• Title/Summary/Keyword: 절삭율

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A Study on Shape Optimization of Impregnated Bit (Impregnated Bit의 형상 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Youm, Kwang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2021
  • The core is extracted through drilling and used to evaluate the feasibility of developing mineral resources. To extract the core, a bit is installed in the forefront of the drilling device for drilling. Here, the drill bit receives stress due to direct friction against the ground. In addition, a bit appropriate for the given ground condition should be used due to the possibility of damaging a bit as a result of friction. This paper used a current bit model based on an impregnated bit and analyzed a new bit model that uses a stiffener of similar/disparate materials. The hardness and deflective strength were then evaluated by modeling the shape of impregnated bit through a calculation based on a theoretical formula. Through FEM analysis of the existing model and the new model, the stress and strain calculation results were optimized to minimize the stress and strain with a stress of 1.92 × 107 Pa and a strain of 9.6× 10-5 m/m.

A Study on the Estimation of Proper Construction Cost for Road Pavement Maintenance Work (아스팔트포장 유지보수 적정공사비 산정방안 연구)

  • Oh, JaeHun;Song, TaeSeok;An, BangYul
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.16-26
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    • 2020
  • Road Pavement Maintenance Work is generated in a variety of different field conditions, and it is difficult to calculate the construction cost because there are no detailed criteria when preparing the estimated construction cost. Unlike new pavements, Road Pavement Maintenance has to be constructed with operating vehicles, and there are many differences in productivity depending on urban areas, limited work hours, night-time, construction area, etc. To compensate for this, the standard for calculation of construction cost provides additional charges for the number of lanes, residential areas, working hours, and night work, but it applied differently depending on construction officials. In this study, construction cost estimation standards that can properly reflect the conditions of the site was investigated for major types of Road Pavement Maintenance work. The site was investigated and analyzed mainly for many construction sites with 'overlay of asphalt after cutting', 'restore surface', 'repair of pavement', and 'recovery of roadway'. The criteria for the application of construction volume separately according to working hours, public places, and land area including extra charges for basic downtown and residential area. The hours of operation were divided into three types(7 hours, 5 hours, 3 hours) excluding movement and preparation time, and each type provided a coefficient for dividing the area of the construction site into five types. The construction cost calculation method based on the construction purpose is site conditions is proposed accordingly, and it is deemed that a plan for the designer to calculate the construction cost has been prepared in consideration of the site conditions.

이동열원을 고려한 CNC공작기계의 열오차해석 및 보정

  • 이재종;양민상
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.04a
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    • pp.283-287
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    • 1997
  • 공작기계의 가공정도는 공작기계의 운동기구가 가지고 있는 기하오차와 절작작업시 발생하는 진동, 열,절삭력에 의해서 공작기계의 구조계,주축계,이송계의 변형에 의해서 직접적인 영향을 받는다. 또 가공정도는 제품의 정밀도 및 품질에 직접적인 영향을 미치기 때문에 가공정도를 향상시키기 위한 방법으로 공작기계의 오차를 측정/해석하는 방법이 연구되고 있다. 일반적으로,공작기계의 오차는 Quasi-static 오차와 Dynamic오차로 구분할수 있다. Dynamic 오차는 기계의 진동,채터 및 스핀들의 진동에 의해서만 발생하는 오차이며,Quasi-static 오차는 공작기계 구성요소인 안내면,칼럼,볼스크류등의 기하오차와 온도변화에 의한 열변형오차에 의해서 발생한다. 특히,공작기계 및 절삭가공중에 발생하는 열원에 의한 열변형 오차는 공작기계의 기하오차에 비해서 가공정도에 큰 영향을 미치며[1,2],발생오차의 약 40~70% 정도가열변형 오차에 기인한 것으로 알려져 있다[1]. 실제 많은 실험결과를 볼 때 CNC공작기계이 경우는 열변형에 의한 오차는 기하오차에 비해서 매우 크게 나타났다. 이러한 열변형 오차는 공작기계 주위 온도와 공작기계 구성요소(칼럼,이송유니크,스핀들유니트)의 비선형적인 온도 특성에 의해서 주로 발생하고, Time-variant특성을 가지고 있기 때문에 작업중에 발생하는 온도특성에 따른 열변형 오차를 최소화 할 수 있는 방법이 필요하다. 스핀들유니트는 냉각방식을 사용하여 온도변화를 줄이고 있으나 반복적인 작업과 스핀들의 고속회전으로 인해서 복합 적인 온도변화를 발생시킨다. 또, 볼스크류의 지지방식이 양쪽 고정단 형태이기 때문에 조립시 예압(pre-load)을 주어서 열팽창을 보상하고 있으나 공작기계의 반복적인 이송으로 인해서 발생하는 온도변화에 의한 열오차를 보상하는데는 어려움이 있다.됩니다. 생리적 저항력이 없는 어린이들은 이러한 공해와 생활조건의 제일희생자가 되는 것입니다. 엄마들이 "얘는 감기, 비염, 편도선을 달고 삽니다...." "얘는 코감기, 목감기 번갈아 가면서 하도 앓고 있어서 양약율 중지하고 현재 한약을 먹고 있습니다." 이러한 역경은 극복할 수 있는가\ulcorner 질병의 메카니즘은 어떻게 작용되는가\ulcorner 등등을 육미회 센타에서 체험한 사례를 가지고 말씀드리고자 합니다..ell layer (PCL)와 glia에 SOD-1이 강하게 염색되었다. APT 병용 투여로 상당수의 경련이 일어나지 않은 흰쥐는 해마의 DG에 FRA가 경미하게 염색되었고, PCL에 SOD-1도 경미하게 나타났으나, 경련이 나타난 쥐에서는 KA만을 투여한 흰쥐와 구별되지 않았다. 이상의 APT의 항산화 효과는 KA로 인한 뇌세포 변성 개선에 중요한 인자로 작용할 것으로 사료되나, 보다 명확한 APT의 기전을 검색하고 직접 임상에 응응하기 위하여는 보다 다양한 실험 조건이 보완되어야 찰 것으로 생각된다. 항우울약들의 항혈소판작용은 PKC-기질인 41-43 kD와 20 kD의 인산화를 억제함에 기인되는 것으로 사료된다.다. 것으로 사료된다.다.바와 같이 MCl에서 작은 Dv 값을 갖는데, 이것은 CdCl$_{4}$$^{2-}$ 착이온을 형성하거나 ZnCl$_{4}$$^{2-}$ , ZnCl$_{3}$$^{-}$같은 이온과 MgCl$^{+}$, MgCl$_{2}$같은 이온종을 형성하기 때문인것 같다. 한편 어떠한 용리액에서던지 NH$_{4}$$^{+}$의 경우 Dv값이 제일 작았다. 바. 본 연구

Study on the Development of Putty According to Epoxy Resin Hardener (Epoxy 수지 경화제에 따른 Putty 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Seung-Jun;Cheong, Da-Som;Park, Gi-Jung;Wi, Koang-Chul
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2015
  • In this study, an advanced epoxy putty which was as a multi-purpose restoration material being used to restore missing parts in the artifact preservation treatment process was developed. For the purpose of addressing the issues including the workability issue resulting from high strength, the drooping issue resulting from long hardening time during work process and the issue of contaminating the surface of artifact resulting from stained material on tools or gloves, a property comparison was conducted with existing materials to examine the properties of restoration materials in the form of epoxy putty currently being frequently used. For the purpose of addressing the issues of existing materials and allowing the developed epoxy putty to have similar properties, two types of hardeners with different properties were selected to conduct property experiments. As for the hardeners, mercaptan type hardener and aliphatic amine type hardeners in the total of two types were selected for the development. The result showed that the two types were both in the form of paste and their hardening time of 5-10 minutes were about 3-10 times shorter than that of existing materials, thereby improving the work convenience. In terms of abrasion rate to increase workability, it was improved by about 3 times to allow effective and convenient use. As for the issue of contaminating the artifact surface during the process, white micro-balloon was added as filler to address the issue to reduce the oil ingredient to develop multi-purpose restoration material with low shrinkage & high workability in coloring, light weight and cutting force.

Enhanced Mechanical Properties and Thermal Stability of CrAlN Coatings by Interlayer Deposition (중간층 증착에 의한 CrAlN 코팅의 기계적 물성 및 내열성 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hoe-Geun;Ra, Jeong-Hyeon;Song, Myeon-Gyu;Lee, Sang-Yul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2016.11a
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    • pp.100-100
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    • 2016
  • 물리기상증착방법 (Physical vapor deposition)에 의하여 합성된 천이금속 질화물 박막은 경도, 내마모성 등 절삭공구의 성능을 향상시키며, Ti-Al-N, Ti-Zr-N, Zr-Al-N, Cr-Si-N 등의 3원계 경질 박막에 대한 연구가 지속적으로 이루어지고 있다. 이중에서도 CrAlN 코팅은 높은 경도, 낮은 표면 조도 등의 우수한 기계적 특성 이외에 고온에서 안정한 합금상 형성으로 인하여 우수한 내열성을 보유하여 공구 코팅으로의 적용 가능성이 크다. 그러나 최근 공구사용 환경의 가혹화로 인하여 코팅의 내마모성 및 내열성 등의 물성 향상을 통한 공구의 수명 향상이 필요시 되고 있으며, 코팅에 적합한 중간층을 합성함으로써 공구 코팅으로의 적용 가능성을 높이는 연구들이 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 CrAlN 코팅의 물성을 향상시키기 위해 CrAlN 코팅과 WC-Co 6wt.% 모재 사이에 CrN, CrZrN, CrN/CrZrSiN 등의 다양한 중간층을 합성하였으며, 중간층을 포함한 모든 코팅의 두께는 $3{\mu}m$ 로 제어하였다. 합성된 코팅의 미세조직, 경도 및 탄성계수, 내모성을 분석하기 위해 field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM), nano-indentation, ball-on-disk 마모시험기 및 ${\alpha}-step$을 사용하였다. 코팅의 내열성을 확인하기 위해 코팅을 furnace에 넣어 공기중에서 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, $1,000^{\circ}C$로 30분 동안 annealing 한 후에 nano-indentation을 사용하여 경도를 측정하였다. CrAlN 코팅을 나노 인덴테이션으로 분석한 결과, 모든 코팅의 경도(35.5-36.2 GPa)와 탄성계수(424.3-429.2 GPa)는 중간층의 종류에 상관없이 비슷한 값을 보인 것으로 확인됐다. 그러나, 코팅의 마찰계수는 중간층의 종류에 따라 다른 값을 보였으며, CrN/CrZrSiN 중간층을 증착한 CrAlN 코팅의 마찰계수는 0.34로 CrZrN 중간층을 증착한 CrAlN 코팅의 마찰계수(0.41)에 비해 낮은 값을 보였다. 또한, 코팅의 마모율 및 마모폭도 비슷한 경향을 보인 것으로 보아, CrN/CrZrSiN 중간층을 합성한 CrAlN 코팅의 내마모성이 상대적으로 우수한 것으로 판단된다. 이것은 중간층의 H/E ratio가 코팅의 내마모성에 미치는 영향에 의한 결과로 사료된다. H/E ratio는 파단시의 최대 탄성 변형율로써, 모재/중간층/코팅의 H/E ratio 구배에 따라 코팅 내의 응력의 완화 정도가 변하게 된다. WC 모재 (H/E=0.040)와 CrAlN 코팅(H/E=0.089) 사이에서 CrN, CrZrSiN 중간층의 H/E ratio 는 각각 0.076, 0.083 으로 모재/중간층/코팅의 H/E ratio 구배가 점차 증가함을 확인 할 수 있었고, 일정 응력이 지속적으로 가해지면서 진행되는 마모시험중에 CrN과 CrZrSiN 중간층이 WC와 CrAlN 코팅 사이에서 코팅 내부의 응력구배를 완화시키는 역할을 함으로써 CrAlN 코팅의 내마모성이 향상된 것으로 판단된다. 모든 코팅을 열처리 후 경도 분석결과, CrN/CrZrSiN 중간층을 증착한 CrAlN 코팅은 $1,000^{\circ}C$까지 약 28GPa의 높은 경도를 유지한 것으로 확인 되었고, 이는 CrZrSiN 중간층 내에 존재하는 $SiN_x$ 비정질상의 우수한 내산화성에 의한 결과로 판단된다.

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A study on automatic selection of optimal cutting condition on machining in view of economics (기계가공시 분당가공비를 고려한 최적 절삭 조건에 관한 연구)

  • 이길우;이용성
    • Journal of the korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 1992
  • Recently the multi-kind, small-amount manufacturing system has been replacing the mass manufacturing system, and domestic machining inustry also is eager to absorb the new technology because of its high productivity and cost reduction. The optimization of the cutting condition has been a vital problem in the machining industry, which would help increase the productivity and raise the international competitiveness. It is intended in this study to investigate the machining costs per unit time which is essential to the analysis of the optimal cutting condition, to computer the cutting speed that lead to the minimum machining costs and the maximum production to suggest the cutting speed range that enables efficient speed cutting, and to review the machining economy in relation to cutting depth and feed. Also considered are the optimal cutting speed and prodution rated in rrelation with feed. It is found that the minimum-cost cutting speed increases and the efficient cutting speed range is reduced as machining cost per unit time increases since the cutting speed for maximum production remains almost constant. The machining cost is also lowered and the production rate increases as the feed increases, and the feed should be selected to satisfy the required surface roughness. The machining cost and production rate are hardly affected by the cutting depth if the cutting speed stays below 100m/min, however, they are subject to change at larger cutting depth and the high-efficient speed range also is restricted. It can be established an adaptive optimal cutting conditions can be established in workshop by the auto-selection progam for optimal operation. It is expected that this method for choosing the optimal cutting conditions might contribute to the improvement of the productivity and reduced the cost. It is highly recommended to prepare the optimal cutting conditionthus obtained for future use in the programing of G-function of CNC machines. If proper programs that automatically select the optimal cutting conditions should be developed, it would be helpful to the works being done in the machine shops and would result in noticeable production raise and cost reduction.

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A study on particle collection efficiency of a low power consumption two-stage electrostatic precipitator for oil mists collection (오일 미스트 포집을 위한 저전력 소비형 2단 전기집진기의 집진효율에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Chi-Sung
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.834-843
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    • 2014
  • A two-stage electrostatic precipitator (ESP) using a carbon brush charger and a plate-plate parallel aluminum collector was developed and its application for removal of oil mist aerosols was investigated. Charge number per particle and particle collection efficiency at different applied voltage to the carbon brush charger were measured and compared to those obtained by theoretical calculations. A long-term operation of the ESP during 9 weeks was also performed to evaluate its performance durability for oil mists. Average charge number per mist particle increased with the applied voltage to the charger, and thus the collection efficiency of the mist particles also increased overall at the particle size range of 0.26 - 3 mm. The tendencies of the average charge number per particle and particle collection efficiency obtained from theoretical calculations were considerably consistent with those of the experimental results. Particle collection efficiency of ~99 % at 0.3 mm could be achieved by power consumption of only 0.0033 W/($m^3/h$) at the face velocity of 1 m/s and its collection performance maintained stably during every 8 hr operation per day for 9 weeks with little increase of pressure drop.

Characteristic of EP-MAP for Deburring of Microgroove using EP-MAP (전해-자기 복합 가공을 이용한 미세 그루브형상의 가공 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang Oh;Son, Chul Bae;Kwak, Jae Seob
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.313-318
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    • 2013
  • Magnetic abrasive polishing is an advanced deburring process for nonmagnetic materials and micropattern products that have non-machinability characteristics. Despite these advantages, there are some problems with using MAP for deburring. MAP has introduced geometric errors into microgrooves because of an over-cutting force caused by uncontrolled magnetic abrasives in the MAP tool. Thus, in this study, to solve this problem, an EP (electrolyte polishing)-MAP hybrid polishing process was developed for deburring microgrooves in an STS316 material. In addition, an evaluation of EP-MAP for the deburring of microgrooves was carried out by profiling the burrs. The results of the experiment showed geometric errors after the deburring process using MAP. However, in the case of EP-MAP, no geometric error was observed after the process because of the lower material removal rate in EP-MAP.

Study on the Property and Applicability of the Bisphenol-A Type Epoxy Putty According to the Mix of Filler (개발된 Bisphenol-A계 Epoxy Putty의 충전제 배합에 따른 물성 및 적용성에 관한 연구)

  • Wi, Koang-Chul;Oh, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.459-469
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    • 2016
  • The goal of this study was to examine property changes induced by the choice of filler used with an epoxy resin that was developed in 2014 to restore cultural assets and consider the applicability of the resin as a restorative agent. The properties of putty mixed with 9 types of fillers and as-developed resins were compared with those of existing materials with regard to stability, superiority and applicability. The potential of the putty as an alternative material was also examined. The materials produced the best adhesiveness, color change and hardness results when mixed with lime. Micro balloon produced the best wear rates and hardening times, while diatomite produced the best tensile and compressive strengths. A plaster and white mineral pigment mixture produced the best specific gravity. Every material except for lime exhibited about 2.5-20 times higher wear rates than the existing material, which is thought to exhibit an excellent cutting force. The hardening time was enhanced by about 0.5-9 times to improve convenience. The stability of the relic was also ensured by improving hand staining without any shrinkage or deformation. The material exhibited about 0.5-27 times less yellowing. Thus, it is thought to be a material that can reduce property changes and reduce the degree of relic fatigue which occurs during reprocessing and sense of difference from relic.

A histomorphometric study on the effect of surface treatment on the osseointegration (티타늄 임플란트의 표면처리가 골유착에 미치는 영향에 관한 조직형태계측학적 연구)

  • Choi, Woong-Jae;Cho, In-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.445-456
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Many studies have been conducted to improve the primary stability of implants by providing bioactive surfaces via surface treatments. Increase of surface roughness may increase osteoblast activity and promote stronger bonding between bone and implant surface and it has been reported that bioactive surface or titanium can be obtained through alkali and heat treatment. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stability of alkali and heat treated implants via histomorphometric analysis. Material and methods: Specimens were divided into three groups; group 1 was the control group with machined surface, the other groups were treated for 24 hours in 5 M NaOH solution and heat treated for 1 hour at $600^{\circ}C$ in the atmosphere (group 2) and vacuum (group 3) conditions respectively. Surface characteristics were analyzed and fixtures were implanted into rabbits. The specimens were histologically and histomorphometrically compared according to healing periods and change in bone composition were analyzed with EPMA (Electron Probe Micro Analyzer). Results: 1. Groups treated with alkali and heat showed increase of oxidization layer and Na ions. Groups 2 which was heat treated in atmosphere showed significant increase of surface roughness (P<.05). 2. Histomorphometric analysis showed significant increase in BIC (bone to implant contact) according to increase in healing period and there was significant increases in groups 2 and 3 (P<.05). 3. BA(bone area) ratio showed similar results as contact ratio, but according to statistical analysis there was significant increase according to increase in healing period in group 2 only (P<.05). 4. EPMA analysis revealed no difference in gradation of bone composition of K, P, Ca, Ti in surrounding bone of implants according to healing periods but groups 2 and 3 showed increase of Ca and P in the initial stages. Conclusion: From the results above, it can be considered that alkali and heat treated implants in the atmosphere have advantages in osseointegration in early stages and may decrease the time interval between implantation and functional adaptation.