• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주기 구조

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Studies on the Propagation of the Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan) Reared in the Laboratory (담수산 징거미새우, Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan)의 증${\cdot}$양식에 관한 생물학적 기초연구 1. 생식생태에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon Chin-Soo;Lee Bok-Kyu
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.31-66
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    • 1991
  • This paper deals with the reproductive ecology e.g., number of the pre-spawning moults, morphological characteristics of the pre-spawning moult the common moult, daily ration druing a molting cycle mating behavior, structures of spermatozoa and spermatophore, structure of vas deferens, mechanisms of the oviposition and brooding into the egg-chambers, a suitable time for the artificial mating and fertilization, time sequence of the oviposition and brooding into egg-chambers from the copulation, responses to temperature and chlorinity on the egg development and hatching, effect of temperatures on duration of egg development, physical mechanism of the egg hatching, to make an attempt for the artificial spawning and brooding to establish a suitable system of the artificial seedling-production for the aquaculture. 1. Females molted commonly $8{\~}10$ times at an interval of $17{\~}18$ days at $28^{\circ}C,\;3.26\~4.35\%_{\circ}$ while the prespawning moltings were $4{\~}5$ times at an interval of $13{\~}14$ days. The suitable state for artificial copulation was within 14 hours elapsed from the prespawning moltings (most suitable state was within 8 hours). Males discharged a gelatinous spermatophore and placed it on the females sternum during copulation. Oviposition was seen $6{\~}17$ hours after copulation. External fertilization was considered to take place at oviposition. Fertilized eggs held in egg-chambers forming between pleopods were about $5000{\~}6000$ in females those sizes about 6.5 cm in body length. 2. Eggs immediately after oviposition were elliptic shape, measuring $0.58{\times}0.48$ mm up to hatching. Their sizes increased with egg development and finally reached $0.85{\times}0.54$ mm up to hatching. The relationship between the long axis of the egg(Y in U) and days elapsed(X) was expressed as Y= 5.60194 + 0.007358X. The eggs performed superficial cleavage and their cleavage furrows became visible at the 4-daughter-nucleus stage. The eggs showed normal development up to hatching at water temperature range of $22{\~}30^{\circ}C$ (optimum temperature : $26{\~}28^{\circ}C$) and at chlorinity range of $0.00\~6.64\%_{\circ}$ (optimun chlorinity : $2.21{\%}_{\circ}$). The relationship between incubation period (Y in days) and water temperature(X in $^{\circ}C$) could be expressed as Y= 50.803-1.3555X. The eggs hatched $12{\~}13$ days after oviposition at $28.0{\~}28.6^{\circ}C$ 3. The pre-spawning moltings were appreciably different in the morphologic structure from those of common moltings. Breeding setae and dresses were formed on the thoracic regions, abdominal epimerae and the bases of the first to fourth pleopods in order to prepare and support oviposition, transfering and supporting eggs in egg-chambers up to hatching. These supplementary breeding organs were observed only at reproductive seasons.

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Application of the Homogenization Analysis to Calculation of a Permeability Coefficient (투수계수 산정을 위한 균질화 해석법의 적응)

  • 채병곤
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2004
  • Hydraulic conductivity along rock fracture is mainly dependent on fracture geometries such as orientation, aperture, roughness and connectivity. Therefore, it needs to consider fracture geometries sufficiently on a fracture model for a numerical analysis to calculate permeability coefficient in a fracture. This study performed new type of numerical analysis using a homogenization analysis method to calculate permeability coefficient accurately along single fractures with several fracture models that were considered fracture geometries as much as possible. First of all, fracture roughness and aperture variation due to normal stress applied on a fracture were directly measured under a confocal laser scaning microscope (CLSM). The acquired geometric data were used as input data to construct fracture models for the homogenization analysis (HA). Using the constructed fracture models, the homogenization analysis method can compute permeability coefficient with consideration of material properties both in microscale and in macroscale. The HA is a new type of perturbation theory developed to characterize the behavior of a micro inhomogeneous material with a periodic microstructure. It calculates micro scale permeability coefficient at homogeneous microscale, and then, computes a homogenized permeability coefficient (C-permeability coefficient) at macro scale. Therefore, it is possible to analyze accurate characteristics of permeability reflected with local effect of facture geometry. Several computations of the HA were conducted to prove validity of the HA results compared with the empirical equations of permeability in the previous studies using the constructed 2-D fracture models. The model can be classified into a parallel plate model that has fracture roughness and identical aperture along a fracture. According to the computation results, the conventional C-permeability coefficients have values in the range of the same order or difference of one order from the permeability coefficients calculated by an empirical equation. It means that the HA result is valid to calculate permeability coefficient along a fracture. However, it should be noted that C-permeability coefficient is more accurate result than the preexisting equations of permeability calculation, because the HA considers permeability characteristics of locally inhomogeneous fracture geometries and material properties both in microscale and macroscale.

Role of Radiation Therapy for Stage III Thymoma (제 3기 흉선종에서 방사선치료의 역할)

  • Chun, Ha-Chung;Lee, Myung-Za
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.16-20
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : To evaluate the effectiveness and tolerance of the postoperative radiation therapy for patients with Stage III thymoma and to define the optimal radiotherapeutic regimen Materials and Methods : We retrospectively analyzed the records of 24 patients with Stage III thymoma who were referred for postoperative radiation therapy in our institution from June, 1987 to May, 1999. Surgical therapy consisted of total resection in one patient, subtotal resection in seventeen, and biopsy alone in six patients. Age of the patients was ranged from 20 to 62 years with mean age of 47 years. Male to female ratio was 14 to 10. Radiation therapy was delivered with linear accelerator producing either 6 MeV or 10 MeV photons. The irradiated volume included anterior mediastinum and known residual disease. The supraclavicular fossae were not irradiated. The delivered total dose was ranged from 30 to 56 Gy. One patient received 30 Gy and eighteen patients received minimum of 50 Gy. Follow up period was ranged from 12 months to 8 years with median follow up of 40 months. Results : The overall local control rate for entire group of patients was $67\%$ at 5 years. The cumulative local failure rates at one, three and five year were $18\%,\;28\%\;and\;33\%$, respectively. In patients treated with subtotal resection and biopsy alone, local control rate was $76\%\;and\;33\%$, respectively. The actuarial observed survival rate at 5 years was $57\%$, and actuarial adjusted survival at 5 years was $72\%$. The difference between 5 year survival rates for patients treated with subtotal resection and biopsy alone was not statistically significant $(62\%\;vs\;30\%)$. Conclusion : We might conclude that postoperative radiation therapy was safe and effective treatment for patients with Stage III thymoma. Postoperative radiation therapy is recommended in cases where tumor margin is close or incomplete resection is accomplished.

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Zooplankton Community Distribution and Food Web Structure in Small Reservoirs: Influence of Land Uses around Reservoirs and Kittoral Aquatic Plant on Zooplankton (소형저수지에서 동물플랑크톤 군집 분포와 먹이망 구조: 주변 토지 이용과 수변식생이 동물플랑크톤 군집에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jong-Yun;Kim, Seong-Ki;Hong, Sung-Won;Jeong, Kwang-Seuk;La, Geung-Hwan;Joo, Gea-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.332-342
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    • 2013
  • We collected zooplankton from May to October, 2011, with the aim of understanding the zooplankton community distribution and food web interaction between the open water and littoral (aquatic plants) zones in two small reservoirs with different land covers (Sobudang, Myeongdong). Small-sized reservoirs are more abundant in South Korea, and a total of 51 and 65 species of zooplankton were identified at the two small reservoir (Sobudang and Myeongdong), where zooplankton densities were more abundant in the littoral zone than in the open water zone. Cladocerans and copepods densities were also higher in the littoral zone, in contrast, rotifers showed higher densities in the open water zone (t-test, P/0.05). Epiphytic zooplankton dominated at the littoral zone (Lecane, Monostyla, Alona and Chydorus) because aquatic plants provided refuge spaces for attachment. Some rotifers (e.g. Brachionus, Keratella and Polyarthra) were more abundant in the open water zone because of their small size, which might help them to go unnoticed by predators. In two-way ANOVA, rotifers related to two reservoirs or habitat space (littoral zone and open water zone), but cladocerans and copepods showed a statistically significant relationship on only two reservoirs. The results of stable isotope analysis showed that zooplankton in the littoral zone tended to depend on organic matter attached to aquatic plants as a food source, which indicates the avoidance of competition of zooplankton with other macro-invertebrates (e.g. Damselfly larva, Cybister brevis and Neocardina denticulate). As a result, zooplankton community distribution is determined by not only habitat space (aquatic plant zone and open water zone) but also by food source (phytoplankton).

Comparison of Forest Carbon Stocks Estimation Methods Using Forest Type Map and Landsat TM Satellite Imagery (임상도와 Landsat TM 위성영상을 이용한 산림탄소저장량 추정 방법 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Min;Lee, Jung-Bin;Jung, Jaehoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.449-459
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    • 2015
  • The conventional National Forest Inventory(NFI)-based forest carbon stock estimation method is suitable for national-scale estimation, but is not for regional-scale estimation due to the lack of NFI plots. In this study, for the purpose of regional-scale carbon stock estimation, we created grid-based forest carbon stock maps using spatial ancillary data and two types of up-scaling methods. Chungnam province was chosen to represent the study area and for which the $5^{th}$ NFI (2006~2009) data was collected. The first method (method 1) selects forest type map as ancillary data and uses regression model for forest carbon stock estimation, whereas the second method (method 2) uses satellite imagery and k-Nearest Neighbor(k-NN) algorithm. Additionally, in order to consider uncertainty effects, the final AGB carbon stock maps were generated by performing 200 iterative processes with Monte Carlo simulation. As a result, compared to the NFI-based estimation(21,136,911 tonC), the total carbon stock was over-estimated by method 1(22,948,151 tonC), but was under-estimated by method 2(19,750,315 tonC). In the paired T-test with 186 independent data, the average carbon stock estimation by the NFI-based method was statistically different from method2(p<0.01), but was not different from method1(p>0.01). In particular, by means of Monte Carlo simulation, it was found that the smoothing effect of k-NN algorithm and mis-registration error between NFI plots and satellite image can lead to large uncertainty in carbon stock estimation. Although method 1 was found suitable for carbon stock estimation of forest stands that feature heterogeneous trees in Korea, satellite-based method is still in demand to provide periodic estimates of un-investigated, large forest area. In these respects, future work will focus on spatial and temporal extent of study area and robust carbon stock estimation with various satellite images and estimation methods.

Study on the Indoor Environment and Status of Facilities and Equipments of Home Economics Practice Rooms of Middle Schools in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (제주특별자치도 중학교 가정실의 실내환경 및 시설.설비 현황에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Min-Hye;Kim, Bong-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the study is to identify and understand problems existing in the middle school home economics practice rooms in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. The findings are based on the examination and the analysis of the indoor environment and the condition of the facilities and equipment. Study method employs on-site research and a survey. The on-site research was conducted about temperature, humidity, intensity of illumination, and status of teaching instrument in 10 out of 41 middle schools in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province from August 16 to September 30, 2006. Meanwhile, the survey was implemented by mail for 95 teachers in charge of manual training and home economics education in 41 middle schools in Jeju from November 1 to 23, 2005. 64 questionnaires out of total 95 were collected, including those collected during the period of on-site research. Finally, 61 questionnaires which were effective among the answered ones were used for analysis. Collected materials were analyzed with the SPSS Win.12.0 program for frequency, percentile analysis. In conclusion, the study determines that the condition of the home economics practice rooms of the middle school in JSSGP in terms of temperature, humidity, lighting and ventilation is very inadequate. The structure of the practice room represents an inefficient work flow pattern. Further, the facilities and equipment are in a very poor condition because the facilities are old and the retention rate of teaching tools is low. Therefore, to address these problems, the study suggests that improvements on the facilities and equipment should be made and teaching tools should be replenished in accordance with the industry standard.

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The Development of Quality Assurance Program for CyberKnife (사이버나이프의 품질관리 절차서 개발)

  • Jang, Ji-Sun;Kang, Young-Nam;Shin, Dong-Oh;Kim, Moon-Chan;Yoon, Sei-Chul;Choi, Ihl-Bohng;Kim, Mi-Sook;Cho, Chul-Koo;Yoo, Seong-Yul;Kwon, Soo-Il;Lee, Dong-Han
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2006
  • [ $\underline{Purpose}$ ]: Standardization quality assurance (QA) program of CyberKnife for suitable circumstances in Korea has not been established. In this research, we investigated the development of QA program for CyberKnife and evaluation of the feasibility under applications. $\underline{Materials\;and\;Methods}$: Considering the feature of constitution for systems and the therapeutic methodology of CyberKnife, the list of quality control (QC) was established and divided dependent on the each period of operations. And then all these developed QC lists were categorized into three groups such as basic QC, delivery specific QC, and patient specific QC based on the each purpose of QA. In order to verify the validity of the established QA program, this QC lists was applied to two CyberKnife centers. The acceptable tolerance was based on the undertaking inspection list from the CyberKnife manufacturer and the QC results during last three years of two CyberKnife centers in Korea. The acquired measurement results were evaluated for the analysis of the current QA status and the verification of the propriety for the developed QA program. $\underline{Results}$: The current QA status of two CyberKnife centers was evaluated from the accuracy of all measurements in relation with application of the established QA program. Each measurement result was verified having a good agreement within the acceptable tolerance limit of the developed QA program. $\underline{Conclusion}$: It is considered that the developed QA program in this research could be established the standardization of QC methods for CyberKnife and confirmed the accuracy and stability for the image-guided stereotactic radiotherapy.

The Result of Bone Grafting for Fibrous Dysplasia (섬유성 골 이형성증에서 시행한 골 이식술의 결과 분석)

  • Jeong, Won-Ju;Kim, Tae-Seong;Cho, Hwan-Seong;Yoon, Jong-Pil;Park, Il-Hyung
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Fibrous dysplasia is related to the mutation of gene encoding the alpha-subunit of a signal-transducing G-protein and has variable clinical course. Operation can be performed to prevent functional disorder or structural deformity. After curettage, autologous bone graft were used to fill the defects after curettage. The aim of this study is to compare the result of autogenous cancellous bone grafting and allogenic bone grafting for fibrous dysplasia. Materials and Methods: Among the patients who visit our hospital during the period of April, 1997 to October, 2013, we selected 34 patients who diagnosed fibrous dysplasia and visited our clinic over 1 year. There were 13 males and 21 females. Average age was 26.4 (range 2 to 57) years old. Autogenous bone graft (group I) in 5 cases, Non-autogenous bone graft (group II) in 30 cases. Iliac bone is used in all cases of autogenous bone graft. There were no significant difference in age, follow-up period, preoperational laboratory finding between two groups. Radiographic image was done to evaluate the recurrence of fibrous dysplasia or secondary degeneration. Results: There were four cases in recurrence (group I: 1 case, group II: 3 cases, p=0.554). In all recurrent cases, reoperations were done using curettage and autogenous iliac bone graft. There was no re-recurrence after reoperation. One case of secondary aneurysmal bone cyst was confirmed (group II) and 1 cases of pathologic fractures had developed (group I: 0 case, group II: 1 cases, p=0.559). No malignant change occurred. Conclusion: There were no significant difference between autogenous bone graft group and non-autogenous bone graft group. Our result suggested that autogenous bone graft seems to be good method to treat fibrous dysplasia, in the case of small volume of tumor lesion or non-weight bearing portion.

A Study on the Rhythm of Sijo Using Prosodie Analysis - Centering on < Ouga > by Seon-do Yun - (프로조디(prosodie) 분석을 통한 시조의 가락 고찰 시론(試論) - 윤선도(尹善道)의 <오우가(五友歌)>를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Seong-Moon
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.43
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    • pp.41-66
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    • 2015
  • A study on rhythm of a sijo was mostly conducted based on rhythm theory. As it is considered to define the rhythm of a formal sijo based on three verses, its significance has been recognized. However, if rhythm is understood to be superior to cadence or versification, it seems necessary to examine the rhythm of a sijo as a verse with a fixed form as well as a highly individual rhythm of each and every lyric poet, which is informal rhythm, in order to fully understand them. In this case, prosodie analysis by H. Meschonnic (1932~ 2009) can be a significant methodology. As this study gropes for a possibility to examine the rhythm of a sijo from a new perspective instead of existing rhythm theory through the application of H. Meschonnic's prosodie analysis, it can be regarded as an essay. Prosodie newly suggested by Meschonnic is referred to as linguistic organization of consonants and vowels and indication of their paradigm, and it conflicts the perspective that traditionally separates linguistic sound from meaning for dichotomous understanding. It is due to the fact that the organization of consonants and vowels is a unit that constitutes a complicated layer of significant sound and meaning. Accordingly, prosodie analysis that is irregularly and aperiodically distributed within poetic text can be considered as methodology aimed at explaining how a poem is integrated in terms of sound and semantics. The core of prosodie analysis is to examine how the phonologic system stands against the theme of a poem. It ultimately has the same way of establishing literary style of a poet as it is to explain a unique aesthetic structure that individual poems have and show distinct characteristics of linguistic use by a poet. Prior to application of the prosodie analysis to sijo in general, the study preparatorily conducted prosodie analysis on < Ouga > by Gosan Seon-do Yun.

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An Understanding of the Archival Management in Early Joseon Dynasty (조선전기 기록관리 체계의 이해)

  • Oh, Hang-Nyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.17
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    • pp.3-37
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    • 2008
  • In this article, I outlined the archival management system in Early Joseon Dynasty and examined the characteristics of the system. At first, I explained the three aspects of the archival management; the memory of the past, the documentation of the contemporary, and the vision of the future through the documentation. Secondly, I tried to understand the character of the Veritable Record and its compilation by the concepts of archival science such as 'authenticity', 'reliability'. In the memory of the past, the History of a Dynasty(Koryo-Sa) and the Comprehensive History of Eastern Kingdom were included. The arrangement of the past was accompanied with the systematic study of the domestic and foreign histories. At the beginning of the state building, there was many practical need to the experiences of government and social re-construction. It was also the process of the legitimacy establishment of the new dynasty. And the Bureaucracy promoted the development of the records and archival management system because it needed the continuity and evidence of business. The dualistic structure of the records and archival management system was the most unique character of this age. The management of general administrative records was not different from the modern one. But the historical drafts and the compilation of Veritable record were different. Here, I had to examine the characteristics of these procedures by the concept authenticity, reliability, and custodianship. In doing so, I suggested the need of conceptualization of the historical terms such as 'the primary sources' and 'the secondary sources' in historical study. The archival concepts will be the most useful means to that issue. Through the memory of the past and the documentation of the contemporary, they made visions of the future, new vision of the Literati Governance. In this tradition, in spite of the revision of the Veritable records by the new changed political party, both the orignal and the revised remained as the comparative evidence for the future generation in the name of the Black-Red Revised History.