• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정식시기

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Effects of Types of Water Media and Concentration of Additives on Rooting and Survival of Ternstroemia japonica after Transplanting Cuttings (물배지의 종류 및 첨가물의 농도가 후피향나무 삽목묘의 발근 및 이식 후 활착에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Hyeon-Woo;Kim, Min-Soo;Kim, Dong-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2011
  • Cuttings based on water media are relatively low-cost and easy to manage compared to those based on soil media. Nevertheless, species that root out in water media are very few. Water-medium rooted cuttings are not widely used. In water media, the survival rate of cuttings is high, but in many cases, they only form callus while not rooting. If cuttings with callus formed in a water medium were to root and survive after being transplanted in soil, water-medium cuttings could be used as an important means of propagating landscape tree species. In this study, cuttings of Ternstroemia japonica having various reactions to water media were soaked in different types of water media. Their callus formation and rooting conditions were analyzed. The water-medium cutting swere then transplanted in soil, and conditions for their survival were examined. The study concluded: 1. Cuttings that only formed callus in water media were able to root and survive after being transplanted. 2. Cuttings with satisfactory callus formation showed more satisfactory survival conditions than those with unsatisfactory callus formation. 3. Cuttings rooted in water media showed a high survival rate of 96.6% after being transplanted. 4. Water-medium cutting of Ternstroemia japonica proved to be more effective in Late July or August than in late June. 5. Cuttings pre-treated in 50ppm-IBA for 24 hours showed better survival conditions than those that were not pre-treated inIBA. 6. Cuttings pre-treated in 50ppm-IBA for 24 hours and soaked in water media with 0.02% atonic, 0.02% polyoxin, and 0.01% polyoxin showed a rooting and survival rate of 80 to 85%. Regardless their low rooting rate, water-medium cuttings can show a high survival rate when these factors are considered: proper cutting time, plant hormone treatment, and types of water media. Accordingly, water-medium cuttings will emerge as major means of propagating landscape tree species that require small volumes of multi-species.

Studies on the Induction of Sprouting of Dormant Seed Potato in Fall Crop Production (추작감자의 최아법에 관한 연구)

  • Jae-Young Cho
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.97-124
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    • 1976
  • To find out the most effective method of treatments for the induction of sprouting of dormant seed potato pieces for the fall crop production of Irish cobbler, this experiment was carried out with sprout inducing bed and field performance trial. In GA treatments, about 10 days were required to sprout and resulted uniform and thin 3-4 sprouts per tuber piece, but sprouts were slender and rooting was not observed. In Ethrel treatments, 20-25 days were required, and sprouts were inferior than that of GA treatment in uniformity of sprouting, and percentage of rotten pieces and of healthy sprouted tuber pieces, but number of sprouts per tuber pieces was low, being 1-2, and sprouts were short, thick, and healthy, and showed good rooting. In GA and Ethrel mixture treatments, 1-2 more days were required to sprout than GA treatments, but sprouts were relatively healthy, and other sprouting pattern were like that of GA treatments. In Ethylene chlorohydrin and 6-Benzyl-adenine treatments, sprouting was like that of Ethrel treatments, but much more days were required than Ethrel treatments and tendency of severe rotting was observed. Optimum treating methods of promising chemicals found to be 1-2 and 2-5 ppm GA solution, 500 and 1000-2000 ppm Ethrel solution, and 1-2+250-500 and 5+250-500 ppm GA and Ethrel mixture solution for 60 min. treatment of tuber piece and whole-tuber, respectively. Induction of sprouting in dry and hot time resulted severer rotting of tuber pieces during the induction of sprouting and with the advancement of dormancy, being delayed in date of treatment, tendency of promotion of sprouting and rooting was observed. When sprouted tuber piece was transplanted at the same date, yields were in order of Ethrel, GA and Ethrel mixture, and GA treatment, indicating the correlation between yield and healthiness of sprout and rooting status of sprouted tuber piece. In all treatments, earlier transplanting resulted higher yields.

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Effects of Local Cooling and Root Pruning on Budding and Local Heating on Heating Energy Consumption in Forcing Cultivation of Strawberry (딸기 촉성재배 시 국소 냉방 및 단근처리와 국소난방이 화방출뢰와 난방에너지소비에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Jin Kyung;Kang, Suk Won;Paek, Yee;Moon, Jong Pil;Jang, Jae Kyung;Oh, Sung Sik
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2019
  • Experiments of local cooling and heating on crown and root zone of forcing cultivation of strawberry 'Seolhyang' using heat pump and root pruning before planting were conducted. During the daytime, the crown surface temperature of the crown local cooling treatment was maintained at $18{\sim}22^{\circ}C$. This is suitable for flower differentiation, while those of control and root zone local cooling treatment were above $30^{\circ}C$. Budding rate of first flower clusters and initial yields were in the order of crown local cooling, root zone local cooling and control in root pruning plantlet and non pruning plantlet, except for purchase plantlet. Those of root pruning plantlet were higher than those of non pruning plantlet. These trends were evident in the yield of the first flower cluster until February 14, 2018, and the effect of local cooling and root pruning decreased from March 9, 2018. The budding rates of the second flower cluster according to the local cooling and root pruning treatments were not noticeable compared to first flower cluster but showed the same tendency as that of first flower cluster. In the heating experiment, root zone local heating(root zone $20^{\circ}C$+inside greenhouse $5^{\circ}C$) and crown local heating(crown $20^{\circ}C$+inside greenhouse $5^{\circ}C$) saved 59% and 65% of heating fuel, respectively, compared to control(inside greenhouse $9^{\circ}C$). Considering the electric power consumption according to the heat pump operation, the heating costs were reduced by 55% and 61%, respectively.

Growth Characteristics and Ingredient Analysis According to the Transplanting Date and Distance of Dendranthema (L.). (감국 정식시기와 거리에 따른 생육특성과 성분 분석)

  • Jung, J.H.;Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2020
  • In order to industrialize of Dendranthema indicum (L.) DesMoul., which is a lot of commercially available and is synonymous with chrysanthemum tea, in the autumn of 2018, Dendranthema indicum (L.) DesMoul. seeds were collected from its own native region, and the seeds were germinated after refrigerated storage. Young seedlings were subjected to experiments in February, March, and April in the open field to examine the effects on the harvesting of leaves by distance and the growth of leaves and stems. The results of analyzing the components by collecting the leaves+stem after collecting the flower of Dendranthema indicum (L.) DesMoul. are as follows. 1. When D. indicum (L.) DesMoul. seedlings were planted according to the transplanting date, the number of flowers was 17.1 in the transplanting date in April. The diameter of the flower was 2.9cm, 16ea, 6.5~6.6g in the fresh weight, and the dry weight of the case was 1.1~1.2g. The leaves were 46~47ea in March and April in the planted area, 5.2~5.3cm in leaf length and 3.5~3.6cm in leaf width. 2. When planted D. indicum (L.) DesMoul. seedlings according to transplanting distance, the number of flowers was 16.2 when planted at 20×20cm intervals and, 16.8~17.1 at 30×30~50×50cm intervals. The diameter of the flower was 2.7~2.8cm, the number of petals was 8, the length of the petal was 0.8 cm, and fresh weight was 6.5~6.6g per flower. Leaves had the largest number of 47 of 30×30cm and 40×40cm, and leaf length appeared at the longest 6.2cm in the 50×50cm treatment area, but 5.2cm in the other treatment areas. 3. The extraction yield of D. indicum (L.) DesMoul. leaves+stems was 7.93%, and the extraction solvent colors were light green at 50, 60% and green at 70, 80, 90, 100%. The extraction yield of D. indicum (L.) DesMoul. flowers was 7.58%, the color of the extraction solvent was light yellow at 50, 60 and 70%, yellow at 80 and 90%, and dark yellow at 100%. 4. We confirmed 11 kinds of ingredients such as in D. indicum (L.) DesMoul. flowers are gallic acid, 4-hydroxy benzoic acid, methyl gallate, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzoic, caffeic acid, salicylic acid, p-coumaric acid, sinapic acid, naringin, 4-melthoxyben, flavone. The content was 29.200-36.900ppm. 5. The components contained in the D. indicum (L.) DesMoul. leaf+stem, salicylic acid appeared at 6,129.526ppm, and the next 4-methoxyben was 1,966.714ppm. It was methyl gallate 8.197ppm, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzoic 6.994ppm, caffeic acid 5.566ppm, flavone 4.522ppm, p-coumaric acid 3.787ppm, gallic acid 1.893ppm that appeared in the content below 10ppm.

Transplant Quality and the Yield of 'Momotaro-Yoku' Tomato as Affected by Seedling Age and Container Size Used for Raising Seedling in Summer (모모타로-요쿠 토마토 하계 육묘시 용기 크기와 묘령이 정식 후 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 최영하;조정래;이한철;박동금;권준국;이재한
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.12-17
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    • 2002
  • Tn establish the criteria for appropriate seedling production method in the summer, the effect of container size and seedling age on the growth and yield were evaluated with tomato. The seedling quality was higher when seedlings were grown polyethylene in 9cm pots than in 72 cell plugs. Seedling quality increased with increase in seedling age in polyethylene pots, whereas seedling age did not affect seedling quality in plug trays. Fruits matured earlier on plants started from pot-grown transplants for a long duration than with plug tray-grown transplants for a shorter duration. Not only total yield in 4 months, but the early yield in the first 2 months, was higher with pot-nursed transplants than with plug tray-nursed transplants. With pot-grown transplants, The early yield in initial 2 months was the lowest in 25 day-old transplants, whereas there was no significant differences between 35- and 45-day-old transplants. Seedling age did not affect the cumulative yield for 3 months after the first harvest. With plug tray-grown transplants, the cumulative yield tar initial 3 months was the highest in plants grown for 35 days in the nursery, followed by 25 day and 45 day. However, there were no significant differences among seedling ages in the total yield.

Determination of Economic Injury Levels and Control Thresholds for Spodoptera exigua on Chinese Cabbage (배추 파밤나방의 경제적 피해수준 및 요방제 수준 설정)

  • Kim, Seon-Gon;Kim, Do-Ik;Ko, Suk-Ju;Kang, Beom-Ryong;Kim, Hong-Jae;Choi, Kyeong-Ju
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 2009
  • Economic injury level and control thresholds for the management of beet army worm, Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were evaluated on chinese cabbage of two different planting time. Two inoculation times were tested for each planting and the number of inoculated larva was 10, 20, 40, 80, respectively. Damages of leaves by first inoculation were 63.2% after eight days planting on 80 larva inoculation plot. By the second inoculation, those were below 50% after 20 days planting on the end of September. The linear relationships between population density and yield reduction were as following; Y = -10.62x + 867.9 ($R^2\;=\;0.643$) for 5 days and Y=-6.432x + 1074 ($R^2\;=\;0.720$) for 20 days. Based on these results the economic injury level was 5.4 larva for five days and 9.0 larva for 20 days per 20 chinese cabbage. The control thresholds calculated by 80% level of economic injury level were 4.3 and 7.2 larva, respectively.

Relationship between Leaf Chlorophyll Reading Value and Soil N-supplying Capability for Tomato in Green House (시설재배 토마토 잎의 엽록소 측정치와 토양 질소공급능력의 상호관계)

  • Hong, Soon-Dal;Kim, Ki-In;Park, Hyo-Taek;Kang, Seong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2001
  • To find diagnosing method of nitrogen status in tomato plant for determining optimum application rate of side dress, chlorophyll reading values were measured by portable chlorophyll meter(SPAD 502, Minolta), and compared with nitrogen supplying capability of soils. Regression between dry weight, amount of nitrogen uptake, and chlorophyll reading at stalk positions of tomato grown on the condition of no fertilization were evaluated For 6 green house soils with different nitrate concentrations ranged from $55mg\;kg^{-1}$ to $306mg\;kg^{-1}$. The chlorophyll reading of tomato leave was significantly correlated with amount of nitrogen per unit area of leave suggesting that chlorophyll content is useful for nitrogen diagnosis of tomato plant. The chlorophyll reading showed peak at the 15th leaf of stalk position on the 45th days after transplanting and this suggested that below or near the 15th leaf and before or near the 45th days after transplanting is the critical stalk position and time for diagnosing nitrogen status of tomato by chlorophyll test. The chlorophyll reading at the 14th leaf on the 40th days after transplanting was significantly correlated with soil nitrate status, dry weight and amount of nitrogen uptake by tomato grown with no fertilization. From the above correlation, the chlorophyll reading value of 57.1 at the 14th leaf of tomato was estimated as the critical level for maximum dry weight and amount of nitrogen uptake by tomato grown with no fertilization. Consequently, chlorophyll reading of tomato leaves measured by portable chlorophyll meter was thought to be available as a rapid plant test for predicting the nitrogen supplying capability of green house soils.

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Plant growth and fruit enlargement among different watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) cultivars in continuous chilling night temperature conditions (지속적인 야간 저온에 의한 수박 품종별 식물체 생장 및 과실 비대 양상)

  • Oak Jin Lee;Hee Ju Lee;Seung Hwan Wi;Tae Bok Kim;Sang Gyu Kim;Won Byoung Chae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.486-494
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    • 2021
  • Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) is sensitive to low temperature and shows retarded growth under 10℃. Although early transplanting guarantees higher returns, it requires cost and labor to maintain the appropriate temperature for plant growth. Therefore, cultivars tolerant to chilling stress is necessary to reduce the cost and labor requirements. The purpose of this study is to analyze data on plant growth and fruit enlargement under continuous chilling night temperature to develop new cultivars tolerant to chilling temperature. Two cultivars expected to have chilling tolerance and another cultivar sensitive to chilling temperature were grown in greenhouses with chilling and optimal night temperature conditions. In the early growth stage after transplanting, the cultivars expected to have chilling tolerance showed better vine length, fresh weight and dry weight. However, one of the tolerant cultivars showed significantly lower vine length, leaf length and width, and petiole length than the sensitive cultivar during pollination period and later growth stage, showing genotype specific responses. The fruit length, width, and weight were also significantly lower in the tolerant cultivar. The fruit set ratio was significantly higher in the chilling sensitive cultivar than the two tolerant cultivars. These results suggest that the present chilling tolerant cultivars in watermelon were selected based on their performance in the early growth stage, and further studies on chilling tolerance in different growth and development stages are required to develop cultivars adapted to various forcing cultivation systems.

Analysis of Growth Response by Non - destructive, Continuous Measurement of Fresh Weight in Leaf Lettuce 1. Effect of Nutrient Solution and Light Condition on the Growth of Leaf Lettuce (비파괴 연속 생체중 측정장치의 개발 및 이에 의한 상추의 생장반응 분석 l. 양액의 이온 농도 및 명ㆍ암 처리가 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • 남윤일;채제천
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 1995
  • These studies were carried out to develop a system for non -destructive and continuous measurement of fresh weight and to analyse the growth response of leaf lettuce under the different nutrient solution and light condition with this system. The developed measurement system was consisted of four load cells and a microcomputer. The output from the system was highly positive correlation with the plant fresh weight above the surface of the hydroponic solution. The top fresh weight of plant could be measured within the error $\pm$ 1.0g in the range of 0 - 2000g. The top fresh weight of leaf lettuce increased 44 times at 18th day after transferring to the nutrient solution, and the maximum growth rate was observed at 13th day after transferring. The growth rate was 10.7- 29.6% per day during 18 days. Optimum concentration of the nutrient solution for the growth of lettuce was 1.4 - 2.2 mS/cm of EC level. When the light condition was changed from dark to light, the fresh weight was temporarily decreased, but the fresh weight increased under the opposite condition. Top fresh weight of leaf lettuce in the darkness normally increased within 12 hours after darkness treatment, and then slowly increased until 78 hours under continuous dark condition. After that times, the fresh weight began to decrease.

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Seedling Quality and Bolting Response by Seeding Time in Angelica gigas Nakai (참당귀(當歸)의 파종시기(播種時期)에 따른 묘소질(苗素質) 및 추태반응(抽苔反應))

  • Yu, Hong-Seob;Bang, Jin-Ki;Kim, Young-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.160-164
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    • 1998
  • Angelica gigas has been a major medicinal crop in Korea for a long time. This study was to determine optimum seeding time and bolting response by shifting seeding time between November 10, 1993, and August 10, 1994 using promising line, Suwon 2. Days to emergence were similar among seeding times from April 10 to August 10 in Suwon. Seedling duration was shortened 92 days when seeded on July 10 compared with the conventional seeding time of April 10. Productivity of seedling ranging from 0.31 to 0.70cm in diameter was highest of 730 plants per $m^2$ in July 10 seeding. When seeded in July 10, bolting rate was 2.4 percent as compared with 2.6 percent in conventional seeding (April 10). The optimum seeding time was July 10. Seedling quality, survival rate after planting in field, and root yield were greatly influenced by seeding time.

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