• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자료선정

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Intakes of Energy and Nutrients and Risk of Breast Cancer - Case-Control Study in Daegu.Gyeongbuk Area, Korea - (영양소 섭취 수준과 유방암 위험 - 대구.경북지역 환자-대조군 연구 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Lee, Won-Kee;Suh, Su-Won;Suh, Bo-Hyun;Lee, Hye-Sung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.754-766
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to evaluate the effect of nutrient intake levels on the relative risk of breast cancer in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk area. The case subjects were 103 patients newly diagnosed as breast cancer at Kyungpook National University Hospital. The control subjects were 159 healthy women without breast cancer-related disease in the same community selected by frequency matching of age and menopausal status. The survey was administered by individual interviews by trained dietitians using semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires. The odds ratios were determined by using unconditional logistic regression after adjusting for the confounding factors found in the analysis of general characteristics of the subjects. In overall, it has been found that high consumptions of energy and carbohydrates significantly raised the relative risk of breast cancer, and that high intakes of total fat, plant fat, dietary fiber, all kinds of fatty acids, vitamin E and calcium significantly lowered the risk of breast cancer. The results of the study suggest that the possible protective factors to the breast cancer risk include a higher intakes of total fat, especially plant fat, dietary fiber, and micronutrients such as vitamin E, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. On the other hand, high intakes of energy and carbohydrate appeared to be the risk factors.

Effects of Aromatherapy on Depression, Anxiety and the Autonomic Nervous System in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Adjuvant Radiotherapy (방사선 요법을 받는 유방암 환자에게 적용한 아로마 요법이 우울, 불안 및 자율신경계 반응에 미치는 효과)

  • Yun, Sun-Hee;Cha, Jung-Hee;Yoo, Yang-Sook;Kim, Yeong-In;Chung, Su-Mi;Jeong, Hea-Lim
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The study was designed to verify effects of aromatherapy on depression, anxiety and the autonomic nervous system in breast cancer patients who are undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy. Methods: Data were collected from November 2006 through March 2007 at the C university hospital in Seoul. The study included 33 patients and they were assigned to three groups. Group I had aroma oil inhalation for 2 minutes per time, three times a day for six weeks whereas Group II and a control group inhaled aroma oil for 2 minutes per time, once a day for six weeks. For Groups I and II, a mixture of lemon, lavender, rosewood and rose essential oils were used while control group inhaled tea tree oil. Results: Depression was significantly decreased in patients in the experimental groups only. In Groups I and II patients, anxiety level was lower than that in control patients. Patients in Groups I and II also showed stronger physical resistance to stress than control group patients. Conclusion: Aromatherapy should be considered as a method that can significantly decrease depression in breast cancer patients who are undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy.

A Study on Nutrition Status by Diet of Female College Students of Masan City - 1. Focus on Diet Survey - (여대생의 체중감량이 영양상태에 미치는 영향 - 제1보. 다이어트 실태조사를 중심으로 -)

  • 김종현
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 1998
  • This study was performed to investigate the nutrition status by weight loss(diet) of 287 female college students, focus on questionnaire about diet survey. The subjects mainly had irregularly one or two meal per a day so food behavior was not good. Over half of subjects had a tendency to overestimate body shape of self. The desired weight(46.95$\pm$0.39kg) was significant lower than real weight(50.32$\pm$0.9)(p=0.0114). The time when diet is first tried was mainly after high school(94.51%). Mean weight loss was 1~4kg but most of subjects didn't maintain the lost weight. The diet approach method tried was sequently the fasting 1 meal or the more in a day(23.61%), exercise(21.92%), restricting calories(15.85%) etc. The source of diet was orderly newspaper or magazine(30.86%), friends or relatives or family(28.86%) etc. The group who recognized the self body shape was normal or a little fat had higher self notion of health than other groups.

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A Case Study on The Development of Expressive Language of Children with Autism through Singing Activity Focused on Social Context (사회적 상황 중심의 노래활동을 통한 자폐아동의 언어표현 증진에 관한 사례연구)

  • Han, Sung Eun
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2006
  • Autistic children have difficulties in communication. They tend to have more difficulties in general expression than in understanding sentences. This thesis tested the effect of music activities on children who have difficulties in language expression. As a research method, a group of autistic middle school students was selected who were attending normal schools. Three male students were selected for the test of K-ABC and CARS. Music treatments on the selected students were applied fifteen times, twice a week, for thirty minutes every time. The total treatment process could be divided into two stages. The stage one included the first twelve treatments and the stage two included following three treatments. In the stage one, the selected autistic students learned twenty four musics under real-world-like social circumstances. In the stage two, the students repeatedly learned the twenty four musics. A week before beginning the music treatment, the students were tested by PRES and a test developed by the author of this thesis. And a week after all treatments were completed, the students were tested again with the same test method to check if the students' expressive language ability got improved. The results of the research were as the following: First, the music treatment helped improve the autistic student's ability of expressing themselves such as 'requesting', 'rejecting', 'applying social customs' and 'providing information'. Second, the author of this thesis first had a hypothesis that the tested students might show different levels of achievements according to their intellectual ability or expressive language ability in K-ABC test, PRES and CARS. But it was not true. The student's level of achievement by music activities was proved not to have a significant correlation with their intellectual or expressive language abilities in the tests. Third, it was found that, through pre- and post-test of PRES, the music treatments could improve the receptive language ability as well as the expressive language ability. It saw great effect that musical data that utilize in specially this research investigator according to children's ability, autistic children write lyrics setting in social circumstance that is revealed much routinely and composes. To front, expect that suitable a lot of musics are developed in function and ability of subject person for elevation of expressive language ability.

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Analyzing the Effectiveness of Argumentation Program to Conceptualize the Concept of Natural Selection for Elementary Science-Gifted Students (초등과학영재들의 자연선택 개념 형성을 위한 논변활동 효과 분석)

  • Park, Chuljin;Cha, Heeyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.591-606
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the argumentation program to build scientific concepts on natural selection for science-gifted elementary students and to know how to implement this program. For this study, nine key concepts about natural selection such as the overproduction of offspring, limited resources, population stability, competition, variation, heredity of variation, differential survival, change of the population and speciation were selected through the literature study. The programs were developed by learning cycle instructional model. Argument writings and discourses have been collected, analyzed and compared before and after the program. Two questionnaires to compare pre and post concept change consist of multiple choice questionnaire and open-ended response question were developed and applied to 19 science-gifted elementary students. Sufficiency of the explanation and conceptual quality of the explanation were used to assess the quality of their arguments before and after the program. Discourse and visual models collected from the highest and lowest group about score improvement were compared. The scores of the gifted statistically improved significantly in multiple choice questionnaire. Students' alternative conceptions about natural selection at the beginning of the program decreased and changed scientifically after the program. Visual models drawn by the students supported the results as well. This study asserts that elementary science-gifted students are able to explain evolutionary perspectives about organism change and use the key concepts of natural selection. The study means that evolutionary perspective is possible to be reflected in elementary science curriculum for the gifted.

The Relationships between Dry Matter Yield and Days of Summer Depression in different Regions with Mixed Pasture (혼파초지에서 지역별 건물수량과 하고일수 간 관계)

  • Oh, Seung Min;Kim, Moonju;Peng, Jinglun;Lee, Bae Hun;Kim, Ji Yung;Chemere, Befekadu;Kim, Si Chul;Kim, Kyeong Dae;Kim, Byong Wan;Jo, Mu Hwan;Sung, Kyung Il
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2018
  • Yield prediction model for mixed pasture was developed with a shortage that the relationship between dry matter yield (DMY) and days of summer depression (DSD) was not properly reflected in the model in the previous research. Therefore, this study was designed to eliminate the data of the regions with distinctly different climatic conditions and then investigate their relationships DMY and DSD using the data in each region separately of regions with distinct climatic characteristics and classify the data based on regions for further analysis based on the previous mixed pasture prediction model. The data set used in the research kept 582 data points from 11 regions and 41 mixed pasture types. The relationship between DMY and DSD in each region were analyzed through scatter plot, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis in each region separately. In the statistical analysis, DMY was taken as the response variable and 5 climatic variables including DSD were taken as explanatory variables. The results of scatter plot showed that negative correlations between DMY and DSD were observed in 7 out of 9 regions. Therefore, it was confirmed that analyzing the relationship between DMY and DSD based on each region is necessary and 5 regions were selected (Hwaseong, Suwon, Daejeon, Siheung and Gwangju) since the data size in these regions is large enough to perform the further statistical analysis based on large sample approximation theory. Correlation analysis showed that negative correlations were found between DMY and DSD in 3 (Hwaseong, Suwon and Siheung) out of the 5 regions, meanwhile the negative relationship in Hwaseong was confirmed through multiple regression analysis. Therefore, it was concluded that the interpretability of the yield prediction model for mixed pasture could be improved based on constructing the models using the data from each region separately instead of using the pooled data from different regions.

The Factors Associated with Dental Caries Experience and Oral Hygiens Status in Smoking Adolescents (흡연청소년의 치아우식경험도 및 구강위생 관련요인)

  • Shin, Seon-Haeng;Kim, Myung-Seok
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to estimate the dental caries experience, oral hygiene status and the factors influencing the dental disease in the smoking adolescents and to provide the baseline data for managing smokers efficiently. We recruited 156 smokers(male: 106, female: 50) in middle, high school students in 5 day Non-smoking program in seoul city and 176 non-smokers(male: 64, female: 112) by matching method for considering sex and age from June 1 to August 31 2009. Data on general characteristics, basic oral health care, smoking factors, self-efficiency, control of oral health, oral health promotion behavior, knowledge of oral health were collected by a questionnaire interview. DMFT index, DT index, MT index, FT index, Plaque index, Calculus index were calculated by the oral examination. The results of this study were as follows. 1. Dental clinic visit(p < 0.05), self-perception of oral health status(p < 0.001), oral health concern (p < 0.01) in non-smoker group were significantly higher than that of smoker group. 2. self-efficiency(p<0.05), oral health promotion behavior(p < 0.05) in non-smoker group were significantly higher than that of smoker group. 3. DT index, Plaque index, Calculus index in non-smoker group was significantly lower than that of smoker group(p < 0.0001). 4. The fewer smoke amount, the lower DT index(p < 0.05), Plaque index(p < 0.01), Calculus index(p < 0.001). 5. It was significant correlated among DT index and self-efficiency, oral health promotion behavior, control of oral health. 6. In multiple regression analysis, oral health promotion behavior, Plaque index was proved as a significant factors related with the degree of dental caries experience in smoking adolescents. In other word, the higher oral health promotion behavior, the lower Plaque index, the fewer DT index.

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Avifauna and Management of Breeding Season in Taeanhaean National Park (태안해안국립공원의 번식기 조류상과 관리)

  • Paik, In-Hwan;Jin, Seon-Deok;Yu, Jae-Pyoung;Paek, Woon-Kee
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2010
  • The survey was done in order to find what kinds of birds visit Taeanhaean National Park during breeding season, where we fixed up 10 coastal areas and islands within the National Park. Three groups concurrently performed the field research from 5th to 9th of July in 2009. Total 58 species and 7,323 individuals were recorded in Taeanhaean National Park. 48 species including 6,187 individuals were observed in coastal areas and 33 species including 1,136 individuals in island areas. The most dominant species in the National Park are Larus crassirostris which accounts for 60% of the birds inhabiting there, and they seem to have been bred in the islands near the National Park. The birds observed only around the coastal areas include Anas poecilorhyncha, Fulica atra, Egretta intermedia and the others which consist of 25 species and amount to 318 individuals, and the birds found exclusively in island areas include Phalacrocorax filamentosus, Apus pacificus¸ Locustella pleskei and other birds, which consist of 10 species and the number of those individuals observed was 308. The inhabited islands areas such as Gauido were characterized by high ratio of waterbird population, which seems to be correlated with the factors such as the extent of island, the richness of water resources, and the diversity of habitats. Based on the data collected during the research and other data from the previous observations, the kinds of dominant species remain nearly unchanged. And in spite of the oil spill accident in 2007, the increase in the number of waterbirds compared to 2004 may be the evidence that the area is recovering from the environmental pollution. At present, the tidal power plants are being built or scheduled to be built and large-scale reclamation is also under way. What is worse, those areas are seeing the increase of pension construction, which is likely to be the potential cause of damage and disturbance against some key habitats for the waterbirds. Therefore, it is a major priority that we build the bird information system to efficiently manage the knowledge-based asset collected from bird-watching groups and to better monitor the areas that need enhanced database through which the National Park can be appropriately administered.

Temporal Changes of Hyalessa fuscata Songs by Climate Change (기후변화에 의한 참매미 번식울음 시기 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon-Jae;Ki, Kyong-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.244-251
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    • 2018
  • The present study aimed to identify the influence of climate change on mating songs of Cicadidae in a phenological perspective. The research sites were located in the central part of the Korean peninsula in which phenological observations by the Meteorological Office are made. The material provided by the Meteorological Office was used for long term phenological analysis. The findings demonstrated, First, the phenological monitoring of cicada is an effective index to detect ecological changes due to climate change, thus indicating the importance of long term phenological investigations for future studies. Second, the analysis on the phenological changes of H. fuscata presented a trend in which the first songs were made at increasingly earlier and later dates, respectively. The phenological data on H. fuscata and average temperatures exhibited a significant negative correlation between the initial mating song period and the average temperatures of June. Furthermore, there was also a significant negative correlation for precipitation in October with the end time and total duration of H. fuscata song. Third, in the regression analysis of the start of H. fuscata song and meteorological factors in Seoul, increasing average air temperature in spring (March to June), which includes June, was associated with an earlier start time of H. fuscata song, with calling starting approximately 3.0-4.5 days earlier per $1^{\circ}C$ increase. Fourth, in the regression analysis of the end of H. fuscata song and meteorological factors in Seoul, increased mean precipitation in October was associated with an early end time and an overall reduction in the length of the song period. The end time of song decreased by approximately 0.78 days per 1mm increase in precipitation, and the total length of the song period decreased by 0.8 days/1mm. This research is important, as it is the initial research to identify the phenological changes in H. fuscata due to climate change.

Normative Standards on Number of Users, Perceived Conflict, and Perceived Interference of Healing Experience by Types of Visitors at 'Healing Field' of 'Jangseong Pyunbaek Healing Forest' (방문객 유형별 이용객수에 대한 규범적 평가기준, 혼잡지각과 치유경험방해 지각: '장성 편백치유의 숲'의 '치유필드'를 대상으로)

  • Kim, Sang-Oh;Kim, Sang-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.231-243
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to determine and compare the perceived number of users (PNU) and evaluative standards for each type of visitors to "Healing Field" of Jangseong Pyunbaek Healing Forest (JPHF). Data were collected from 158 samples selected by convenient sampling method from the users of "Healing Field" in JPHF during September 2017. Visitors to "Healing Field" consisted of 49.3% for recreation (VR), 15.3% for healing (VH), and 35.3% for both recreation and healing (VRH). Respondents' average PNU was 23.8 (median: 20.0), and the range of average PNU by visitor type was 21.1-27.8 (median: 20.0). Respondents' PNU showed low correlations with perceived crowding (PC) (r=0.23) and perceived interference of healing experience (PIHE) (r=0.20). There were no differences in the optimal number of users (ONU) of "Healing Field" among the types of visitors. The overall average ONU was 28.9(median: 25.0), and the range of average ONU by types of visitors was 25.4-31.4 (median: 25.0-27.5). The overall maximum acceptable number of users (MANU) was 38.1, and MANU for VR, VH, and VRH was 36.9, 32.0, and 38.0, respectively. Respondents' mean PC was 2.73 (SD: 3.26, 9-point scale) while mean PIHE was 3.26 (SD: 1.77, 9-point scale). The VRH group showed a higher PC and PIHE than the VR group. The group with greater PNU than ONU showed higher PC and PIHE than the other groups. Based on the results, this paper presented some managerial implications, discussed the limitations of the study, and suggested the further studies.