• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역사회 사회자본

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Nonlinear Dynamics between Economic Growth and Pollution (경제성장과 환경오염 간의 비선형동학 분석)

  • Kim, Ji Uk
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.405-423
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    • 2006
  • This paper develops theoretical model between economic growth and pollution as follows: First, emissions are generated from final good production process and technology accumulation. Second, pollution is directly connected with increase in final good production or in consumption, Third, no pollution abatement activity would be undertaken. Fourth, reproducible factors associated with labor and capital input are used in production function. We also test the existence of nonlinear Dynamics between economic growth and pollution using an exponential smooth transition autoregressive model(ESTAR). We find the presence of nonlinear dynamics between economic growth and pollution with a time series data for Seoul. This result shows indirectly that an inverted U relationship between air pollution and economic growth exists.

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A Study on the Sustainability Assessment of Ports using TBL (Triple Bottom Line) (TBL을 활용한 항만의 지속가능성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ho;Lee, Joo-ho;Jang, Hyun-mi
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2016
  • In accordance with the environmental changes that surrounds the port, there seems to be a trend of increasing interest in a sustainable development and operation of port. Considering that sustainability assessment utilizing Triple Bottome Line(TBL) has been conducted actively in various fields of research, it is essential to evaluate port sustainability including not only economic aspect but also social as well as environmental ones. In this regard, this study aims to measure the relative importance of port sustainability index using AHP. Moreover, sustainability of Korean four major ports has been tested by adopting the newly developed index in this study. From the results, it can be concluded that in addition to securing high value cargoes, increasing efficiency of port operation and infrastructure together with capital investment are essential. Growth harmonized with surrounding area of port and environment-friendly port operation should not be disregarded.

Institutional Milieu of High-Tech Venture Business Cluster in a Metropolitan Area: the Case of Daegu City in Korea (지방대도시 벤처생태계의 제도적 및 문화적 환경: 대구지역을 사례로)

  • 이철우;이종호
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2004
  • In this paper we attempt to explore the institutional and clutural milieu of high-tech venture business cluster in Daegu City and provide policy implications for creating sustainable high-tech venture businesses cluster. Although since 1998 the Korean government has made explicitly a great deal of efforts to help attract and create high-tech new start-ups in non-capital cities such as the support of business incubating centers and the establishment of real service centres, it reveals that such policies are not so successful in creating a sustainable venture ecology. One of the most critical resions is that such policies are centred simply on building physical infrastructure such as incubating space and service centre with less concern with promoting venture business cluster reflecting cultural and institutional specificities in a given region. In this respect we argue that the focus of industrial policies to support promoting high-tech venture business clusters in non-capital cities urgently need to move towards to make it for firms to encourage entrepreneurship driving innovation and to create social capital incucing trust and networks amongst firms, universities, public &privite supporting agencies, together with the building up of physical infrastructure the existing policies have done.

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The Industrial Structural Change and Regional Development : The Rise of New Industrial Spaces in the Industrialized Countries and in the Newly Industralizing Countries (선진자본주의사회에서의 산업구조변화와 신흥공업국에서의 산업화에 따른 지역발달문제)

  • 고대경
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 1992
  • Many of the industrialized countries since the 1970s have been experiencing the change in the industrial structure due to technological development, that is, from Fordism to post-Fordism, or to "flexible production system". Regional development has been undergoing some changes according to the different industrial production systems. During the Fordist mass production period, the manufacturing belt was the core region of the production system. As the system shifts to flexible production system of which characteristics are veritcal disintegration, emphasis for JIT(just-in-time) delivery system, part-time and short-time labor contracts, design-intensive industries, etc, the new system requires the new production core and has produced the new industrial spaces, such as Sunbelt cities, suburbs, small-or medium-sized cities, and non-metropolitan areas. In the perspective of global system, the Fordist production system made th NICs developed, because the mass production required many unskilled and low-wage workers. As the NICs exports of manufactured goods have incredibly expanded during the 1970s, the industrialized countries have become threatened. The industriablized countries have restructured their economies and international policies. Such restructures resulted in the economic depression of the NICs. The investment pattern of the industrialized countries has changed and particularly those industries adopting the Post-Fordism have invested from the NICs to the peripheral areas of their own countries or toward the underdeveloped countries which have much lower wage workers. The investment pattern of the NICs is also undergoing some changes like from metropolitian areas to small or non-metropolitan regions. The regional development since the post-Fordist production is still going on, thus it is not possible to generalize the tendency. That could be a particular phenomenon or a stage in the long-term cycle. But the regional development in the world system since 1980s definitely shows the different pattern.t pattern.

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Putting Seeds of Endogenous Development into the State-led Industrial Cluster : the Case of Gumi IT Cluster in Korea (국가주도형 산업집적지의 내생적 발전 가능성 - 구미 IT 클러스터를 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Chul-Woo;Choi, Yosub;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.397-410
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    • 2016
  • Although industrial complexes have played as an engine of the Korean economy for the last 40 years, the majority of industrial complexes shows limitations to the continuous growth such as a lack of innovation capabilities and social capital, conceived as a key to transforming into clusters of innovation. To overcome those problems, the Korean government embarked on the cluster policy from the mid 2000's, focusing on promoting the endogenous development capabilities of individual industrial complexes. Drawing upon the in-depth case study of the Gumi IT cluster, one of the representative large-scale industrial complexes in Korea, the authors conclude that the cluster policy has contributed to making the Gumi IT cluster enhance the capabilities of endogenous development through the facilitation of self-organizing learning communities within the cluster.

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Critical Study on the Discourses of Creative City : Becoming Locality as an Alternative Thinking and Practice (창조도시 담론의 비판 : 생성의 로컬리티 탐색)

  • Park, Kyu-Taeg;Lee, Sang-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.60-74
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    • 2013
  • The discourses of creative city have been developed as a development and rehabilitation policy or plan in the contexts of globalization or deindustrialization society mainly progressed by Western capitalist nations, and there are a variety of effects due to the implementation of creative city in different national and local conditions. Many nations or cities have adapted and practiced the idea of creative city as a policy of development or rehabilitation without its critical examination. The purpose of this study is to make a conceptual framework of newly interpreting creative city, particularly focused on creative industry and class. The framework of creative city as a becoming locality consists of culture and art, creative actor and place continuously interacting, and it will take an active role to solve a variety of problems in the cities or regions due to globalization or deindustrialization. Creative city as a becoming locality should be developed in a close relation with the real situations in the future.

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A Study on the Career Mobility of Reporters at Local Newspapers (지역신문 기자들의 경력 이동 연구)

  • Lim, Yeon Hee
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.78
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    • pp.177-205
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    • 2016
  • This study set out to investigate the reality of local press and changes to the occupational identity of reporters through the job mobility of reporters at local newspapers. The study examined what reasons the reporters had when they retired from one of three paper newspapers in Daejeon, where they moved to, and how their career mobility was. Some of them remained in the field of journalism including paper newspapers of the same kind and Internet newspapers, and others moved to various areas including politics, administration, academy, economy, and culture and art. The biggest number of them said they left their old paper newspapers because of poor wages and welfare benefits and absence of future visions. Their decision of leaving their old paper newspapers was also influenced by restructuring, restrictions to coverage and reporting, and great workload. Before the IMF foreign currency crisis in 1997, the press labor market was a typical internal labor market with the practitioners joining a newspaper in open recruitment and climbing up the promotion ladder from a common reporter through Deputy Head and Head of a department to Director of a bureau. The emergence of new media and the financial difficulties of newspaper corporations were currently making the internal labor market worse. Reporters made active use of social capital such as regionalism, alumni ties, and news beats rather than changing jobs by increasing their professionalism through self-development, thus causing side effects including the weakened supervision and criticism functions of local newspapers and damaging their occupational identity as reporters.

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Understanding Female High School Students' Science-Related Career Choice and it's Change -Focus on the Science Career Cultural Capital Perspective- (일반계 여자고등학교 학생들의 과학관련 진로선택 및 변화 이해 -과학진로 문화자본 관점을 중심으로-)

  • Ahn, Joo Young;Yun, Sun Mi;Kim, Chan Jong;Choe, Seung Urn
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2017
  • This study seeks to explore high school students' changing attitudes toward science-related career choices with focus on the scientific career cultural capital perspective. We developed a questionnaire and surveyed female high school students. We used the survey results to explore the scientific career cultural capital factors and characteristics of the students who have chosen a science-related career. We selected twelve participants through science-related career choice type and then conducted in-depth interviews with them. Through the in-depth interviews, we explored how the factors of scientific career cultural capital affect the students' career choices. The result shows that the students developed internal resources through norms of obligation and reciprocity within the structure (family, school, community) based on external resources. The internal resources affected their science-related career choice. In elementary school, the students' interests in science and science-related occupations are the most influential in their choice of career directions. In high school, however, the students also considered career cognition, aptitude cognition, and career-value factors in their career choices. The interests in science were formed mainly due to education activity and daily-life activity. Over time, education activity's effect increased. The interests in science-related occupations were formed mainly due to daily-life activity during elementary school. In high school, the interests in science-related occupations formed due to diverse internal and external resources. Students who maintained a science-related career attracted external resources. Furthermore, they reinforced internal resources through interacting with various external resources. This study has implications for science education concerning students' science-related career choices.

Development and Application of a Path-Based Trip Assignment Model under Toll Imposition (통행료체계에서의 경로기반 통행배정모형 개발과 적용에 관한 연구)

  • 권용석
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 2000.02a
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    • pp.3-22
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    • 2000
  • 이용자의 경로선택 형태를 모사하는 통행배정모형 결과의 정확도는 교통계획에 상당한 영향을 미친다. 이용자의 경로선택 결정과정에서 가장 중요한 판단기준은 통행시간과 통행요금이다. 그런데 통행요금은 이용자의 경로거리에 따라 다양한 방식으로 부과되므로, 링크를 분석단위로 하는 기존의 통행배정모형은 현실적인 통행요금 반영이 힘들었고 또한 수요예측 결과를 이용한 다양한 분석에서 제약을 받아 왔다. 본 연구는 이러한 배경에서 경로교통량을 도출할 수 있는 경로기반 통행배정모형을 구축하였고, 또한 경로거리에 따라 결정되는 현실적인 통행요금을 반영할 수 있는 알고리즘을 개발하였다. 경로기반 배정모형에서는 GP(Gradient Projection) 알고리즘을 이용하였고, 계산상의 효율성 제고를 위해 K-최단경로 알고리즘 중 MPS(Minimal Path Search) 알고리즘을 이용하였다. 개발된 배정 모형은 현실적인 통행요금을 반영할 수 있으므로 통행배정 결과의 정밀도를 향상시켰을 뿐만 아니라 기존 배정모형에 비해 최적해로의 수렴속도도 개선되는 것으로 나타났다. 본 논문의 배정모형은 경로교통량이 도출되고 통행요금을 반영할 수 있으므로, 통행요금과 통행 거리 관계에 따른 목적함수의 규명과 그에 따른 효과척도를 계량화할 수 있다. 따라서 본 모형은 통행배정에서 실재상황을 보다 현실여건에 맞도록 규명할 수 있고, 기존의 제한적인 효과분석의 문제점을 해결할 수 있으므로 그 활용범위가 넓다. 또한 본 논문은 개발된 배정모형의 적용사례로서 고속도로 수요관리 요금체계 개선방안을 제시하였다. 기존의 고속도로 통행요금 산정 방법은 이론적 근거가 미약했던 반면, 본 논문에서 개발된 배정모형과 고속도로 수요관리 요금체계 개선방안은 고속도로 통행료 결정에 대한 과학적이고 합리적인 분석방법을 제공하였다.한 민감도 분석을 실시한 결과 대안1의 경우 교통량의 변화 및 화물통행의 시간가치의 증가시 사회적 편익이 오히려 감소하였고, 대안2와 3의 경우 사회적 편익이 증가하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이는 경부고속도로의 화물차량의 구성비에 따라 대안 1의 경우 오히려 화물차의 통행시간이 증가함에 그 원인이 있다 할 것이다. 이상과 같은 결론을 통하여 경부고속도로상의 화물전용차선의 설치시는 수답렬 교통량의 구성비와 구간 평균교통량에 의하여 그 효과가 다르게 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 물류비용 절감차원에서의 화물전용차선의 설치는 본 연구에서 나타낸 방법과 같이 수단간의 경제적 편익을 고려한 구간별 시간대별 효과분석을 통하여 정책의 시행여부가 결정되어야 할 것이다. 한편, 화물전용차선의 설치로 인한 물류비용의 절감을 보다 효과적으로 달성하기 위해서는 종합류류 전산망의 시급한 구축과 함께 화물차의 적재율을 높이고 공차율을 낮출 수 있는 운송체계의 수립이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 그라나 이러한 화물전용차선의 효과는 단기적인 치유책일 수밖에 없기 때문에 물류유통 시설의 확충을 위한 사회간접자본의 구축을 서둘러 시행하여야 할 것이다.으로 처리한 Machine oil, Phenthoate EC 및 Trichlorfon WP는 비교적 약효가 낮았다.>$^{\circ}$E/$\leq$30$^{\circ}$NW 단열군이 연구지역 내에서 지하수 유동성이 가장 높은 단열군으로 추정된다. 이러한 사실은 3개 시추공을 대상으로 실시한 시추공 내 물리검층과 정압주입시험에서도 확인된다.. It was resulted from increase of weight of single cocoon. "Manta"2.5ppm produced 22.2kg of co

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Main Elements for the Global-Local Connectivity of Regional Industrial Clusters (지역산업 클러스터의 세계적-지방적 연결성을 위한 주요 요소들)

  • Park, Yong-Gyu;Jung, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.642-659
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    • 2012
  • The main aim of this article is to examine theoretical issues on the 'global-local connectivity' of regional industrial cluster and regional innovation system which have been presented since the 2000s in terms of three different aspects. Firstly, the concept of 'geographical proximity' is discussed within the context of its importance for the regional industrial development by considering relationships of cluster, local buzz and global pipeline. Secondly, concepts on knowledge gatekeeper and temporary cluster are explored with respect to their role of a mediator in forming or transforming global-local connectivity. Finally, policy implications of the global-local connection are presented. Authors arguments are as follows; firstly, in order to improve regional industrial cluster on the basis of geographical proximity, relational proximity which is beyond different spatial scales has to be secured. It means that geographical convenience and inconvenience are required simultaneously for regional industrial development. Secondly, A base of the global-local connectivity is socal capital and embeddedness. Therefore, it needs to understand that relational proximity is embedded into different culture and habit at different spatial scales. Finally, within the context of the global-local connectivity, in order to overcome spatial hierarchy by the division of labor of firms, it needs to consider the complex system which is composed of vertical and horizontal hierarchy by the spatial division of labor by firms, openness and closeness of clusters, and the scope of policies' inclusion and exclusion by central and local governments.

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