• Title/Summary/Keyword: 접근성공간

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A Characteristics of Maintenance Planning of Trees in Historical Landscape Forest of Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty (조선왕릉 역사경관림 수목 정비 계획의 특성)

  • So, Hyun-Su;Lee, Jong-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.88-99
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    • 2018
  • After UNESCO appointed Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty to be World Cultural Heritages(2009), Cultural Heritage Administration in Korea established Management Office of Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty(2012) and conducted Mid to Long-Term Plan on Conservation, Management, Utilization of World Heritage 'Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty(2015)'. The report, as an implementation plan, provides detailed contents of the maintenance planning of Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty. From this background, with a view to comprehending the characteristics of the maintenance planning of trees in historical landscape forests, this study extracted the contents related to the historical landscape forests of the 40 Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty from the "Mid to Long-term Plan" and conducted literature research. The results of the study are as follows. First, from 2016, the short-term plans have provided detailed contents on logging, transplanting and planting trees in the plans divided by stages. On the other hand, the long-term plans, instead of presenting abstract contents repeatedly for each royal tomb, should seek vegetation landscape that each royal tomb should aim for. Second, since the areas that are in charge of the various functions of the royal tombs have been subjects to the maintenance planning, it is effective to establish a maintenance planning by separating functional areas instead of the comprehensive concept as historical landscape forests. Third, the maintenance planning of trees in historical landscape forest of the Royal Tombs of Joseon Dynasty is based on daily management such as density control and maintaining the shape of trees, which is necessary to sustain the forest. Also, due to the goal of preserving the pine forest, which is recognized as a prototype vegetation landscape, foreign species and other trees have been more cut down. With a few limited types of tall tree but few shrubs and flowers, it is characterized that the orientation toward aesthetic landscapes is insufficient in large green spaces. Fourth, according to the function of the tomb, it is divided into entrance area, ceremonial area, burial area and outer forest, and the contents of the maintenance planning are analyzed by basic conditions of tree management: prototype, ecology, functionality, and aesthetics. After studying the tree management characteristics of each area, four suggestions are made: understanding the diversity of trees that form prototype landscape as a management plan, sustainability of various forests adapted to ecological environment, convenience required in addition to ceremony and safety characterizing the Royal Tombs of Joseon Dynasty, and the necessity of access to aesthetic landscape on the tombs.

Wave Propagation Characteristics in Saturated Porous Media I. Theoretical Solution (포화된 다공성매체에서 파동의 전파특성 I. 이론해의 유도)

  • Kim, Sun-Hoon;Kim, Kwang-Jin
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2007
  • An analytical closed-form solution for wave propagation velocity and damping in saturated porous media is presented in this paper The fully coupled field model with compressible solid Brains and pore water were used to derive this solution. An engineering approach for the analysis of fully saturated porous media was adopted and closed-form solutions for one dimensional wave propagation in a homogeneous domain were derived. The solution is highly versatile in that it considers compression of the solid grains, compression of the pore water, deformation of the porous skeleton, and spatial damping and can be used to compute wavespeeds of first and second kind and damping coefficients in various geologic materials. This solution provides a means of analyzing the influence of material property variations on wavespeed and attenuation. In Part 2 of this work the theoretical solution is incorporated into the numerical code and the code is used in a parametric study on wave propagation velocity and damping.

Relationship between Global Citizenship Education and Geography Education (글로벌 시민성교육과 지리교육의 관계)

  • Cho, Chul Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.162-180
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    • 2013
  • This paper is to explore the relationship between global citizenship education needed to be taught recently and geography. First, the paper examines the concept, as well as the reason why it became important concept in dimension of education in terms of progress of globalization. Second, the paper examines justification of global citizenship education through geography subject through discussion of place, space, scale and interdependence as geographical key concepts. Then, it establishes the category of sub-area of global citizenship education to grasp structurally. This is to reestablish in terms of knowledge and understanding, skill, value and attitude through the inductive examination of existing system of classification. Third, for geography instruction as practical dimension for fostering global citizenship, the paper discusses things to consider previously to design it in terms of aims, contents and methods, and examined instruction strategies in terms of issues-based approach and geographies of resistance. The last, the paper should things to pay attention to be cautious in global citizenship education through geography.

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CFD-based Path Planning and Flight Safety Assessment for Drone Operation in Urban Areas (CFD를 이용한 도심내 드론 비행 경로 계획 및 안전성 평가)

  • Geon-Hong Kim;Ayoung Hwang;Hyoyeong Kim;Yeonmyeong Kim
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2024
  • This study suggests a method to enhance drone flight path planning and safety evaluation in urban areas using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). As the use of drones in urban environments has been growing rapidly, there is a lack of established methods for path planning and safety evaluation, which leads to a risky approach relying on experimental methods. Therefore, this research takes into account the intricate 3D fluid dynamics between drones and buildings by employing CFD to quantitatively plan flight paths and evaluate their safety. To accomplish this, the study focuses on Gimcheon Innovation City as the target area and collects relevant terrain and building data, and selects prospective flight routes. CFD analysis is then carried out to gather essential data for flight simulations and safety assessment. The safety assessments are conducted based on environmental fluid dynamics when the drone operates along the proposed flight paths

A Study on the Paleotopographic and Structural Analyses of Cherwon Castle in Taebong (태봉 철원도성의 고지형과 구조 분석 연구)

  • HEO, Uihaeng;YANG, Jeongseok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.38-55
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    • 2021
  • Cherwon Castle is located in Pungcheonwon, Cherwon, in the center of the Korean Peninsula. Currently, it is split across the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas. It attracts attention as a symbol of inter-Korean reconciliation and as cultural heritage that serves as data in making important policy decisions on the DMZ. Despite its importance, however, there has not been sufficient investigation and research done on Cherwon Castle. This is due to the difficulty involved in investigation and research and is caused by the site's inaccessibility. As a solution, the current investigative methods in satellite and aerial archeology can be applied to interpret and analyze the structure of Cherwon Castle and the features of its inner space zoning. Cherwon Castle was built on the five flat hills that begin in the northern mountainous hills and stretch to the southwest. The inner and outer walls were built mainly on the hilly ridges, and the palace wall was built surrounding a flat site that was created on the middle hill. For each wall, the sites of the old gates, which were erected in various directions , have been identified. They seem to have been built to fit the direction of buildings in the castle and the features of the terrain. The castle was built in a diamond shape. The old sites of the palace and related buildings and landforms related to water drainage were identified. It was verified that the roads and the gates were built to run from east to west in the palace. In the spaces of the palace and the inner castle, flat sites were created to fit different landforms, and building sites were arranged there. Moreover, the contour of a reservoir that is believed to be the old site of a pond has been found; it lies on the vertical extension of the center line that connects the palace and the inner castle. Between the inner castle and the outer castle, few vestiges of old buildings were found, although many flat sites were discovered. Structurally, Cherwon Castle is rotated about nine degrees to the northeast, forming a planar rectangle. The planar structure derives from the castle design that mimics the hilly landform, and the bending of the southwestern wall also attests to the intention of the architects to avoid the wetland. For now, it is impossible to clearly describe the functions and characters of the building sites inside the castle. However, it is believed that the inner castle was marked out for space for the palace and government offices, while the space between the outer and inner castle was reserved as the living space for ordinary people. The presence of the hilly landform diminishes the possibility that a bangri (grid) zoning system existed. For some of the landforms, orderly zoning cannot be ruled out, as flat areas are commonly seen. As surveys have yet to be conducted on the different castles, the time when the walls were built and how they were constructed cannot be known. Still, the claim to that the castle construction and the structuring of inner spaces were inspired by the surrounding landforms is quite compelling.

A Study on Metaverse Construction Based on 3D Spatial Information of Convergence Sensors using Unreal Engine 5 (언리얼 엔진 5를 활용한 융복합센서의 3D 공간정보기반 메타버스 구축 연구)

  • Oh, Seong-Jong;Kim, Dal-Joo;Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the demand and development for non-face-to-face services are rapidly progressing due to the pandemic caused by the COVID-19, and attention is focused on the metaverse at the center. Entering the era of the 4th industrial revolution, Metaverse, which means a world beyond virtual and reality, combines various sensing technologies and 3D reconstruction technologies to provide various information and services to users easily and quickly. In particular, due to the miniaturization and economic increase of convergence sensors such as unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) capable of high-resolution imaging and high-precision LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging) sensors, research on digital-Twin is actively underway to create and simulate real-life twins. In addition, Game engines in the field of computer graphics are developing into metaverse engines by expanding strong 3D graphics reconstuction and simulation based on dynamic operations. This study constructed a mirror-world type metaverse that reflects real-world coordinate-based reality using Unreal Engine 5, a recently announced metaverse engine, with accurate 3D spatial information data of convergence sensors based on unmanned aerial system(UAS) and LiDAR. and then, spatial information contents and simulations for users were produced based on various public data to verify the accuracy of reconstruction, and through this, it was possible to confirm the construction of a more realistic and highly utilizable metaverse. In addition, when constructing a metaverse that users can intuitively and easily access through the unreal engine, various contents utilization and effectiveness could be confirmed through coordinate-based 3D spatial information with high reproducibility.

A Spatial Analysis about Arrival Delay and Dispatch Distribution of the 119 Rescue-Aid Service utilizing GIS - Gyeongsangbuk-Do Case Study - (GIS를 활용한 119 구조구급서비스의 도착지체 및 출동배치에 대한 공간분석 - 경상북도 사례 연구 -)

  • Oh, Chang-Seok;Lee, Seungwon;Lee, Inmook;Kho, Seung-Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.1D
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2012
  • The 119 emergency rescue-aid service operated by Korean government is a very valuable in a society and its importance is growing in Korea as an aging society. Especially, the emergency vehicle's arrival time to accidents place is an important variable which affects initial emergency measure for patients and it depends on the road network attributes, such as emergency service station's location, accessibility to accidents place and so on. This study aims to analysis the emergency vehicles' arrival delay and the dispatch station in the viewpoint of efficiency utilizing the real rescue-aid activity data. We analyzed the dispatch distribution of the emergency rescue-aid service at first. And we analyzed high accident rate locations not involved in the fixed radius of rescue-aid service stations and display GIS map showing regions have been delayed. The input data of the road network speed is based on the KTDB (Korea Transportation Database) and historical rescue-aid data is from Gyeongsangbuk-do's fire service headquarters.

Analysis of Child-Friendly Environment in a Neighborhood Park in Child-Friendly City - Focused on the Moraetmal Neighborhood Park of Seongbuk-gu - (아동친화도시 근린공원의 아동친화환경 분석 - 성북구 모랫말 근린공원을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Jin-Ho;Kim, Ah-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2019
  • Since the Child Friendly Cities Initiative(CFCI), a UNICEF-led initiative, was first introduced to Seongbuk-gu in 2013, more than half of the districts of Seoul are making efforts to achieve the accreditation of the Child Friendly City(CFC). At this point, when an initiative is transformed from a special policy of a few districts into a general policy of many local governments, we need to examine and check on how friendly urban parks are to children. This study focused on neighborhood parks that tend to be less friendly to children as compared to children's parks and looked into the current status, because neighborhood parks are also well used by users of all ages including children. The evaluation criteria was developed based on the review of domestic and international guidelines of child friendly parks and neighborhood parks. Futhermore, field studies, user questionnaire, and a participatory design workshop were introduced to analyze the status of child-friendly environment of neighborhood parks. Findings are as follows. First, vague definitions of child cause the inconsistency of child-related policies. Second, Neighborhood parks are not conceived as a public space for children. Third, the consideration of youth is relatively low. Fourth, adjacent area of a park turns out not to be child friendly as well.

Seismic performance evaluation of middle-slab vibration damping rubber bearings in multi-layer tunnel through full-scale shaking table (실대형 진동대 시험을 통한 복층터널 중간 슬래브 진동 감쇠 고무받침 내진성능 평가)

  • Jang, Dongin;Park, Innjoon
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.337-346
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    • 2020
  • Traffic jam and congestion in urban areas has caused the need to improve the utility of underground space. In response, research on underground structures is increasingly being conducted. Notably, a double-deck tunnel is one of the most widely used of all those underground structures. This double-deck tunnel is separated by the middle slab into the upper and lower roadways. Both vehicle load and earthquake load cause the middle slab to exhibit dynamic behavior. Earthquake-related response characteristics, in particular, are highly complex and difficult to interpret in a theoretical context, and thus experimental research is required. The aim of the present study is to assess the stability of a double-deck tunnel's middle slab of the Collapse Prevention Level and Seismic Category 1 with regard to the presence of vibration-damping Rubber Bearings. In vibration table tests, the ratio of similitude was set to 1/4. Linings and vibrating platforms were fixed during scaled model tests to represent the integrated behavior of the ground and the applied models. In doing so, it was possible to minimize relative behavior. The standard TBM cross-section for the virtual double-deck tunnel was selected as a test subject. The level of ground motion exerted on the bedrock was set to 0.154 g (artificial seismic wave, Collapse Prevention Level and Seismic Category 1). A seismic wave with the maximum acceleration of 0.154 g was applied to the vibration table input (bedrock) to analyze resultant amplification in the models. As a result, the seismic stability of the middle slab was evaluated and analyzed with respect to the presence of vibration-damping rubber bearings. It was confirmed that the presence of vibration-damping rubber bearings improved its earthquake acceleration damping performance by up to 40%.

Vistor's Cognition Attrtude and Sandscape Analysis of Naesorak in Soraksan National Park (설악산 국립공원 내설악의 이용인지태도 및 경관분석)

  • 김세천
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.506-522
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    • 1998
  • Visitors to Naesorak in Soraksan National Park were surveyed from July to December. During this time, 452 visitors were contacted. Of those individuals, 57.08% were males, 30.97% of respondents reported that they had gone beyond highschool, and almost one-half(49.12%) had gone as for as college, 40.93% were 10\cdot 20 years of age. The purpose of this is to suggest objective basic data for the use development and conservation management of the national park through the quantitative analysis of the visual quality included in the physical environment of the Naesorak in Soraksan National Park, for this, spatial images strusture of physical elements have been analyzed by factor analysis algorithm and degree of visual quality have been measured mainly by questionnaries. Result of this thesis can be summarized as follows. Factors covering the spatial image of the Naesorak in Soraksan National Park landscape have been found to be the overall spatial, potentiality, synthetic evaluation, physical and natural quality factors. As for the factors determining the degree of visual quality of clear of valley, peculiarity of configuration, natural of trail, harmony of suitable artificial planting and temple.

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