• 제목/요약/키워드: 지리자원

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The Effects of Incised Meandering Valley and Lithological Differences on the Grain Size and Shape of Channel Bed Materials: A Case Study of the Upper and Middle Reaches of Gongneungcheon River (감입곡류 지형과 암질 차이가 하상 퇴적물 입경 및 형상에 미친 영향: 공릉천 중상류 구간을 사례로)

  • Chen, Hui;Kim, Jong Wook;Han, Min;Byun, Jongmin
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we investigated the grain size, lithological type, and shape of coarse bed materials in the upper and middle reaches of Gongneungcheon River. For this purpose, 11 sampling points were selected along the river. For 100 samples of the coarse bed materials at each point, three axes (long, intermediate, and short) of samples were measured, and their lithological types were also identified. By measuring grain size, the sphericity and flatness of samples were calculated. Finally, every particle was classified into four shape categories: sphere, disc, blade and rod. We found that the grain size in incised meandering reach is the largest. This is mainly due to the supply of coarse materials from steep valley sides along the meandering channel. According to the lithological analysis, all samples were identified as granite, gneiss and schist, and quartz. The proportion of granite decreased, whereas the proportion of gneiss and schist increased downstream. These patterns indicate that the bedrock distribution within the study area accounts for the downstream lithological variation of coarse bed materials. With regard to the grain shape, sphericity gradually decreased while flatness gradually increased downstream. In the case of the shape classification, unlike the general downstream pattern of grain shape, the proportion of the sphere type decreased and the proportion of the blade type increased downstream. Such a reversal change in the downstream direction turns out to be determined by the lithology (such as foliation, bedding and the pattern of weathering) of coarse bed materials.

The Floristic Study of Chirisan National Park in Korea (지리산 국립공원의 식물상 연구)

  • Jang, Chang-Gee;Kim, Yoon-Young;Ji, Seong-Jin;Ko, Eun-Mi;Yang, Jong-Cheol;Jang, Chang-Seok;Eom, Jeong-Ae;Yoon, Chang-Young;Chang, Chin-Sung;Lee, Cheul-Ho;Kim, Kyu-Sick;Oh, Byoung-Un
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.155-196
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to elucidate floristic data of Chirisan National Park by performing practical field investigation for 1 year and literatures survey simultaneously in 2004. The data from field study were yielded based on voucher specimens. Total number and components of flora of Chirisan National Park is revealed as 1,825 taxa. Among 1,825 taxa, 708 taxa were identified in this field study, and these were comprised 37 orders, 109 families, 382 genera, 590 species 3 subspecies 95 varities 20 forms. Unconfirmed taxa in field but recorded previous literatures were 1,117 taxa, which consist of 41 orders 130 families 500 genera 901 species 9 subspecies 140 varities 67 forms. In conclusion, there may be provisionally 1,825 (708+1,117) taxa in Chirisan National Park. The 43 taxa were firstly found out in this field study. In the floristic data from field study, the number of Korean endemic plants were 31 taxa, the rare and endangered plants which was designated by Korea Forest Service were 21 taxa, the taxa that is more than the third degree among the floristic regional indicator plants which was designated by Korean Ministry of Environment were 40 taxa, and naturalized alien plants to Korea were 27 taxa respectively. Among 1,117 taxa which were not found in this study but recorded in 22 previous literatures, the number of Korean endemic plants were 45 taxa, the rare and endangered plants which was designated by Korea Forest Service were 45 taxa, the taxa that is more than the third degree among the floristic regional indicator plants which was designated by Ministry of Environment were 121 taxa, and naturalized alien plants to Korea were 31 taxa. It can be inferred that the vegetation of Chirisan National Park was changing by some factors and valuable plant resources were tend to diminishing by such as human interference and developments.

Trend Analysis of Vegetation Changes of Korean Fir (Abies koreana Wilson) in Hallasan and Jirisan Using MODIS Imagery (MODIS 시계열 위성영상을 이용한 한라산과 지리산 구상나무 식생 변동 추세 분석)

  • Minki Choo;Cheolhee Yoo;Jungho Im;Dongjin Cho;Yoojin Kang;Hyunkyung Oh;Jongsung Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.325-338
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    • 2023
  • Korean fir (Abies koreana Wilson) is one of the most important environmental indicator tree species for assessing climate change impacts on coniferous forests in the Korean Peninsula. However, due to the nature of alpine and subalpine regions, it is difficult to conduct regular field surveys of Korean fir, which is mainly distributed in regions with altitudes greater than 1,000 m. Therefore, this study analyzed the vegetation change trend of Korean fir using regularly observed remote sensing data. Specifically, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), land surface temperature (LST), and precipitation data from Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievalsfor GPM from September 2003 to 2020 for Hallasan and Jirisan were used to analyze vegetation changes and their association with environmental variables. We identified a decrease in NDVI in 2020 compared to 2003 for both sites. Based on the NDVI difference maps, areas for healthy vegetation and high mortality of Korean fir were selected. Long-term NDVI time-series analysis demonstrated that both Hallasan and Jirisan had a decrease in NDVI at the high mortality areas (Hallasan: -0.46, Jirisan: -0.43). Furthermore, when analyzing the long-term fluctuations of Korean fir vegetation through the Hodrick-Prescott filter-applied NDVI, LST, and precipitation, the NDVI difference between the Korean fir healthy vegetation and high mortality sitesincreased with the increasing LST and decreasing precipitation in Hallasan. Thissuggests that the increase in LST and the decrease in precipitation contribute to the decline of Korean fir in Hallasan. In contrast, Jirisan confirmed a long-term trend of declining NDVI in the areas of Korean fir mortality but did not find a significant correlation between the changes in NDVI and environmental variables (LST and precipitation). Further analyses of environmental factors, such as soil moisture, insolation, and wind that have been identified to be related to Korean fir habitats in previous studies should be conducted. This study demonstrated the feasibility of using satellite data for long-term monitoring of Korean fir ecosystems and investigating their changes in conjunction with environmental conditions. Thisstudy provided the potential forsatellite-based monitoring to improve our understanding of the ecology of Korean fir.

A Study on the Sedmentary Facies Change in the Tidal Flat Using High Spatial Resolution Remotely Sensed Data (고해상도 위성영상을 활용한 갯벌 퇴적상 변화 연구)

  • Choi, Jong-Kuk;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2011
  • The surface sediment distribution in a tidal flat in 2001 was compared with that of 2008 using high spatial resolution remote sensing images and a GIS-based analysis. Maps of the surface sedimentary facies for each time frame were induced by an IKONOS data acquired in February, 2001 and a KOMPSAT-2 data acquired in April, 2008 using an object-based classification method. The area ratio of each surface sedimentary facies were estimated, and the results were compared each other for deducing the change in the sedimentary facies during the time interval. The result showed that the percentage of grains larger than very fine sand (0.0625 mm) has increased considerably since the early 2000s in the Hwangdo tidal flat. Mud flat facies has decreased 5.81 % in the late 2000s compared with the early 2000s. However, mixed flat and sand flat have increased 4.46% and 2.14%, respectively. A field campaign also supported the result. This study showed that the monitoring of changes in the surface sedimentary facies in the tidal flat is possible through a GIS-based analysis using high spatial resolution remote sensing images.

The Study on the Patterns and Formation Factors of the International Conflicting Area (국제분쟁지역의 유형 및 형성요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Han-Bang
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.199-215
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    • 2002
  • The socio-economic and environmental systems of world are in turmoil. International conflicts are placed in their geographical context through the integration of maps. Changes in the world political map have often been the outcome of wars and conflicts associated with major geopolitical transitions. We identify five basic types--proto-nationalism, unification nationalism, separation nationalism, liberation nationalism and renewal nationalism. Political leaders in a wide range of contexts have been able to appeal to the nationalist doctrine to justify their actions. In recent years indigenous peoples have found a new voice in their struggle for survival. Although colonial empire's ending followed long and bloody struggles in some places. We really cannot understand the modem world as a whole if we do not understand the dynamic of that part of it which has endured and struggled against colonialism. The patterns of the international conflicting area are divided internal conflict type, mixed conflict type, international conflict type. The formation factors of the international conflicting area are divided ethnic group, religion, colonialism, resource, territory. There has recently been a resurgence of Islam's importance in world affairs. The oil crises of the 1970s gave new international leverage to several Muslim states.

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A Study on the Image of Seocheon for Regional Name Brand Development (서천군의 지명활용 지역브랜드개발을 위한 이미지 조사 및 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Heui;Park, Duk-Byeong;Roh, Kyung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.99-99
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    • 2009
  • 지명(地名)은 그 지역의 역사와 전설, 문화, 풍속은 물론 독특한 자연환경이나 생활 모습을 담고 있어 농업농촌의 지역적 특성을 나타낸다. 본 연구는 지명유래의 활용성 증진의 한 방편으로 브랜드 및 문화관광상품 개발을 위해 서천군의 자연마을 지명유래, 이미지, 관광자원 등을 조사하였다. 서천군의 자연마을 유래 516건에 대한 자료는 국토지리정보원, 문화원자료집, 서천군홈페이지에서, 산, 강, 골, 고적, 못 등 그 외 지명자료는 한글학회 지명총람에서 2,000건을 수집하였다. 자연마을지명의 유래 516건을 8개 유형으로 구분하면 자연지리 122건, 인문지리 114건, 생태환경 51건, 산업경제 25건, 역사 34건, 유적유물 28건, 민속 37건, 종교 19건이며, 지형(80건), 생물(33건), 고사(19건)관련 유래가 많았다. 서천군 지역브랜드 개발을 위한 요구도 조사는 지역민 154명과 방문객 152명 총 306명을 조사하여 SPSS WIN 12.0 프로그램을 이용 분석하였다. 응답자의 일반적 특성은 여성이 55.6%, 대졸자 54.2%, 연령은 40대(29.1%), 1500만원-3000만원 미만의 연소득자 32.0%가 가장 많았다. 서천군의 형용사적 이미지를 기술통계량으로 살펴보면 지역민은 평화로운, 정감있는, 순수한, 전통적인, 믿을수 있는 순으로, 방문객은 순수한, 평화로운, 정감있는, 따뜻한, 친절한 순으로 평균간이 높게 나타났고, 요인분석에 의한 지역민과 방문객의 인지적 형용사 도출결과는 정열적, 평화적, 보수적인 3가지 요인이다. 또한 서천군의 대표적 상징자원은 지역민의 경우 춘장대해수욕장(32.5%), 희리산 자연휴양림(16.9%), 금강하구둑 철새도래지(16.9%)순이며, 방문객은 춘장대해수욕장(43.4%), 희리산 자연휴양림(23.0%), 한산모시축제(23.0%)순으로 높게 나타났고, 지명 호감도는 지역민의 경우 꽃뫼(29.2%), 솔리(20.8%). 소야(17.5%)순이며, 방문객은 꽃뫼(30.9%), 솔리 (19.7%), 무닛골(16.4%)순으로 높았다. 향후 본 연구에서 제시된 연구를 통하여 서천군의 지명을 활용한 브랜드개성을 측정할 수 있어 마케팅 관점에서 서천군의 브랜드를 도출하는데 기여할 수 있을 것이다.

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Chemical Analysis on Biologically Active Substances among Habitats of Allium victorialis for a High Income Crop (산마늘의 고소득 작물화를 위한 기능성 물질 분석)

  • 박희준
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 1998
  • When the contents of the constituents such as total amino acids, free amino acids, volatile organosulfuric compounds and steroidal saponins among three origins in the aerial-and underground parts of Allium victorialis, it was suggested that the characteristic components regarding to quality evaluation could be differed according to the purpose of utilization. For the utilization of amino acids, underground parts of this plant was shown to be better than aerial part. In addition, Ulung island origin was found to contain the highest amino acids content among the three origins though the difference was small. The amino acids showing remarkably high contents were appeared to be arginine, glutamine and asparagine. In the volatile organosulfuric compounds, the origina of Mt. Odae and Mt. Chiri positioned in inland showed higher contents than Ulung island origin geographically positioned in the ocean. Inland origins were shown to contain higher organosulfurie component contents in aerial parts than in underground parts while those of Ulung island origin were higher in underground parts than aerial parts. Underground parts, regarding to saponin constituents, showed higher contents than aerial parts. Underground parts of Ulung island origin were shown to contain more saponins than those of other two origins and the sequence of the contents was in the order of Ulung island>Mt. Chiri>Mt Odac.

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The Political Geography of Place Names : The Decisions of City Names in the Process of Administrative District Reorganization (지명의 정치지리학: 행정구역개편으로 인한 시 명칭 결정을 사례로)

  • Chi, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.310-325
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    • 2012
  • Human being has used place names to differentiate one place from another. Place names are the products of collective human cognition in that a place name is chosen when it successfully represents the identity of a place. In addition, place names have been changed by the competition and struggle between social agencies and the political imperatives of hegemonic groups to impose their identity on the places. Recent geographic studies on place names have focused on the social and political processes behind the change of place names. In this vein, the purpose of this study is investigating the debates on the decision of city names in the process of the administrative reorganization in mid 1990s by the lens of political geography. Residents in cities and counties tried to justify their arguments by emphasizing historical backgrounds and popularity of their names. Additionally, economic power and potential were mobilized for the political resources to win over the battle over city names. The result, however, shows that the decision of newly consolidated cities' name was mainly made by the amount of political resources, such as population and number of seats in local assemblies. Several regions tried to use city names to negotiate with counterparts. In sum, the decision of place names is the product of political competitions, and the place name becomes the symbol of territorial identity. Place names have been in the center of disputes in local politics even after the name was decided, which suggest further studies on reasonable solution to mitigate the disputes to be expected when additional reorganization of administrative districts.

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Evaluation of Kinetic Energy of Raindrops at Daejeon city using Laser-optical Disdrometer (레이저-옵티컬 디스드로미터를 활용한 대전지역의 강우에너지 특성 평가)

  • LIM, Young Shin;KIM, Jong Wook;KIM, Jin Kwan;PARK, Byong Ik
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.133-143
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    • 2012
  • To evaluate the kinetic energy of the raindrops, the drop size distribution and the terminal velocity of the raindrops had been measured from January to September 2010 using the laser-optical disdrometer in KIGAM, Daejeon, Korea. The relationship between kinetic energy (KE) and rainfall intensity (I) was computed as logarithmic and exponential model, respectively, under the rainfall intensity of about 142mm/h. The exponential model is more suitable for the relationship of KE-I than the logarithmic model, because the exponential model presented better fit for KE over 50mm/h of rainfall intensity. Meanwhile, the differences of the total kinetic energy existed in rainfall events with almost same total rainfall depth, and KE values of Daejeon at high rainfall intensity underestimated rather than the others under temperate climate. Therefore, these differences of KE in rainfall events and geographical regions imply the result from the variations of rainfall intensity within a rainfall event.

Development of GIS-based EEZ Marine Resources Information System (GIS를 이용한 배타적 경제수역 해양자원정보시스템의 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kye-Hyun;Kim, Sun-Yong;Park, Eun-Ji;Yoo, Hai-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2007
  • There has been increasing concerns regarding marine mineral resources as the land energy resources has been depleting from worldwide energy crisis. Also, all the coastal countries around the world are getting into the high competition as EEZ implemented to widen each country's marine autonomy. Especially, the adoption of EEZ in UN's marine regulation agreement at the January of 1996 has aggravated conflicts among coastal countries and eventually resulted in critical agenda to determine the boundaries of EEZ among such countries. It is imperative for us to have negotiation with neighboring countries to determine the boundaries of EEZ. For the preparation of such negotiation, it is essential to have data such as mineral distribution, deep-sea geology, related agreement and marine laws, etc. Therefore, this study mainly concentrates on analyzing existing data of resources exploration and establishing standards for each type of data and manipulating data based on such standards, thereby building a database for more efficient management of EEZ data from marine resources survey. MRIS has also been developed to diversely analyze and visualize graphic and attribute data considering data usage and inter-relationship in the database. This system can provide various spatial analysis and spatial searching techniques to enable easier comparison of cost-benefit analysis and data provision of any area in EEZ thereby facilitating major policy making. In addition, the system can support sustainable management of marine resources of EEZ regions and data supply for systematic management of national marine resources. Furthermore, this will be very useful for negotiating with neighboring countries to determine EEZ boundaries to lead more favorable results.

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