• Title/Summary/Keyword: 접근성공간

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Feeding Territory of the Maiden Goby, Pterogobius virgo, and Invasion Feeding of the Multicolorfin Rainbowfish, Halichoeres poecilopterus (금줄망둑 Pterogobius virgo의 섭식세력권과 용치놀래기 Halichoeres poecilopterus의 침입 섭식)

  • Choi, Seung-Ho;Park, Se-Chang
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2005
  • Feeding of the maiden goby, Pterogobius virgo and multicolorfin rainbowfish, Halichoeres poecilopterus, was studied at Kurahashi Island in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. P. virgo foraged on only benthic invertebrates in a pit on the bottom by spot-fixed fin digging. Territory size of P. virgo was very small, because they only defended the excavated pit. H. poecilopterus frequently intruded into the feeding territory of P. virgo and fed on benthic invertebrates flushed out by the fin digging of P. virgo. Feeding activity and vigilance time of P. virgo tended to decrease significantly more in such an association than when solitary. Frequency of aggression of P. virgo when H.poecilopterus intruded into the territory was higher the intruder came from the front of the territory than when the invasion was from the side and back, regardless of the size of the intruder. In small H.poecilopterus, feeding success rate was greater from the side and back of the territory than from the front. However, similar-sized H.poecilopterus were more successful in feeding from the front and side. Feeding association provides an antipredatory benefit to P. virgo because of less alert time against predators and earlier detection of predators, although their cost is great because of territory defense and decrease of feeding activity.

The Characteristic of Earthquake Response on Middle Slab in Double-Deck Tunnel under Supporting Conditions (복층터널 중간슬래브의 지지조건에 따른 지진 응답특성)

  • Jang, Dongin;Kim, Jongill;Kwak, Changwon;Park, Innjoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2017
  • It is critical for Korea to make effective use of limited space as it has dense population and high traffic volume compared to its terrestrial area. To resolve this issue, diverse types of underground structures have increasingly been applied so far, and one of the most representative structures is double-deck tunnel. It has upper and lower roads separated by middle slab that shows dynamic behavior according to the vehicle and earthquake loads. In case of the characteristics of earthquake response, it is necessary to have exploratory study as it has high loads, complex working mechanism, and difficult theoretical approach. In order to understand the characteristics of earthquake response based on the supporting conditions of middle slab in double-deck tunnel, this study conducts indoor shaking table test with 3 test cases: (1) fix both brackets, (2) free and fix at each bracket and (3) free at both brackets for 2 seismic waves of artificial and Gyeongju earthquake. The result shows if the middle slab is free at both brackets, the acceleration response is reduced 41% for artificial earthquake and 60% for Gyeongju earthquake compared to the one with fix at both brackets.

Development of Web Based GIS for Polar Ocean Research (극지 해양환경 연구를 위한 웹GIS 구축)

  • CHI, Jun-Hwa;HYUN, Chang-Uk;KIM, Hyun-Cheol;JOO, Hyoung-Min;YANG, Eun-Jin;PARK, Ho-Joon;KANG, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, polar research has been focused on climate change, natural resources, and development of a new North Pole Route. Since 2010, the Korea Polar Research Institute has been collecting various in situ data from the Arctic/Antarctic oceans using ARAON, which is the first effort of Korea toward leading global polar research. As a part of these activities, a web-based GIS service was developed to collect in situ data and to standardize data formats. Visualizations of in situ measurements and thematic maps were also developed to improve both the quantitative and qualitative quality of polar ocean research, and to increase accessibility of polar oceanographic data. This system will ultimately share all of the data acquired from the Arctic/Antarctic oceans with international research groups.

Area-efficient Interpolation Architecture for Soft-Decision List Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes (연판정 Reed-Solomon 리스트 디코딩을 위한 저복잡도 Interpolation 구조)

  • Lee, Sungman;Park, Taegeun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2013
  • Reed-Solomon (RS) codes are powerful error-correcting codes used in diverse applications. Recently, algebraic soft-decision decoding algorithm for RS codes that can correct the errors beyond the error correcting bound has been proposed. The algorithm requires very intensive computations for interpolation, therefore an efficient VLSI architecture, which is realizable in hardware with a moderate hardware complexity, is mandatory for various applications. In this paper, we propose an efficient architecture with low hardware complexity for interpolation in soft-decision list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. The proposed architecture processes the candidate polynomial in such a way that the terms of X degrees are processed in serial and the terms of Y degrees are processed in parallel. The processing order of candidate polynomials adaptively changes to increase the efficiency of memory access for coefficients; this minimizes the internal registers and the number of memory accesses and simplifies the memory structure by combining and storing data in memory. Also, the proposed architecture shows high hardware efficiency, since each module is balanced in terms of latency and the modules are maximally overlapped in schedule. The proposed interpolation architecture for the (255, 239) RS list decoder is designed and synthesized using the DongbuHitek $0.18{\mu}m$ standard cell library, the number of gate counts is 25.1K and the maximum operating frequency is 200 MHz.

Intentional Replantation of a Root-Fractured Tooth with Pulp Canal Obliteration (근관협착된 치근파절 치아에서 의도적 재식술 치험례)

  • Kim, Mihee;Lee, Sangho;Lee, Nanyoung
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.200-206
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    • 2016
  • Root fracture is defined as a fracture involving the dentin, cementum, and pulp. Most fractures occur in the maxillary anterior teeth between the ages of 11 and 20 years old. The treatment for root fracture in permanent teeth involves the reduction and fixation of the displaced coronal segment. When signs of pulp necrosis or inflammatory root resorption are present, root canal therapy should be performed. Since most apical fragments maintain pulp vitality, root canal therapy is typically limited to coronal fragments. However, it's too difficult to achieve a proper apical stop on coronal fragment. Intentional replantation involves performing root apex treatment outside the mouth after intentional extraction of the tooth in a controlled environment and then replanting it. The objective is 'perfect' root canal therapy. Intentional replantation may be used in cases of failed typical root canal therapy, problematic endodontic retreatment due to the existing restoration or a calcified root canal, and when apical surgery is contraindicated because of a lack of reasonable approaches. In this case, intentional replantation was carried out to treat a horizontal root fracture in a maxillary central incisor with a calcified root canal due to previous trauma. We achieved a clinically and functionally satisfactory result.

A Study on effect of Craft Activities Experience Factor to Self-esteem and Social-support for middle-aged women (공예활동 체험요소가 중년여성의 자아존중감과 사회적 지지에 미치는 영향연구)

  • Hong, Myung Sook;Nam, Sang Moon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2020
  • Middle-aged women experience physical and mental changes along with the loss of femininity, and they feel psychologically empty according as their child's growth and independence reduces the role of care and parenting. These women understand the sense of loss and emptiness caused of their role reduction as an opportunity to maintain their values and beliefs for their leisure life. Accordingly, middle-aged women overcome negative emotions facing in the middle-aged such as depression or empty mind, and establish self-esteem and social support in recognizing it as an opportunity for building relationship and self-realization in social relations, which come through human to human communication by doing craft activities. In this study, in order to analyze the effect of the experience factor of craft activity to self-esteem and social support for middle-aged women, we set up a research model with the experience factor of craft activity as an independent variable and self-esteem and social support as dependent variables. As a result of the study, educational experiences, recreational experiences, and deviant experiences had a meaningful effect on self-esteem, but aesthetic experiences did not have meaningful effect. And, recreational experiences and aesthetic experiences had a meaningful effect on social support, but educational experiences and deviant experiences did not have meaningful effect on social support. Therefore, the institutional system for craft experiences, that can provide content of environmental characteristics for aesthetic factor and visual elements are required. It influences to the change of senses and emotions of middle-aged women. Also, there are limitations that this study did not consider factors of ultimate life changes through craft activities. Thus this study suggests development of new model for variables of wellbeing-related matters.

Developing Forest Fire Status Information Management System using Web GIS Technology (웹 지리정보시스템 기술을 이용한 산불 현황정보 관리시스템 개발)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Kim, Joon-Bum;Kim, Hyun-Sik;Jo, Yun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2002
  • In this paper forest fire status information management system was developed under web environment using web GIS(geographic information system) technology. Though this system, general users can easily retrieval domestic forest fire status information and obtain that in visual way such as maps, graphs, and texts if they have only certain web browsers. Moreover, officials, who have system access authority, can easily control and manage all domestic forest fire status information through input interface, retrieval interface, and out interface of the system. This system can be considered as the first domestic system to manage forest fire status data and service them in visual through user friendly interfaces on web. In order to implement this system, IIS 5.0 of Microsoft is used as web server and Oracle 8i and ASP(active server page) are used for database construction and dynamic web page operation, respectively. Also, ArcGIS IMS(internet map server) of ESRI is used to serve maps by using Java and HTML as system development languages. Not only the domestic tendency of forest fire but also the forest fire status information of certain area and time such as the frequency and the loss can be presented through distribution maps, graphs and tables. Therefore, this system is supposed to play as a important role when the policy relate to domestic forest fire is established. In addition, the self consciousness of people against forest fire can be inspired and the foundation of scientific and systemic forest fire services can be obtained through this system in the future.

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A Technique of Replacing XML Semantic Cache (XML 시맨틱 캐쉬의 교체 기법)

  • Hong, Jung-Woo;Kang, Hyun-Chul
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.211-234
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    • 2007
  • In e-business, XML is a major format of data and it is essential to efficiently process queries against XML data. XML query caching has received much attention for query performance improvement. In employing XML query caching, some efficient technique of cache replacement is required. The previous techniques considered as a replacement unit either the whole query result or the path in the query result. The former is simple to employ but it is not efficient whereas the latter is more efficient and yet the size difference among the potential victims is large, and thus, efficiency of caching would be limited. In this paper, we propose a new technique where the element in the query result is are placement unit to overcome the limitations of the previous techniques. The proposed technique could enhance the cache efficiency to a great extent because it would not pick a victim whose size is too large to store a new cached item, the variance in the size of victims would be small, and the unused space of the cache storage would be small. A technique of XML semantic cache replacement is presented which is based on the replacement function that takes into account cache hit ratio, last access time, fetch time, size of XML semantic region, size of element in XML semantic region, etc. We implemented a prototype XML semantic cache system that employs the proposed technique, and conducted a detailed set of experiments over a LAN environment. The experimental results showed that our proposed technique outperformed the previous ones.

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The Design and Implementation of Web-based Learning System for Operation Field Underachiever in Elementary School (초등학교 수.연산 영역 부진아를 위한 웹기반 학습시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Jeong-Rang;Kang, Nam-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2004
  • In the field of number and operation of mathematics, a learner's learning deficit in one year can disturb or obstruct his or her learning in the following year, which is an obvious characteristic in math education. But the problem doesn't stop here. It may increase poor learning in the related math field or, in a serious case, cause mathematical learning incompetence. In the other hand, a teacher must guide a class of about 40 students and take charge of overburdensome routine; it's really impossible for him or her to secure individual teaching time for poor learners and to give lessons considering their individual poor learning elements. In order to solve these problems, this study has found out some poor learning elements from poor learners in teaching mathematical number and operation, offered learning fit for them, and allowed them to approach a learning system regardless of time and space. And it has embodied a web-based learning system for operation field underachiever in elementary school, applied it to the scene of education, and analyzed the results so that a teacher may manage their learning results by DB and guide poor learners systematically. As a consequence, the study could reduce a teacher's teaching overburden and at the same time, raise the learning accomplishments of poor learners.

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Virtual Tactical Map : Military Briefing Tools for Virtual Training based on Augmented Reality (가상 전술 지도 : 증강현실에 기반한 군사 훈련 브리핑 도구)

  • Jung Kyung-Boo;Lee Sang-Won;Choi Byung-Uk;Jeong Seung-Do
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.4C
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2006
  • The sand table training is one of the most effective training method in military operations which can accomplish missions such as simulation and rehearsal without limitations related to time, space, money and so on. Previous sand table training has many problems like that the sand table cannot represent real field condition because of its physical properties. So, it is hard to be preserved and impossible to include much of information into them. In this paper, we make an approach based on Augmented Reality(AR) to solve these problems and propose an efficient military training briefing tool with virtual sand table environment described as actual battle field Virtual Tactical Map(VTM) can realize a virtual military training with simple action like moving marker or tangible interface by hand. Real-time state information of VTM gives us more organic intelligence for entire situation. Tangible AR interface provides users with a contents authoring tool that is natural, intuitive and easy to deal with as interaction between user in real world and system that augmented real world with virtual object. VTM is a newly designed military training briefing tools. A military training content can be reproduced and it is possible that user uses this content later. Thus, it shows us potential possibilities of AR applications on military leaning field.