• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리학 연구 방법

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A Study on the Changes in Characteristics of Trade Freights and the Status as a Gateway of Busan Port between 1991 and 2010 (수출입 화물 특성과 무역관문의 위상에서 본 부산항의 변화, 1991~2010년)

  • Lee, Jung-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2012
  • Busan port has played a part as the main trade gateway in Korea for several decades. However, due to the rapid integration of China into the global economy and the grand changes in global trade structures, the trade gateway system in Korea and the status of Busan port have been transformed. Busan port's role as a trade gateway toward Japan and U.S. has increased during last two decades but, in cases of China, its importance has relatively decreased. Moreover, Busan port's competitiveness has been undermined in the most part of commodity trade. These phenomena reflect the high competition among trade ports which tend to increase the effectiveness of supply chains. Based on the geographical research tradition which has understood a port as a nexus between hinterland and foreland, this study focuses the changes in characteristics of trade freights and the status as a gateway of Busan port. This approach will contribute to the understandings of dynamics in the comtemporary international logistics.

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A Study on the ibo Geomancy in Korea (한국의 裨補風水論)

  • 최원석
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.161-176
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    • 2002
  • The Landscape of the Bibo Geomancy is generally showed in Korean traditional settlement. The tradition of the Bibo Geomancy was given much weight in the Korean geographic history of life, so it could be a important research theme. The discussion in my dissertation, 1 insist on that, a comment of the Bibo together with a comment of the selection of proper sites composed as axis in Korean geomancy. As a grounds basis of an argument, 1 described on the concept and the composition of the Bibo Geomancy, the backgrounds of the theory, the historical changes of the Bibo Geomancy in Korea, the form and the function of the Bibo and the comparison with the Bibo-Geomancy of the north-east Asia.

Korean Vegetation Types Using NOAA/AVHRR Data (인공위성(NOAA/AVHRR) 영상자과에 의한 한반도 식생분포에 관한 연구)

  • 김동실
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2000
  • 본 연구는 원격탐사 기법을 이용하여 북한 지역을 포함한 한반도 전지역을 대상으로 식생활력도(vegetation activity)의 시계열적 변화를 모니터링하고, 식생지수의 연중변화 특성을 이용하여 한반도의 식생 분포도를 작성하는데 그 목적이 있다. 1997년 4월부터 11월까지 8개월 동안 NOAA-14 위성에서 수신된 AVHRR 자료를 수집하여 정규 식생지수(Nomalized Difference Vegetation Index)를 구하고 이들을 MVC(Maximum Value Composite) 방법으로 조합하여 월별 NDVI 합성도를 작성하여 식생활력도의 시계열 변화를 고찰하였다. 또한 식물의 생장시기인 5월부터 10월까지의 NDVI를 무감독 분류하여 한반도의 식생분포 유형을 도시.나대지가 4.49%, 초지 4.49%, 경작지 27.54%, 활엽수림 25.61%, 침엽수림 38.22%로 나타났다.

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Comparison Analysis of Methods for Smoothing the Stream Profiles Extracted from Digital Elevation Models and Suggestion of a New Smoothing Method (DEM에서 추출한 하천종단곡선의 평활화 방법 고찰 및 새로운 방법의 제안)

  • Byun, Jongmin;Seong, Yeong Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.339-356
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    • 2014
  • Easy access to DEMs and the development of technology treating DEMs make it easier to extract stream longitudinal profiles from DEMs than previously done. Since such profiles possess many problems such as artificial flats and steps, it should be required for them to be smoothed like natural profiles to estimate gradient values along those sections. However smoothing itself comes with much distortion of raw profile from original DEMs. There has been no research evaluating quantitatively the effects due to smoothing process. Here we attempt to quantify the effects of major smoothing methods on raw and real profiles, suggest a new method to overcome the limitations of them, and evaluate it. This study not only suggests a new smoothing method, but also provides a guideline for choosing a proper smoothing method.

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Review and Prospects on International Physical Distribution Studies of Geography in the Globtlization Era (세계화 시대의 국제물류 연구동향과 과제)

  • 한주성
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1998
  • Recently. the interest in Physical distribution has increased in economic geography This paper aims to review and prospect the internatonal physical distribution studies of international trade and international freight flows. And it has examined the changes in methodology of international physical distribution. Author has defined international physical distribution as the physical distribution of international trade and international freight flow The results are as follows : (1) As the methodology of international physical distribution studies developes, the physical distribution should be recognized not only as transportation phenomenon but also as total logistics which is understood as the combination of production and consumption including information flow. (2) The studies about model of international physical distribution flow ill need to study regional relations including urban, in the future. And economic geography and location theory adding culture and behaviour elements will be restructured, because not only state but also multinational corporation appear as trade subject in global economy. (3) The studies for the relation of habor and its hinterland in Physical distribution need to analyze the factors causing habor use with decision-making behaviour of corporation. (4) After oil crisis. as air freight is important, the studies for hinterland and foreland of freight centering international airport are needed because of necessity of light and small freight. flexible Production system, free trade, and high speed freight transportation of freshing food and flowers and so forth.

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Half a cenury of the rural geography in Korea(1945-1995):review and prospect (촌락지리학 50년(1945-1995)의 회고와 전망)

  • ;Lee, Moon-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.213-254
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    • 1996
  • The Korean Geographical Society was founded in 1945, when Korea was liberated from the Japanese rule. And The Journal of the Korean Geography activated academic studies of geography by publishing research papers in it. Professor Kang, Dae-Hyun wrote the first two specialized papers of rural geography in 1966: " Flood Plain Settlements on the Han River" and "The Location and Form of the Dispersed Villages around Dae-Cwan-Ryung". The early studies of rural geography were not based on serious academic foundations, such as the adjustment of theoretical notions and a good grasp of subjects. After choosing subjects that came to hand without academic consideration. they simply enumerated generalized items of the results of the field work investigation such as the location the landscape and the process of formation of the settlements. In the 1970s and 1980s, however, rural settlement studies progressed remarkably in Korea. More than 80% of 318 dissertations, theses, or papers collected for this review were written in the late 1980s, and the subjects and methodology became diversified. As may be expected, recent studies are found very systematic and problem-solving in the various fields - contexual understanding spatial structure, the development of clan villages according to the socialization process, the effects of rural-out migration on the change of villages etc. Such a trend can be understood as a reaction to the circumstances under which, as the Western society already experienced, rural villages become washed out by the waves of industralization and urbanization and hardly continue to exist. In this paper, geographical studies of rural settlement which have been carried out in Korea last fifty years will be reviewed under the four headings on the studies related to a) farming villages; b) fishing villages; c) mountain villages: and d) special function villages. Studies of farming villages and related ones are very diverse. The results of the studies carried out last fifty years can be classified into sixteen subjects. Just as, in the West, studies of rural settlement have been mainly concerned with farming villages since rural geography came into being, so, in Korea, they have been centred on farming villages. It is a natural result considering the history of human life. Even in Korea, however the rural settlement is no more an isolated life space which keeps unique traditions of old life style, but it begins to form a dynamic life space connected to big cities by heavy traffic. Because the modern farming villages of Korea have an undetachable connection with the cities, special methodology to solve new problems has been posed in the studies of rural settlement. Many scholars have produced a lot of studies of farming villages, and three of them are prominent: Oh. Hong-Seok, Choi, Ki-Yeop, and Lee, Moon-Jong. Oh, Hong-Seok is a versatile and hard-working scholar who has published more papers than anyone else in the various fields of rural geography such as farming villages, fishing villages, mountain villages, and reclamation villages. And he has expanded his concerns to environment issues in recent years. Choi, Ki-Yeop has maintained that the prototype of Korean rural villages is clan villages continuing to write a series of good papers in which he pursues their regionalizion in the process of socialization. Lee, Moon-Jong divides the spatial organization of side settlement, sahachon (settlement near the temple), religion settlement, orchard settlement, settlement near the foreign military camp, displaced people's settlement. Chung Gam Lok settlement, etc. Though The Korean Geographical Society has half a century's history, academic activties in the field of rural settlement have been performed no more than thirty years. We cannot help saying that it is admirable that in such a rather short time we have five academical schools of the rural geography in Korea. geography in Korea.

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The Political Geography of Place Names : The Decisions of City Names in the Process of Administrative District Reorganization (지명의 정치지리학: 행정구역개편으로 인한 시 명칭 결정을 사례로)

  • Chi, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.310-325
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    • 2012
  • Human being has used place names to differentiate one place from another. Place names are the products of collective human cognition in that a place name is chosen when it successfully represents the identity of a place. In addition, place names have been changed by the competition and struggle between social agencies and the political imperatives of hegemonic groups to impose their identity on the places. Recent geographic studies on place names have focused on the social and political processes behind the change of place names. In this vein, the purpose of this study is investigating the debates on the decision of city names in the process of the administrative reorganization in mid 1990s by the lens of political geography. Residents in cities and counties tried to justify their arguments by emphasizing historical backgrounds and popularity of their names. Additionally, economic power and potential were mobilized for the political resources to win over the battle over city names. The result, however, shows that the decision of newly consolidated cities' name was mainly made by the amount of political resources, such as population and number of seats in local assemblies. Several regions tried to use city names to negotiate with counterparts. In sum, the decision of place names is the product of political competitions, and the place name becomes the symbol of territorial identity. Place names have been in the center of disputes in local politics even after the name was decided, which suggest further studies on reasonable solution to mitigate the disputes to be expected when additional reorganization of administrative districts.

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Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment of Local Government Due to Climate Change (기후변화에 따른 지자체의 생태계 취약성 평가)

  • Kong, Woo-seok;Lee, Slegee;Park, Heena;Yu, Jeong Ah
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.51-69
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    • 2012
  • This work aims to propose a vulnerability assessment methodology of ecosystem at present time, and an to suggest an adaptation strategy of ecosystem in the future for local government, in the fields of plant, animal and conservation area, which would occurred due to climate change. Vulnerability assessment in ecosystem includes first, tree growth and distribution part, mainly for conifers, secondly, insect part for pest and bee, and thirdly conservation area management part, especially at the national parks. To evaluate the degree of vulnerability of each substitute variables, such as exposure of climatic element, sensitivity, and adaptation ability, are respectively selected. Vulnerabilities of conifer growth and distribution, pest and bee, and national park management seem to be strongly influenced by the exposure of climatic element than other factors, such as sensitivity and adaptation ability. With time regional gaps of ecosystem vulnerability are expected to be greater in both conifers growth and distribution, and national park management, but reduced in pest and bee in 2100 in comparison with present time.

A GIS-Based Method for Delineating Spatial Clusters: A Modified AMOEBA Technique (공간 클러스터의 범역 설정을 위한 GIS-기반 방법론 연구 -수정 AMOEBA 기법-)

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Cho, Dae-Heon;Sohn, Hak-Gi;Chae, Mi-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.502-520
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    • 2010
  • The main objective of the paper is to develop a GIS-based method for delineating spatial clusters. Major tasks are: (i) to devise a sustainable algorithm with reference to various methods developed in the fields of geographic boundary analysis and cluster detection; (ii) to develop a GIS-based program to implement the algorithm. The main results are as follows. First, it is recognized that the AMOEBA technique utilizing LISA is the best candidate. Second, a modified version of the AMOEBA technique is proposed and implemented in a GIS environment. Third, the validity and usefulness of the modified AMOEBA algorithm is assured by its applications to test and real data sets.

The Thinking Skills of National Curriculum and TTG Strategy(I) (영국의 국가교육과정에서 제시하는 사고기능과 TTG 전략(I))

  • Kang Chang-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.1 s.106
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    • pp.96-108
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    • 2005
  • Recently more emphasis geographical thinking is high order thinking. Improving students' geographical thinking should ensure that geographical skills are used when developing teaching-Loaming activities. Much have been written about importance of geographical thinking, but less research have been geographical skills. As such, this study is to focus on the thinking skills of National Curriculum in England and strategy of thinking through geography(TTC). TTG is the strategy with teaching thinking as a teaching style. Main concern of TTG is not with geography, it is with students' teaming and that is difference. Thus, this study provide insight into improving contents and method of teaching thinking in geography education.