• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지도 축척

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Development of Automatic Dependent Surveillance System with Java on Web Environment (자바를 이용한 인터넷 웹 방식의 항공기 자동감시시스템의 개발)

  • Yoon, Chong-Ho
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.132-138
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    • 1999
  • This paper describes the development of an automatic dependent surveillance system(ADS) with Java on Web environment. The ADS consists of a server module and a client one. The server module performs a database server for gathering GPS data from airplanes. It also dose an Web server function for sending Java applet to clients. The applet enables each client to obtain the current flight information from the server via the Internet without a special client software. This client-server based ADS with Java environment has several advantages over other systems. One is not to need for installing special client software on each client system. The other is its simplicity on system maintenance. The reason why it has simplicity is to require only server program modification including the applet without updating client software. After testing the ADS system with the flight information of a Mooney, we can show that the prototype system can be a candidate for developing commercial products.

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Research on Comparison of Individual and Connecting Grounding Electrode for Potential Rise Distribution (개별 접지전극과 연접된 접지전극의 전위상승 분포 비교 연구)

  • Gil, Hyoung-Jun;Choi, Chung-Seog;Lee, Bok-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2008
  • This paper deals with a comparison of individual and connecting grounding electrode for potential rise. When a test current flowed through grounding electrode, potential rise was measured and analyzed for grounding method using a electrolytic tank in real time. In order to analyze the potential rise of grounding systems, a hemispherical water tank experimental apparatus was studied. Potential rise was measured and analyzed regarding the grounding method and distance by using this apparatus. The apparatus was composed of a hemispherical water tank, AC power supply, a movable potentiometer, and test grounding electrodes. The potential rise was measured by the horizontal moving probe of the potentiometer. The grounding electrodes were designed and fabricated with ground rods on a scale of one-eightieth. Potential rises of individual grounding electrode were higher than those of connecting grounding electrode. The distributions of surface potential are dependent on the distance from grounding electrode.

Urban Change Analysis using the 1:50,000 Topographical Map which is Produced at 1910's (1910년대 지형도를 이용한 근대화 이후의 도시 변화 분석)

  • Bae, Sun-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2007
  • In order to plunder the Korean Peninsula in earnest, 'Modern Age Korea Topographical Map' of reduced 1:50,000 scale was manufactured within the period of 5 years from 1914 to 1918 through Japanese government-general of Joseson. This map includes all the data representing the life model of Korean Peninsula in the period of the End of Korean Empire, before the modern public construction works had started to seriously develop. This study analyzes the land use change after embedding the coordinates to the image of Modern Age Korea Topographical Map, which includes the scenery of 1910, and then overlaying it with the contemporary map in GIS environment. The results of presented research showed that before modern civil construction works started, the farmlands had lost their competitiveness because of difficult for development hilly areas and frequent floods, the river sites being abandoned and industrial structure change, and were developed into modern city area.

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Accuracy Analysis According to the Number of GCP Matching (지상기준점 정합수에 따른 정확도 분석)

  • LEE, Seung-Ung;MUN, Du-Yeoul;SEONG, Woo-Kyung;KIM, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2018
  • Recently, UAVs and Drones have been used for various applications. In particular, in the field of surveying, there are studies on the technology for monitoring the terrain based on the high resolution image data obtained by using the UAV-equipped digital camera or various sensors, or for generating high resolution orthoimage, DSM, and DEM. In this study, we analyzed the accuracy of GCP(Ground control point) matching using UAV and VRS-GPS. First, we used VRS-GPS to pre-empt the ground reference point, and then imaged at a base altitude of 150m using UAV. To obtain DSM and orthographic images of 646 images, RMSE was analyzed using pix4d mapper version As a result, even if the number of GCP matches is more than five, the error range of the national basic map(scale : 1/5,000) production work regulations is observed, and it is judged that the digital map revision and gauging work can be utilized sufficiently.

Development and Application of the Information Literacy Cubic Curriculum based on the Cubic Model in University (큐빅 모델에 기반한 대학교의 정보 소양 큐빅 교육과정 개발 및 적용)

  • Choe, Hyun-Jong
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2007
  • Curriculum can represent the identity of University as an important factor, and especially university has sole power to design and manage his curriculum. So, the information literacy curriculum which teach students to create, store, communicate their knowledge is very important position in the liberal arts curriculum. Thus, this study designs the reference model as 3-dimensional cubic model for information literacy curriculum to help curriculum designers design, manage, and evaluate it. For developing this model, I researched many books and web sites about some of domestic and U.S. universities' curriculums, and made up some questionnaires about students' satisfaction and the direction of information literacy education. An information literacy curriculum was designed using this reference model and lots of students are satisfied with this curriculum after activating in this class. Designed cubic reference model which has a characteristic to expose flexible and systematic context representation in the university curriculum can guide researchers to design, manage, and evaluate information literacy curriculum.

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A Study on Application of u-Learning System in Network Centric Warfare Environment (네트워크중심전 환경에서의 u-러닝 시스템 적용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Hyun-Jong;Yang, Ho-Kyung;Ryou, Hwang-Bin;Jo, Yong-Gun
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2010
  • With the development of information and communications technology(ICT), the concept of ubiquitous that we can communicate regardless of time and place appears. Due to the development of the technology delivering information, current society is called intellectualization society developed from informatization society. The intellectualization society is based on knowledge accumulated by processing information. The education methods are also developed into a concept of u-Learning applying the concept of ubiquitous from the concept of e-Learning using a computer. The military also points out education as a key policy. The aspect of war is changing to NCW(Network Centric Warfare) from platform centric warfare. Therefore, collecting and managing the war situations in real time is a key to controlling command. To this end, it needs to maximize individuals and groups' ability to cultivate the military with cutting-edge knowledge. Therefore, this study aims to look into methods to apply u-learning system in training and military actions according to changes in war environments and ICT.

Accuracy Assessment of Ground Information Extracting Method from LiDAR Data (LiDAR자료의 지면정보 추출기법의 정확도 평가)

  • Choi, Yun-Woong;Choi, Nei-In;Lee, Joon-Whoan;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.14 no.4 s.38
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2006
  • This study assessed the accuracies of the ground information extracting methods from the LiDAR data. Especially, it compared two kinds of method, one of them is using directly the raw LiDAR data which is point type vector data and the other is using changed data to DSM type as the normal grid type. The methods using Local Maxima and Entropy methods are applied as a former case, and for the other case, this study applies the method using edge detection with filtering and the generated reference surface by the mean filtering. Then, the accuracy assessment are performed with these results, DEM constructed manually and the error permitted limit in scale of digital map. As a results, each DEM mean errors of methods using edge detection with filtering, reference surface, Local Maxima and Entropy are 0.27m, 2.43m, 0.13m and 0.10m respectively. Hence, the method using entropy presented the highest accuracy. And an accuracy from a method directly using the raw LiDAR data has higher accuracy than the method using changed data to DSM type relatively.

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Generation of Digital Orthoimage using ADS40 Images (ADS40영상에 의한 수치정사영상 생성)

  • Lee, Jun-Hyuk;Lee, Young-Jin
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.317-330
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, the acquisition of digital imagery and the orthoimage generation were performed to set up working process. And another purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the accuracy of orthoimage by overlapping digital topographic map and digital cadastral map on it. The digital topographic map and digital cadastral map were superimposed on the orthoimage to check the accuracy as another approach of evaluation. The RMSE is ${\pm}0.364m$ in X direction and ${\pm}0.413m$ in Y direction with digital topographical maps(1/5,000). And the RMSE is ${\pm}1.283m$ in X direction and ${\pm}1.085m$ in Y direction with digital cadastral map. It is necessary for the application of a newly developed digital aerial camera to make an exact synchronization between GPS/IMU data and image data, use a technology for setting a standard image resolution and the number of ground control points.

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Generalized Hough Transform using Internal Gradient Information (내부 그레디언트 정보를 이용한 일반화된 허프변환)

  • Chang, Ji Young
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2017
  • The generalized Hough transform (GHough) is a useful technique for detecting and locating 2-D model. However, GHough requires a 4-D parameter array and a large amount of time to detect objects of unknown scale and orientation because it enumerates all possible parameter values into a 4-D parameter space. Several n-to-1 mapping algorithms were proposed to reduce the parameter space from 4-D to 2-D. However, these algorithms are very likely to fail due to the random votes cast into the 2-D parameter space. This paper proposes to use internal gradient information in addition to the model boundary points to reduce the number of random votes cast into 2-D parameter space. Experimental result shows that our proposed method can reduce both the number of random votes cast into the parameter space and the execution time effectively.

Surface Information Acquisition for Asphalt Concrete Pavement Using Digital Video Camera (디지털 비디오카메라를 이용한 아스팔트 콘크리트 포장 노면 정보획득)

  • Seo, Jeong-Hoon;Seo, Dong-Ju;Lee, Jong-Chool;Lee, Sung-Rock
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.3 s.30
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2004
  • In the study, there has been a sharp upward trend in road maintenance cost as the expansion of road networks increases. Running a pavement management system(PMS) is indispensable for efficient and scientific maintenance of the whole road networks with limited maintenance budgets. With a PMS, a maintenance plan should be drawn up after surface conditions are precisely examined and analyzed. The majority of the present PMSs are run by the fact that experts first examine surface conditions on sites, and then enter results into systems. However, considering the actual circumstances of the present time and the increase in paved road hereafter, it is inefficient that experts examine the whole paved roads in person and long-lasting PMSs can not be kept up. As a result, after analyzing the accuracy of 3-D coordinates representing road surfaces that was decided using multi orientation and digital photogrammetry, the average of standard errors turned out to be 0.0427m on the X-axis, 0.0527m on the Y-axis and 0.1539m on the Z-axis. It was found to be good enough to be put to practical use for maps drawn on scales below 1 :1000, which are being currently made and used within the country, and GIS data.

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