae-Yeong;Jang, Hyeong-Yu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.108-126
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the basic scales of festival quality. We conducted a content analysis in the discourse of KINDS(Korea Integrated News Database System) and derived five constituent factors, basic quality measures of local festivals through the extensive literature review. We named these qualities "Festival BASICQUAL" that is consist of Infrastructure, Connectedness, Passion, Theme, Culture. We conducted the empirical analysis for the participants in "Geumsan Insam Festival" to verify the "Festival BASICQUAL" As the result, Infrastructure, Connectedness, Culture affected positively on Festival Attachment among all BASICQUALs. However, Passion and Theme did not positively affected on the dependent variable. And then, Festival Attachment positively affected on Festival Satisfaction, while Festival Satisfaction also affected positively on Behavior Intention. This study developed the basic quality concerned with local festivals which is crucial fundamentals to quantify Festival BASICQUAL through empirical study. The proper applications and usage of these newly introduced local festival qualities enable to acquire the sustainable competitive advantage in local festival.

Scenario-based Design and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Energy Supply System for Transportation Sector (도로운송부문용 에너지 공급 시스템 설계 및 경제성평가)

  • Han, Seulki;Kim, Jiyong
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to design energy supply systems from various energy sources for transportation sectors and comparatively analyze the life cycle cost of different scenario-based systems. For components of the proposed energy supply system, we consider a typical oil refinery, byproduct hydrogen system, renewable energy source (RES)-based electric generation system and existing electricity grid. We also include three types of vehicles in transportation sector such as internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV), electric vehicle (EV), fuel cell vehicle (FCV). We then develop various energy supply scenarios which consist of such components and evaluate the economic performance of different systems from the viewpoint of life cycle cost. Finally we illustrate the applicability of the proposed framework by conducting the design problem of energy supply systems of Jeju, Korea. As the results of life cycle cost analysis, EV fueled by electricity from grid is the most economically feasible. In addition, we identify key parameters to contribute the total life cycle cost such as fuel cost, vehicle cost, infra cost and maintenance cost using sensitivity analysis.

The Use of geographic information system for planning rural water rescources systems (농어촌지역의 수자원시스템 계획을 위한 지리정보 시스템의 활용)

  • 정하우;이정재;이남호;김성준;최진용
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 1995
  • Rural water resources systems may be largely constituted by two parts. One is rural water supply systems such as reservoirs, wells, pumping stations. The other is rural water demand systems which include municipal water, irrigation water, industrial water, livestocks water, inland fisheries water and envir¬onmental water in rural areas. planning to develop rural water resources systems is a very hard task because of their complicated factors and the large number of spatial data to investigate and manipulate. A Geographic Information SystemCGIS) will be a powerful and efficient tool to handle the spatial data and to plan the land use. All data can be efficiently maintained and easily updated. This paper refers to the construction of a GIS for planning rural water resources systems applied to Kokseong County, Cheonnam Province, Republic of Korea. The Geographic Informa¬tion was constituted by 4 layers of base map and 11 layers of thematic map.

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A Study of Land Suitability Analysis by Integrating GSIS with Artificial Neural Networks (GSIS와 인공신경망의 결합에 의한 토지적합성분석에 관한 연구)

  • 양옥진;정영동
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 2000
  • This study is tried to organic combination in implementing the suitability analysis of urban landuse between GSIS and ANN(Artificial Neural Network). ANN has merit that can decide rationally connectivity weights among neural network nodes through procedure of learning. It is estimated to be possible that replacing the weight among factors needed in spatial analysis of the connectivity weight on neural network. This study is composed of two kinds of neural networks to be executed. First neural network was used in the suitability analysis of landuse and second one was oriented to analyze of optimum landuse pattern. These neural networks were learned with back-propagation algorithm using the steepest gradient which is embodied by C++ program and used sigmoid function as a active function. Analysis results show landuse suitability map and optimum landuse pattern of study area consisted of residental, commercial. industrial and green zone in present zoning system. Each result map was written by the Grid format of Arc/Info. Also, suitability area presented in the suitability map and optimum landuse pattern show distribution pattern consistent with theroretical concept or urban landuse plan in aspect of location and space structure.

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