• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자료선정

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Estimation of river discharge using satellite-derived flow signals and artificial neural network model: application to imjin river (Satellite-derived flow 시그널 및 인공신경망 모형을 활용한 임진강 유역 유출량 산정)

  • Li, Li;Kim, Hyunglok;Jun, Kyungsoo;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.7
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    • pp.589-597
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we investigated the use of satellite-derived flow (SDF) signals and a data-based model for the estimation of outflow for the river reach where in situ measurements are either completely unavailable or are difficult to access for hydraulic and hydrology analysis such as the upper basin of Imjin River. It has been demonstrated by many studies that the SDF signals can be used as the river width estimates and the correlation between SDF signals and river width is related to the shape of cross sections. To extract the nonlinear relationship between SDF signals and river outflow, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model with SDF signals as its inputs were applied for the computation of flow discharge at Imjin Bridge located in Imjin River. 15 pixels were considered to extract SDF signals and Partial Mutual Information (PMI) algorithm was applied to identify the most relevant input variables among 150 candidate SDF signals (including 0~10 day lagged observations). The estimated discharges by ANN model were compared with the measured ones at Imjin Bridge gauging station and correlation coefficients of the training and validation were 0.86 and 0.72, respectively. It was found that if the 1 day previous discharge at Imjin bridge is considered as an input variable for ANN model, the correlation coefficients were improved to 0.90 and 0.83, respectively. Based on the results in this study, SDF signals along with some local measured data can play an useful role in river flow estimation and especially in flood forecasting for data-scarce regions as it can simulate the peak discharge and peak time of flood events with satisfactory accuracy.

Change of Antimicrobial Use Density According to Application of Computerized Management Program for Restriction of Antimicrobials Use in a University Hospital (일개 대학병원에서 제한 항생제 전산 프로그램 운용에 따른 항생제 사용량 변화)

  • Lee, Bo Young;Kim, Chun Soo;Ryu, Seong Yeol;Kwon, Ki Yung;Lim, Jung Geun;Lim, Tae Jin;Min, Byung Woo;Ryoo, Nam Hee;Cha, Soon Do
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2006
  • Purpose : Appropriate use of antimicrobials is an essential factor to treat infectious diseases and prevent acquisition of antimicrobial resistant pathogens. This study was undertaken to search that application of computerized management program for restriction of antimicrobials use in a hospital is helpful to decrease antimicrobial use density. Methods : Antibiotics utilization committee decided to restrict the use of 16 antimicrobials(14 expensive drugs having fear of drug resistance by pathogens and additional two drugs with inappropriate using tendency). Retrospective evaluation of antimicrobial user numbers between May and July of 2004 and 2005(study group) was conducted to compare with previous use density during same period of 2002 and 2003(control group). Results : Inpatients number of control group($823.5{\pm}37.1$ persons) was more than study group($809.2{\pm}39.3$ persons, P<0.001), but, outpatients number and hospitalized duration were equal in two groups. Antimicrobial user number/100 inpatients per day of glycopeptides and antifungal agents was equal in two groups, and study group was significantly higher density than control group in the use of carbapenems, piperacillin-tazobactam and quinolones(P<0.001). But study group was significantly lower density than control group in the use of drugs with inappropriately using tendency and expensive cephalosporins having broad antimicrobial spectrum(P<0.001). Conclusion : Application of computerized management program for restriction of antimicrobials use in a hospital is effective to decrease the use density of antimicrobials with inappropriately using tendency, but it is an insufficient measures for the restricted use of other antimicrobials on the whole.

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Red Tide Detection through Image Fusion of GOCI and Landsat OLI (GOCI와 Landsat OLI 영상 융합을 통한 적조 탐지)

  • Shin, Jisun;Kim, Keunyong;Min, Jee-Eun;Ryu, Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_2
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    • pp.377-391
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    • 2018
  • In order to efficiently monitor red tide over a wide range, the need for red tide detection using remote sensing is increasing. However, the previous studies focus on the development of red tide detection algorithm for ocean colour sensor. In this study, we propose the use of multi-sensor to improve the inaccuracy for red tide detection and remote sensing data in coastal areas with high turbidity, which are pointed out as limitations of satellite-based red tide monitoring. The study area were selected based on the red tide information provided by National Institute of Fisheries Science, and spatial fusion and spectral-based fusion were attempted using GOCI image as ocean colour sensor and Landsat OLI image as terrestrial sensor. Through spatial fusion of the two images, both the red tide of the coastal area and the outer sea areas, where the quality of Landsat OLI image was low, which were impossible to observe in GOCI images, showed improved detection results. As a result of spectral-based fusion performed by feature-level and rawdata-level, there was no significant difference in red tide distribution patterns derived from the two methods. However, in the feature-level method, the red tide area tends to overestimated as spatial resolution of the image low. As a result of pixel segmentation by linear spectral unmixing method, the difference in the red tide area was found to increase as the number of pixels with low red tide ratio increased. For rawdata-level, Gram-Schmidt sharpening method estimated a somewhat larger area than PC spectral sharpening method, but no significant difference was observed. In this study, it is shown that coastal red tide with high turbidity as well as outer sea areas can be detected through spatial fusion of ocean colour and terrestrial sensor. Also, by presenting various spectral-based fusion methods, more accurate red tide area estimation method is suggested. It is expected that this result will provide more precise detection of red tide around the Korean peninsula and accurate red tide area information needed to determine countermeasure to effectively control red tide.

Priority Order of Decisional Factors and Conceptual Construct of Security Martial Arts' Spirit (경호무도 정신특성 요인의 상대적 중요도 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.32
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    • pp.7-32
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to evaluate the relative status using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) on the spiritual factors of the security martial arts for the guards to perform the best security service. There were 540 participants who were students majored in security martial arts, workers for security and specialists of practical and theoretical security martial arts for this study. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out using the selecting data through literature reviews in the level of the factor-extraction about the spiritual characteristics. The specialists' survey was conducted on the relative status among factors using the spiritual concept structure based on the studied above. Selected data was calculated with SPSS 18.0 for windows, AMOS 5.0, and Expert Choice 2000 software. The conclusion can be made through those process above. First, 4 general factors and 20 detailed factors were found as the result of the factor exploration related to the spiritual characteristics of the security martial arts. The result which was verified on Construction validity of searched factors had stable figures on every standard. In other words, the participants for survey on this study "Spiritual characteristic concepts of the security martial arts" can be evaluated it is valid. The general factors of security martial arts' spirit were conceptualized with Psychological spirit, ethical spirit, martial art spirit, practical spirit through the naming process on the general factors of the security martial arts' spiritual characteristic concepts. The detailed factors of security martial arts' spirit were concentration, self-confidence, self-management, immersion, self-esteem in psychological spirit and sacrifice, justice, royalty, peace, sense of duty in ethical spirit and courtesy, toughness, defense, balance of mind and body, bravery in martial arts and responsibility, cooperation, modesty, determination, professionalism in practical spirit of security martial arts. That is, the conceptualization of security martial arts' spirit was verified that it had validity. Second, the hierarchical model of the security martial arts was composed with 4 superordinate concepts and 20 subordinate concepts. As the result of evaluating relative status based on Spiritual characteristics-hierarchy model, the impotance was proven in order of ethical spirit(.482), martial art spirit(.248), practical spirit(.188), psychological spirit(.083). Also the importance related to spiritual characteristics of security martial arts on subordinate concepts was proven in order of sacrifice(.252), courtesy(.110), sense of duty(.108), responsibility(. 073), royalty(.053), toughness(.052), justice(.049), defense(.038), professionalism(.038), determination(.035), cooperation(.029), self-confidence (.026), bravery(.025), self-esteem(.024), balance of mind and body(.023), peace(.019), concentration(.014), modesty(.013), self-management(.011), flow (.007). To sum up, the spiritual factor related to ethics such as sacrifice, justice, royalty, peace, sense of duty was the most important for the security martial arts.

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Comparative Analysis of Medical Terminology Among Korea, China, and Japan in the Field of Cardiopulmonary Bypass (한.중.일 의학용어 비교 분석 - 심폐바이패스 영역를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Won-Gon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.40 no.3 s.272
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2007
  • Background: Vocabularies originating from Chinese characters constitute an important common factor in the medical terminologies used 3 eastern Asian countries; Korea, China and Japan. This study was performed to comparatively analyze the medical terminologies of these 3 countries in the field of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and; thereby, facilitate further understanding among the 3 medical societies. Material and Method: A total of 129 English terms (core 85 and related 44) in the field of CPB were selected and translated into each country's official terminology, with help from Seoul National University Hospital (Korea), Tokyo Michi Memorial Hospital(Japan), and Yanbian Welfare Hospital and Harbin Children Hospital (China). Dictionaries and CPB textbooks were also cited. In addition to the official terminology used in each country, the frequency of use of English terms in a clinical setting was also analyzed. Result and Conclusion: Among the 129 terms, 28 (21.7%) were identical between the 3 countries, as based on the Chinese characters. 86 terms were identical between only two countries, mostly between Korea and Japan. As a result, the identity rate in CPB terminology between Korea and Japan was 86.8%; whereas, between Korea and China and between Japan and China the rates were both 24.8%. The frequency of use of English terms in clinical practices was much higher in Korea and Japan than in China. Despite some inherent limitations involved in the analysis, this study can be a meaningful foundation in facilitating mutual understanding between the medical societies of these 3 eastern Asian countries.

Inhibitory effect of Hypericum ascyron on pro-inflammatory responses in lipopolysaccharide-induced Raw 264.7 Cells (Lipopolysaccharide로 유도된 Raw 264.7 cell에서 물레나물(Hypericum asctron)의 Pro-inflammatory 억제 효과)

  • Hong, Eun-Jin;Park, Hye-Jin;Kim, Na-Hyun;Jo, Jae-Bum;Lee, Jae-Eun;Lim, Su-Bin;Ahn, Dong-Hyun;Jung, Hee-Young;Cho, Young-Je
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.363-372
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    • 2017
  • Hypericum ascyron has long been used as medicinal plant and recent studies reported that H. ascyron has anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant, and anti-bacterial effects. In this study, inhibitory effect from H. ascyron on pro-inflammatory responses has been investigated. H. ascyron was extracted at optimal extraction condition. Total phenolic contents in water and 90% ethanol were 29.75 and 31.82 mg/g, respectively. Hyaluronidase inhibitory activity of H. ascyron extracts ($50-200{\mu}g/mL$ phenolics) was 0.00-14.81% and 15.33-47.49%, respectively. In cell viability, cell toxicity was shown at concentration of $100{\mu}g/mL$ and $30{\mu}g/mL$ of water and 90% ethanol extract. Therefore, $10-50{\mu}g/mL$ in water extracts and $5-20{\mu}g/mL$ in ethanol extracts was selected each for further study. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) derived nitric oxide (NO) and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2-derived prostaglandin $E_2$ ($PGE_2$) protein expression inhibitory effect of extracts were inhibited in a dose dependent manner, significantly. Also, the pro-inflammatory cytokines inhibitory effect such as tumor necrosis $factor-{\alpha}$, nterleukin (IL)-6 and $IL-1{\beta}$ were decreased in the dose dependent manner. The results indicate that H. ascyron extracts reduced inflammatory responses in lipopolysaccharide-induced 264.7 cells via the regulation of the iNOS, COX-2, NO, $PGE_2$, and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Therefore, H. ascyron extracts have significant anti-inflammatory effect and a source as therapeutic materials.

Temporal Patterns of Pesticide Residues in the Keum, Mangyung and Dongjin Rivers in 2002 (2002년 금강, 만경-동진강 하천수 중 잔류농약의 연간 검출 양상)

  • Kim, Chan-sub;Lee, Hee-Dong;Ihm, Yang-Bin;Son, Kyeong-Ae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.230-240
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    • 2017
  • BACKGROUND: To evaluate residues of environmentally concerned pesticides in water system, this monitoring was conducted over three rivers. The residual characteristics and discharging condition of these residues on water system was investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Total twenty nine sampling sites were selected through main streams and branch streams of Keum, Mangyung and Dongjin rivers, and the water samples from them were regularly collected one month interval, especially biweekly from May to August in 2002. Of the pesticides monitored, six fungicides which include hexaconazole, isoprothiolane and iprobenfos were detected with frequencies of 0.3-50.9% and in their residue level of $0.1-4.7{\mu}g/L$. Sixteen insecticides which include nine organophosphoruses, three carbamates, endosulfan, cypermethrin, buprofezin and fipronil were detected with frequencies of 0.3-32.5% and in their residue level of $0.01-2.8{\mu}g/L$. Nine herbicides which include alachlor molinate, anilofos, butachlor, dimepiperate, metolachlor, oxadiazon, pretilachlor and thiobencarb were detected with frequencies of 0.8-22.9% and in their residue level of $0.01-9.07{\mu}g/L$. CONCLUSION: Detection frequencies and residue levels of insecticides and herbicides were the highest in waters sampled in May and June. Almost pesticides detected were for the paddy rice and their residue levels were very low to compare with standard values.

Morphological comparison between aquaculture and natural populations for development of the new varieties of Ecklonia cava (감태(Ecklonia cava Kjellman) 신품종 개발을 위한 양식 개체군과 자연 개체군의 형태 비교)

  • Kim, Seung-Oh;Heo, Jin Seok;Hwang, Eun Kyoung;Hwang, Mi Sook;Lee, Sang-Rae;Oak, Jung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.707-718
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    • 2019
  • Ecklonia cava Kjellman, which has recently gained popularity due to the spread of farming techniques, is expected to be developed in various varieties in the future. There exist increased needs for research on the basis of natural populations and inter-regional morphological variations. We compared the morphology of the aquaculture and natural populations from 16 coastal areas in Korea. The 18 traits found suitable for distinguishing varieties were selected from 14 measurement traits and 4 ratios related to the main morphology and characteristics of primary blade, secondary blade, and stipe. In the cluster analysis, Janggil (E4) and Sorok (S7) showed significant differences from those of the same coastal region. Two groups, including Suyou (Q6, Q8, and Q10) which was the second year of farming, of the rest of the populations from East sea and southern coast were distinguished. Three populations of Jeju were divided into a regional group. In the principal component analysis (PCA), a large number of populations from East sea and Southern coast appeared in the center with aquaculture populations. PC1 and PC2 associated with traits of secondary blade index, stipe length and diameter, stipe length/primary blade length, primary blade length and width, secondary blade number, secondary blade length and width, divided E4, S7 and populations of Jeju region. As a result, the 18 characters of this study were found to be useful as criteria for discrimination of populations with significant differences in each coastal region, and these populations were expected to be candidates for new varieties.

Spiritual Needs of Hospice Patients (호스피스 환자의 영적 요구)

  • Han, Young-Mi
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : The purpose of the study is to disclose the spiritual needs of hospice patients. Method : The questionaire survey was carried out on 49 hospice patients and 40 caregivers who were in the 9 hospice institutions from lune to August in 1999. Results : In the patients, mean scores of the spiritual needs were significantly higher in the group with stomach cancer, college education, christians, $8{\sim}14$ days of hospice care and the group thinking that religion was important, and in the caregivers in the group of religions besides christianity and lives under $3{\sim}5$ years of medical treatment. In the total average of the spiritual needs, the patients's average was significantly lower than the caregiver's. Among the different categories, the patient's needs were highest in the area of meaning of life and the hope, the caregiver's needs in the love and the concern. However, both groups were low in the religion area. In the items of the love and the concern, the patient was highly responding to the 'wanting someone to give warm concern in conversation' and the caregiver was highly responding to the 'giving a warm response to questions on the sad and hard time'. And also, the patient was lowly responding to the 'wanting more concerns to him than other patients', and the caregiver was low responding to the 'patients wanting warm response in conversation'. In the categories of religious area both group were highly responding to the 'wanting to be helped to relax out of all'. And they gave lowest response to the 'wanting to introduce a book to know God'. In the area of meaning of life and hope, the both groups gave highest response to the 'wanting to be guided to have the hope' and lowest to the 'wanting to have opportunity to reconcile the person with bad relationship'. Conclusion : Summing up the above results, personal in-depth conversation is necessary to understand more deeply the spiritual needs of hospice patient. Moreover the hospice team needs to have more systematic approach to find out the spiritual needs of hospice patients.

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The Risk Factors of the Pre-hypertension and Hypertension of Rural Inhabitants in Chungnam-do (충남 농촌 지역 주민의 고혈압 전단계와 고혈압의 위험요인)

  • Eom, Ji-Sook;Lee, Tae-Ryong;Park, Seon-Joo;Ahn, Youn-Jin;Chung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.742-753
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate risk factors of pre-hypertension and hypertension in rural residents. Nine hundred and ninety four subjects aged 40-70 yrs in Chungnam-do participated in this study. The subjects (n = 824) were classified into three groups of hypertensive, pre-hypertensive, and normotensive according to the Joint National Committee (JNC)-7 criteria. The weight, body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), and serum total protein, albumin, BUN, and triglyceride (TG) were positively correlated with SBP and DBP. After adjusted by age, sex and BMI, the total protein, albumin and TG were significantly correlated with SBP and DBP (p < 0.01). There was no significant difference in eating habits according to the level of blood pressure. The serum albumin, creatinine, Glu-FBS, Glu-PP l20, and triglyceride were higher in both prehypertensive and hypertensive group than in the normotensive group. However, mean serum cholesterol was not different among three blood pressure groups. In this study, the common risk factors of pre-hypertension and hyper-tension were male, age of fifties, lower education level, ex-smoking, higher drinking frequency, higher BMI, body fat %, waist circumference, WHR, serum albumin and diabetes, even though the degree of risks in these variables were higher in the hypertensive group. The higher BUN was a risk factor of prehypertension, while the family history, prediabetes, serum total protein, Glu-PP l20 and higher alcohol drinking amount were the risk factors of hypertension. This result suggests that maintaining good health habit and normal range of blood parameters as well as controlling body weight have to be paid attention in order to prevent hypertention, and further reseasch on the relationship of blood pressure and BUN are needed.